Composer/ producer/ Solo-developer doing cool things with adaptive music for games.
@RadioactiveBluePlatypus День назад
Oh yeah you're that guy who made that video one time about making that game wowie I'm gonna subscribe so I don't miss upcoming updates on the game!
@forgest5737 2 дня назад
Yeah i got jebaited. Actually laughed. very well done. here's your like.
@TheMiszla 3 дня назад
I feel super dumb writing this autopromotion, but I made a student game a while back, and after hearing you describe what games you like, I think you're gonna love it. It's called Fractured Horizon and it's available on Steam for free. It takes like 10min to finish, but I think speedrunning and mastering it is really fun! I just couldn't stop thinking about it when watching this video
@gapl2370 3 дня назад
Amazing video, I love your content!
@gapl2370 3 дня назад
Amazing video, I love your content!
@Deatheragenator 5 дней назад
I have an off topic question. Your character seems to move very fast. How do you prevent it from chipping into the terrain?
@shallot4991 5 дней назад
heres my solution, reload mechanic for sword
@Cat-astr0phe 6 дней назад
@Pigeon_on_a_grill 6 дней назад
Hey, I downloaded the game, but I use weird controls (flame me). Could you add either custom key binds or make 'w' a jump key as well?
@ferenccseh4037 6 дней назад
My curse is that I'm a pretty good programmer but I can't get anything done :P
@TeethSkylark 6 дней назад
I like that this devlog is also a gameplay trailer! Looks really cool!
@NinjaLTD 7 дней назад
Will Strata come to steam in the future?
@I-OMusic 7 дней назад
Almost certainly
@htspencer9084 8 дней назад
For rewards, you could have a stage that unlocks when you complete the game that have like "statues" of each seasons top three or something? Having the players submit what they'd like their statue to look like? Might clash with the art style so you might have to put restraints on what they can look like but would be cool!
@kevin-bf4ww 10 дней назад
dash angle being multiplied by an int though
@I-OMusic 10 дней назад
Wait in the speedrun? Did I really? 😂
@kevin-bf4ww 10 дней назад
@@I-OMusic i'm just posting a guess as to what the og bug was
@CUAK420 12 дней назад
That was cool info :3
@hayprim3d3stroy3r3 13 дней назад
For the speedrunning season champ reward, I would suggest that you add a room ingame with the speedrunner that all can see and admire, and maybe you could make it possible to change colours and stuff to a colourset picked by the speedrunner.
@Underr4t3d 14 дней назад
Mordhau has also a good Melee combat complexity, I mean its a medival slasher, but its just not so juicy and fast.
@rainbowthumb9979 14 дней назад
I have a question as a fellow game developer... how do you do game dev logs / videos like this? And in your opinion, would it be to a persons benefit to do videos somewhat stylishly (Like the late Dani) or would doing something like incorporating simple shots or clips of gameplay with a voice over be better in the interest of time. I've put off a recent dev log in favor of adding more features... So I'm torn between a "Higher" production piece, and a lower- but time affordable and reproduceable video.
@walp8408 15 дней назад
If you think about it hollow knight is only good because of a bunch of bugs
@SugeryGold 16 дней назад
What game is that at 0:19?
@I-OMusic 15 дней назад
SPARK The electric Jester 3!!! Go play it it's better than all the best sonic moments combined
@leobonequi8699 18 дней назад
if you emote canceled before letting go of charge it did an invisible lunge then if you emote canceled that and input slash, it did a phantom strike slash, which afterwards if you timed the lunge properly it would do it invisible as well. so all together: hold leftclick -> emotecancel charge for invislunge -> emote cancel -> input slash for phantom strike -> well timed lunge charge (invisible). all together it looked like you were just looking at the enemy doing no animations as their health bar drops to zero. it was really hard to input and completely useless but i loved evaporating people with my mind im sad they removed it :/
@dagance 19 дней назад
10:35 - The best explanation of a game design
@niccosalonga9009 20 дней назад
Some people must be working at their dream game (even if the end result is a patchwork mess that needs to be remade in a better way) to actually be able to learn. Otherwise things just don't stick in mind as well.
@filipt9931 20 дней назад
Fun fact: in Polish strata means loss
@charitymcardle2735 20 дней назад
@I-OMusic 18 дней назад
I found this out! It's also a type of desert apparently The name will make more and more sense the deeper we get into development
@NtrlAnomaly 21 день назад
Here is my sacrifice to the algorithm gods. 🦄🗡🐄🗡❤🗡🦅🗡🩸🗡
@featherofajay4667 22 дня назад
I learned of this game just now, and I'm nowhere near the intended audience for this game (I'm firmly in the explorer field with a little socializing thrown in, and I'm not ambitious enough to play difficult games without a story), but I really love this video! It sounds like a lot of players could have a lot of fun with this and I hope your playerbase continues to grow and that your game will be really successful, because it looks like it'd deserve that.
@joshschroeder4582 22 дня назад
Strata looks super fun, immediately thought of Celeste and super meat boy. Looking at how the movement Tech gets better when you're on the ground, have you considered adding a mechanic that lets you fall faster? Watching the game play made me think of fox in super smash melee, how he constantly jumps on and off the ground really fast. It might make the platforming feel even more tight.
@I-OMusic 18 дней назад
Awesome! Maybe, but if I did it would be a very light mechanic and probably wouldn't be usable before X seconds in the air so it doesn't affect the core gameplay but does allow for small optimizations
@warriorsabe1792 23 дня назад
When you correct yourself by saying the slide is more of a hyper, while those were hypers shown what you describe and what I seem to be see with the footage you show actually does more closely resemble an ultra (what you show when mentioning wavedashing) mechanically, since those can be chained to build up unlimited speed if executed well, with a speed gain that is strongly dependent on level geometry and how tightly you execute it (I was just randomly recommended this on youtube and this is my first exposure to your content so forgive me if you already know that or I'm misreading what your slide accomplishes)
@I-OMusic 23 дня назад
Nah you read it perfectly, and you're not the first to mention it, my take personally is that a wavedash is a component of an ultra-dash, like an ultra-dash is two or more wavedashes that are specifically timed to keep your momentum Maybe downplayed the depth of routing Celeste there to be fair, maybe a better phrasing would be that that depth isn't apparent until you reach the top 1%, like just learning to ultra is a top 1% activity and I think I prefer the gradual "when did you jump and how high?" To the binary "did you hit the full ultra chain?"
@warriorsabe1792 22 дня назад
@@I-OMusic An ultra isn't two wavedashes at all though - they're executed somewhat differently (though it does on the surface look similar) and have very different results. A wavedash sets your speed to a flat 325 pixels per second (unless a block boost is involved) and has half the height of a normal jump, while an ultra instead takes your current speed and multiplies it by 1.2 while leaving jump height unaffected. Execution-wise, a wavedash is just a hyper started in the air, and you both land and jump during the dash - meanwhile for an ultra, your dash *must* end midair, before you land (downwards dashes don't reset speed if they end midair). You also don't need to jump immediately because the speed is gained on landing, but it's better to jump earlier because you lose less speed while airborne (and none while in a dash, so the closer to the perfect vertical spacing the better too) I do agree that ultras are a very high-level thing (generally not included in maps until around Expert difficulty, with chained ones being fairly uncommon before Grandmaster), but they're definitely not binary because the speed they give depends entirely on how well you kept your speed from before, being multiplicative. Technically speaking, *any* downright dash that ends midair is an ultra (or delayed ultra if you climbed a wall or something in between), but only those that do so while keeping a high speed are good or useful
@crab4403 24 дня назад
very cool 🙂
@sloweia 24 дня назад
I still do not understand why I've been postponing my game development attempts for years. People like you inspire me. Maybe it won't be for nothing. Great video, thank you.
@I-OMusic 23 дня назад
Thank you! These comments mean everything to me and are a massive motivator I postponed for years as well, it's why I use visual code rather than written, it's just what made game making accessible to me. My advice? Make a toy, make a ball that bounces around in a cool or interesting way or something, find a form of play that you like and just make that, no goals, no extra mechanics, just pure playful experimentation
@justaboringperson 25 дней назад
this vaguely reminds me of cats are liquid: a better place
@JuZZiO 25 дней назад
What type of collision detection did you use, circle to match the shape of player character, capsule or box collider even? Did you cast that shape or cast rays, what is more precise or performant in your opinion, thanks for the answer.
@I-OMusic 25 дней назад
Great question! So: physical collider is a capsule with 0 friction. Hurtbox is still a circle collider on a separate child object (just for organization) Two wall jump triggers, one for each side One ground check trigger. Highly recommend you keep an int count of the number of ground colliders you're in contact with and IsGrounded = true if the number is > 0. Prevents false negatives. Only thing I'm using raycast for is an in-progress system for snapping players to the top of an object when they'd otherwise bonk on a corner, it's just the only time I need to get any position data from an arbitrary object. New video came out recently if you haven't seen it, character model is now a humanoid
@I-OMusic 25 дней назад
Don't know much about performance apart from "use dynamic continuous for anything fast and important", very much only good enough at code to realize my designs
@JuZZiO 22 дня назад
Thank you for the answer, I was making a platformer some time ago, I also used 0 friction capsule for the physical collision but for ground detection i used a series of rays casted from the middle toward ground, for measure I used half the size of the capsule and added some arbitrary length just to go beyond capsule collision bounds so it can detect ground, but every now and than I had an issue with ground detection that split second when player jumped but rays still detected ground. I've managed to overcome that in a way that I deactivated all of the ground detection in the same frame jump occurred and started coroutine that waited 0.1 second and re-enabled ground detection again, and it worked, but OMG, all the time I was thinking: "There must be some more elegant way to do this...". So I'm really curious how did you detect ground, you said one ground trigger, but how exactly: with OnTrigger2D, in Update() with with OveralapCircle / Box? Did you use physics layers? Detection from the videos looks perfect so I just have to ask! :) Thx!!
@dexlovesgames_dlg 25 дней назад
Earned a new sub and i might try the game too. Loved celeste but couldn't beat the bonus chapter. i hope it's not THAT hard.
@I-OMusic 25 дней назад
It varies, the hardest levels are maybe like 4-b, 6-a kinda difficulty
@wood8595 25 дней назад
You should 100% check out rocket jumping in tf2
@SomeoneNooneTomatoes 26 дней назад
Winners get to make alternate characters or something?
@ar_chbtw 26 дней назад
5:28 if you start holding crouch in the air while landing, and also having your sprint ready in the air you get a TON of speed, basically a dash for any class.
@Mutrax4706 26 дней назад
when is the bug mentioned? watched till 5 mins in, then lost interest cuz no sign on where it was
@RobinClower 26 дней назад
No rewards other than a permanent leaderboard spot in the menu of the game.
@hashtagrex 27 дней назад
personally, i think the flaw of titanfall is something it has no control over. FPS players inherently have a power fantasy of "carrying" the team. Realistically speaking, hyperfast wall leap movement is an idiotic strategy in a gunfight because you wont be able to hit a damn thing. Leaping around a giant mechsuit is gonna result in you getting swatted like a fly. Those people on roofs standing still and easily able to kill you? That should happen. How it should be dealt with is teamwork. Covering fire. Pinning people down so that others can zip into better positions. Titanfall is in the same trap as almost every other FPS: the gameplay is too fast, it wants to make everyone feel like the top dog, it doesnt want players to think about strategy nor teamwork. While i wont necessarily say thats a bad gameplay style, it is the absolute antithesis to titanfall because of the huge disparity between mechs and pilots. You need solid teamwork for it to work, you need strategy. FPS games have become completely stale because theyre so desperate to play into the power fantasy of individuals since it gets them sales. Then you look at games like Hell Let Loose and Holdfast, and they have immensely strong communities because the gameplay is so solid and teamwork focused, because theyre willing to take the risk of making a game with a slow pace, of losing out on adrenaline junkie players. Yet if you look at their gameplay, they still have the exact same high octane moments, just in less frequent doses which ultimately makes it so much more satisfying While high speed, short arcade shooters have their place in gaming, ironically for a game like titanfall (with such fluid and quick movement) it just doesnt work because the use of it doesnt pay off. You're constantly in action trying to try out a Cool Thing(TM) and getting it interrupted
@thui6253 27 дней назад
here. take my sacrifice for the algorythm god the video is amazing
@darryllmaybe3881 27 дней назад
I don't know why or how, but somehow I suddenly got your "strata"sphere joke at 11:58. That is the longest it has ever taken me to get a joke without it needing to be spelled out for me or mentioned again.
@simonwillover4175 27 дней назад
12:18 that sounds dumb. Just make the old versions available with a version switcher or some kind of downloadable executable for each version.
@formal_club 27 дней назад
great video! subbed :) ❤
@DiamondWolfX 28 дней назад
My first double jump I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work and would allow the player to unconditionally jump midair. Eventually I found that codebase again, and the code was basically multiple if statements where both would allow the jump, and one was guaranteed to happen, and I saw it almost immediately.
@jacksoncurtis6898 28 дней назад
For the algorithm god!
@blurbstv 28 дней назад
I love your jam idea! I hope you win a shoutout, you deserve it!
@cubeex3768 28 дней назад
The food for algorithm : 🥘
@drewmichael3986 28 дней назад
love strata and your editing style too!! here's one more to feed the algorithm :D
@toirmusic 28 дней назад
"the closest analog to that in 2D is the 8-way dash" ive seen 2d games with an omnidirectional dash, one i can think of rn is scourgebringer, though it's like a roguelite
@I-OMusic 28 дней назад
Oh yeah for sure, for clarification I should've said "using keyboard controls" cause with 2D mouse aim or a gamepad you can do that stuff for sure
@russianstreamerguy 28 дней назад
It is a great video! You definitely have a talent for storytelling
@I-OMusic 28 дней назад
Thanks man, constantly honing