Wise Words of Will
Wise Words of Will
Wise Words of Will
Hello, my name is Will and I make videos on ADHD, OCD, and whatever comes to mind!
@Matthewmm110 17 часов назад
First of all you are over complicating quitting smoking as usual like everyone, you either are that person or not, you either a addict or not, yeah you will confuse yourself that smoking is better it’s really not, your brain is looking for excuses to run back to your habit.
@WiseWordsofWill 16 часов назад
Honestly agreed these old videos were overly dramatic lol
@chrispakdawg9922 4 дня назад
I want to quit so bad im fucking petrified 😭😭
@blondsinger38 14 дней назад
From one Celiac to another. I'm so sorry to hear that you went through that. I have three sons and their stories are all unique. I can relate the fact that you kept many of your feeling to yourself. I'm sad that genetic testing isn't more readily available and should absolutely be included in a diagnosis, not just blood testing because you may not have the antibodies left to trace them. I hope everyone tells their doctor that they need genetic testing so you don't left years go by without a proper diagnosis.
@qono1458 16 дней назад
"I can quit anytime I want" you are addicted
@austinfinneran974 21 день назад
man i’m only halfway through this video but i just want to say thank you because so many of these things that you’re bringing up describe me perfectly!!!!! however i never realized in the first place that some of these things had to do with nicotine. (btw i am actively trying to quit, i’m barely even a day sober lol but im still trying)
@brabbit7703 27 дней назад
Reminds me of the good old days bro said maybe we should come here more often. Kids exploring and chilling and abandoned places is almost a thing of the past unless they have a camera recording it. When kids were kids.
@ryantheniceperson9586 Месяц назад
i love you will
@jacobkrutina6366 Месяц назад
Just like this is what i have as well with adhd so I am related to you. Another thing is watching something and having to rewind every like 5 minutes, just like what i am doing by watching this video
@hstivggfghyhgfg8359 Месяц назад
Fuck ADHD, one of the worst hands in life.
@HybOj 2 месяца назад
I feel so bad after 30 days being clean it just makes no sense to continue, because why to feel so incredible bad and disgusting. I fight this fucking nightmare for 10 years. I have been clean for 1 or even 2 years and I was NEVER free. Every fucking day was a struggle. So my goal of being FREE never realized, all I got from this plan of stop smoking was just a never ending streak of suffering. And Im just not able to go on as it makes NO sense to go on.
@clairesmithe 25 дней назад
maybe do some hypnosis and eat more fruit.
@HybOj 25 дней назад
@@clairesmithe its getting better in a 3rd month, but I feel like shit many times still, but sometimes I feel ok and forget about it
@fproductions3714 2 месяца назад
You described it perfectly, I have ADHD too & the first few days of quitting I felt the best I have ever felt in my life, all my senses came back stronger, smell, taste, hearing, awareness, My skin got clearer BUT after that I just felt slumped, stuck to my bed with no motivation & no replacements I did grind gym but as soon as all my friends left I went crazy, then I tried grinding Boxing but my brother stopped sparring with me I felt angry. So all my attempted replacements went to shit & my anxiety went bad bad. So yeah the most I've gone without it is probably 3 days, when I (with ADHD) quit for a couple days I do gain abit of an energy burst & natural male aggression but I had nothing to put my energy to.
@meekoosh 2 месяца назад
It’s dopamine deficiency
@Apathymiller 2 месяца назад
Nicotine is a HUGE help for people with mental diagnoses. Nicotine benefits so many people! Especially when you get it from a combustion free product like vaping or pouches. Sounds like you should go back on some. ALOT of Dr's prescribe Nicotine for adhd & psychological disorders.
@tchad49 2 месяца назад
Dear Will: I am so so sympathetic to your situation. Here's how I see it. Nicotine was clearly helping you control your #ADHD symptoms (#TherapeuticNicotine). This is not surprising. Numerous studies show transdermal nicotine patches reduce ADHD symptoms. If you take nicotine from a safe source, there is no downside. It might even help you reduce your prescription meds, which you know can have nasty side-effects (and ARE addictive). So who convinced you that it was a good idea to stop something that was helping you? I have to assume it's the past 4 decades of demonizing nicotine by researchers and experts in the field of tobacco control. They demonized nicotine for a super good reason, to reduce cigarette use. But this demonization is actually a paternalistic lie. A violation of Truth-Telling, which is a fundamental moral principle in Healthcare Ethics. If cigarettes delivered caffeine, they would have demonized THAT, and no one would care about nicotine. It's just a mild stimulant that increases focus, attention and memory (like caffeine) and, unlike caffeine, also reduces stress and anxiety. In the alternate universe where cigarettes don't kill people, these mild psychoactive effects would be seen as "good for you."
@plumetube5297 2 месяца назад
Nicotine is not addictive. You eat vegetables you are NEVER nicotine free. Consuming 1 microgram of nic in veggies is equal to being a passive smoker standing in a room full of smoke for 3 hours and absoring that nicotine. Not onenperson on this planet tests negative for nicotine. You have ADHD, it is medically PROVEN that nicotine alleviates symptoms of ADHD. Medical dependance is not addiction. People on blood pressure meds everyday are not addicted, they dependnon it to function. You should stop these videos for now, and educate yourself better. You spread info that harms millions.
@mobtek 2 месяца назад
Mate I hope you are back on nicotine, I've been using it for 13 years with vaping. It has many beneficial effects, ADHD among them. Just 5% the harm of smoking, maybe less.
@tchad49 2 месяца назад
Yah. I know dozens and dozens of ex-smokers who quit by vaping who all say the same thing. The puzzle is why ADHD patient advocacy groups don't get this. I have talked with them. They all have the same misperceptions that the general public has. This is because public health has been demonizing nicotine for many decades now, to discourage smoking. If cigarettes didn't kill people, nicotine would not have been demonized, and we would all be talking about #TherapeuticNicotine. if you think about it, it IS just a natural product derived from plants. Like caffeine.
@Sassytxsonia 2 месяца назад
I smoked cigarettes 28 yrs. I tried to quit with gum, patches, wellbrin, chantix, acupuncture, and hypnosis. Nothing seemed to work. My doctor suggested that I try nicotine vapor. That worked day one and with ZERO side effects. I then worked my way down to zero milligrams. Once I did that I worked my way off caffeine. That was super hard. A few months went by and I was having a hard time focusing. My job is detail oriented so this was concerning. I went to the doctor and told him my dilemma. He asked did you quit nicotine and then caffeine? I told him yes. My doctor suggested that I add back in some nicotine. (Caffeine was too hard to quit and nicotine was easier to step down) I couldn’t believe that fixed the problem! I was so happy it wasn’t something else. He explained that nicotine helps with focus. Now I use zero most days and add in nicotine a few days a week. Problem solved.
@tchad49 2 месяца назад
Congratulations on quitting smoking Sonia. Truly!
@Sassytxsonia 2 месяца назад
@@tchad49 thank you!
@Ashley_Obscuro 2 месяца назад
Id been clean for two and a half years and relapsed hard 6 weeks ago
@gameziper 2 месяца назад
quitting nicotine for me has been impossible because just being without any nicotine for just simply 1-3 days makes me literally sick and as you said in the vid my brain does defenietly not work properly without it so then i fall back to it again... it makes things worse but it makes much better for me when i take nicotine.
@gameziper 2 месяца назад
7:06 i can definietly relate to all this its very annoying when you wanna do something you enjoy but mentally and physically cant and literally do nothing instead and feel terrible over that instead it honestly is irritating when that happens
@gameziper 2 месяца назад
i fell into the nicotine trap very early into my teen years and have maybe quitted for as long as 1 week to a month each time but then i fall back into it and im now 25 years old and havent been able to quit well i have managed to lower the nicotine dose dramaticly but i always fall back to stronger nicotine products. I live in Sweden so for me its Snus im taking.
@user-bk4wr4um4p 2 месяца назад
For me it was cold turkey. First 3 days sucked but after that I started feeling great and my addiction was BAD
@enjoisk8er811 2 месяца назад
can you go more into your dopamine deficiency please, im interested and have never heard of it
@venomviper09 2 месяца назад
A buzz forsure idrk about a high tho 😅
@lewisburton1852 3 месяца назад
Interesting point of view, vaping or nicotine had a total different effect on me once I vaped I didn't want to do a fucking thing! like zero motivation it actually exarcebated my executive dysfunction. Anyways, glad you quit.
@garretklemmer9162 3 месяца назад
good work on gaining that weight man you look bulk asl super impressive, im trying to do the same and struggling lol, dont stop posting these vids man and please give us a nicotine update bc im young and trying to quit desperately, your vids have def helped. (only a minute into the video so im not sure if you mention it at all yet) keep it goin gng 💪
@CourierSix9 3 месяца назад
I’m on day 5 and running helped me out the last few days. Going out for walks and soaking up the sunshine helps a lot too. I’m also juicing veggies and fruits and just eating healthier but idk if that’s helping because I made that switch before I quit. Oh yea, smoking a vape helps too. Jkjk.. I really want to tho. Hehehe. Im not gonna lie… I’m miserable.
@CourierSix9 3 месяца назад
Oh yea I quit kratom and nicotine at the same time, almost. I quit kratom for six days then I was like… let’s quit nicotine too! 11 days sober from kratom and 5 days sober from nicotine. I might relapses on one of them. Idk yet. Just know that life is joyless and I can’t cope with this anymore. I’ll hold out as long as I can tho.
@CourierSix9 3 месяца назад
I’m on day 5 and I’m ready to relapse man. It’s not even the withdrawal. I think it’s just being bored.
@foreverfirefly 3 месяца назад
You're so real and earnest Really helpful I appreciate you
@ps4gamingrocks503 3 месяца назад
Vaping is less harmful than smoking
@Random07895 3 месяца назад
Great video
@Weaver85 3 месяца назад
I quit vaping smoking cigs after 22 years i did patches for a good while now im 5 days in no nicotine at all its hard but trying
@birdsinthewind 3 месяца назад
Thank you
@Snorey 3 месяца назад
I’m only 5 weeks free of nicotine. But you’re reasons for quitting sound so unbelievably similar to me it’s super helpful to hear. Thanks man
@mcchillin7580 3 месяца назад
How is it 6 weeks in now? At what point did the intense cravings stop?
@Snorey 3 месяца назад
⁠@@mcchillin7580it’s definitely better but I still get cravings. I didn’t expect a 15 year addiction to just disappear in a month though
@cute7g467 4 месяца назад
Extreme bloating , fatigue, face gets red and puffy , lethargy , rash on my back , stabbing pain on stomach after having a sandwich when I consume gluten , hair loss , I’m getting blood work done , I don’t want to do more test I know how I feel
@WiseWordsofWill 4 месяца назад
That is 100% valid. The thing that sucks is that these tests only work when you're actively eating gluten so I completely understand feeling like it isn't worth it. If you're eating gluten still it probably is worth it for medical reasons, make sure they give you the newer celiac panel (tTG immunoglobulin or DGP antibody test) because they gave me the outdated IgA test and those are extremely inaccurate, I wish you the best
@cute7g467 4 месяца назад
@@WiseWordsofWill thank you 😊 appreciate it!
@malachishearer5222 4 месяца назад
All y’all in the process of quitting, full respect and I’m there with ya - currently 2 and a half weeks without touching the stuff and feeling great. For me, honestly wouldn’t have been able to do it so far without finding the perfect replacement in this thing called a Capnos EZ (free publicity for these guys I guess haha, they deserve it though tbh). It literally looks and feels in your hand like a vape, and you get the ‘good’ parts of smoking and vaping (flavour, throat hit, sound, oral fixation) but it’s just pressurized air running past some cotton soaked in some food additive type stuff. Whenever you get the cravings you just hit this thing as much as you want till you get distracted. Quitting nicotines worth it, whatever way works for you - you got this 🤝
@jakeharris4465 5 месяцев назад
Gotta eat a good diet as nicotine can buffer out all the inflammation that a crappy diet can cause
@billcarsonasmr5022 5 месяцев назад
01:19 I quit smoking about 2 weeks using a vape because i failed too many times going cold turkey .. and it's a strange experience because i don't like the smell of cigarettes right now but many times i feel like having a cigarette in my hand .. it's absolutely disappointing to think about how much time i'm gonna have to deal with this depression even if i've read too much approaches about smoking and with all this knowledge i still have that idea of " this all makes sense but i still want to smoke " but anyways i'm still determined even if i don't have the least requierement to stop an addiction which is a taking a direction in life .. but it's gonna be better .. i choose to go through this now rather than later .
@rileyshannessy1938 5 месяцев назад
damnnn i wish i would've seen you were live!!!
@deengew 5 месяцев назад
Can’t believe this video is almost 20mins, lol. Reminds me of when Dave Chapelle was chastised for going to rehab for weed in half baked. Your story isnt that interesting, bro.
@WiseWordsofWill 5 месяцев назад
Didn’t say it was? Just offering support and relatability to people struggling to quit an addictive drug
@Random07895 3 месяца назад
Bro if it isn’t interesting why are you watching. You clearly clicked for a reason. I actually found it very interesting
@moritzr.6333 5 месяцев назад
how long are you sober now?
@moritzr.6333 5 месяцев назад
I feel like nicotine changes my personality if you know what i mean
@mercster 5 месяцев назад
I have nothing to say about the effectiveness of nicotine for ADHD, I've seen no studies and am not a sufferer... though your mention of heroin is not apropos. Adderall and heroin are on completely opposite ends of spectrum between "stimulant" and "depressant." Adderall is amphetamine (an "upper") and heroin is a narcotic analgesic (a "downer".) I believe the claim that's being made is that, since nicotine and Adderall are both "stimulants", they might have a similar mode of action in some of the ways they interact with a person's brain chemistry and psyche. Saying the comparison is akin to comparing heroin kind of hurts any credibility you might have to speak intelligently on the subject.
@mercster 5 месяцев назад
Also saying that nicotine is bad because it is addictive... ahh, well again, I think you might need to read up about the addictiveness and harm potential of amphetamine. Can't make the argument about one while ignoring the other.
@mercster 5 месяцев назад
You think vaping is bad but you smoke weed? 😂 How old are you mate? "Wise Words", huh?
@WiseWordsofWill 5 месяцев назад
@@mercster Yeah it was a dumb comparison, but the point I was trying to make is that saying just because something raises your dopamine, that doesn’t mean that it inherently helps your ADHD, I would cut out that part if I could because it doesn’t really land but the video is over a year old man lol not everything I’m going to say is going to be perfect and I have never claimed to be a professional, it really isn’t that deep, you’re allowed to disagree, most people with ADHD who use meds don’t find them to be addictive that’s just statistically true, and I don’t use weed anymore but that was never a substance I personally found addictive and it didn’t negatively impact my life, everyone is different
@jacobfulbright659 5 месяцев назад
I quit 11 days ago now and every other time I’ve tried to quit on the 1st or 2nd day my brain would shut off and I would just buy one without realizing but this time I purposefully put myself in situations to see if I can get through it like I would go to the store where I normally get them and I’d even look at them to see how I feel and I didn’t feel anything which was good and I’ve been out drinking with friends who vape and that one surprised me but I was able to get through pretty easy I still get cravings which don’t last long and aren’t strong at all and I tell myself if I can say no to the cravings on the first 3 days I can easily say now now and that’s what’s gonna carry me onwards
@stephen9546 5 месяцев назад
Bro u just need to start failing and embarrassing yourself. You’re good looking and smart and determined. No need to have social issues
@hertywerty5775 5 месяцев назад
Good video
@joeyalfano7800 5 месяцев назад
Doesnt nicotine improve adhd symptoms
@WiseWordsofWill 5 месяцев назад
Generally short term it can before you're addicted, but once you become hooked the need to use nicotine becomes so distracting that it ends up making the ADHD worse. So many people with ADHD, including me, get addicted because the initial improvement in focus is deceiving.
@joeyalfano7800 5 месяцев назад
@@WiseWordsofWill yeah ur right if ur speaking of vaping because it's do constant any other delivery wouldn't even be close to as much i know i vaped and smoked but now chew the gum and it's a good amount but not even as close to the amount of times i hit that vape
@liquidcancer4573 5 месяцев назад
I relate to a lot of what you said, especially at the end. That's why I don't like the "stop pathologizing neurodiversity" crowd whatsoever. You're telling me the thing that makes me not function well in society is not an issue of some sort? I just find it ridiculous.
@rileyshannessy1938 5 месяцев назад
why can’t I meet people like you😅😭
@annberlin5811 6 месяцев назад
My symptoms were sever fatigue sever back pain food in stool early menopaus hair turned white ezcema stomach pain gas metal taste in my mouth dryness under eyes asthma deep sleep night sweats bad teeth
@user-zh6bf8dp4j 4 месяца назад
Hi there I'm highly suspicious I have undiagnosed celiac can I ask please where was your back pain ?and my hair is coming through white like aging gray hair but it's white Also have lots of other issues Hope your doing better xx. Helen UK