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Derren Brown NLP Swish Pattern
17 лет назад
@michaelsmullen9891 8 месяцев назад
I would be totally aware of someone's hand gestures if they were doing this to me, especially the left hand to the left shoulder which is a completely unnatural move.
@kac24h 2 года назад
time to update your glasses lady haha
@popp5926 3 года назад
She's wearing a red shirt and Derren waves a reflective yellow card in front of her. It's going to look red.
@sriradityowahyudhono1675 4 года назад
My dream car
@nwliz3333 4 года назад
Derren Brown the reason why I'm getting certified as NLP practitioner.
@nigelgibson2242 Месяц назад
Mine too. How did you get on?
@DamonCart 5 лет назад
This is actually NLP Mapping Across, not the NLP Swish Pattern.
@somequasiparticles 6 лет назад
How is that possible? She was just being nice, and then suddenly she clicks into insanity. It's like in her mind, she would rather be confused about the reality of her car color than offend Darren. In a way he's taking advantage of her insecurity, no?
@DamonCart 5 лет назад
No just her uncertainty.
@hectornonayurbusiness2631 7 лет назад
He would have had a field day with that black and blue dress
@LouStoriale 7 лет назад
Can you swish the food out of her mouth? Obese!
@ideath173 6 лет назад
can you move out of your moms basement and stop sniffing her farts when she passes by?
@amandaholden5842 5 лет назад
And swish the nasty from your mouth.
@Icantcyou 8 лет назад
Nice troopy did you import it? I see you live in AZ me to I am up in flagstaff, Do you still have it
@alexxander1361 8 лет назад
Lol what a load of crap. Try all ur nlp crap on me so i can laugh at ur stupid primitive life!
@EmXtraMoney 8 лет назад
silly mortals
@congruent-thoughts8781 9 лет назад
Anything can be misused. A beautiful crafted bread knife is made for bread, but some people can kill each other with it. This is absolutely not the purpose of this knive. Also NLP can be misused by guys like Derren Brown. NLP has never been crafted to manipulate with people, like changing colors in such a primitive way. NLP is designet to do the opposite: To change limiting believes to something more useful for this person. But the JackAss generation is using everything possible, to only one thing: Strengthen their own Ego: look how clever I am - and make other looking quiet dump and stupid. Ha.. ha.. she says red to yellow.... black to red.... what a dump.... etc. So what.....??? What does it actually good, other then pis on people, so others get a cheap laugh? Misusing a wonderful education for some quick laugh? Derren for Christ sick..! Delete this stuff after 8 years now! Enough is enough...
@jesshutchy 9 лет назад
guys, look, really look, he associates the "unclear image" with the touching of the left shoulder and vice versa. when he shows her the blue card he touches her left shoulder to unconsciously establish uncertainty in order to manipulate her to see the yellow as red and then, only then does he touch her right shoulder to establish a "solid" picture (solid indicating block colour red) making her see yellow as red and red as black. its not witchcraft, its child psychology and yes, also runs along the same lines as Collapsing Anchors
@ringo1029384756 10 лет назад
Very cool indeed. Something I want to try. But, how does one reverse it? Just un-anchor the thought?
@spfo1972 9 лет назад
Technically he's not doing a swish pattern. He's using Submodalities indeed but not a swish pattern. And you can reverse it. There's a technique called Collapsing Anchors thats meant for that. By the way, I think Derren Brown is great so this is not a critic to the video, I really admire the guy!
@Breinpiraten 10 лет назад
@TheFullyBookedCoach 11 лет назад
Got a link to that story?
@theonlyakuma 11 лет назад
can anyone explain, was she actually seeing black or did she just change the meaning ? LoL!
@gy5938 5 лет назад
She's in a state of confusion because a technique called anchoring was used. He planted positive and negative feelings which he then combine those feelings to create a state of confusion. This happens through his gestures.
@penicscat7190 11 лет назад
Would have thought the belief she wants it that she can lose that blubber.
@phmentor 11 лет назад
Its an NLP technique mixed with Hypnosis, Derren is amazing at what he does and its all thanks to your mind, how suggestible are you? Its like hacking in to your brain, its not magic, its not impossible.
@magicianTimTyler 11 лет назад
For some reason I'm just not believing this one
@waterdrinker90 11 лет назад
Oh, grow a fucking pair, would you?
@LCross3 12 лет назад
Upsetting and dark. "Sirmarkthomas" is right. What could happen to her and others the next time she comes to a red light? What if he undoes what he did to her mind, then she sees this video again and has a relapse? What then? Is she safe? Are you safe? It seems he shot this in the US. If so, he needs to get the hell out of my country and go back to hell.
@darkness120p 12 лет назад
Where'd you find that? I can't find it anywhere.
@johnny2lean 12 лет назад
wtf did i just watch, is the guy a witch
@Hypernosis0 12 лет назад
If you are interested in an in depth analysis of the video, there is one in my profile...
@kptnix 12 лет назад
@fluffychicken33 12 лет назад
Easy To Know What Color Car She Had. Probably Saw Her Earlier Getting Out Of It Then Chose Her For The Trick. Pretty Sweet Actually. I Kinda Understand How Its Done But I Don't Think I Could Pull It Off
@kontekijke 12 лет назад
But then he would change the other colour..
@sirmarkthomas 12 лет назад
@D3mang3l :) yay
@DHTHORNE 12 лет назад
@sirmarkthomas This comment wins the internet. Congratulations.
@sirmarkthomas 12 лет назад
What they don't tell you is that she was eventually kicked out of her art school, lost her license after continuous accidents at the same street intersection and overdosed on drugs she thought was aspirin. Yeah real funny Derren... real fucking funny :(
@adrianstroila 12 лет назад
INCEPTION!!!!! :))))))))))))))))))))
@morarulz 12 лет назад
@mikeymoughtin ha ha... He had to know the color of her car. If her car was BLUE, then his swish pattern trick wouldn't have worked right? She would still see it as blue. And darren would've been so embarrased. Because he replaced the color RED. I think that the girl was handpicked by darren and paid. I'm not saying that darren is a SCAM artist and I do believe in NLP. But this trick smells like a scam.
@mikeymoughtin 12 лет назад
@morarulz ........ really? thats ur big question? how did he know what colour her car was? thats like reading the bible and asking why the bush was cold
@mikeymoughtin 12 лет назад
@x000einfinity000x nooooooooooob it's not a belief change "pattern" he uses swish pattern to cause the belief change effect. watch his use of touching her arms and hand placement, it's a physical/visual swish.
@morarulz 13 лет назад
How does HE know that she has a RED car parked outside? It could have been BLUE.
@mikeymoughtin 13 лет назад
@Pantognwsths haha noob. learn what he's doing before u put ur uneducated scub comments here.
@Lewis13Martin 13 лет назад
@x000einfinity000x yeah this definitely was NOT the swish pattern DMJL
@Mind3ck 13 лет назад
@MobyGoCollection no, its pretty much using nlp and hypnosis techniques to manipulate the person to perceive colors differently... cool huh?
@roboneko77 13 лет назад
@x000einfinity000x 13 лет назад
this video is NOT the swish pattern and is actually the BELIEF CHANGE PATTERN
@bobflet 13 лет назад
WOW. Simple shoulder touching...
@woodsja1007 13 лет назад
@zoraneuro maybe your hypnotist master should teach you how to spell.
@yeshevishman 13 лет назад
@oniluaPogaihT b/c she's already in a trance... think about it.
@deepinbrain 13 лет назад
@oniluaPogaihT Actually visiual construction in eye patterns is top left,not right. Also if you read a bit more about NLP, you won't be seeing anything magical in this video.
@VictorBravocarsales 13 лет назад
NLP in eye accessing cues up and right is Visual remember. The way I remembered it was if you think the letter C comes before R in the alphabet. So when you look at someones you know that VC is up and to the left VR is up to the right..I hope this helps .
@_soulcraft_ 2 месяца назад
That made no sense.
@SodapopBandit 13 лет назад
@oniluaPogaihT She could be left-handed, in which case it is not uncommon for the pattern to be reversed. Just something to think about
@illmaster47 13 лет назад
@oniluaPogaihT She probably only pictured a part of her house which is in Vegas, or her house, but floating in the space of her mind rather than Vegas, but she get's a kinesthetic feeling of certainty know it's her house and it's definitely in Vegas. So the anchor was effective regardless of how she thought of it.
@ommerl 13 лет назад
@oniluaPogaihT i am praciticing and experimanting NLP myselfe. up means visuall that is true. but, if her memory doesnt contain many visual sub modalities but it is a true mamory she may complete it with her creative part of her brain. that happens. and you cant certantly always say if someone is lying, or simply reconstructing missing modalities of the truth. i tried this pattern on therapy and it went realy well.
@phlip1080 13 лет назад
Actually according to Richard Bandler the up right is common for visual construction and he also says that it can differ from person to person. Her cue for visual reconstruction might not up top right. I did notice that thought and thought the same thing