Formula Troy
Formula Troy
Formula Troy
Chronic video gamer trying to make my own game!

Ultimately, I just like talking about games... Whether it's backlog advice or devlogging my game development journey. And hopefully it's presented in an entertaining or useful way that makes it interesting to listen to.

Formerly this channel was for Lost Ark beginner guides.
Formerly formerly this channel was for competitive sim racing content.
@simoncharlton3426 6 дней назад
This devlog is super inspiring. I'm doing research on getting into gamedev, and I would love to do a little project like this. Looking forward to more :)
@fandalib6667 6 дней назад
Appreciate u man im a busy guy so this is really cool. All love and i hope u blow up❤
@Flowey- 23 дня назад
"Por que todo mundo é tão gostoso nesse jogo"
@nonanimeprofilepic 25 дней назад
3:20 section is how I feel about the entire dark souls series + elden ring and sekiro
@J1MBOD1N1 25 дней назад
Biggest realization I’ve had with games recently: if you’re not having fun, don’t play it. You can always revisit it later or refund, but don’t force yourself to like a game just because you bought it
@houdiniabracadabra6180 26 дней назад
Underrated videos with your backlog video!
@EmyN 27 дней назад
5:21 what website is this?
@ChristopherCraven 27 дней назад
Oh my god, guys, just start playing one; drop it after an hour or two if you aren't engaged or having fun, add it to a list if you really think the game just needed more time, move onto the next. Stop stressing yourself out of 100 percenting; we got publishers pushing devs to fill a game with crap just to pad the gameplay time to please game reviewers; which reviewers are beginning to care less about how anyway.
@urmum6678 28 дней назад
Hey i want to clear my back log but i have problems, and want to have my games 100% achievements, which is hard, so i was wondering what website do u use for listing your games like a checklist, like you said u have one so im curious, also ive tried and it kinda works another way to accually play a game without almost dropping it is, stream, it makes you want to complete a game so u dont dissapoint people wvan if you dont stream to anyone it kinda helps like i sometimes stream and not evan to anyone but it makes me want to not drop the game and accually play
@josezuniga9421 Месяц назад
When can I preorder it jaja It's looking very good.
@berrymycawkner 2 месяца назад
My problem is I have to have RU-vid/music in the back to play
@fugixi 2 месяца назад
Nice vid! What tool is that you showed in the video of lists of your completed games?
@WannaDJ 3 месяца назад
250 Completed? Don't you mean finished? If it's the former that's impressive.
@Dieffe_Edit 3 месяца назад
I don't like raceroom
@asakurawhyte4320 3 месяца назад
Dude. Just my Switch backlog is over 400 games.
@arbisangria8933 3 месяца назад
Goal is to finish 2-3 games per month, it allows me to balance gaming, working, and living life outside / hanging out w/ friends 👌
@svenalbrecht5191 3 месяца назад
Great idea ! Id love to see you do a deep dive into this with a tutorial. I see many people using something like that especially if they are not capable to do such thing all alone (yet). Keep up the good work
@Luhrayuh 4 месяца назад
This looks so cool already!
@FormulaTroy 4 месяца назад
@FelixSandwichez 4 месяца назад
This is turning out amazing man!!! So cool getting a behind the scenes on everything, can't wait for the next episode!
@FormulaTroy 4 месяца назад
Thanks Felix!!
@daviddavidson1450 4 месяца назад
that already looks like something i'd play
@FormulaTroy 4 месяца назад
Appreciate that, thanks!!
@NearlyClose 4 месяца назад
looks very good
@FormulaTroy 4 месяца назад
Thank you!
@mrtheunknownytquestion4592 4 месяца назад
I hate how theres no order to the backlog though
@quanemerson1054 4 месяца назад
I end up playing sports games, they're quick, and easy.
@quanemerson1054 4 месяца назад
I have over 500 games, and I need to clear them.
@MrShatoon 4 месяца назад
or you can just be picky like me and many other players who have never had a backlog
@Luhrayuh 4 месяца назад
Such a cool idea to make a jump guide! Seems like that’s going to make level building a lot easier. And the bigger canvas size feels better, can’t wait to see the artwork!
@Luhrayuh 4 месяца назад
Debugging is such a nightmare sometimes 😅
@udovyk 4 месяца назад
Great video!
@sanjithechef 4 месяца назад
I saw the thumbnail and was worried this would be a super rushed and generic AI voice video - I’m so happy I gave it a chance. Wonderful video and ideas and editing. I’m sorry there’s nothing wrong with the thumbnail that was just a mindless judgement lol
@sondosoft4603 4 месяца назад
This might be my favorite backlog video. Very concise and actionable advice. Something I’ve used to help with my backlog is serendipity. Something I think you somewhat touched on in the part about looking at a trailer or review to remember why you were interested in a game. What I mean by serendipity is let the games come to you. Have the backlog but try to let motivation and interest come to you. Because sometimes actively seeking something can make it feel like a chore. Which leads you to dislike things you actually might like.
@ineedhelp1016 4 месяца назад
You teased it at the end but that looks 10x better, plus that lighting looks great too
@FormulaTroy 4 месяца назад
@ineedhelp1016 4 месяца назад
Doing this makes you realize how painfully slow progress you can make cuz things don’t want to do what you tell it to
@Stonegoal 5 месяцев назад
OMG I thought I just leveled up cards by having more cards. I'm currently slowly going threw the game, trying to enjoy it without hating it for being PTW.
@ineedhelp1016 5 месяцев назад
Yesss you got this man, I just started (restarted ig) learning about game dev and making my own as well rn. You’re already making amazing progress keep it up
@FormulaTroy 5 месяцев назад
Thanks so much and good luck on your journey as well!
@ineedhelp1016 5 месяцев назад
@@FormulaTroy Thank you, hopefully RU-vid gives me the notifications of your vids I’d love to follow along
@svenfruiti494 5 месяцев назад
I wonder...what about old games or games that you can't "complete" in a modern way. Many older games just have a high score system. what even means finishing a game? Do everything in it or just do a part of it until you finished that "part"? I know there questions are dumb but they kinda hold me back from switching my games from "played" to "completed"
@Luhrayuh 5 месяцев назад
So cool, I’m excited to see where you go with game development! Love the firefly pixel art you made 😁
@daviddavidson1450 5 месяцев назад
Play 140! It's short and might give some inspiration about where you can take your game.
@FormulaTroy 5 месяцев назад
Will do, thanks! I think I played that many years ago.
@RASH_TheBandit 5 месяцев назад
In my opinion and experience this is difficult for this with a real life.. 😊 Serious gaming is heavy investment in time, your own personal time (and probably money too).. Just go with the flow, enjoy and don't let it over take you, your health and disconnect you from the real world. "There are far more important and serious aspects of life than just gaming"... 🎮🕹 Can't wait for the next masterpiece game - Ghost of Tsushima 2 *Let's go*
@guitardedzach 5 месяцев назад
Felt personally attacked by the intro. I bought Tomb Raider Definitive Edition for like $3 at least a year ago thinking I'd play it eventually. Now all 3 games are on plus extra so i can play the whole trilogy...eventually.
@gracetaylor2767 5 месяцев назад
i'm just starting to clear my backlog, and my initial tips to add would be: you can be hyped by new releases, but don't go actively looking through steam store/xbox store/ps store etc, even if there's a sale. On that note i would recommend limiting how many new games you allow yourself to buy in 6/12 month period, as it prompts you to ask yourself, "but is this game worth one of my [limited] slots?" And if your platform allows it, use the library sorting feature! I personally use: Highest Priority, High Priority, Mehh Priority, Low Priority, and As Good As Done (plus adding a completed list) great video too btw!! 👍
@Erlaxis 5 месяцев назад
The abandoning part is critical. If you can overcome the feeling of money wasted you are good to go. It's actually a good idea to keep a list of th abandoned games. It has helped me to understand I should not get hyped by a game in a genre with several games I abandoned before. Wasting money sucks, but wasting life is infinitely worse. I guess the older one gets this becomes increasingly more obvious.
@emiljonsson6118 6 месяцев назад
Man I have the exact same problem as you had. The problem for me is that I open up Steam and see like 50 uncompleted games, get's overwhelmed, boots up League of Legends or RU-vid and then feels bad for not completing games. The thing is that I get the dumb feeling of feeling lonely while playing single-player games, the games story, characters and everything else could be awesome but deep down I know that I'm sitting here alone and that I could instead study, call a friend or do something else. I love gaming, I really do but very often single-player games feels like I'm wasting my time (even though it could be like 9PM and my work for the day is already done). Even after all this I still buy single-player games just to let them sit in my library for some reason, like I bought Witcher 3 in 2020 but haven't installed it ones yet and I feel stupid for it.
@gvigary1 6 месяцев назад
I was drawn in by the many, many games on your backlog that are also on mine, but I'm really glad you (unlike other videos on this topic I've watched) addressed the problem of half-finished games. I have 20 hours in Witcher I, but drifted away because it got a bit dull, and it's stopping me moving on to the other two (much better from everything I hear) in the series. So I'm deleting it and moving on. Then I got stuck at one point in the middle of Rise of the Tomb Raider, went off and played some other stuff, and now can't face going back because it's been months and I almost feel like I'd have to start again, and would certainly have to learn it again. But I did enjoy the first half, so maybe that one goes to the bottom of the queue. First, though, I do need to stop (or at least ration) playing the endless games. They're really the culprit here.
@tigerx36 6 месяцев назад
I have quite the backlog myself and I know there are some games I know I can't finish. New can be scary but I may want to wrap up a few games I'm close to finishing. Yeah, after this season quite a few games are gonna jump the line. But can still make time to try a few games at once. I may not always 100% all of them I'm not like that, but one I might platinum. Then not too small a list just too keep the variety still there.
@M.SEK.P 6 месяцев назад
And i am sitting here with no backlog, becauce i beat it and have nothing to play 😅😢
@koli4213 6 месяцев назад
hypothetically would i be able to 100% 665 games in my lifetime? just in a hypothetical mannner. lets just say if were to, in a hypothetical sense.
@fivenotewonder 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for the advice. I have played 6k hrs on fallout 76, it was an absolute addiction for over 3 years. Barely touching any other game, so yeh a huge backlog that I want to tackle. I have recently taken a break and trying to let go of each seasons new rewards and content updates, it’s difficult but I’m getting better. New season started and haven’t even logged in yet, but I know I will do the season, however I’m making sure I stay focused on finishing ghost of tushima, which I’m in love with atm. When I’m done with that I can do the score board and then dip out and start a new single player game. I will remember your advice, the 80,20.
@sane7527 7 месяцев назад
The only sad thing is RPGs is my favourite genre in gaming but as i have grown up and got a job i just dont have time for 100+ hr games. I usually only complete 1 or atmost 2 rpgs a year(ones i desperately want to play) but i would like to try so many more especially jrpg's but i just dont have the time and i have learned to live with it
@dobusby 7 месяцев назад
I feel like the only thing holding me back from my backlog is ARK, MW3 zombies and occasionally destiny 2 with my wife. I cherish that time thatbwe are able to connect and just my procrastinatuon of a big list and constantly put off games that i really want to play just because of that routine we have in the evenings.
@harrybaals2549 7 месяцев назад