Gem State Chronicle
Gem State Chronicle
Gem State Chronicle
This is the companion video channel for the Gem State Chronicle, a publication examining Idaho politics from a conservative perspective. Gem State Chronicle brings you ideas, information, and analysis to empower you to make positive change in Idaho.
Episode 23: American Elegy
Месяц назад
David Leavitt and Jimmy Dore talk Idaho water
2 месяца назад
Sen. Herndon presents S1296 in committee
2 месяца назад
Episode 21: Credibility
3 месяца назад
Candidate Interview: Kyle Harris for House 7A
3 месяца назад
Candidate Interview: Ben Adams for Senate 12
3 месяца назад
Episode 20: Free Speech
3 месяца назад
@skippylippy547 12 дней назад
Thank you Brian.
@santiagoflores4913 20 дней назад
Declaring independence from the United Kingdom under the flag of the British East India Company...rather curious
@tommyl3207 21 день назад
Never gets old.
@carrickrichards2457 22 дня назад
A great moment in history that deserves to be remembered. It is well served in that, by how this marvellous TV series portrays events and the great characters behind them.
@guywilletts2804 23 дня назад
The American war of independence is no more than a continuation of the English Civil War. With added slavery.
@jimkoonce6574 24 дня назад
These clowns are sick! I'm glad my kids are adults!
@jackbuckley7816 Месяц назад
I'm surprised this series was ever made when I think how virtually all programs about U.S. history have vanished from the airwaves & cable, a result of the current political climate, wherein nothing is to showcase our nation's history. Western civilization itself, in fact, has been subjugated & mostly erased or simply scoffed-at. I guess "John Adams" was made & aired a smidgeon before the full-force of anti-Americanism descended upon our land, submerging it with an iron grip. I haven't seen a single program about Western civilization in ages. They used to be quite common, the ones that aired over here primarily of British origin. Top-notch series like "Civilization", "Triumph of the West", "Art of the Western World", "America", etc., are relics of the past. Not only sad but scary.
@StephenSchaal Месяц назад
Those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat it
@SandMan_86 Месяц назад
Strange so many of you fools want to give your cherished states and freedom back to a tyrant...the damning thing is Trump is no King; the only station to which he's ever been suited is that of court jester.
@yvonneplant9434 Месяц назад
HBO needs to re-broadcast this series. I believe it would help modern Americans understand our country much better. The courage of them all astounds me all the time. They would have been tried for treason and executed if they failed.
@tonyboyer28 Месяц назад
@daenerysdivine1906 Месяц назад
My great x 13 grandfather was Josiah Bartlett (they signed the Declaration of Independence). If King George hadn't went nut in that time then the US might not have succeeded with their independence. They would've been executed and I wouldn't exist.
@Narrowgaugefilms Месяц назад
I like that they showed Dickinson in uniform and on horseback. He didn't support Independence, but he did put his life on the line for it when it became a fact.
@DiRF 18 дней назад
He was arguably also one of the wealthiest individuals in the colonies. He had so much to lose, and did not agree with the pace of declaring Revolution, but the moment his countrymen committed themselves to that decision, he was immediately there to back them up, at the risk of his own life and fortune.
@robertjacobson1608 Месяц назад
Ah I like eagle days when in Idaho
@_TDS_is_Terminal Месяц назад
News Flash: Trump's VP pick is J.D. Vance.
@Benjamin_Rush Месяц назад
I saw a John Hancock!!!
@clivejungle6999 Месяц назад
Dont thank France. Thank Austria or Prussia. Without one of them distracting France, Britain had to keep significant forces at home to defend against Franco-Spanish invasion. Because Britain was only a naval power with 10 million people. It needed a continental power to do most of the dying in Europe.
@ShadowMan8080 2 месяца назад
Yeah, lets burn more coal and heat up the earth more. Dont take free sunlight and turn it into energy. 🙄
@walterharris4960 2 месяца назад
When someone says they know how this works, they don't or they think they do, they'll still going to lie to people because, they it'll make them cool to someone they're trying to impress. So, you have succeeded.
@tuber198712 2 месяца назад
I’m couldn’t even start to register for docial security with my birth certificate, to vite i had to show my ID, the last job i had required my fingerprints… how on earth are people getting around laws that do actually exist? Stop trying to scare people
@scottydog1313 2 месяца назад
FFS why are they so stupid? This a nonissue that theyre using for trying to rile up their ignorant voter base with. HOW CAN YOU TELL WHEN A REPUBLICAN IS LYING? THEIR LIPS ARE MOVING.
@dizzleslaunsen2372 2 месяца назад
Only fascists want to control what books people can read. That is a very simple and easily fact checked statement….only oppressors throughout history have banned books…….it is sad these people who cry bout our constitution all day have no problem ignoring the “separation of church and state” part…..but I’m sure you being a free speech person wouldn’t censor my comment for not agreeing with you right? You wouldn’t be a hypocrite right?
@TheMary0831 2 месяца назад
I had wondered why we were suddenly paying our water bill to Veolia. Now they are everywhere. THey are a French company, looks like they own most of our water.
@angloaust1575 2 месяца назад
Jesus never released the jews from roman bondage he said render unto caesar that which Is caesars.referring to taxes! They never had reps in the Roman senate!
@danjordan6387 2 месяца назад
“God save our 50 states long live United States. God save our states.”
@Gravelgratious 16 дней назад
Soon to be 52.
@swk38 2 месяца назад
need to read the grievances against tyrannical george, as they are listed in the declaration
@pcbacklash_3261 2 месяца назад
It wasn't "god" who saved our American states. It was the French (who now are scoffed at by imbeciles as 'surrenderers', thanks to WWII). Thank you, France. We'll always owe you big time!
@swk38 2 месяца назад
france was having their own civil strife at the time
@richardstephens5570 2 месяца назад
The U.S. repaid it's debt to France during WWII. We're even.
@mmgreen31 2 месяца назад
💯. And we repaid them, twice.
@pcbacklash_3261 2 месяца назад
@@mmgreen31 True enough!
@arlonfoster9997 Месяц назад
Yes this is why we shouldn’t look our noses down on the French because they helped us
@jaysonpida5379 2 месяца назад
...and then Washington on the continent and Franklin in Paris had to pull a 'miracle' out of their a&&es...
@kate2create738 Месяц назад
And that they achieved.
@fourthhorseman4531 17 дней назад
@@kate2create738 Thank God or good fortune or whatever for the right people in the right places at the right time!
@richrent 2 месяца назад
If 'Wendy Byrde' had appropriated her anger correctly.
@godssara6758 2 месяца назад
God Bless America
@davidwilkins3328 2 месяца назад
@BillElBumblingBowler 2 месяца назад
@rode8173 2 месяца назад
Hello from Korea. Great candidate.
@Bri-ed6jj 2 месяца назад
When they say reduce carbon, remember people are the carbon they are talking about reducing.
@connieclawson4115 2 месяца назад
What he isn't saying and is unclear about, is the wasted water that is not being used conservatively in the Southern part of Idaho but is simply flushed through making Idaho Power wealthy. It isn't a coincidence that Idaho Power Stock Prices rose exponentially the very day the water was shut off in Southeast Idaho!!
@mochimama 2 месяца назад
Thanks for getting this information out. So Jervois mining is "100 miles away"... I'm no expert on this issue but I know that the water requirements for mining are still immense so where are they drawing the water from? Also, technology is dependent on water for their production and cooling needs. Where is Micron getting their water from for the Twin Falls plant? Where is Meta going to draw water from at their Kuna location?
@railand 2 месяца назад
Congress is far from being full of experts. Chevron never stopped Congress from passing more detailed law/mandates. Not allow the experts we hire to fill those holes and requiring the political hacks in Congress to do the additional work of figuring out those details (they can barely do what they are already doing) is asking for trouble. We’ve just made more red tape for no gain.
@skippylippy547 2 месяца назад
This is great news! Thank you.
@PendeltonWhiskey 2 месяца назад
Attention Ontario citizens! What do you suppose will become of Ontario if it becomes part of Idaho? The economic engine that powers Ontario's economy is simply it's tax free status. Those thousands of Idaho shoppers driving over the bridge to shop tax free every day will be gone! Walmart will close down and all of the restaurants and businesses that thrive because they're in a sales tax free town will disappear. Also, your wages will drop 40% because Oregon's minimum wage is exactly 40% higher than Idaho's. In addition, you'll be paying sales taxes so essentially your real wages will have dropped a total of 50%. You could find yourself having to move to find work but unable to sell your house because the town is dying. Imagine yourself boarding up your house and walking away. But hey, a few rich ranchers will be happy! Don't fall for the fast talkers, think this out for yourself.
@Greater_Idaho 2 месяца назад
You might consider the whole tax package when comparing Idaho and Oregon. Oregon now has a corporate tax which the consumer absorbs, and property and income taxes are higher in Oregon. True that minimum wage is lower in Idaho, but that can also stimulate entry level jobs that wouldn't pencil out in Oregon. Your prediction about Ontario's economy seems exaggerated. Do you have any evidence to support it?
@PendeltonWhiskey 2 месяца назад
I was born in Ontario. I'm well aware of how important the tax free status is for Ontario and anyone (the sane ones anyway) who lives there is also well aware. You ask me for evidence but the onus is on you. Show me a study that shows that Ontario will be fine and dandy once the tax free status is gone. For the benefit of any interested person reading this, consider that sales tax is called a "regressive tax" for a reason. Sales taxes are primarily a tax on lower income earners. It's a tax that benefits the wealthy as they pay the same sales tax rate as low income earners who can often ill afford it. As the income level of a wealthy person goes up, the smaller the percentage of their income is paid in sales tax while the low income earners pay the highest percentage. Also, remember that when you pay a sales tax, you're paying that tax with already taxed income, so it's actually double taxation. Oregon citizens are very fortunate to not have a sales tax. As far as corporate taxes go, what you're promoting here is a lie. You claim that corporate taxes are bad for the citizenry and that's not in any way true. Anyone reading this, do a search using the following phrase: "8 key things to know about Oregon corporate taxes" Read that article and the truth will be revealed. Never believe the lie that corporate taxes are bad for you or for Oregon or America. Don't be fooled by the fast talkers
@PendeltonWhiskey 2 месяца назад
Why would Idaho want to take on the burden of supporting eastern Oregon as western Oregon has done for at least the last hundred years? Idaho is far less wealthy than Oregon is and simply can't afford it. The tiny number of tantrum throwers in eastern Oregon who want to join Idaho have shown a proclivity for biting the hand that feeds them, so why would Idaho want to feed them? Once the citizens in Idaho are made aware that this would create generations of skyrocketing taxes, they'll rise up against it. If they don't, Idaho businesses and jobs will leave and Idaho will become a bankrupt toilet bowl hellscape
@Greater_Idaho 2 месяца назад
The Greater Idaho idea has been voted on in 13 eastern Oregon counties, passing in all with an average margin of support of 60%. That's more than just a few tantrum throwers. Since 2007, Oregon has had a Democratic house, senate, and governor, and despite repeated efforts to engage in state government, many eastern Oregon residents don't feel like their interests are heard. Finding an alternative source of representative government using peaceful means outlined in the US constitution is far from biting the hand that feeds. While the economic bottom line would have to be sorted out in negotiations between the two states, there are other benefits to moving the border, such as a reduction in tension when people of similar values share a common state government.
@PendeltonWhiskey 2 месяца назад
@@Greater_Idaho #1 The vast majority of Oregon voters are against it and will never approve of it. #2 The Oregon state legislature will never approve it. #3 Once the Idaho citizens are given the honest numbers, they'll be horrified at the prospect of generations of soaring taxes for for the privilege of paying the bill for the eastern Oregon infrastructure that Western Oregon currently pays for. #4 The United States Congress will reject it, because it's simply a terrible idea at a tremendous cost with nothing to gain monetarily. It's just a stupid idea, nothing more than a fantasy. Anybody deluded enough to think that this could actually happen is living in a childish dream world. I see the posts that you're minions make. 99% of them appear to be made my children playing make believe which is cute when children do it, but it's just sad when adults do it.
@PendeltonWhiskey Месяц назад
@@Greater_Idaho You constantly whine about a lack of representation. This is another one of your lies. The truth is that eastern Oregonians get far greater representation than western Oregon residents BY FAR, because the number of people that western Oregon House and Senate members represent is far greater than the numbers of people the eastern Oregon representatives have in their constituency. So, the eastern Oregonians get plenty of representation. The problem is that eastern Oregonians continually vote for crooks to represent them. One example of that is Representative Greg Smith: GOP - District 57 (Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, Sherman, Wheeler, Wasco, Jefferson, Marion & Clackamas Counties) Greg Smith doesn't spend his time trying to help his constituents, he spends his time helping himself and he's been doing a great job of that for many years. Last year he made over a MILLION dollars. That's pretty good money for a guy from Hepner. He makes that money by peddling influence. He's not really a state representative, he's an influence peddler. He gets paid to be an "advisor" by any company that can afford him and then he goes back to Salem and greases the legislative skids for them there. What he spends his time on has nothing to do with benefiting his constituents, in fact he screws them left and right. He was involved with the Treasure Valley Reload Center project and he bilked them for years. He was supposed to be managing that project and he totally mismanaged it and did incredibly stupid things such as not doing a soil analysis resulting in the Railroads refusal to run trains on those tracks because they didn't like the idea of their locomotives sinking in the mud. Many millions of dollars in funding from the hard working taxpayers in Western Oregon were squandered in that bogg. Greg Smith screwed everybody in sight including the farmers who really need that reload project to keep their farms going. And you know what? Greg Smith will absolutely get voted in AGAIN and the eastern Oregonians that keep him in office where he can continually steal them blind will keep on whining about their lack of representation. Bet on it.
@JohnEas-nx9dr 2 месяца назад
Morons run colorado
@visitnamanga 2 месяца назад
@michaelmartinez5217 2 месяца назад
But you could take it from the savage natives that where there before the settlers.. Irony.
@djtlfox 2 месяца назад
It's not yours if you can't hold it. 😂
@michaelmartinez5217 2 месяца назад
@@djtlfox can't argue with that. Lol Everyones been fighting over lands since the beginning. One tribes origin story says there was red headed canable giants here already when their tribe first got here. So there's that.
@JohnEas-nx9dr 2 месяца назад
This is the most commie fucking thing ever … right to capture is the only way to go
@justafalcon5478 3 месяца назад
Your head has to be fake
@skippylippy547 3 месяца назад
IDVR needs a close inspection.
@blanehewitt8826 3 месяца назад
I don’t know, I find it funny that city folks, “downstream” are entitled to the water under your land. I wonder, how would the “downstream” folks feel when the upstream folks start mining the minerals under the downstream folks homes?
@watchwomandebrajesusistheway 3 месяца назад
Congratulations to Clint!!!
@watchwomandebrajesusistheway 3 месяца назад
Glad she won
@hyalitebozite 3 месяца назад
this guy should move to idaho, sounds like he would like it.
@blaneineagle 3 месяца назад
I can hear u