Hunter Aarniokoski
Hunter Aarniokoski
Hunter Aarniokoski
Your friendly neighborhood used-camera-ebay haunt
My massive flop of becoming a cinematographer
2 месяца назад
@rickyc1520 2 месяца назад
God 😭 I love you guys so much. This was so damn beautiful ❤️🥲
@annieejames 2 месяца назад
I love this and you guys so much 🥺
@Nemecys 2 месяца назад
This was a great video from a unknown youtuber - thanks for being real - thanks for sharing your experiences. I wish you ALL the best getting through this bizarre job market at times. Its funny because I work in Games (AAA) and the application process scrapes LinkedIn a lot of the time when you apply and i've never heard of systems like this in the UK But perhaps its more common place in companies that aren't top of their industry with more modest budgets. If its anything like the games industry - portfolio is EVERYTHING You should make a short film - you should make a short film sequence in Unreal! - You have infinite resources, time, assets, and the ability to save - if your passionate about capturing great imagery and with the turns being taken in the industry when it comes to LED Walls (Mandolrian, Fallout, etc) any Unreal experience will help you get where you going - and if your REALLY talented people might know its CGI :D Best of luck!
@tigerjoseph 2 месяца назад
Subscriber #30 here. Start pumping out more vids dude!
@tiansili 2 месяца назад
@SeitanicPanicc 2 месяца назад
You can think of it all as a very expensive way to make this, which is a pretty great video
@epiceli04 2 месяца назад
Hey man, I think I can really sympathize with you. I am 2 and a half months into making the plunge out of normal life, which for me was a study abroad for a year. I also am into cinematography and have gone into this with the idea that somehow I will get it figured out. I've had several moments at college where I consider the ideas of doing something that makes money versus something that I actually like. That's part of the reason I'm on this journey, I am exploring making videos and trying to identify what it is in me that drives me, so I can go forward with my life living in a way that I won't ever regret. The problem is I don't know how to turn doing what I like doing into money somehow. Somehow, the more I try at something the more it becomes a chore for me, no matter what it is. I was hoping that I would just be able to come here and make videos and maybe a path will reveal itself, but I'm here and I find myself struggling to even pick up the camera. I think you seem to at least have a direction that you're excited about and are willing to commit to and pursue, which is great. Don't take discouragement from the rejection that comes now, and have faith in your ability to grow and rise to the occasion. I know you can do it, and the struggle now will add all the more meaning to the sweet victory of the view from the summit. Keep going.
@OskarRadehed 2 месяца назад
Can totally relate! Keep it up, and keep us updating. Most people loves a good story in the making. Couple of years from now, you’ll look back at this moment and everything will have changed for the better. Every post, every shot, every creative idea will get you one step closer. Humble beginnings creates an appreciation for future success!
@burito27 2 месяца назад
really like this video
@brunopapic6295 2 месяца назад
get a job smh like 9-5 and film on the side and learn and keep grinding, lol 2 months is nothing.. i am working my ass of for years and just now starting to touch it.
@elcapitan008 2 месяца назад
The level of honesty that this took was refreshing in a sea of narcissism and everyone pretending they are doing perfectly. Best of luck navigating this bear of an industry.
@DA-fn4ss 2 месяца назад
I really needed this video. It's comforting that someone feels like I do (even though I'm ten years older than you). Happy I got recommended this video hope it takes off for you. You feel like a friend I could've had in another life.
@nimrod7785 2 месяца назад
I worked in probably the biggest companies in the world (not just cine work, google that), never had a system rejecting a resume. I was rejecting the resumes. Formatting was not a consideration. Recruiting agencies probably have systems to automate the cleanup, but is really stupid to do so based on design criteria. Just make your resume be dedicated to the job you're applying to. No unrelated stuff at all. Even personal projects can go there as long as are related. It's a difficult journey to get financial freedom and setup your own business. It will take a few good years, except if you are already connected to that industry. My suggestion is, stick to it. Use your free time like having a 10 hours job per day. Create projects and run them yourself, evolve your portfolio, publish your work, write blog post, 5 days a week do that. It will help you evolve, and make your intentions known. At least you're on a good location. I am in a location that is populated by goats and peasants! Good luck!
@ember1537 2 месяца назад
I believe in you mate
@myself3209 2 месяца назад
Put a picture on your CV and provide them easy access to a portfolio, which shows them your very best work. Its ok if its not a lot, quality over quantity. Imagine if youre working in an HR department, you wouldnt wanna read through hundreds of applications, you just wanna see who you are dealing with and if they are good at Cinematography (in your case).
@bodyaoboyshev 2 месяца назад
Bro, firstly - you should start such kind of “on the roof” podcast maybe hehe. Looks neat! Secondly, I don’t know how, but your video was recommended all the way to me, living in Ukraine. And it resonates much, even though our contexts are quite different. Thanks for sharing your struggles sincerely with us. You’re one step closer to the breakthrough. Believe in yourself, and work passionately. You can make it, like anyone around. Good luck, mate!
@lichensplace8472 2 месяца назад
Keep going man, don't give up no matter how many times you get told no. Don't feel like your not wanted or not good enough. Make work, get better and it will turn out.
@KarmReyes 2 месяца назад
Hey man im a DP and some advice i can give is to make some passion projects and build that portfolio of videos and grow your network and work for free as an assistant under directors and dps
@hunterdoubleaa 2 месяца назад
Thank you I will! Also we’re lucky that the passion projects really are fun on their own right
@simonjico 2 месяца назад
Keep making content 🤙