We Make Best
We Make Best
We Make Best
Flesh and Blood Content Creators

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I Won 2 PQ's With Prism | Deck Guide
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How to Beat Prism (In Depth Guide)
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NEW Kayo Deck is INSANE (Deck tech)
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FABTCG Interactions You Didn't Know Exist...
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Is Flesh and Blood More Difficult than MTG?
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NEW Dash I/O is S TIER (Gameplay)
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NEW Teklovossen deck is INSANE! (Gameplay)
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@jordanlego День назад
Briar main here, please share the Florian deck, please!
@kezkoal День назад
riptide can use feign death vs verdance or oscilio, and destroy theyr big moves.
@very_grey 3 дня назад
Most Kassai lists didn't even run Cash In, plus Unsheathed is a nice upgrade. Besides the Rosetta heroes which I have no idea about, she is even or better than most of the A and S tier heroes besides Enigma which is hard. I'd put her in High B, low A, personally. Much better than Dori for sure. Thats just my opinion with 200+ games on her.
@Shadowcyde13 4 дня назад
Put some respect on supercell, card has been cracked since release lol
@DU7SIECH 4 дня назад
Noob Question: Why is FAI always so low tier? We play FAI a lot and he's absolutely shredding everyone. I know that tome of firebrand is banned, but still, even without this card I cant see why he's so low tier. So I'm a little bit confused :D
@EmanuelBradeanu 3 дня назад
He was simply overshadowed by other heroes that do what he does, but better. He is just presenting big, vanilla damage, and Katsu was the better option, then Kayo also appeared. Then he lost one of his best matchups - Dromai and warriors were all over the place (and he doesn't like them). Then Zen came in, and he overshadowed both Fai and Katsu. Finally, Art of War ban was the final nail in the coffin.
@moxapple1839 4 дня назад
Deck tech on enigma?
@isaachudson9108 4 дня назад
Guaranteed LSS didn't think of 4-blocking the first attack with all the decompose cards in a single turn.
@mrmcmingle1 4 дня назад
This fucking video sucks bro, he didn't even mention my favourite hero, Teklovossen
@blakegodenzi9640 4 дня назад
Aiyo tell the guy at 20:45 to shut up with those gardening tools.
@stigmurder99 4 дня назад
Anywhere we can see that Verdance list? Im still trying to pick up some wizard cards and not sure what she wants
@garymack2069 4 дня назад
This is we make best, all decks are S tier
@SamuelpCameron 4 дня назад
New Ira where?!
@BBpaintball 4 дня назад
Your last video with the primal "Nooooo!" sceam was how I felt😅 I played Royal Riptide w/ Art of Wars and Cash-ins and was totally gutted by the BnR. With all the card draw in the Armory decks and Rosetta, it makes me wonder what the next few sets will include. I'm hoping for hero or class specific versions of Cash-in in the future.
@Shadowcyde13 4 дня назад
My local riptide messed me up with a build using some of the stuff from the armory deck. Rippy seems solid
@MrAvacardo 4 дня назад
I am a Vynsett main - would love to see a We Make Best on that deck
@ValariaxSword 4 дня назад
I think you are underrating Victor. He can go angry horse and beatdown the more defensive decks or he can switch into “oops all 3 blocks” and just out value anything else. I might be coping but I see him as more of an A-tier hero.
@kingludd3618 4 дня назад
What’s the Florian decklist?
@crayyonnyadrav4055 4 дня назад
The most ironic thing was just that lawnmower in the background just decomposing every Verdance action.
@AndersonThelles 4 дня назад
Verdance will be an A tier... It will be good, but still OK... But, oscilio will be a monster! He'll draw cards in your opponent turn, and in his turn with channel... Make tons of damage and later return all channel to his hand, play them again, draw extra cards.. He's huge!
@ninomiya3313 4 дня назад
Kinda excited on your new builds for the runeblade heroes. 😊😊 Meme decks always make it to day 2 and that's the plus
@kinglou1908 4 дня назад
Florian is the best deck I’ve ever seen. Tho I just started the game.
@maximlukin1633 4 дня назад
Gold has always been olympia's pay off, cash in would have just made it easier to play some aggressive turns but outside of that he ain't great still
@petermiller150 4 дня назад
Taking 5 seconds to squeez Uzuri into B tier without any explanation is tough
@Rihari1 4 дня назад
Keen on the deck tech for Vynsett and Florian
@reta_illust164 4 дня назад
I've been trying to learn a CC enigma list, do you have a current list after the bans? (Thanks!)
@stormiesarge 4 дня назад
Warriors have steelblade shunt, which is amazing into enigma
@arelavia225 4 дня назад
How is enigma s tier ?
@KaptnKrunch-c2g 4 дня назад
Viserai is top S. Fck yeah purple boi
@03Dropcast 4 дня назад
Thanks for the shout out! You're a legend! Keep up the awesome work!
@silverbullet230 4 дня назад
I am a die hard dori fan, and she is not going to feel very good in this upcoming meta. I think you placed her properly.
@cappadocius9379 4 дня назад
I really hope we can chill out with the power creep but feels like this set going to be like Mist. They really need to do a better job of balancing heroes with talents. Its crazy that not a single talentless hero has LL.
@nether1322 4 дня назад
I just started FAB and immediately gravitated towards DI/O, I sure did pick a convenient time to do so it seems (I am very pleased)
@thepitchstack 4 дня назад
She will be very hard to pick up so if you enjoy the grind of learning fab from a harder perpective, DIO is your girl!
@roninbyproxy 4 дня назад
In regards to Verdance the decompose part where you banish an action card too does anyone have any examples what would be a good action card to banish? :)
@Obwoodlandj 4 дня назад
Any card. If there are only 2 earth cards left in grave I’m keeping them there for next decompose
@11guitarbro 4 дня назад
I think the new dio only has 2 steam counter so if you crank it after playing it as a instance you’ll only get 1 draw
@k__nz 4 дня назад
Kassai on D tier is criminal imho. 3 of the 4 new decks do not have much in terms of interacting with sellswords efficiently. Slower matchups favor her as well, and with fewer fast decks she will be able to do what she does best. Also the best kassai lists in the last meta did not even run Cash In, it's not much of a loss as people think
@SerontTcg 4 дня назад
Ira is going to be the best ninja on her own right, but currently does not take much to be the best ninja, look at Aurora LoL *-cries in ninja main-*
@h.garrigos 4 дня назад
Starting FaB now and I really wanted to give vynnset a go, but was afraid of how poorly she placed in the meta. This gives me some hope, thanks!
@davyfromthenavy4248 4 дня назад
I wouldn't worry too much about what the tier lists/content creators say, or what the wider metagame looks like unless you're really trying to be as competitive as possible. Just play whatever you like, this game rewards knowing your hero & your matchups really well. So just play whatever you want to play.
@BunnymanGaming 4 дня назад
I have a local vynnset player who almost took down a living legend event with her, she is very good if you can play her well
@davyfromthenavy4248 4 дня назад
@@BunnymanGaming hard agree
@lasterman94100 3 часа назад
I wouldn't mind tier list if you're beginning as it's only if you're doing big events, also the added benefit to choose a "weaker" hero is that most cards are cheaper. That being said, the real challenge with Vynsett is more that the playstyle is unique and not forgiving if you misplay so keep that in mind, you might want to try a decklist on Talishar to get an idea before commiting money
@jamesnightingale5448 4 дня назад
I feel your pain! I just committed to kano and learning stacking about a month ago from your videos in particular. Was starting to get it and really like it then got hit with the ban 😢
@catpear.-ku3bx 4 дня назад
list looks good, meta seems really healthy. I think you're slightly underrating oscilio (cope)
@playphasebutton2113 4 дня назад
Na, he is just new, and people don't know what to do with him
@GarthV4nBell 4 дня назад
I'm big hyped on Verdance. She is going to be really fun to play, with a lot of power under the hood. I did some cheeky ceiling math and wound up with a 77+4 combo turn. She's neat. You can push that up to 145+7 if you set up over 2 turns. And even outside her wild ceiling she just plays efficient turns. It's real hype shit
@mrmcmingle1 4 дня назад
What a great tier list. I enjoyed watching every minute of this video.
@quickestturtlez5362 4 дня назад
Need that verdance gameplay
@MasBuleMain 4 дня назад
@patrickweiss5063 5 дней назад
Runeblades and their ability to blow up auras unconditionally is something you missed. They are going to absolutely smash Enigma.
@dozermox9785 4 дня назад
We make best are often wrong with most things... This channel is more entertainment than anything else, just look at the trash "tier 1" decks they bring out.
@slotholopolis2314 5 дней назад
Losing Cash In just neutered my girl Kassai. Having her below Betsy is such an insult lol. Hopefully we get a warrior- specific way to use golds
@EewZEE 5 дней назад
are you dropping a verdance list soon?
@kevinjordan_number1_fan 5 дней назад
hey can I ask you to share your Vynn list? nice vid btw - clear, concise and informative
@WeMakeBest 5 дней назад
@kevinjordan_number1_fan 5 дней назад
​@@WeMakeBest brill thanks so much - just started a month ago and enjoying vynn a lot. looking forward to rosetta. how essential would you say the spellbound creepers are? they are so expensive rn
@FaBtin1185 4 дня назад
@@kevinjordan_number1_fan I think they are really helpful for the hero. But you may be able to use Sutcliffe boots or proxy if your local allows it. Just to get a feel for it! Welcome to the Vynnset fam! I used to stream regularly if you wanna check out some MST set gameplay check out the channel!
@kevinjordan_number1_fan 4 дня назад
@@FaBtin1185 I'm using Sutcliffe now and they're okay - but probably gonna pick creepers up sooner or later just because they seem really strong and also fun lol, Vynn is sick
@itspowne 5 дней назад
Thank you for sharing this, loved the thought process!
@WeMakeBest 5 дней назад
Appreciate you homie ✊
@misterjackpots 5 дней назад
Kano is dead, long live Kano
@WeMakeBest 5 дней назад
Pouring out the 40. as we speak