Creating LoFi music for relaxing studying moments.. Japanese Lofi or normal Relaxing Lofi we got you covered.
Enjoy and experience the beauty of asia through music.

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@Argas108 3 дня назад
Its refreshing when the playlist is not a song looped for 5 hours
@jemsoul 6 дней назад
@sde751 8 дней назад
So relaxing and peaceful
@lofi_samurai_trip_831 8 дней назад
This beat turns my morning alarm into a wake-up celebration. Who needs coffee when you have these vibes? 🌞🎶
@LoFiUkiyo777 12 дней назад
To everyone reading this, I pray that your pain and worries ease soon. May dark thoughts, overthinking, and doubt leave your mind. Let clarity replace confusion, and may peace and calmness fill your life.
@turtlebeatstudios 13 дней назад
one of the elite and legendary musics to ever exist
@Katyayanibetha 14 дней назад
@LoFiTakumi 15 дней назад
I also want to build a great Lofi channel like you but maybe now it's just a dream but it will definitely turn into my goal ❤
@lofiontheninghtmusic 17 дней назад
I don't want much, I just want the person reading this to be healthy, happy, and loved. Wishing you a good day my friend.
@user-xn4gn6ul3y 16 дней назад
back to u, kindred soul
@gs4159 18 дней назад
Is this mix available on Spotify?
@nejcfink7904 23 дня назад
@Livingalonelofi 23 дня назад
To whoever is reading this, may your days be filled with endless joy, boundless success, and a heart full of contentment.
@BrandonMcCurry999 23 дня назад
Tick tock
@DreamyChillLoFi-V 28 дней назад
Your compositions are a symphony of emotions, each note a brushstroke on the canvas of my soul. Thank you for the masterpiece
@taken1st7982 29 дней назад
God has not given us the Spirit of fear, But of POWER and of LOVE and of A SOUND MIND. 2 TIMOTHY 1:7 I send you peace.
@DreamyChillLoFi-V 29 дней назад
I want to thank the artist for creating this masterpiece.
@LoFiHouseGrooves 29 дней назад
This track is a reminder that beauty exists in simplicity.
@Yuuichi399 29 дней назад
/pin Hey you, yes, i'm talking to you, you clicked on this vid to relax/study or whatever so stop scrolling comments and get back to work buddy
@DreamyChillLoFi-V Месяц назад
Lofi music: the ultimate remedy for a stressed-out mind. Let's vibe together, friends.
@AmbientStudyBeats Месяц назад
Take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of lofi music. We're all in this chill journey together.
@niallhamblin Месяц назад
⚡⚡Sub Jutsu ⚡⚡
@Katyayanibetha Месяц назад
Love your music so much!
@max.m.8873 Месяц назад
@Juzcuzlo-fi Месяц назад
Soo relaxing thank you for sharing men!
@SereneSoundscapeLoFi-V Месяц назад
Your compositions are a symphony of emotions, each note a brushstroke on the canvas of my soul. Thank you for the masterpiece
@TranquilTunesLoFi-V Месяц назад
It's the soundtrack to lazy Sunday mornings and quiet nights spent lost in thought.
@nerbistudiorecords2706 Месяц назад
14k views I’m probably the half of it
@corbanekstedt5678 Месяц назад
I like turtles.
@MarkWerner-te1jq Месяц назад
@believe-in-yourself Месяц назад
Whoever reads this I wish your life to be full of colours, as a cherry blossoms blooms, may you always flourish in love and happiness. ❤
@Sub2_EvocativeLofiandHiphop Месяц назад
This person's channel would be booming if they posted a few times a week for sure. This is really cool
@SoulfulChillhopVibes Месяц назад
Sending you warm wishes for a day filled with happiness and blessings! Let the soothing sounds of Lofi music bring you tranquility.
@theFlowStateStudio Месяц назад
beautiful background and music! Japanese LOFI hits different
@frankiest100 Месяц назад
God gave us proof of his existence - and his love - in the Bible. Yes, faith is required, but he helps anyone who asks with that, and gives us his living Word, besides. A little proof: 1. Job 38:7 references the fact that the stars "sing," which was unknown at the time the Bible was written. Scientists now know that the stars sing at a frequency that the human ear cannot pick up. 2. Job 38:31-32 In these verses God is telling Job the things he can, and does, do, by providing examples: -"Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades..." Scientists now know that Pleiades is a group of 250 stars bound together by by mutual gravitational attraction, traveling together in the same direction. -"...or loose the bands of Orion?..." Modern instruments showed scientists and astronomers that the 3 star "belt" of *Orion is, over the course of thousands of years, drifting slowly apart, and will one day no longer be aligned. -"...Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season?..." Mazzaroth is the hebrew word for "constellations," which were made by God for "signs" and "seasons," because God knew that humans would use the accuracy of the night sky to measure time and distance. -"...Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?" Scientists discovered that Arcturus, which appears to the unaided eye to be a single star, is actually one star with 52 additional stars (or sons) connected directionally, and traveling as if a hand guided them through the heavens. This group travels so fast, breaking all the rules of physics, that scientists call them a "law unto themselves." 3. Job 38:30 "The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen." Did you know that 3 quarters of earth's water is locked underground in a layer of ice and rock? Because scientists only discovered that recently, in spite of the Bible recording this fact thousands of years ago. 4. In Revelation 21:19 The 12 foundation stones, or gems, of New Jerusalem are listed, and every one is anisotropic. That means they produce a rainbow-colored array when scientists hit them with polarized (pure) light. Isotropic gems (like diamonds), however, only look black under the same light. Out of the 28 stones generally regarded as gems, only 16 of them are anisotropic - the chance of randomly selecting those 12 gems in Revelation are 1 in a 1000. "...and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald." Rev. 4:3 5. Genesis 2:7 says God formed men from the dust of the ground. Researchers at NASA's Ames research center confirmed that every element in man can be found in the soil! 6. Genesis 17:12 commands specifically that male babies be circumcised on the 8th day. Doctors now know that for the first 7 days of life, an infant's blood will not clot properly, but on the 8th day their prothrombin levels are elevated above one hundred percent of normal, and is the ONLY day in a male's life that this will be the case. It is literally the ideal day to heal from the procedure. 7. Numerous verses in the bible direct God's people to wash their hands in RUNNING water, to quarantine sick individuals and have them wear a face covering (mask), and disinfect their clothing. He directed his people to bury their bodily wastes away from camp, throw away clay pots that touched dead things (clay pots can absorb pathogens), avoid unclean animals (the eating of which caused diseases. Ex. monkeys caused AIDS, rodents the plague, pigs the flu and tapeworms, and bats the covid virus), and never to eat animals that died of natural causes. This is all before the existence of germs was even heard of! During the time it was written, human and animal feces were used as a common cure-all for diseases, and lizard blood and dead mice were used in healing ointments. Yet the Bible was teaching practices far ahead of its time and contrary to the popular “medicine” in use. 8. Amos 9:6 details how God calls forth the waters of the sea and pours them out again on the earth. Yet the water cycle of evaporation, vapor rising and becoming clouds, falling, and making its way back to the ocean wasn't discovered until 300 years ago by Galileo. 9. Job 26:7 says the earth is hung upon nothing, and Isaiah 40:22 calls the earth a circle. This was written centuries before these facts were proven, and in fact most of the earth at that time believed that the world was a flat disc that sat upon a turtle's back, or the shoulders of the God Atlas. 10. The "father of oceanography" Matthew Maury read the expression "paths of the sea" in Psalms and went out to look for them, leading to the discovery of cold and warm continental currents. The bible also talks about the existence of deep channels and fountains in the seas, which scientists were only able to discover in the past few hundred years with modern technology. 11. Names, places, peoples, and events that were recorded ONLY in the bible, and speculated by some to be made up, have slowly been corroborated by archeological evidence, especially in the last few hundred years. Read "A Christian's Guide to Evidence for the Bible" by J. Daniel Hays for 101 instances in which show how extremely historically accurate the Bible really is. 12. Ezekiel 26:4 foretold that the city of Tyre would be destroyed and scraped flat, and made into a desolate place where fishermen would spread their nets on, and that her timber and stones and dust would be laid in the midst of the water. Nebuchadnezzar did conquer the city, and when the inhabitants fled to a nearby island, he destroyed the city in a rage. 250 years later Alexander the Great scraped those same ruins flat, using them to build a causeway in the middle of the sea in order to reach the new island city of Tyre who resisted his attempts to conquer them. This is only one of many detailed prophecies fulfilled in the bible. 13. There’s a reason “Light” is mentioned so many times in the Bible. -Life and Light are often correlated in the Bible, like in Ephesians 5:14 “Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee LIGHT.” Scientists recently discovered that a flash of light sparks at the very moment a human sperm cell makes contact with an egg. Just like the passage above says, the moment life comes into existence is marked by light! -What’s even more incredible is the fact that some eggs burn brighter than others, which is a direct indication of their ability to develop into a healthy embryo, a team from Northwestern University found. The brighter the light, the stronger the health. Isaiah 58:8 “Then shall thy LIGHT break forth as the morning, and thine HEALTH shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward.” -Ever wonder why so many Bible verses talk about Godly people’s faces/countenances shining, as in Exodus 34:30 “So when Aaron and all the sons of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his FACE SHONE, and they were afraid to come near him.” It has been known for many years that all living creatures produce a small amount of light as a result of chemical reactions within their cells, but Japanese scientists captured the first ever images of human "bioluminescence.” The light is a thousand times weaker than the human eye can perceive. In the online journal PLoS ONE, researchers describe how they imaged volunteers' upper bodies using ultra-sensitive cameras over a period of several days. Their results show that the amount of light emitted follows a 24-hour cycle, at its highest in late afternoon and lowest late at night, and that the brightest light is emitted from the CHEEKS, FOREHEAD and NECK. Strangely, the areas that produced the brightest light did not correspond with the brightest areas on thermal images of the volunteers' bodies. -Genesis 1:2-3 “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” Physicists in England claim they’ve discovered how to create matter from light (Steven Rose and Oliver Pike), by smashing together individual massless photons - a feat that was theorized in 1934, and has been considered practically impossible until now. In 1934 physicists Breit and Wheeler proposed that two photons could be smashed together to produce an electron and positron - in other words, that light can be converted into matter, and vice versa. It’s believed that the Big Bang itself - during the first 100 seconds of the creation of the universe - would’ve played host to these photon-photon collisions. After reading this, doesn’t it seem possible that when God said “Let there be light,” he made more than just light, but matter also? He gave form to the massless void with a burst of light, in mere seconds creating the building blocks of life. A proper study of the Bible will reveal so much more proof. Open your KJV Bible, and utilize youtube vids like Walter Veith's Total Onslaught Series and The Genesis Conflict, and Imad Awde or Nader Mansour's studies. Ellen White's The Conflict of the Ages books can be read online for free, as well as Uriah Smith's Daniel and the Revelation.
@SammySaganib Месяц назад
@UrbanLoFiBeats-V Месяц назад
It's like a gentle rain on a summer afternoon, refreshing and cleansing in its simplicity.
@phaaze3096 Месяц назад
This sounds fantastic. It's so calming and serene, but so full of energy at the same time. The tracks feel slightly slowed(?), which gives all the tracks a different vibe. Fits great with the rain. I love it. Also, thanks for not making the thunder too loud, yet it's still got that lovely rumble to it.
@Thesupr3medad Месяц назад
I hope you all win all the battles you never talk about. ❤ live strong, love hard, and never give up.
@1pink2stink Месяц назад
To anybody that's reading this, please remember that you shouldn't juggle knives. I can't even pick my nose properly any more. Treasure your human digits and don't juggle dangerous objects.
@YashofKRSNA Месяц назад
The warrior has stopped for a bit now, he can see the moon. And he can fight lions and tigers, but still he's smiling. He ran away from a lost battle, and in the darkness, he finds a fallen flute. He plays it, and he cries... And when he opens his eyes, he discovers him being a young farmer who dozed off on a field of sunflowers...
@nhuymai9348 23 дня назад
These words are really beautiful ♥️
@konstantyszymanski7946 Месяц назад
Very relaxing and calm music. 🎵
@trunghieutran2673 Месяц назад
Yea, DCODBoiz in the trap life Just ask the lonely Chỉ tôn thờ sự cô đơn Cuộc đời sương gió làm lạnh đôi bàn tay Đời cô đơn đó chỉ có ta mới cảm thấy x 2 Đời cô đơn đó.. Yea yea Châu á Sài Gòn cô độc như là sói hoang Không ánh đèn trên lối mòn con đường trở nên tối hơn Trở về nhà an toàn, trời cao con đội ơn Con nhỏ đó xuất hiện làm cuộc đời tao rối lên Sao những tờ VNĐ có thể làm tụi tao vui hơn Tao đang hỏi sự cô đơn Tao đang hỏi sự cô đơn Sao lại vẫy tay chào với những thằng vô ơn Mày chỉ cần hỏi sự cô đơn Chỉ cần hỏi sự cô đơn Từ thị trấn Bồng Sơn rồi đi vào Quy Nhơn, Sài Gòn city Cùng những anh em tri kỷ cũ Li bì Những lời thị phi tao đéo muốn nghĩ gì Tao biết ai cũng cần money Và vì thế tao vẫn còn lonely Chuyện tình đến Rồi đi... Nhưng còn đồng chí Thì vội chi Sống hợp tình, làm việc hợp lý Wanna be free, Just ask the lonely Chỉ tôn thờ sự cô đơn Chỉ cần hỏi sự cô đơn Chỉ tôn thờ sự cô đơn Chỉ cần hỏi sự cô đơn Chì tôn thờ sự cô đơn Chỉ tôn thờ sự cô đơn Chỉ tôn thờ sự cô đơn Yea yea DopeB: Nhạc của tụi tao là DC Còn nơi tao phải chọn OD Từng châu á hợp rồi phân ly Nhưng đó đâu có nghĩa lý gì Vui rồi cũng sẽ gặp buồn đau Tại sao 2 chúng ta lại cần nhau? 1 mình 1 mình trong phòng flow Sắm ketamine lên nấu Đấm cho đam mê lên mau Sống mà ta không quên sầu Trong màn đêm thâu Không một chút sáng tâm hồn tao là nơi đâu Luôn một cảm giác mọi thứ như lúc bắt đầu Trăm niềm trăm niềm đau Con quỷ trong tao ngâm mình ngâm mình lâu Tao đéo muốn ân tình bên mình lâu Cô ta, đéo bền lâu Rồi tao chỉ muốn bịch đồ Cuốn rồi hút với DCO Đi trong show, mấy con đĩ Đừng nên bu vô Để tao 1 mình Bay vào hư vô Sống là phải cần trình yeah người nặng đô như Naruto Sinh tại SG và cái tên của tao là DopeB Trong màn đêm như là Shinobi Thổi trên từng âm ly Thêm 1 bi, uống thêm 1 ly Như là DCOD Anh cần nhau, hay thằng em cần nhau Chung 1 Gang là homies Sol: Chuyện tình đến, rồi đi Nhưng còn đồng chí Thì vội chi Sống hợp tình yah Làm việc hợp lí Wanna be free, just ask the lonely Chỉ tôn thờ sự cô đơn Chỉ cần hỏi sự cô đơn Chỉ tôn thờ sự cô đơn Chỉ cần hỏi sự cô đơn Chì tôn thờ sự cô đơn Chỉ tôn thờ sự cô đơn Chỉ tôn thờ sự cô đơn Yea yeahhhhhhhilliuzinrock
@Tartarubi Месяц назад
This really heals the soul and helps to forget the hard times. Thank you.
@whatdoyowannaknow Месяц назад
i am leaving this comment here so every time someone likes it ill come and listen to this master piece again <3
@salmanmusfik701 Месяц назад
Just perfection. The sound, melody, picture just pushed away the hardcore reality and took me to place where peace is attainable.
@johnnynesbit8289 Месяц назад
By this we know what love is: Jesus laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone with earthly possessions sees his brother in need, but withholds his compassion from him, how can the love of God abide in him? Little children, let us love not in word and speech, but in action and truth
@abhisheksarkar7721 Месяц назад
I just wanted to say that I love you guys. I love you all and I know it might sound crazy but it's from the inside I can't help it😢. It's because I am too broke to hate anyone & hold any grudges about anyone.
@Lo-fiVibes777 Месяц назад
"Hey there! Just wanted to drop by and say how much I vibe with your content. Your lofi beats are like a cozy blanket for the soul - perfect for unwinding after a long day. I've been tuning in regularly and it's become a staple in my relaxation routine. By the way, I recently started my own lofi channel, inspired by creators like you. Any tips or advice you have for improving my videos would be gold! Keep spreading those chill vibes 🎵✨"www.youtube.com/@Lo-fiVibes777
@shreyas_devke_2009 2 месяца назад
Could we use them in our yt videos without copyright
@TheAstralOrchid 2 месяца назад
Absolutely beautiful mix. Deebu, thank you for being you. Have an amazing day everyone! 😊