Mindful Art with Kris
Mindful Art with Kris
Mindful Art with Kris
Welcome to my YT Channel!

I am Kris Rudarmel. I have been on a Healing Journey since 2005. In 2021, I introduced Quantum Healing to my Mind, Body and Spirit. WOW! I'll be sharing all the greatness with you here on my channel.

I'll be sharing art journaling and mixed media techniques, collages (fodder) and doodling - and much, much more!!

Because I no longer numb with alcohol and food, I stay in my power with Stillness, Gratitude and a Radical Self-Love Practice. I am continually discovering how to Heal. What I share here on my channel, will also help you with healing and creating your Best Life!

I have realized that the more I create art, the more it calms my nervous system down, the more I'm able to deal with the bumps along my beautiful, magical journey. Would you love that also?

Always Remember "I Believe In You"

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