Polyvagal Institute
Polyvagal Institute
Polyvagal Institute
Polyvagal Institute serves as the founding home of Polyvagal Theory.
Launched in 2020, PVI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with Dr. Stephen Porges and Deb Dana as two of the founding members. Come take a course with us, attend an in-person or online event, and learn how and why safety, connection, and community are essential to the human experience.

Polyvagal Theory emphasizes the role the autonomic nervous system --especially the vagus nerve-- plays in regulating our health and behavior. Created and developed by Stephen Porges, PhD, the theory describes the physiological/psychological states which underlie our daily behavior as well as challenges related to our wellness and mental health. By applying Polyvagal Theory to our personal lives as well as to disciplines such as medicine, education, and management, we can understand how safety, co-regulation, and connection are paramount to a healthy human experience.

@tracirex День назад
it would be great to hear identity first language use for the neurodivergent community. you can say "your autistic client" instead of "your client on the autism spectrum". thank you.
@annamarsch6091 День назад
This was a wonderful wonderful talk. Thank you very much.
@leebradford5033 3 дня назад
& suddenly so much of my life makes sense. Huge thanks for the work you do.
@adamrosefire 9 дней назад
The host microphone is terrible. I just can’t listen to this.
@bronsonstone725 9 дней назад
This is a great tool to add to the toolbox. I have had significant symptoms which doctors including a professor of psychiatry diagnosed as anxiety and panic disorder, unfortunately they all disregarded my opinion. It turns out due to mercury fillings being haphazardly removed I became toxic, this toxicity impaired my gut microbiome which caused dysbiosis, which caused malnutrition (I am not underweight, just under nourished). I have slowly improved my nutritional status, but no thanks to 100% of doctors. I try various supplements based off research, I react to some, this indicates something, and I accumulate plenty of information, observations etc. One of the many supplements I tried a couple of years ago was thiamine, about 300mg benfotiamine, 100mg TTFD, 100mg HCL per day, this did nothing so after 12 months I dropped this level of dosing and just went to 100mg HCL. However earlier this year I tried again and wow, my symptoms increased significantly.... so me being me and not a doctor, I asked, "why, what would cause that", I further researched in this direction, and turns out that the reason I didn't react the first time, was because my gut microbiome had an overabundance of thiamine degrading bacteria coupled with the enzymes such as pyruvate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase were inactive, where as after much supplementing and working at eliminating the toxins the enzymes were able to be reactivated. I was low in many nutrients, not just thiamine, but thiamine is essential because of the effect it has on the CNS, ANS and digestion, but the other nutrients are also required, so it's a puzzle to try and get things working. And I should add, one of the doctors did test my thiamine blood serum levels, and they was slightly high, so the doctor confidently said my thiamine is fine, unfortunately it's not that simple, thiamine in the blood doesn't indicate thiamine in the brain, liver, etc. etc. Thiamine in the blood doesn't mean it is being utilised, if you have petrol in you cars fuel tank, doesn't mean the fuel is getting to the engine, you know it's getting to the engine by checking the exhaust. Similarly we need to test metabolites to know if the thiamine is actually being used, I'm not certain, but from memory it might be transketolase. It is far too simplistic to say psychological symptoms have a psychological cause. And it's far too simplistic to test blood serum.... it's a bizarre world where the standard for professionals is one of incompetence.
@ginaiosef 11 дней назад
Thank you! ❤ I consider Dr. Porges a teacher, and I am always grateful for his lessons. I had and have around me, abandoned cats and kittens, for almost 20 years now. I've learned from them that they don't know the level of my pain if I don't let them know, usually by screaming. I am communicating like this to let them know if and how much they have to go playing. I don't like it but that's the only way I found so far.
@WallaceLawrence-o8x 17 дней назад
White Christopher Robinson Maria Young Kenneth
@drsandhyathumsikumar4479 17 дней назад
I really liked the way seth porges talks about Dr Porges ..respect love but non competative ..He is standing tall by himself ..bravo to both ths father and son ❤ what a legacy to leave to next generation . Profoundly moving to each of us as a parent and an adult child ! Intergeneration bridges of healing .namaste to both.❤🎉❤
@TundraMan907 18 дней назад
My counselor used some polyvagul techniques and was very perceptive to my body language while going through our first session. I felt heard, engaged, and confident. Truly thankful to have found my counsels. She gave me this as homework before our next session
@WallaceLawrence-o8x 18 дней назад
Davis Laura Walker Barbara White Laura
@adrianaley3575 22 дня назад
El gusto y necesidad se rompe en géneros: yo aumento la velocidad en los videos porque me gusta que vayan rápido y al grano porque si no pierdo la atención 🤦🏻‍♀️😀👌
@mariaisabelalvareztorres3864 23 дня назад
La versión en inglés está muy bien narrado, se entiende muy bien. El tono de voz dinámico y pausado permite la comprensión y disfrute del video. Sin embrago, la versión en español está narrada como a la prisa y en un tono neutro que tiende a ser monótono y por ende aburrido al escucharlo. Si pudieran grabarlo más pausado y con un tono más vivo en la narración sería magnífico. De todas formas muchísimas gracias por este gran recurso!!
@peggy9254 11 дней назад
le baje el ritmo el los settings a .75
@Neilgs 24 дня назад
I see a slight, contradiction in what Steve is addressing @23.00 with respect to what he had just addressed prior (e.g., therapist in a war zone and naturally there adaptive high defensive fight/flight sympathetic-adrenal response, which can also be applied albeit on another scale with a therapist who is dealing with their own complex PTSD trauma history). Naturally, you cannot shift states intentionally (e.g., "Now I must do this somatic movement, dance, yoga, pranayama" etc.) in order to then be most available for my clients. I feel that part of being more compassionate is being less evaluative. Yet, the obvious contradiction (not conceptually but driven by a certain degree of urgency which can then of course naturally increases defense) is you cannot shift states to be more available for your clients on cue or intention. Yes, you can allow moments to slip in. Slowing down, longer exhales, etc. However, I think (equally so) it is much more compassionate and mindful if we refrain from being too evaluative on ourselves. To go off on a directly related but slight tangent, Deb Dana once said during a conference (and I am paraphrasing) that she "...Advises clinic directors not to have their therapists see their patients unless they can be to some moderate degree in ventral otherwise what use as a therapist or how useful can you really be with your patient." (the implication that you are just exacerbating more defenses by your less presencing or availability with your patient which can be more deleterious than good). I took umbrage to that. I vehemently disagree and that is how shall we say a bit unsuspectingly extraordinarily evaluative. Even as therapists we are of course first and foremost humans with our own varying degrees of defenses and trauma. To be a minimal optimal state is not always available. So, I think a much more productive and compassionate disposition would be an emphasis on being okay with where we are (rather than the implication you should not be seeing patients at that time if you cannot get to a sufficient degree of ventral, which then of course creates, to whatever degree a defense against it). We bring what we can bring. We need to honor and respect where we are. By doing so we are then (not by intention) paradoxically and incidentally more available. Overall this interview with Steve was wonderful, most enjoyable to watch.
@jennyelenihealth 25 дней назад
Thank you for this amazing podcast!!! I find this fascinating. I’m a bodyworker and recently teach touch techniques for application on the aged. I wonder if he could speak about polyvagal theory for that sector of the population. I found that when treating my mum who had dementia- the moment I was massaging her face /head area, she changed dramatically. She loved it and just soaked it up. Together with using other remedial techniques, Over time her dysphagia also improved dramatically. Now I know that it was also her Social nervous system stimulated and nourished! I was into the “ventral vagal without knowing it/naming it. I also maintained constant face to face contact (no horrible mask like all the staff were wearing). Ooooh this is an exciting field! I hope Stephen might share his view on the elderly too.
@jennyelenihealth 25 дней назад
Thank you. Cant wait to listen. Whilst I listen intently to this video, could you recommend other videos or material where Stephen discusses the social nervous system, particularly the face & vagal tone? I recently heard Dr Robert Schleip mention this. I have great interest in this, particularly with the elderly and even moreso those in aged care. Thank you for sharing important work for us all. Greetings from Australia.
@Gypsy218 2 месяца назад
Do you have research that shows that lateral eye movement affects the parasympathetic nervous system? And yes, it does matter. If you're going to make claims about the nervous system there needs to be some science. Saying that moving your eyes impacts the brain means nothing, every single thing impacts your brain.
@jules7574 2 месяца назад
Thank you so, so much for this. I am a Health Coach who healed my own nervous system using a similar toolbox (hence the career change). I'm putting together a programme for clients, but was finding it challenging to articulate the different ideas and Amanda's talk really does simplify things beautifully. Book ordered and will be recommending it to others! Love the illustrations, too.
@onebreathwell-being 2 месяца назад
Wow! This has been one of the best PV talks I've have watched! You are truly a gift to all of our lives Amanda. Your book looks amazing! It is wonderful to be able to have a resource that has such an holistic and whole systems approach with very accessible tools for both practitioners and clients. My background is also health and well-being. I'm also a trained Buteyko Breathing Coach. When I met the Polyvagal Theory it was like having a big epiphany! Movement and the breath are great state changes. Add in polyvagal theory and we have something. I love how personalised your examples are and I see how that is a reflection of your PT background. Awesome! Thank you so very much! 💚💙🌀🙏🏻
@AllanFriesen 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much Amanda Armstrong! You are a gifted healer.
@anitoroyan272 2 месяца назад
You missed an important thing Seth: community building should be our full time job. Feed your next door neighbor and find a need and provide it. They teach this to entrepreneurs about creating a business. For Goodness sake, you are as rich as the number of friends you nurture. Jesus taught this with the way he lived. Go to any American church today and the preacher is on a pedestal like a performer doing a job. After service, his job is done. Jesus was on call 24/7.
@onebreathwell-being 2 месяца назад
Thank you so very much Amber! The science is always catching up 😊💚💙💙🙏🏻
@kellidoty1 2 месяца назад
I Love PolyVagal Theory & Stephen Porges! I've already given up social media
@ColinMullock 2 месяца назад
I London under ground tube fire people froze unable to react, some fleed into fire . And then other people remained calm logical. So we see danger threats cause primative brain to over rule our logical more modern brain.
@christinabush100 2 месяца назад
Seth thank you for developing such a succinct and simple way of explaining your fathers work - brilliant
@playhealing3064 2 месяца назад
This is wonderfully encouraging 🫶 I’m so excited about where things will lead.
@monica1808 2 месяца назад
beautiful, thank. youso much <33
@bloooeyes3 3 месяца назад
Wow thank you for the simple language - I can put my dictionary away now Seth 😅😅😅
@tiffanywalsh5526 3 месяца назад
Excellent video. Thank you. It explains the ANS really well, and the visual was helpful. I really liked the blended states of 'safe and mobilised' and 'safe and immobilised'. I am curious, however, that with co-regulation, you suggest choosing to be with people that offer safety. I think this is partly helpful, yet what about the times we just don't have the choice? I have been practising something called The Work of Byron Katie, which offers the opportunity to sit in stillness and meditation to question the things that cause me to feel unsafe (my thinking). With practice, things that felt unsafe dissipate, and I feel more regulated. Likewise, EMDR, as I am experiencing it, can have similar effects: what once was alarming to my ANS has no velcro or rub, and my nervous system is calmer. My experience with The Work of Byron Katie allows me to accept reality and use what feels threatening to learn from, AND that doesn't mean I put myself in serious danger. I mean the situations that I perceive as dangerous but really aren't. I hope I'm making sense. There are so many options to meet the ANS and learn to open up my mind and heart, and it is exciting that there are options. It feels more controlling to eliminate perceived unsafe people (and if that is all one can do to feel calm and safe, I get it). I like to practice self-inquiry first to understand myself and also a deeper understanding of others, which in turn brings more compassion (self and others) and peace to my world. I can be around once-perceived vexatious spirits and am in peace and connection with myself and others. And it doesn't mean I force myself to be around them. Thank you. Thought-provoking for me.
@TravisGoodman 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for having me on to have this conversation!
@feyree999 4 месяца назад
@SandraEfferveScience 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much, what a great interview! When we cross Dr Porges and Dr Maté's books we do wanna explore polyvagal theory for inflammatory and autoimmune deseases, thank you for bringing this topic here!
@noellecuisine8912 4 месяца назад
❤ what a great conversation! Thank you for sharing!
@TravisGoodman 4 месяца назад
Such a great interview! I also had the amazing honor to talk with Dr Porges on my pod the Integrated Man Project!
@noellecuisine8912 4 месяца назад
❤ thank you for this amazing conversation
@robertafierro5592 4 месяца назад
This is WHY telehealth mental.health visits are no good. You need to meet with the Patients face to face to feel.the aura and real demeanor this is a Professional. I cant wait ro read the book.
@thekangaroo42 4 месяца назад
32:32 What if we don't feel safe around anyone, family included?
@ginaiosef 4 месяца назад
Thank you for this wonderful interview! I admire Dr. Porges's work immensely and with so much gratitude. He mentioned, regarding human evaluation, religion, education, and medicine. I used to consider these fields sacred, sacred jobs, all having to do with caring for the human soul, mind, and body. Now I understand how easy it is to break a human, just consider the most vulnerable aspects . One would think they are working together to put back the whole human being. Instead, looks like they are fighting over, every one wants its piece of this poor human being. Thank you again! ❤
@leonarddemolvanotterloo9110 4 месяца назад
Informatief filmpje!
@BeatizRodriguezPerez 5 месяцев назад
Please change this translation. I’m bilingual and wanted to send this to my parents as they struggle with mental health issues but the translation is terrible and feels rushed and inspiring…the total opposite from the English narration. Please change it so I can share this wonderful video
@PolyvagalInstitute 4 месяца назад
Thank you for your feedback- we are working on it!
@energybubble 4 месяца назад
@@PolyvagalInstitute thank you!
@BeatizRodriguezPerez 5 месяцев назад
Por favor cambien la traducción es horrible y acelerada. No ayuda a entender al información birn
@xoshelbz 5 месяцев назад
What do you do when you know all this information and keep trying to learn more because none of the techniques are working, and you can’t work so you don’t have any money to get help, or any friends or family because you’ve been in self-isolation for years unable to get up even for basic daily self care and everyone sees you as a burden so you don’t have anyone to speak to even though you want to and try to. Also, I’m safe, and I actually feel safe, so that’s not the problem.
@zccocco 17 дней назад
So sorry but to hear
@gilbrook 5 месяцев назад
Where would I find more information on the fawn response and how it relates to dissociation & appeasement?
@PolyvagalInstitute 4 месяца назад
Hello! We recommend Our Polyvagal World by Stephen Porges and Seth Porges. We also have a free online course with Dr. Porges and Dr. Rebecca Bailey that you can enroll in here: www.polyvagalinstitute.org/items/replacing-stockholm-syndrome-with-a-new-framework-of-appeasement
@IreneVelasco-v6r 5 месяцев назад
I just finished reading the book, The Polyvagal World, and it's so life changing! Thank you so much Dr. Porges for your work, I'm so touched by it and I'm beyond excited to integrate what i have learned from you work into my personal life and my professional work as a clinical therapist.
@PolyvagalInstitute 4 месяца назад
We are so happy to know that the book was useful for you!
@Hemsley85 5 месяцев назад
I Love this episode!! 🔥 Thank you. 2 Greats in such an amazing conversation, i learned so much 😌
@dharavyas9514 5 месяцев назад
Hi where can i found the ssp music please suggest
@PolyvagalInstitute 4 месяца назад
Hello! Please visit Unyte at integratedlistening.com/ for more information on the Safe and Sound Protocol.