Bowman Centre for Sustainable Energy
Bowman Centre for Sustainable Energy
Bowman Centre for Sustainable Energy
@stephenbrickwood1602 8 месяцев назад
Obviously the cold latitudes solutions is wrong for the warm latitudes.
@bradsnyder8802 9 месяцев назад
Why are renewables/intermittents always included in nuclear conversations? They suck on their own. Adding them to the mix doesn't help the overall solution.
@Christoph1888 10 месяцев назад
Cut the first Nations bs. It's devicive & racist.
@christopherleubner6633 11 месяцев назад
You could increase the lifetime to over 50 years by using a full spectrum fuel containing about 20 to 30 percent thorium.
@protasiocanalita6436 11 месяцев назад
Sirs, why not use micro SMR s to power everything in the future so that nobody will be gouge, or pretend it is inflation? I know there are a lot of rich maga people, why not have a meeting and decide to harness those things for use to a few houses, cars, airplanes, trucks etc,nothing is impossible if only we ask help from the immaculate heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary for a little bit more of knowledge? The dangerous thing for a lot of knowledge is that pride and greed set in and eventually that person forgets that their knowledge comes our Lord Jesus Christ and they don't pray to our creator and Redeemer at all, they forget who has created them . This is the time that they commit a sin and Satan will force his way into that person. They don't pray the rosary anymore. Will they be toast? Text me for your response ok?
@zbigniewbecker5080 Год назад
20:04 'Funded plan for decommissioning is a prerequisite to licensing'! Great! Why not apply it to 'renewables' also and see what cost implications it will have?
@TerryClarkAccordioncrazy Год назад
Renewables don't produce radioactive waste that remains deadly for thousands of years. But I agree energy costs should include the full life cycle for all technologies
@info88w11 3 месяца назад
@@TerryClarkAccordioncrazy Toxic windmills and panels dumped in land fill and leach heavy metals in soil
@NamekGregory Год назад
Great technology if used on defense and residential or industry where really can decrease the energy cost and emission. However if a MMR 15MWt or 5 MWe will cost 150-200 millions dollar (capex) then this MMR may generate 3412.14 btu energy for only 0.06-0.08 $/kWhr. Bitumen extraction using SAGD actually consume around 1500000 BTU/bbl which will cost only 3$ (1 mscf 2$). Using MMR energy on the same amount will increase oil cost for energy only to 27.86-37.15$/bbl. This shows that MMR 15MWt reactor can not compete with existing technology oil industry is using today and for 25 years or more. Bitumen extraction using thermal energy may improve and decrease the thermal energy to 420000 BTU/bbl if they posses the right technology (sure they do not have this). On this case if they will decide to phase out gas consumption and use MMR, the cost of a barrel bitumen will drop to 7.8-10.4$/bbl (only for thermal energy), and this is higher than energy from gas natural.
@heinzbongwasser2715 Год назад
@johnerichoare7732 Год назад
The British government is already funding Britain's Nuclear Submarines. Why not the Rolls Royce safe modular Thorium nuclear reactors for green power on land? John Eric Hoare. Brexiteer and British deep sea sailor retired.
@johnerichoare7732 Год назад
The future of energy lies in government-funded clean nuclear green power like the Rolls-Royce Thorium modular nuclear reactors. And not in private investment by mercenary private companies. This government will give Britain a workable NHS and other government projects. Where government projects always favor the corrupt, giving us lucrative contracts to private investment. This is not Communism but a fair investment for consumers. John Eric Hoare. British deep seaman retired.
@ancapftw9113 Год назад
100 million cost, plus 7 people per shift, plus some for time off, say 30 people at an average of 100k per year, or 3 million per year, or 60 million over the 20 year lifetime. So, a minimum of 160m for 20years of 5Mw power. That's 876600Mwh of power for a minimum of $182.52 per megawatt hour. Pretty expensive. Hope the cost drops a lot, or you won't see much adoption.
@robinyilmaz1155 Год назад
nice, thanks for this. I wonder how the LCOE of 0.32 CAD/kWh at 23:00 was calculated. Thats 0.24 USD/kWh, or 240 USD/MWh. Pretty expensive indeed, but perhaps prices are simply higher for remote applications? What is interesting too is that the graph at 23:00 shows that the 20 MWth version is (32-24)/32*100 = 25% cheaper than the 10 MWth one. Looks like a rather attractive economy of scale potential here.
@ancapftw9113 Год назад
@@robinyilmaz1155 probably cheaper than running a remote village off of diesel generators, once you add in the shipping cost of diesel, assuming you can use the power.
@TerryClarkAccordioncrazy Год назад
@@ancapftw9113 Probably not cheaper once you factor in cleanup of radioactive waste.
@ancapftw9113 Год назад
@@TerryClarkAccordioncrazy the company picks up the reactor and disposes of it as part of the cost in the case of most SMRs.
@TerryClarkAccordioncrazy Год назад
@@ancapftw9113 That's good to hear but I read that Rolls Royce plan was to permanently store (dump) the waste on site. History shows that orphan sources have a disastrous safety record.
@rossmccarthy2602 Год назад
Thumbs up!! Want more views? -> 'PromoSM'!!
@beautifulgirl219 Год назад
The world needs MORE of the cleanest, safest, most energy-dense form of power generation: NUCLEAR. I pray that mankind catches on soon, our world is a consequence of our actions.
@joelstanley2035 Год назад
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