Giants Amongst Us
Giants Amongst Us
Giants Amongst Us
The Underdog and odd beaters. The “ordinary” doing the EXTRA ordinary. That's the resiliency of the human spirit, when applied. When activated, and when the decision is made to be accountable and responsible for one's experience.

Trauma, abuse, addictions, and failures. It hits all of us in different ways, and at different times. You may be alone right now. Feeling hopeless, and helpless. Can things get better? - absolutely. It's gonna take some doing, and work, but you’re definitely worth the effort. Everyday is an opportunity for a fresh start.

Welcome to the unique HUMAN experience. You'll find stories from everyday people, just like yourself. Share with us, not only their pain, and darkest moments. But also their success, and how they we're able to find and enjoy healing, a sense of purpose, and life on new terms.


@billjones261 День назад
The biggest mistake people make when joining the JWS religion is that they put total faith and trust toward corrupt self serving religious charlatans (GB) running their own publishing house (WTS/Jworg.) Through this engagement they were exploited, lied and manipulated mostly to publicly distribute the literature the WTS publishes and to sustain the power and money these men built up around themselves
@jovitaalejandrino4624 5 дней назад
I was baptized in 1959 I was 12 and I am now 78 years old but nothing of these that you are talking about happened during those years. And I am still in the same organization
@GiantsAmongstUs 5 дней назад
Appreciate you stopping by. Well, don't just take this at face value, in comparison to your own experience. With 100,000 members and counting www.reddit.com/r/exjw/ there seems to be a growing number of people who've had a very negative experience with the org. You can always read through their accounts yourself. And come to YOUR OWN conclusions based on YOUR convictions
@marmieRH 7 дней назад
Get out before they make you drink a kool-aid 😢😢😢
@GiantsAmongstUs 6 дней назад
It seems like a lot are doing just that - getting out!!!
@dmiche3 9 дней назад
A trouble making elder has a son who committed suicide and he was a hard working family man and such a sweet personality ..he hung himself...I saw this elder causing trouble for numerous people ... 2 men in my congregation killed themselves
@GiantsAmongstUs 8 дней назад
Terrible. I hope you've managed to get out and build a new way of life.
@ShoNuffSoulBro1 17 дней назад
Very articulate and accurate account of the JW aka Watchtower organization. After a rebellious period I got baptized into religion basically out of FEAR. They were really pumping the narrative that the 1914 generation was very old but were not going to pass away, that Armageddon was IMMINENT! So I got baptized out of Fear like I said. But now the overlapping generations BS is what got me to become aware of all the other BS.
@feb196940 18 дней назад
My own parents will die still believing the truth !
@GiantsAmongstUs 18 дней назад
Were you a member at one time?
@feb196940 18 дней назад
The watchtower pardon my cursing need to be fucking BANNED !
@GiantsAmongstUs 18 дней назад
No worries, say (type) what you feel.
@sabrinawatson6467 Месяц назад
I am 55. I was disfellowshipped at 18 years old. I was born and raised a jw.I lost my family. I only go to funerals. But people need to keep speaking up.I pray my family that's still in it gets out. Thank you for sharing
@GiantsAmongstUs 23 дня назад
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully your family comes to it, sooner than later. Best regards. Thanks for sharing an ear.
@geraldsutton9981 Месяц назад
SO much hatred and so easy to embellish....... Woe for the earth and for the sea (of man), because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. (Rev.12:12) WARNING....!!!! There are six things that Jehovah does hate, yes, seven are things detestable to his soul, lofty eyes, a false tongue, and hands that are shedding innocent blood, a heart fabricating hurtful schemes, feet that are in a hurry to run to badness, a false witness that launches forth lies, and anyone sending forth contentions among brothers. (Proverbs 6:16-19) Hope you checked out these stories for truthfulness...... Wouldn't want to be caught being dishonest, EX JW or even a current JW........ BEWARE the great day of JEHOVAH is near....(Zeph. 1:14)
@GiantsAmongstUs 23 дня назад
The truth is what we seek. Those with ears may they HEAR, and they with eyes let them SEE the unwavering truth.
@louisesummers6398 Месяц назад
Everything you have said is so true. Hang in there things do get better. So many of us have been in the same boat. Life is so much better out of the cult. I wish you so much happiness Louise
@GiantsAmongstUs 23 дня назад
Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts. Appreciate you. Best regards to you and yours as well.
@timlewis7218 Месяц назад
JW's is a Deepstate psyop.
@JesusIsTheWayLifeTruth Месяц назад
Thank you for this channel and information. I recently got out of the Brighamite LDS cult and find that there are so many similarities between the two cults. Same playbook. It's been almost a year, and ironically the only people who visit me each week are JWs. Sadly, i doubt they are aware of these things since they aren't allowed to do their own research. But i can! And maybe it'll help them? In our discussions i bring up things the BLDS church does or says that they hear from the WT, too... maybe they'll make connections? Lessons from a manual drive me nuts, though! That's what the cult i left does too. Philosophies of men mingled with scripture. Just the scriptures, please!
@GiantsAmongstUs 23 дня назад
Thank you for tuning in. And I'm happy you got out and separated yourself from the LDS. I've talked to some ex members. They definitely seem to check the boxes for being a cult. Hope life has been getting better since for you.
@kevinwarren1576 Месяц назад
Hello Mr. Giant, Hmmm., having just watched your video and some other X-j-dub videos, why would anyone ever want to be a j-dub ? From my perspective, being what you call a (worldly) person you must be insane to be a part of this nonsense.😮
@GiantsAmongstUs Месяц назад
Hey! There's a lot of different reasons for that. Some were raised in it, as this man was. And thank goodness for him, he had his awakening moment, and left for good.
@kevinwarren1576 Месяц назад
@@GiantsAmongstUs yes, I’m starting to understand that if your family raises you in this, your pretty much trapped. If you try to leave, they make your life miserable. 😖
@GiantsAmongstUs Месяц назад
@@kevinwarren1576 true. It's happened with a lot of people.
@kevinwarren1576 Месяц назад
@@GiantsAmongstUs Hmmm., Now that I think about it thank God, not Jehovah that I’m a WORLDLY, NORMAL, person waiting on my fireballs !🔥🔥
@GiantsAmongstUs Месяц назад
@@kevinwarren1576 LoL thanks for sharing your thoughts Buddy!
@Jhongeller Месяц назад
You're a true example of strength and resilience.
@fredie.delie13 Месяц назад
Impressive story
@Rebeccaperry2405 Месяц назад
@susankirby3112 Месяц назад
Thank you for your remarkable service.
@jessmaro2 Месяц назад
Good job, soldier - impressive!
@yassinboughrara779 Месяц назад
Great interview. We are forever grateful for your service and sacrifices
@GiantsAmongstUs Месяц назад
thank you
@Anita.hanrick3 Месяц назад
Your dedication and patriotism are commendable
@Hassan-zairi Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing your incredible experiences Jason
@jasonpike4945 Месяц назад
Great interview
@GiantsAmongstUs Месяц назад
Appreciate your time, and words my Friend
@nicosyiallouris1103 2 месяца назад
Just subscribed thank you so much for your hard work your doing to help people wake up and get out from this distractive Cult
@GiantsAmongstUs 2 месяца назад
Appreciate you stopping through. Thanks. I've learned a lot of things I was once ignorant about regarding this cult. So, it's definitely opened my eyes a lot.
@Hearwithyourears 2 месяца назад
A very dangerous cult 😢
@GiantsAmongstUs 2 месяца назад
It absolutely is. Best regards
@toddhayes3506 2 месяца назад
Keep Exposing Watchtower LIES Abuse Hypocrisy and Corruption POISON
@toddhayes3506 2 месяца назад
Watchtower is Disgusting DEMON WORSHIP
@toddhayes3506 2 месяца назад
Watchtower is POISON Satanic
@toddhayes3506 2 месяца назад
Watchtower is DANGEROUS Blood Guilty
@GiantsAmongstUs 2 месяца назад
that's exactly what it looks like
@charlesweber9780 18 дней назад
You're full of it Blood guilty you say. Well Who ? How ? Liar, liar , pants soon to be on fire. Blasphemy against the holy spirit. See how Jehovah sees you now. Hahaha Hahaha
@georgecoons6872 2 месяца назад
well i heard jehovah is satan under another name. and is the god all mighty of this earth.
@TallKulWmn1 2 месяца назад
Very interesting! Thank you for sharing 😃
@GiantsAmongstUs 2 месяца назад
Thanks for stopping by.
@astridmiller7938 2 месяца назад
if this was a true religion/belief then people would flock to it....but the real truth is that nothing good has come from jw/wt.. information is available if you want to investigate anything in this world.
@GiantsAmongstUs 2 месяца назад
I agree. And it looks like the veil is coming down. Appreciate your words.
@user-gh4hj7fq4r 2 месяца назад
I got sexual abuse by an elders son , 10 years later he confessed and the elders appointed him a M.S . I walked away
@GiantsAmongstUs 2 месяца назад
Unreal, and sickening. I'm sorry for your experience. Hope you're in a better place these days. Appreciate you stopping by.
@sarabarra4265 Месяц назад
@Marco-ut6ll 2 месяца назад
💐 'promosm'
@TallKulWmn1 2 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing the heartbreak. It’s a step towards the healing ❤️‍🩹
@GiantsAmongstUs 2 месяца назад
And thank you for your warm words
@TallKulWmn1 2 месяца назад
Very good discussion! Welcome to the community! 😃
@GiantsAmongstUs 2 месяца назад
appreciate you sharing your thoughts here.
@RiskeFactor 3 месяца назад
This guy is regurgitating Raymond’s writings. 🤦🏻
@GiantsAmongstUs 3 месяца назад
Is the information shared false?
@RiskeFactor 3 месяца назад
@@GiantsAmongstUs some truth peppered with assumptions, misunderstandings and false info.
@ramrod576 Месяц назад
​@@RiskeFactor any examples? Some of what he said is already old light. Certainly not his fault that truth changes all the time...
@ramrod576 Месяц назад
Lots of history to plough through in a short period of time. The jw story is a long and complex one. Full of sadness. Ty
@GiantsAmongstUs Месяц назад
@@ramrod576 It is. And thankfully many are waking up, and freeing themselves.
@kalasatwater2224 3 месяца назад
Keep exposing them
@GiantsAmongstUs 3 месяца назад
Thanks for folks speaking out, it's possible.
@junejunie2284 3 месяца назад
Well, I just have to say I'm glad this video popped up in my feed. I was born in, and like F.S. realized at a young age that I'd never make it through Armageddon. Thanks, watchtower, for a lifelong sense of dread and chronic depression. Fortunately I got into therapy asap after leaving. One last thing since this interview really touched me: if anyone doubts any of what the guest shared here I can assure you it's all true without a shred of exaggeration. It is an evil, evil cult.
@GiantsAmongstUs 3 месяца назад
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts here. And it's good to know you're in a much better place now. I've definitely learned a lot after talking with a few exjw's. Prior to, I thought them to be well meaning, harmless magazine pushers.
@theextrastuff 3 месяца назад
My grandmother is a JW and ill never forget when she and the whole JW watchtower claimed that we were never going back to meetings because of the Covid outbreak. They were SOOOO confident that Armageddon was knocking on the door. Low and behold the JWs are back out door to door as of August 2022 so yeah thats another false prophecy for the books.
@kestrlfalc 3 месяца назад
Yo!!!! Born in 1970, yup revelation book! Studied like 3-4 times mind-blowing
@GiantsAmongstUs 3 месяца назад
Right on, 1980 here. You've got me by a few years LoL appreciate you stopping through.
@psychologistrachel1037 3 месяца назад
The WT’s interpretation of Armageddon is man-made, and even the gb have admitted they have NO Spirit, which is required to understand the truthful teachings of Jesus. Scripture helps us to see Armageddon is a spiritual war, a battle in which truth prevails over lies: inthenightaflyingscroll.blogspot.com/2022/05/armageddon-what-type-of-warfare.html?m=0
@iyesis 3 месяца назад
The longer I'm out I see their evil clearly.
@GiantsAmongstUs 3 месяца назад
Good on you. How long has it been?
@tammyg8031 3 месяца назад
The more exjws tell their story the more WATCHTOWER is exposed. Watchtower's END is near. Keep it coming...Thanks for telling your story!!!!! You are a HERO!!!!
@GiantsAmongstUs 3 месяца назад
Indeed. Awareness is only possible when people choose to let their voices be heard, and this guest did just that. Thanks for dropping by.
@marcieebaby 2 месяца назад
@sandraaguiarmendes7834 2 месяца назад
É verdade levantando a saia da meretriz
@tammyg8031 26 дней назад
​@GiantsAmongstUs Watchtower is being PROTESTED on September 13th 2024 at the WHITE HOUSE in Washington D.C. Spread the word. Website coming soon.
@GiantsAmongstUs 23 дня назад
@@tammyg8031 Thanks for the heads up. Let's see what becomes of it.
@allandahma4825 3 месяца назад
This cult has done everything it can to put itself in place to replace Jesus Christ as their brainwashed followers are already indoctrinated to believe!!!!! These demons hate Yashuah and do everything they can to convince the witnesses that they have the truth and putting their faith in them instead of Jesus is perfectly acceptable and Jesus is speaking to them and they are the chosen organization that Jesus chose so praying to Jesus or the governing body is the same thing!! So sad 💔💔🙏🙏
@allandahma4825 3 месяца назад
I’d love to find this guest if he has a channel!!!! 2/3rds of the links were cancelled by screwtube!!!!
@GiantsAmongstUs 3 месяца назад
I'm happy you enjoyed his story, he doesn't have a channel though. About the links being 'canelled', that's how RU-vid goes for new channels. Unless you wanna do all that silly online ID verification (which I don't) to fast track its process, you have to wait 2 months in order to have hyperlinks available. From my understanding. So, until then, you can still do it the old fashioned way. Copy the links which aren't hyperlinks, and past them into your search engine, and Viola!!
@allandahma4825 3 месяца назад
The deception, the fear, the damage, the hopelessness, the anxiety, the child abuse, the control, the indoctrination, the false prophecies, the suicidal youth, the adding and subtracting from the Holy word of YHWH to mislead good Yashuah loving people, the demonic subliminal images, the endless flip flopping of life altering beliefs that have caused unimaginable pain and death only to change and leave the victims with the consolation that it’s simply “new light “ , the good people who believe they are in the truth, but won’t believe the organization is a scam no matter how much evidence and facts you show them!!!! These demons have been living in luxury we will never experience from the sweat and labor of the slave class they created through demonic, alchemist, hermetic, free masonic manipulation they have mastered from the guidance of their father!!!! The father of lies!!!! Pure evil is the foundation of the watchtower!!!! And they enjoy using the fools they govern over 💔💔🙏🙏🙏
@YnoT_TonY. 3 месяца назад
If feels good to let out your story and to see that you have others that want and need that perspective to find or affirm their way forward! Thanx for sharing !!!🎉
@GiantsAmongstUs 3 месяца назад
Absolutely. Appreciate you stopping by to share your thoughts.
@YnoT_TonY. 3 месяца назад
@GiantsAmongstUs 3 месяца назад
Big thanks.
@deonsthumbring5511 3 месяца назад
No lies detected. Pedophile paradise😫
@deonsthumbring5511 3 месяца назад
They are blood guilty
@GiantsAmongstUs 3 месяца назад
They certainly are. After doing my own back research, thanks to the people I've spoken with. It shows. My wife also, she was a nurse for 20 years in ICU. And talked about how if and when JWs were in patients, they already knew certain interventions were forbidden. Regardless of the situation.