Nana & Dahlia
Nana & Dahlia
Nana & Dahlia
Подписаться 34 тыс.
Join Nana and Dahlia as they embark on a journey of self discovery, from candid conversations to deep discussions on women empowerment, lifestyle and sisterhood. Whether you're seeking motivation to chase your dreams, navigate life's challenges, or simply looking for a supportive community, tune in to Nana & Dahlia and lets make this a safe space for us to connect!
@nawfas100 День назад
Bagi yang ada perent macam ni, yg sukar untuk kita berbincang, sebelum tidur, betul2 minta dengan Allah untuk bantu kita. kedua, buat sedekah/wakaf/infaq untuk mereka, niatkan dengan kebaikan infaq/sedekah tu dpt memberikan kebaikan kepada parent kita. Sblm lupa, Zakat. Setiap bulan tu keluarkan zakat. Zakat dapat keluarkan kita dari susah sebab Allah akan bantu hamba Nya yg tunaikan tanggungjawab. Bkn susah dari segi kewangan je, tapi susah dari segi nak buat urusan pun akan selesai. Sbb kdg2 kita terlepas pandang benda2 kecik ni.
@Nrsfmy День назад
Always love Dahlia’s pov. She always try to understand the situation first, put herself on others shoes before throw out her opinion and suggestion. And it’s relatable. Good job Dahlia👏🏻
@_holdtomyfaith87 2 дня назад
agama kita agama yg penuh dengan hikmah. Dengan hikmah kita meneroka dunia ini. Rasulullah SAW contoh terbaik utk kita belajar redha & sabar. Wallahu alam ❤ its good sharing from you both. Keep it up. Jazakallah khayr
@nshzln 2 дня назад
parents tak minta buat loan, but they always ungkit every penny dia spent masa nak besarkan ktorg. or even kahwin pun, tetap sebut pasal duit hantaran dia tak dapat satu sen pun utk kegunaan sendiri. in fact adik beradik nak kahwin semua cari duit sendiri. tak ditaja parents sendiri. bila ada arguments, mesti sebut pasal duit. padahal punca asalnya bukan sebab duit. nak study, nak buat apa pun, we need to earn by our self. I do love my parents, but for now, rezeki kita tak besar mana nak kayakan mereka. harap sangat mereka faham dan berhenti menyebut pasal duit. I'm too tired. 🥲
@nawfas100 День назад
buat sedekah/wakaf/infaq untuk mereka, niatkan dengan kebaikan infaq/sedekah tu dpt memberikan kebaikan kepada parent kita. kita buat benda baik untuk mereka, insya Allah, yg baik2 akan datang.
@callmeje87 2 дня назад
Antara topic yg best
@teaka21 3 дня назад
I loveee nana & dahlia podcast. Tak kisah they cakap most about themselves ke apa, sebab that way we listener can relate ohhh im not alone, ohh theres someone jugak go thru the same thing. So i love when they speak about their mind, their perspective of life, their experience cause we can learn something from it❤️
@nf3656 5 дней назад
I have been in this situation. Tp basically it's a problem with my father. Dia selalu mintak duit. Tp basically mintak duit teh and rokok je. Dia pun pnh mintak belikan kereta. I try to usahakan, tp mak i x bg, sbb mak i tau kalo da ada kereta lg panjang kaki ayah, ayah da tua. Tp ayah x pnh paksa. Dia try his luck je hehe. I tersepit jugak la. Bukanla i mampu sgt, tp blh diusahakan. Cuma mak yg x bg. Tp still, bab mintak duit rokok, duit mengeteh tu selalu la. Duit bulanan i mmg bagi. Mgkn xberat bg i, sbb i kerja dgn gaji yg lebih sikit dr adik bradik lain. Tp adik bradik i selalu mengeluh jugak. I pun pnh mengeluh ms awal2 keje dulu. Ayah x mintak duit beribu pun. Cuma kita ni ada commitment kita sendiri. Tp now ayah dah xde. Byk betul i rs ralat, not giving enough for my parents. Hidup i sng, hidup dorg ssh ms besarkan kami dulu. I somehow rs i x balas sgt jasa ayah sebelum dia meninggal. Cuma nk bgtau, buatla semampu yg kita blh, selagi parents kita x melebih2 smpi menyusahkan kita, mcm ambil loan, terjerat hutang semua tu.
@nawfas100 День назад
if parent dah meninggal, boleh jariahkan untuk bantu mereka di alam sana. Mungkin di dunia mereka tak senang, tp kita "menyenangkan" mereka di sana.
@sunnyxoxo4083 6 дней назад
anak x berhutang pada ibu bapa sebab mereka x mintak pun lahir di dunia tapi anak perlu tau tanggungjawab kepada ibu bapa seperti yg disarankan dalam AlQuran betul kata kak nana, sometimes parents kena dengar pendapat ustaz/org professional selain anak tu sendiri yg perlu terus terang kemampuan mereka,,kalau dihina diherdik oleh mereka, bersabarlahh... kalau dapat kerja esp yg gen z,,allocate lah semampu mana kepada ibu bapa,,supaya mereka ingat yg anak mereka x lupakan dan masih syg mereka,,
@effieyasminidtv8682 6 дней назад
Topik ni agak dekat rasanya...hmmm memang hidup kita miserable lepas 'tolong'😅😅😅
@sfy6824 6 дней назад
Best ❤
@farhanafarid9326 6 дней назад
people honestly have to learn how to speak your mind like how nana and dahlia is. Dorg awal awal dah cakap they are totally diff. But they click. Macam sisters. I baca kat bawah ni pun ada dah org start negative comment. Its time to reflect ourselves guys, kita ni dah cukup baik ke sebelum nak comment org itu ini 🫨
@sitinabilah5725 6 дней назад
The weapon is "Mute" or "Hide"
@minthaen 6 дней назад
Dahlia do same like me. aku akan mute whatsapp status or igs yg ak rasa tak selesa utk ak... untuk elak dari rasa something yg xselesa dlm diri aku
@user-jc2cu9hj2e 6 дней назад
makin dgr dahlia ni stiap episod. cara dia fikir sama la mcm apa yg sy fikirrr
@yayasoff5817 7 дней назад
I genuinely love this podcast, just my opinion as a listener here, no hate ❤ Maybe Dahlia boleh kurangkan talking about herself and more on general. As an example, I completely agree, but not all the way. I love it honestly, but I prefer it to be on general ❤️
@farahhaniss 7 дней назад
I jenis yg susah nak percaya kt org. Kalau I share, I share dgn org yg i rasa bagi good vibes kat I. I pkir kalau i share dgn salah org, I takut kena penyakit ain. Haha. Yeahh my bad tapi I mmg jenis yg berjaga2.
@azalea5296 7 дней назад
Org kata, kalau seseorang tu terlalu takut dgn persepsi org lain terhadap dia, takut org menyampah, takut org tak suka, takut org trigger dgn apa yg kita buat, dia sendiri ada masalah mudah menyampah, mudah tak suka atau mudah trigger bila tengok post org lain. Berbeza dgn org yg memang xnak post sbb dia rasa mmg xperlu.
@aishahhhhhhhhhh 7 дней назад
Dahlia, Hanis Zalikha antara artis yang saya follow dekat instagram sebab content dorang jarang nak bertitik-titik …….. mcm ni. Kadang-kadang letih tengok content yang penuh berbaris & artis yang repost semua benda. Bukan sebab artis lain annoying, cuma mcm makan tenaga kita nak tengok lol. Walaupun minat dkt artis tu, kadang2 unfollow sebab content bertitik……, tapi once in a while pergi search jgk artis yang kita suka tu. Hihi.
@hazwanimok4908 7 дней назад
ustaz hanafi pernah nasihatkan kitorang. bila deal dengan mak bapak ni, diorang salah pun diorang tetap betul. syurga tu mahal harganya.
@cuplikanmira1636 7 дней назад
Yepp I memang choose whom to be appear in the first line of igs. Wujud frens yg kita suka kawan dengan dia in real life but not her/his type of content. Selalu negative so I memang mute. I suka Dahlia for being transparent of her POV sbb most of the time kita takleh nak cakap camni. Ppl will tend to fikir ko sape nak mute orang etc. I juga ok kalau fren nak mute me sebab they rasa takleh go with what I post etc. No hard feeling pun. Socmed thingz sajahh
@hazwanimok4908 7 дней назад
sama saya pun tak suka pos perkara keagamaan sangat sbb takut orang letak imej tu kat kita padahal kita tak baik. tapi kalau jumpa depan2 suka je cerita pasal agama.
@hunny5437 7 дней назад
Dahlia speaks my mind. 👏🏻
@dayahbakar23 8 дней назад
Btl socmed nie tempt yg mcm2 yg kite bleh buat. Mcm sya socmed tempt cari rezeki as agent takaful. Tapi jadi geram bile kita post benda lain tapi dorang sibuk tnya benda personal. Jadi down nak buat posting. Konon2 terpaling caring yg tak bertempt sedangkan bukan dorang bleh buat pape pun sekadar nak korek rahsia je. Tak tahu Nak luah rasa hati nie mcm mane bg dorng faham.😒
@ladynadiainternational 8 дней назад
maybe boleh tukar dahlia dengan fafau ke lagi best Dahlia ni mulut laser and suka offend Nana pastu macam acah2 rock2
@nana.dahlia 8 дней назад
@@ladynadiainternational 😂😂😘😘
@YusofJalani 7 дней назад
Xperlu, dahlia such a good speaker.
@ladynadiainternational 7 дней назад
@YusofJalani no she is not
@nonono-mn9gg 7 дней назад
ok je, she speaks her mind.
@callmeje87 7 дней назад
Sangat 23:40 😏😏😏😏😏
@Noura-5-s7j 8 дней назад
I am your sister from Yemen, and by Allah I only spoke out of hunger and distress. My mother, my brothers, and I lessons and tears. We are in a situation that only God knows about. God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs for those who brought us to this situation. By Allah Almighty, I did not write this appeal out of distress and distress. Poverty, O world, they have felt it So, I hope for you. By Allah Almighty, Lord of the Great Throne, he ate what I had in the house. By Allah, my brothers, he is my brothers by sitting in the house. Who has no food? By God, we are in a very difficult situation. We have 4 people entering the house, and my father has died, and there is no one who can depend on us and who lives in it.We live in a rented house because we cannot pay the rent we owe. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''' My brother, my first words are: I swear to God that I will not lie to you or deceive you. I am a Yemeni girl displaced from the war. My family and I live in a rented house in Al-Shahrab 20,000 Yemenis among us, and now we owe 60,000 for 3 months. The owner of the house is one of the people who does not have mercy, by God, my brother. He comes every day, insulting us, talking about us, and moving from the house to the street because we were unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and came back.They came back to talk to the neighbors and we were given the weekend. So we made him swear by God. He will take us out into the street. Have mercy on him and us. Our country is due to this war and we do not find food for our day, and my brothers and I live in a difficult life. Our father died, may God have mercy on him, and we have no one in this world who was with us in these harsh circumstances. My younger brothers went out into the street and saw...The neighbors eat and stand at their door in order to give them bread even if they break it. By God, to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, they closed the door and expelled them and came back crying. They are dying of hunger. No one has mercy on them and a holiday is returned. I have made a living, and now if one of us helps us with a kilo of flour, I swear to God, I am dying of hunger. My brother, I am an alien to God. Then, I ask you to help me for the sake of God. I ask you, by God, to love goodness and to help me, even if you can, by messaging me on WhatsApp.On this number 00967716638472 and ask for the name of my card and send it and do not be late and may God reward you with all the best, my brothers Sagar, see how they are and help us and save us before they throw us out in the street, you will be lost or we will die of hunger. My family and I ask you, by God, if you are able to help us, do not be late and may God reward you well..`/--~«««~-♡~♡~♡~~•~•~♡~♡~♡~♡~♡~~♡♡♡;~،~~.،,, ~:~¡~¡~¡،،~;:I.i.i.i.i.ii!}°,𝖊≋•𝖊~≋𝖊 i.I.|-◖,,'˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˛˹˹.😭😭😭😭😭😭˹˛˹`↑;/,˛`},.;💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔![•.<|`°||°|°^•^•^•^•^•^••^•^^•^•••^•^•^^••^_•^|^||^|^|^||^|^|^^|😊,.]......
@momew333 8 дней назад
owh i macam faham apa yang Dahlia nak sampaikan... dia bukan macam kita tak maafkan tau.. tp kalau kita mcm simply maafkan kezaliman ni dia macam seolah2 kita menerima kezaliman tu,, kita accept perbuatan which is kalau terang2 salah.. so that's why we leave to Allah to forgive. sbnrnya diri kita boleh terus berbuat baik tu pun mcm dah kira kita maafkan orang but not their kezaliman tau.. i kinda understand especially orang2 yang pernah dizalimi teruk mesti drg faham ni
@sfy6824 12 дней назад
@sfy6824 12 дней назад
Mmg best la podcast nana dahlia... love dooh ❤ addicted makk 🤭
@sfy6824 12 дней назад
@justlia7432 12 дней назад
Last tuuu i oso kenot tahan sebakkk 😭 May Allah guide us all to be a better hamba to HIM till our last breath on this temporary dunya, may we all be granted, united in Jannah #ultimategoal Aamiinn YRA ❤️
@hannah-wb8sh 12 дней назад
I ada dgr ceramah ustazah ni ckp org2 yg alim ni suka bila dibagi ujian,memang sujud syukur sbb derang tau ujian tu tanda Allah sayang..tq nana & dahlia for nice sharing as always❤❤❤
@sitihajar9237 13 дней назад
Okay nangis pulak dgr podcast Kali ni.. setuju dengan ayat kak nana.. bila kita tau baiknya Allah ..kita nak complain ujian tu.. rase maluu nak complain..
@user-bc9zv4pl1f 14 дней назад
Okay loving this episode. Pls do more this kind of content!!!
@chyme987 14 дней назад
Jzkk nice sharing from Nana & Dahlia. Cuma nak share sikit dalam quran iaitu dalam surah Al-Asr Allah berfirman supaya kita “berpesan-pesan dengan kesabaran” which can be translated to always remind others to be patient. Jangan takut utk nak nasihat org2 di sekeliling kita supaya bersabar tapi yes dgn berhikmah utk kita jaga perasaan dia. Ayat paling simple boleh cakap “moga Allah berikan kamu kesabaran atas ujian yg menimpa”. Nak deal dgn orang toxic ni susah. Kalau tak melibatkan keluarga/kaum kerabat, hanya ukhuwah yg terjejas bukan silaturahim. Silaturahim ni merujuk kepada ahli keluarga/kaum kerabat yg ada pertalian darah. Jadi hukum tidak masuk syurga bagi mereka yg putuskan silaturahim ini hanya terpakai bagi mereka yg ada pertalian darah sahaja bukan kepada kawan2 etc. Jadi tak ada masalah utk kita stay away from toxic friends/colleagues etc. It’s our right anyway. We can leave. Cuma kalau melibatkan keluarga yg toksik memang perlu jaga silaturahim supaya tidak putus. Hanya Allah saja yg tahu betapa besar ganjaran mereka yg diuji dgn family toxic berbanding kita yg tak diuji sebegitu. Hamba terpilih utk Allah tinggikan darjat mereka disisiNya. Bagi mereka yg dizalimi adalah dibolehkan utk berdoa supaya Allah turunkan balasan yg setimpal kepada penzalim. Berdasarkan kisah sahabat nabi iaitu Saad bin abi Waqqas yg telah difitnah dan beliau mendoakan supaya pemfitnah tersebut diturunkan musibah dan berkat doa Saad Allah makbulkan doa tersebut. Jadi tak salah utk kita berdoa supaya Allah turunkan musibah kepada org yg telah zalim kpd kita. Sebab sahabat nabi pun doa mcm tu. Dan doa org yg dizalimi itu makbul. Sampai sekarang sy ingat template doa ni tapi tak ingat dapat dari mana “ ya allah sesungguhnya aku telah dizalimi oleh si fulan dan Kau turunkan lah musibah kepadanya terhadap perbuatannya itu. Dan disaat Kau turunkan musibah tersebut Kau ingatkan lah dia atas kesalahan yg dia dilakukan”. Sekian perkongsian. Wallahualam. Jzkk.
@nana.dahlia 13 дней назад
Thank you for the sharing! ❤
@aennea5008 14 дней назад
Love both of you. Terus terjentik hati rasa nak maaafkan oranggg😢🥺you both sooo positive. I cryyyy
@sfy6824 14 дней назад
Best ❤ repeat and repeat dgr... saya suka this nasihat
@nawfas100 14 дней назад
Aku tertarik dengan apa yg dorang cakap pasal, kalau kita nak benda2 baik, positif, kita kena buat/beri dulu pada orang. baru Allah akan bagi. mcm konsep nk membaca, kena bg masa utk gi sekolah kenal huruf, baru dapat membaca.
@lelatauhidaddeen9466 14 дней назад
I do exactly what Dahlia did. One of my coping mechanism is i would pray for the person who hurt me. Doakan kebaikan untuk dia. Doakan kebahagiaan dia dunia akhirat. Atau apa sahaja doa/hajat dia kt dunia ni supaya Allah terima dan perkenankan. Sebab doa untuk kebaikan orang lain tanpa pengetahuan orang tu, Malaikat juga akan doakan yang sama buat kita. Slowly and surely perasaan negative kat orang tu hilang dan akhirnya kita dapat TENANG. In shaa Allah.
@cuteconversegurlz 14 дней назад
Kadang2 manusia tu tak nampak pun salah sendiri, dia hanya nampak kenapa orang buat dia macam tuh. Semoga orang2 mcm nie dapat lah pukulan kat fikiran tu supaya berlapang hati serta ubah pendirian dalam hidup yang hidup nie bukan untuk diri kau je.
@Joules-rm5os 14 дней назад
If you can discuss about the roles women play in our local dramas that need a transformation. The portrayal of women in local drama plays a crucial role in shaping societal perceptions and cultural norms. Representation in media, especially in popular television dramas, has a profound impact on how gender roles are viewed and understood. In many local dramas, women are often depicted in stereotypical roles such as homemakers, love interests, or secondary characters to their male counterparts. These portrayals frequently limit women to passive, dependent, or one-dimensional characters, failing to reflect their true potential and diversity.
@callmeje87 14 дней назад
On of the best topic so far 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 dan boleh dengar banyak kali untuk peringatan diri sendiri
@Joules-rm5os 14 дней назад
I like this conversation. This is an interesting topic. You’re both beautiful women.
@HaeraMin 14 дней назад
Senang ujian, susah juga ujian. Wahai manusia yang berakal, tidakkah kamu berfikir? Allah cipta hidup dan mati kerana untuk melihat siapa yang lebih baik amalannya.
@jerryrizal 15 дней назад
Carutkan dulu pastu discard
@YusofJalani 15 дней назад
@rjsyifa 16 дней назад
aaaa need new episodeee
@ezzankmrzmn 16 дней назад
I loveeee this podcast. Both bijak berkata2 sampai terkesan kt hati beb.. i wish both of u success dan termasuk dlm list nama 'ahli syurga' . Amin..please do this kind of content more okeh 😘 love u guys
@sitimariah7498 18 дней назад
Agreed with Dahlia, bila tangki emosi yg nak kan attention, nak disayangi, nak dihargai tu dah kosong kering kontang kau pergila spa massage ke shopping bagai ,once kau balik je rumah do your everyday routine still rasa pfttt arghh! Tu yg jadi eh basuh pinggan pun nak marah2 ni kenapa heh! Ahha
@sharlinisperi 19 дней назад
Nana & dahlia, buat discussion ttg jg badan pls😅.both of you inspired❤❤
@anumillahyusof4494 19 дней назад
Tq dahlia bagi idea untuk kita explain pada suami apa yang kita mahukan ❤️😊