For things that don't fit with the main Exurb1a chanel; silliness and such.

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@user-og9vb8zx3j 3 часа назад
make this a book
@moniquedelagey7606 4 часа назад
wow. this video has changed my life
@STONECOLDET944 День назад
I don't care how much you rationalise it, how are we left with any other option, than to be the enemy of God, who is God to kill me and my family ?!! And this is an entity I'm meant to love ?!!
@arunmoses2197 День назад
Why is everyone acting so surprised that existential crisis turtle is talking about a movie with the main villain as Death?
@aboabdcm6544 День назад
btw.. "grass is greener on the other side" (reality: theres NO grass.) "hut in the woods is ur answer""(there is NO "answer").
@Rjgnybsjcj День назад
Show of hands, who's aware of why he stopped uploading in the first place? Definitely do take a dive into that pool of knowledge. Curious to see if this comment will exist shortly. ✌️
@a177rhythm2 2 дня назад
It's beautiful. The self-indulgent ramble you're on, I mean. It feels like you and I are alternate universes. <- I say this at 8:33, and; at 18:57, I have to say that the trail is similar to any other specific social situation with another human in that you have a predefined "game". Customer/salesman for instance, provides that the customer knows they are going to be sold a product and the salesman has to convince that they provide equal or greater value than they are asking; 26:38 I will be quoting you regarding American beer next time a Euro talks shit to me. Your worldline differs from mine too much past that, but we intersected for a time. I hope my bullshit was worth a fraction what yours turned out to be. Are fractions besides 1/10 an American thing?
@archit6038 2 дня назад
I listen to it many nights
@frfrfr-pe6th 2 дня назад
People just dont understand how much this film amaze me
@frfrfr-pe6th 2 дня назад
And so heartwarming in a very realistic way like this is exactly how i feel about life
@bogdanpetrovic1529 2 дня назад
Al brate,lepo je kad imas sisu,sisuuuuuu!!!!!!!!
@bishabhsarkar50 2 дня назад
You bought the air fryer, didn’t ya?
@nz2blue 2 дня назад
I remember when I first listened to this video when you uploaded it, it actually had quite an effect on how I go out my daily life. Haven’t got the time to watch it now but still impressed with the change it brought on
@VineethPatil 3 дня назад
Considering it came out in 1967, it is a metaphysical movie from the future (beyond 2001) showing us our past, present, and future. In Hindu scripture Upanishads, it says “Tat tvam asi” which means you are that (God). This movie captures it brilliantly where Dave is shown to be “that”. And indeed we all are “that” if we can disconnect from our HAL 9000 (ego). This movie is like a prequel to The Matrix.
@TheDboi96 3 дня назад
God I have missed you
@C.Malefac 3 дня назад
I thought this would be a post-rock album from the title.
@jodydunstan 3 дня назад
You are a wonderful story teller. Engaging and funny.
@JohnDawson-rn9yj 3 дня назад
Great intro. to running, but he forgot a couple of things: first, if you're getting started, especially later in life, it can be almost impossible to just run, but what you can do is walk, then run a bit, then walk, then run etc; over time, increase the ratio of running to walking, and never feel bad about walking; you'll still upright and you're still moving; in fact walking a fair way e.g. all day is a pretty big deal. Second, shoes do matter; IMHO you need a good heel cushion to soften the impact; on tarmac or concrete, which most of us can't avoid, that's a serious load, and can do you damage. Third, if you're not young, it's harder, but not impossible, and in my experience, running later in life is better, than in youth, even though you can't go so far or so fast
@davidcottrell1308 3 дня назад
I own it. I love it. I had my daughters watch it when they were around 9 and 10...and they HATED it...because it didn't have the ending they thought was worth the time. I still think it's really cool!
@asoupyferretnamedfar3634 3 дня назад
I understand that this will get lost within all the other comments but i just want to say thank you so so much for this video. I have had a pretty shitty year and my mental health, fear for the future and well willingness to do anything went down the fucking drain. And i cannot fully explain how much this video has helped me. So thank you for all the tears and laughs
@777Looper 4 дня назад
Ah, so we need a *commune* in the woods.
@legodragon2363 4 дня назад
Pretentious piece of shit, i love you.
@thesk3ptic691 4 дня назад
You’re writing helped me change my life mate. I hope that’s enough
@MelancholicSeraph 4 дня назад
We're really bad at figuring out the things we *really* want. Some of us figure it out early, others spend their entire lives looking for it, and the rest stumble upon it in middle age... and even then, we assume it's not a fluid dynamic; we assume that the goalposts will never move again. The Human Condition is a frustrating affliction, one that we're all born with, and one that constantly mutates and evolves with time.
@saloksingh7 5 дней назад
I hope he's not irritated by so many new people who are about to find him through David and WVFRM.
@worldprops333 5 дней назад
QW who?
@grendel8342 5 дней назад
i disagree, my end life goal is to have a hut in the woods
@LauraOliveira-sv6fu 5 дней назад
I think you've done it. You've written something beautiful, real and touching. It made me think that some worries are universal. Even people that are very distant geographically and that will in all likelyhood never meet can experience very similar feelings. The translation of that is maybe the thing I love most about art in general. I'm rambling I guess. Just wanted to say thank you for this.
@Sachieee 5 дней назад
david sends me here
@Zzyberr 5 дней назад
@rajkumar_gr 4 дня назад
Same here :)
@Saidul0_0 4 дня назад
@1943colin 5 дней назад
'2001 a space idiocy', as Mad Magazine would have it, and the presenter here delivers his dogma fanatically enough.
@exurb2a114 4 дня назад
@BIO-DE 5 дней назад
existential crisis Turtle is back!!!
@Starryeyes1234 5 дней назад
I think this is your great book with a capital GR
@kronosli4344 5 дней назад
So you started with saying you aren’t good at writing and then you made a masterpiece. An absolute masterpiece.
@doink9982 5 дней назад
dude i’m 20, the air fryer is just the evolution of the oven. it’s quicker and easier. stop resisting
@josephlichtman7334 5 дней назад
Address the allegations
@coraa-rd7wq 5 дней назад
@elidoesartz6340 6 дней назад
This is too relatable
@otimelyofficial8146 6 дней назад
The answer is jesus christ our lord and savior
@Squeeko639 6 дней назад
I thought “hey this is great! Let me see this new video right before I sleep.” There is no more sleep.
@danihatton9535 6 дней назад
I resisted buying an airfryer for years. Until 2 weeks ago. You won't regret it.
@worldadventuretravel 6 дней назад
Who else came here because they are convinced that yes, the answer definitely IS a hut in the woods? 😅
@xrayaiz74 6 дней назад
This story should be developed into a film. It would be awesome as an animated CG project (Love Death & Robots/Netflix). So much better than what the 'industry' in Hollywood outputs these days, in my opinion. Thanks for sharing your work.🤖
@IlknaTomphson-nh8ln 6 дней назад
Jesus loves you❤️
@mono90286 6 дней назад
0:23 2001: A Space Odyssey. First half is a fairly uninteresting rogue AI plot, second half is an LSD trip fever dream with absolutely nothing interesting thematically beneath the surface-level wierd trippy visuals.
@milkjug4792 6 дней назад
Not at all related, but read books by Dan Glover. He also does wood art and photography, but you seem to prefer books.
@urmothwr 6 дней назад
Nice try. We're still gonna do the forest thing
@hrrawr 7 дней назад
7:20 "but I could hardly just piss off to America" somehow, all this time, I always pictured exurb1a as an American with a very thick British accent. XP
@MrCrozzB 8 дней назад
Thank you for this, also the bird track was nearly unnoticeably nice.
@CreativeInspireP380 8 дней назад
I've personallly had a weirdish life: priviliged, yet fraught; surrounded by love and support and yet also... not. I was a somewhat happy kid, a somewhat happy teen, and am a somewhat happy soon-to-be middleaged man. Sometimes things suck, sometimes they don't... sometimes you wake up to an "adult kiss" and realize you don't got shit to do all day - and that's what I assume heaven is basically like. My priorities and thoughts about the world will definitely change - they already did, massively, since my 20s. I realize I have no answers to any of life's great questions (already a big departure from my 20's): I only have sneaking suspicions and verbal diarrhea structured in such a way as to come across as great wisdom to anyone who doesn't have the modicum of salt to take my opinions with. One of my latest suspicions is that the key to avoid becoming an old fucking curmudgeon is to keep a firm memory on the highs AND lows of every point of your life, avoid building an epic narrative of who you and your loved ones were, and to stop blaming the world for your miseries - the world doesn't give a shit. In fact, no one really has all that much time to give a shit about your grievances. Conversely, people will often make the time to share moments of love and appreciation - quiet moments, loud moments, intimate or shared. Also, I'm not convinced about air fryers or cooking robots either.
@azuboof 8 дней назад
My goat❤ upload more you legend
@Kyandra99 8 дней назад
hes alive !
@666mads 8 дней назад