Hi, I'm sharing this page with my little son florian, we are from Switzerland.
My son is a great fan from wii games and I'm a great fan from paragliding.
I did my first flight with a paraglider in 1987. Since then I flew more than 1400 times, but since I'm a dad paragliding didn't comes first.
Regards Beat and Florian
13 лет назад
TAZZARI ZERO Herbstausflug
13 лет назад
14 лет назад
@skyloveglobalnelsonbarbonc8009 2 года назад
Amazing glider
@goodteacup 3 года назад
Had a Rogallo wing called a Pliable Moose in 1980 along with my little brother, we were scared many times on it! Mostly towing.
@erosfoto 3 года назад
Cooler Tazzari, aber wo fährt er im Schnee ???
@evandparagliding3203 3 года назад
Ganz am Anfang bei 5s. Ja das waren noch Zeiten. Leider war die Qualität des Tazzari Zero nicht so gut und ich musste diesen in defektem Zustand verkaufen. Heute fahre ich ein Tesla Model 3.
@paulino3320 3 года назад
Danke RU-vid, dass du mir das Video nach über 12 Jahren vorschlägst.... ABER... cool zu sehen was sich in den izwischen 30 Jahren in der Technik der Schirme getan hat.... krass.....
@Renato.Stiefenhofer.747driver 3 года назад
Yesterday, when we were young. But... we are still cool, I guess! Thank's for sharing. I started my flying with hang gliders, back in 1979. To this day it's the most exiting way of flying. I have flown everything from P-51's to helicopters, small jets to big ones and I am still flying 747-8's. But apparently I'm too scared to jump off cliffs and mountains. Getting older? Greets from Switzerland. R ✈
@GeorgieWorgiey 3 года назад
wow thank you to our forefathers who have saved us from having to fly this trash. Those guys were insane pioneers
@oliveirosferreira6131 3 года назад
Agora eu entendo porque eles não foram pra frente com a construção de parapentes baiucasport.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/historico-5.png
@mermaid10x 3 года назад
I learned on a seagull three which was basically a Rogallo wing. Sail flapped like a buss saw so loud you could hear it from the ground. Very forgiving launch and landings made learning easier. It was never supposed to leave the training hill yet next thing you know I was flying it thousands of feet in the air with no parachute. Learning to fly was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life and has never left my mind. Although I don’t fly like that anymore my UP comet hangs above the basement door since 1990 waiting for wind in the sail. Gotta say hang gliding ruins you for other sports as nothing since ever compares to that life.
@jackfrost2146 3 года назад
How we trusted those gliders with their luffing tendency if not treated right.....
@mermaid10x 3 года назад
Yes I remember the high tech addition of luff lines on gliders like mj5 etc. Apparently the seagull 3 could luff to the ground from a high banked turn but first you had to try get it into that turn. That thing took forty acres to make a 360 so a wingover was unlikely. Aerodynamics aside it was such a thrill to fly any glider back then unforgettable really
@steveurbach3093 Год назад
I learned on a Manta Wind Lord and bought a Seagull Seahawk in 78. I would call what I saw as second generation (lower billow that the original) and no Deflexors.
@password6681 3 года назад
Why am I here 13 years later you ask? Mind your own business
@Ivlodded 4 года назад
Das ist der Hammer!
@Ivlodded 4 года назад
Geiles Teil! Noch immer in deinem Besitz?
@dudul69003 4 года назад
Merci pour ces images , je suis avec le "Manta" blanc avec les deux bandes marron....
@jimmytiler5522 4 года назад
I bought my rogallo in 1972. I wonder where it is today.
@Yuremax 6 лет назад
Mine first too!!! First flight 1.11.1989:))
@darksidedark1706 7 лет назад
du hast mich weiter gebracht
@INUID 7 лет назад
Wie hast du das KFZ gedämmt? Marke Eigenbau? Oder gibts irgendwo ein spezielles "Set" zu kaufen? Ein paar Infos wären nice.
@blueplanetalternatives 10 лет назад
j'aime beaucoup votre deltaplane es que c'est qui l'avez constuit
@utti61 11 лет назад
Hi, yes I do. This year I bought a Gradient Nevada and I'm very happy. But the weather doesn't allow me to flight. You can search my flights on XContest. Kind Regards Beat Dolder
@Guftaasde 11 лет назад
Schöne Musik ;)
@sangkan67 11 лет назад
i love it
@scristobal801 12 лет назад
How do you put the lego batman x100 wii?
@haalloo223 12 лет назад
Das video hättest du dir echt ma sparen können
@petethewrist 12 лет назад
Those were the days. They won't ever come back nice vid.
@ivaniclixx 12 лет назад
Yes, It seems much quieter
@utti61 12 лет назад
@ivaniclixx Now I have a silent kit installed and the noise is not that bad: see my video:Tazzari Zero - a trip in the fall-
@utti61 12 лет назад
@Hruodger88 Hallo, der Comet CX galt als sicherer und gutmütiger Schirm. Es gab hier auch andere wie der Trilair mit denen ich mich nicht in die Luft gewagt hätte.
@masiwe23 12 лет назад
Beautiful, just beautiful. What could be done with the old Rogallos equals anything that you can do now with the latest wings. OK, glide angle and G-ratings don't compare, but the thrill must have been epic! H&S, what's that? Helmet? Pah!
@agunemnon 3 года назад
Landings could be a little purposeful though.
@timo99ism 13 лет назад
:D sorry war geil
@timo99ism 13 лет назад
@JessiRocker 13 лет назад
ich habs auf PC
@Knut1961 13 лет назад
Mwouais........... et si on roulait sur une plage Normande, on la dirait amphibie ?
@TheNovaAxon 13 лет назад
@thewebmaster93 Negative. Nasa was not interrested in the design. Rogallo designed them in his own shack, in his own time. After he showed his 'devices' nasa was interrested again and funded the development. We have to thank Rogallo for his invention. Blue Skies & Happy Landings!
@DXWXMX44 13 лет назад
looks smooth there - how old is the hang glider?
@bgdexter 13 лет назад
From the video title I expected to see how well the "blue" program would perform on snow -- there's so much torque to handle...
@rammgarr 13 лет назад
Thet is the old Fransis Rogallo flax wing
@utti61 13 лет назад
Hallo, wenn Du auf Google nach EV_Swiss suchst dann findest Du dort den Link auf meinen Blog. Dort findest Du meine Erfahrungen mir dem TAZZARI ZERO. (Ich kann hier leider diesen Link nicht posten). Ich habe mittlerweile 5000 km zurückgelegt. Im Sommer erreichte ich im normalen Modus über 120km und bei -10°C immerhin 83km.
@craxgt 13 лет назад
Schöne Tour :) Wie weit geht's wirklich mit dem kleinen - "bis zu 140KM" ist mehr als schwammig und sicher nur im Eco-Mode zu erreichen. Der Lokale Vertrieb hier preist ihn mit 100KM an. Ich überlege, ob sich der größere Akku der Special Edition lohnen würde. Macht sich der Eco-Mode auch in der Endgeschwindigkeit bemerkbar?
@justinRkeaton 13 лет назад
i have th exact same hang glider still in mint condition and flys great if anyone would want it
@utti61 13 лет назад
@jonnny205 Ich legte dabei 77 km zurück und benötigte dafür 9.93 kWh (Steckdosen Verbrauch) was etwa dem Energieinhalt von 1 Liter Benzin entspricht. Diese schöne Rundfahrt kostete mich also so etwa CHF 1.90 Strom :-)
@ivaniclixx 13 лет назад
@utti61 I drove the car for about 5/10 minutes. At low speeds, i.e. in city, It's not annoying, but at higher speeds I really don't know...
@utti61 13 лет назад
@ivaniclixx July 2010, is not that old. The noise is lesser than the first version was, but still there. In my 2500 km I droved until now, the noise never disturbed me. I like this sound, believe me I would miss.
@ivaniclixx 13 лет назад
I supose this is still an old version that makes such a noise.
@chileparapente 14 лет назад
I started flying in 1992. When I saw this video in 1995 I found it beautiful as well as the good metch with the music. Now I think the same, but with additional feelings. Nice memories!
@allyaAyat 14 лет назад
@allyaAyat 14 лет назад
@marouges 14 лет назад
In Argentina now they are still used only in very low hills to learn to fly. They were very dangerous because of the ausence of battens. If they fly very speed, they use to produce a "flag effect", stop flying, and you couldn't return to fly before die.
@utti61 14 лет назад
@reneluethi , hallo, ja, das war vor 20 Jahren auf dem Niederhorn :-) Ich fliege noch heute, jedoch mehr auf der First. Gruss Beat
@reneluethi 14 лет назад
Ist das auf dem Niederhorn? Sieht ganz danach aus ;-) Gratulation für die mutigen Starts!
@MICHI6118 14 лет назад
das lied ist voll cool
@utti61 14 лет назад
@XXXLukeXXX00 Welchen Zählerstand meinst Du denn?