I'll try anything, but have most interest in city builders, life simulations, survival and horror games. I lack patience and am prone to creating miserable highly storied scenarios and then abandoning all to an unknown but likely bleak fate whilst I move on heartlessly to the next ridiculous fantasy. My ideal game would be a combination of Project Zomboid and The Sims 3 in first person. I love early access madness.

I created a herd of horses in RDR2 that followed me everywhere, it became, problematic...

In my first playthrough of SkyRim I foolishly tried to jump my stolen mount across a waterfall, he missed and got lodged upside down, it was a tragedy, you could see the rising sun gleaming off his hindquarters for miles, a tragic accident woven into history.

TL:DR Hardcore PC gamer for 20+ years, games finished 8/400.
@TheSwedeT 19 дней назад
Black Lagoon Monster was hot! 😉
@TheSwedeT Месяц назад
"The chair will help you" 🤣
@TheSwedeT Месяц назад
I like your enthusiasm! 🔥
@TheSwedeT Месяц назад
Nice graphics card