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@lavondacross3652 10 месяцев назад
I love my job 🎉🎉
@flyingboxcow8724 5 лет назад
The president is so nice!
@mekhifreeman6804 6 лет назад
@oliviaprota2461 6 лет назад
Are we allowed more than one car ?
@figarovideo 8 лет назад
I didn't see the show in question but I'm so glad that the students stood up for ODU. This is great. I will share it. Barbara Gornto
@odusees4082 8 лет назад
Muffins in the Microwave!
@kennygentry4027 9 лет назад
So we are just doing this dumb shit whenever people get offended or don't find the humor in others jokes? Perhaps we should just bully everyone into thinking and acting the same.
@allyssonmcdonald 9 лет назад
+Kenny Gentry the people who hung the signs are the bullies.
@kennygentry4027 9 лет назад
How so? They are not even forcing people to read it. I'm not saying the joke was in good taste. But really they are bullies assualtists and rapists? Do you not think that is a little far? Using those buzzwords are just as bad as comparing people to Hitler. But I suppose the only way to solve this is if I think and act just like you guys. Like I have said I do think it was tasteless and crude but really you guys are basically saying they have already raped these poor defenseless females. Also has anyone thought about the possibility that some people may have been thrilled to go see them guys. Or are we slut shaming also? Maybe next time I'm told to be a man or grow a pair I should just let it get to me.
@inannaenigma9391 8 лет назад
+Kenny Gentry It'd be just as offensive as a klan member hanging up a confederate flag and sheets with racial slurs on them and justifying it the same way you 'no one's forcing you to read it, take a joke!' in a society where institutions of higher learning are supposed to be safe havens for ALL and free from abuse or harassment of any of the students in attendance. If anything, somebody had better just tell these frat boys to grow up and learn to act like decent, responsible human beings and not act as entitled as they'd like to be.
@kennygentry4027 8 лет назад
Ryan James never said it wasn't wrong or out of place. My issue was with the labeling.
@inannaenigma9391 8 лет назад
Kenny Gentry It's not labeling if it's calling something by the people or problem that cause it.
@thatswhattheyis 9 лет назад
The new generation has no hope. We may as well replace you with machine because that is how much personality they have.
@papioso6225 9 лет назад
That would have seemed more sincere had there been more than one female against three males. I'm not sure why the males feel they have any moral authority here.
@loqutor 9 лет назад
Oh, get the hell over it you damn whiny babies. If this triggers you, how the hell will you function in a place where ideas are challenged as a matter of course?
@BlakeMcTavishe 9 лет назад
I'm sorry, I don't remember reading "we're going to rape you" on any of those.
@zethraelofteldrassil3149 9 лет назад
I want to meet from the woman/women, who walked up stairs and tore the sheets down. We all know who climbed the flag pole, and cut down the confederate flag in SC, let's see the gutsy girls who did the same in this situation. Women, take the actions needed into your own hands. Don't wait for the student body, student council, university officials, parents, press, etc. to do it for you! It accomplishes nothing!
@ilikethisand 9 лет назад
I'm offended by every comment above and below. I'm SUING youtube over this and expect them to do something IMMEDIATELY! I want them to take away ALL their internet rights to bring justice and satisfaction to my own self! ^ basically everyone in today's America. Let's take a step back people. Replace "youtube" with "the university" and their "internet rights" with "education" and think about what we've all said. This was a stupid joke which some of you are saying was uneducated. Well punish them and let them learn from their lesson. But let them keep learning to better themselves as citizens of this country. Give the university a chance to show they can take immature people like this and turn them around and see the outcome.
@madfoot 9 лет назад
speak up, mush-mouth. you all sound dead inside.
@SMOOTHJAKED 9 лет назад
- "Mommy, I saw a sign, and I was so offended, now I don't want to go to college!" - "It's OK sweetie. You can keep living in our basement. We'll keep you safe from that mean 'ol real world."
@SpecialHandlingUnit 9 лет назад
The signs that were offensive: Hang on front of frat house, large bed sheets with painted on words, on left(Rowdy and fun. Hope your baby girl is ready for a good time).Hanging above door,big arrow plus words(Freshman daughter drop off)and on the right,(Go ahead and drop off mom too). They're like wolf whistles from sheltered college boys that have no experience sexually, I'm thinking in their minds this was smooth but turned into a karate Kid awkward stalker stare. Punish them or not? What are frat houses good for?
@ilikethisand 9 лет назад
It was actually an off campus housing residence. The university says it was a "private" housing residence but they say that to get everyone off the university's ass, respectively.
@glendahedden2421 9 лет назад
Their banners inculcate an atmosphere of fear for young women at your university. Where were the fraternity upper classmen when this happened? Why didn't they step in and put a halt to this if the Greek community is so involved in preventing sexual assault? These individuals need to be expelled unless you want your university to be shown as supporting a of culture of fear and violence. There should be zero tolerance for rape culture.
@farche2 9 лет назад
Glenda Hedden "inculcate an atmosphere of fear for young women" Those young women (if any) need to fear less and think more.
@botifigus 9 лет назад
Glenda Hedden ...........well. by gum you need to share that advice with the US Congress. Suggest that they quit blowing 3/4 of a trillion dollars every year chasing enemies that their acronym agencies created. How much of a culture of fear and violence and rape do you think that those dollars are funding around the planet? As long as it isn't in your back yard it's okay I would imagine. The signs were tacky no doubt. But harmless. Political correctness is offensive to many of us that are not beholden to the hive mentality.
@glendahedden2421 9 лет назад
botifigus The school states it has a zero tolerance to sexual harassment. Thjat should be backed up or it's just BS.
@farche2 9 лет назад
"sexual harassment" is already a crazy vague term. Applying it here won't help make it more specific or defensible - it may even backfire if the poster-boys challenge it legally.
@Evigdauden 9 лет назад
Glenda Hedden the fraternity in question is a private residence. The school has no right to expel students involved for tasteless signs on private property. I find this whole outrage to be silly when there are actual problems at ODU like daily muggings and stabbings instead of "rape culture" signs.
@carolanneverett 9 лет назад
Expel them. I can try to see both sides, just having fun, being outrageous, cutting loose during rush. And then there are the women these banners are directed toward, leaving home, strange place, strange people, and women are already on constant alert because they are vulnerable to attack and do get attacked in staggering numbers. Your fun and jokes are at the expense of someone else's feelings of safety and security. Maslow's hierarchy people. Do any of you have women in your lives you would not tolerate being addressed in this manner? What would you do to someone who made them feel fear in the place of excitement? Grow the fuck up or get the fuck out.
@puddlehopper2273 9 лет назад
I appreciate the Universities response because as a Mother, if I were dropping my daughter off on that campus, we would be re-evaluating our choice in schools. Those that find this acceptable are the people we need to educate on the abuse of women. The signs were not funny, were not amusing and were absolutely offensive.
@maggiemcmenamin1843 9 лет назад
the signs are just offensive and disrespectful to women. That is all.
@SMOOTHJAKED 9 лет назад
Maggie McMenamin Do tell .... How so ??
@maggiemcmenamin1843 9 лет назад
@danielfortesque8366 9 лет назад
Maggie McMenamin Waaah! They wrote unflattering things about women! They must be removed to pacify my offended sensibilities!
@maggiemcmenamin1843 9 лет назад
Angry Student okay Angry student...lol
@ReiLyfe 9 лет назад
+Angry Student I hate to tell you this, but damn... I need to update this photo from 5 years ago (just realizing this...). God I'm 25 now not 20 >.<; Anyway regarding the instances at hand about the Sigma Nu dudes... I have Asperger's Syndrome and in my opinion maybe they might have it too seeing as it would be a joke?! A joke gone way south.... And by all means I'm not defending them I'm just stating some bit of issues to 'lighten' the situation a bit. Okay, but seriously shit happens and I say get over it because in the real world you deal with this kinda shit all the damn time. I have three jobs (two part time/one +full time), two kids, and am a full-time graduate student. I don't get much sleep at all. So to combat bullshit I grew a backbone. I suggest to everyone else to come to terms with what has happened and grow up as well. It's not your place to place judgement and neither will I. Let the proper authorities (I guess the Student Council) deal with it.
@DrNordo 9 лет назад
What in the fuck did what these guys do have to do with sexual violence and assault? Are you people high off your own farts? "Higher education" my ass.
@screamcheeese7175 9 лет назад
DrNordo Because treating young women and their mothers as if they're sex toys is just ridiculous. You obviously see nothing wrong with it. And how shameful that is. Most men around me don't act like that, but you're something else.
@DrNordo 9 лет назад
***** Yo, I'm not condoning what those ass hats did. It was stupid and immature. But the morons in this video are basically calling it rape, and that is simply idiotic.
@DrNordo 9 лет назад
***** Still waiting for you to try to explain how displaying some tasteless signs is tantamount to sexual assault.
@thesaurosie9209 9 лет назад
DrNordo not rape. rape culture. the idea is that we don't need to LITERALLY teach people (yeah yeah including women) to rape, but people encourage the attitudes underlying rape when they do things that objectify or degrade women, and again when they let it go past without comment. at best these people are trolling, which is still really disrespectful and a big fuck you to rape victims. at worst, they are encouraging actual rapists by endorsing their views (its a whole thing that rapists believe others think just like them, and this attitude is further normalised/reinforced by rape jokes that are "obviously just a joke"). or maybe they actually are straight up rapists and they are flaunting their immunity to expulsion, because right now the climate is: PTSD veterans still deserve respect, but rape victims are just hysterical bitches who love ruining people's lives for the free play-doh, and if you disagree, you're oversensitive and stupid and the PC police. you can say rape is a crisis among a group without saying its members are all rapists: www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/24/rape-sexual-assault-ban-frats
@DrNordo 9 лет назад
R Flory First of all, there is no such thing as rape culture. It's nothing more than a boogeyman for leftists and feminists to use to drum up support. Secondly, even if there was a rape culture these signs weren't indicative of anything of the sort. They were simply crudely describing consensual activity. That 1 in 5 "statistic" is also a bald-faced lie, and the Guardian is rag not worthy of the server space that it occupies. thefederalist.com/2014/12/11/new-doj-data-on-sexual-assaults-college-students-are-actually-less-likely-to-be-victimized/
@steve19149 9 лет назад
Just sat there and READ A SCRIPT. Boilerplate. No one is ever held accountable. Oh, . you'll say bad boy don't do it again. Kick All of them out NOW
@ilikethisand 9 лет назад
Hey now, everyone's innocent until proven guilty. You could go try to expel the ones that hung the signs there but they have rights too. What if the wind carried those signs to their balcony? What if someone hung the signs there because they knew it would get the other guys in trouble?
@danielfortesque8366 9 лет назад
Nothing the "block" button can't fix. How about you focus on helping your students with their studies instead of giving them a condescending, and childish, lecture on what you don't want them saying on their social media accounts.
@danielfortesque8366 9 лет назад
FUCK YOU AND ODU TOO! THERE IS NO "US"! Speaking as a student: I am sick to death of listening to this shit. I am sick of ODU treating their students as a captive audience and 'guilty until proven otherwise'. I am sick of the identity politics being pushed on your students on a constant basis. And I am sick of your staff treating the male students as "potential rapists until proven otherwise." I want you to know that I actively discourage every student I can from enrolling here. I'm sick to death of being lectured on what bastards, pigs, and abusers, you think men are. As for the social justice/feminazi gestapo that occupies your campus, they can all eat shit. I'm sick of race and gender politics being pushed in the classes, and on your students. Your staff have made it very clear that they are more interested in pushing their politics, and condescending to the students, than teaching the material. The "It's on US" campaign is a farce. It tries to hold all men responsible for the acts of criminals. There is no "US". The idea that men as a group are responsible for rape is insane. By having anything to do with that campaign you are stating that ODU agrees with that ridiculous stance. To ODU students: If you feel that race and gender politics have gone completely out of hand at ODU, or feel that you have been ostracized or alienated by the political demonstrations on campus, I encourage you to leave a response.
@ericschmidt164 9 лет назад
+Angry Student but muh patriarchy
@danielfortesque8366 9 лет назад
Eric Schmidt Seeing as how no conversation regarding hostility from the social justice nazis will be allowed on campus I'm hoping the college will read whats posted here and maybe back off a little bit with the identity politics. "Whatever happened to balance?" Colleges decided that a few demographics were entitled to special considerations over the general population. To justify themselves they made up a bullshit story about how the general population was "oppressive" and special considerations needed to be made to make things "equal".
@Asynaka 9 лет назад
Angry Student Did you not notice that the group featured in the video included women. I seems like ODU is attempting to put forward the idea that not all of the guys are the issue, while saying we all have to be part of the solution other wise we are part of the problem. I lived in the community for several years and my sisters considered ODU for College, I am glad to see that the school is sending a clear message.
@AdolfKitler 9 лет назад
Angry Student Check your privilege
@AdolfKitler 9 лет назад
Asynaka They just threw in those broads cause diversity.
@danielfortesque8366 9 лет назад
Speaking as a student: Fuck you! I am sick to death of listening to this shit. I am sick of ODU treating their students as a captive audience and 'guilty until proven otherwise'. I am sick of the identity politics being pushed on your students on a constant basis. And I am sick of your staff treating the male students as "potential rapists until proven otherwise." I want you to know that I actively discourage every student I can from enrolling here. I'm sick to death of being lectured on what bastards, pigs, and abusers, you think men are. As for the kids that put up those signs; it was a dick move on their part. However, that does not give you a license to subject your students to more of these asinine emails and lectures. As for the social justice/feminazi gestapo that occupies your campus, they can all eat shit. I'm sick of race and gender politics being pushed in the classes, and on your students. Your staff have made it very clear that they are more interested in pushing their politics, and condescending to the students, than teaching the material. Finally, I would like to mention that appalling email you sent your students. The "It's on US" campaign is absurd. It tries to hold all men responsible for the acts of criminals. There is no "US". The idea that men as a group are responsible for rape is absurd. By having anything to do with that campaign you are stating that ODU agrees with that ridiculous stance. To ODU students: If you feel that identity politics have gone completely out of hand at ODU, or feel that you have been ostracized or alienated by the political demonstrations on campus, I encourage you to leave a response.
@danielfortesque8366 9 лет назад
***** Safe spaces are a place where no one is allowed to say anything out of fear of 'offending' people. But, only certain people. No one really cares if men or white people are offended. (Not exactly conducive to learning, or conversation, especially around the perpetually offended.) Sexual harassment is whatever the hell a woman decides it is. (There is no objective standard for sexual harassment. It is simply woman points finger, man is penalized.) The male students are at the mercy of any student that cares to lie about them. Social justice is little more than men and white people "evil", women and minorities "good", and are entitled to special considerations over those evil men and white people. "young people need to hear it and take it on board," yes, beat 'sensitivity' into their head while it's still soft. Let the boys know what bastards, dogs, pigs, oppressors, abusers, and potential rapists, you consider them to be. As much as I love free coffee I'll have to decline. I'm not dumb enough to trust you. Anybody that publicly voices a dissenting opinion is opening themselves up to harassment or ostracism. Seeing as how no conversation regarding hostility from the social justice nazis will be allowed on campus I'm hoping the college will read whats posted here and maybe back off a little bit with the identity politics.
@CA-qx1mv 9 лет назад
Angry Student Right. You want to be allowed to insult and degrade people based on sex, race or class for laughs on a university campus, and you expect people NOT to be upset with that? At all? I would be highly upset and embarrassed if I had to walk by those signs. It hurts to see that men would ever think it's funny to publicly display how women are sexual toys to be played with-especially when girls are trying to gain their independence for the first time in college, already nervous. No matter how funny you think that is, it's called having some level of respect for other people. Why the hell are you even in college if you can't even tell what's considered mean and hateful? It really isn't that difficult. A 2-year old would know. I pay tuition as much as you do-because of that, and because I'm also a human being (and not just the butt of your jokes-sorry), I should have the same right as you to walk comfortably around campus without some huge sign in my face paraded by strangers laughing about how they want to have sex with me. That is why it's scary. Nazis publicly degrade and harass people-they are the ones who would enjoy not having anything in place to stop them do whatever they want. Take a look in the mirror. If you want to cry over having to actually be 'nice' to other people, then go back to Kindergarten. You'd fit in there.
@danielfortesque8366 9 лет назад
Aquila Latin "Right. You want to be allowed to insult and degrade people based on sex, race or class for laughs on a university campus, and you expect people NOT to be upset with that? At all?" No. I want to go to class without having to walk on eggshells every time some fragile little pansy gets "offended". You have the right to "free speech", not the right to "never be offended". I know you're too much of a pussy to understand what that entails, but the rest of the student body should not be a captive audience to 'sensitivity training' just because you're a pussy. The rest of your response is inane drivel. Furthermore, nazis are a perfect description of you social justice losers. They try to stamp out anything they don't like. I, on the other hand, believe that you can say whatever the hell you want without being subjected to 'diversity/sensitivity training'. Grow some fucking skin you whiny little bitch.
@CA-qx1mv 9 лет назад
Angry Student ....Your last comment is highly ironic, but I don't expect you to understand why. Yea, you might (big "might") be in college, but obviously your parents are threatening not to pay anymore wasted years on a college education for you-at least when you flip hamburgers you can insult the customers and -oh wait-you could get fired for that as well- nevermind...damn, society does suck huh? Like you, I also strongly believe white men are subjugated to the WORST hate crimes, are treated as slave labor in fast food lines or in agricultural fields, face overwhelming racism and sexism on a daily basis (how do you leave your house every morning knowing you'll have to face the endless discrimination, pain and continual humiliation for another day? Oh, the terror.), and live in the most impoverished and gang-infested neighborhoods in every city because they are white men. Absolutely shameful. On top of that, they, including you, are FORCED to listen to other people's feelings about a multitude of violent sexual assaults and grievances toward the "upper classes" in society that have been taking place at an exponential rate in recent years around the country! Through 15 min. lectures and e-mails nonetheless! Isn't your life hard enough than have to deal with everyone else's problems? And yea, maybe you haven't actually spoken at these events and fought back what they were saying, instead just through a RU-vid comments page, but still! Like you said something (that made absolutely no sense) about free speech, "Hell yea! I'm for that shit!" "The rest of your response is inane drivel." You read my mind!
@botifigus 9 лет назад
Angry Student It's a "Brave New World". I have personally watch the transformation. In the nanny state, the beast is the daddy. There is little to no need for men.You are perceptive. Because it is absolutely an agenda. Education is indoctrination these days. Look at how many people that are graduating that are absolutely stupid. Good luck to you.
@farche2 9 лет назад
The only place "sexual assault" was stated - or even implied - is in the offence-seeker' minds. On their face, the signs are suggestive of nothing but a consensual "good time", though I am too old to know what that may be.
@ilikethisand 9 лет назад
Damn and it's like the whole world's gone crazy except for you and me. Things are blown WAY out of proportion now days. This is a big deal because media makes it a big deal. While things like this (and worse) are going on at other campuses
@adolfarrakahane 9 лет назад
fuck you old dominion cowards.
@adolfarrakahane 9 лет назад
left wing students and faculty suck!!
@SMOOTHJAKED 9 лет назад
adolfarrakahane They should get attacked by ISIS and see what real rape culture is.
@adolfarrakahane 9 лет назад
SMOOTHJAKED or have them move to north korea or cuba and let them see how the progressive values that they preach and worship really effect human rights!
@PhilipDaniele 9 лет назад
well at least they said something...
@iwalker373 9 лет назад
With all due respect, unless the perpetrators of this outrage are expelled, this is just a lot of noise in the wind.
@danielfortesque8366 9 лет назад
i Walker With all due respect, grow some thicker skin. Students should not be thrown out simply for offending your sensibilities.
@ilikethisand 9 лет назад
Just watch. This is the kind of stuff that media FEEDS off of. It'll blow up into a news story somewhere and maybe go nationally. Everyone will be sitting in front of their tv's eating popcorn waiting to see the fate of the boys that did this. "YES! Expel them! Let's rally outside and make sure our views stand above everyone else's because I'm more important than every other American!"
@SCHWINIEG 10 лет назад
yeah so i guess only women can be sexually assaulted or raped? lol what a joke
@odusees4082 9 лет назад
You're right, SCHWINIEG, sexual assault and rape doesn't just happen to women, but to all walks of life. We are very sensitive to this fact, and we will make sure to present this in any future projects.
@krtmiller 10 лет назад
SEES is the heart of ODU!
@krtmiller 10 лет назад
Aaron, always great work! ODU is a great place and we are lucky you are a big part of it!