Graham Kendrick Music
Graham Kendrick Music
Graham Kendrick Music
The home of Graham Kendrick, UK worship leader and Christian songwriter.

Graham is widely considered to be a father of modern worship music. His songs are full of poetic, divine, biblical truth that have sculpted a view of God that has impacted generations.

For over 50 years he has been at the forefront of UK Christian music and has written many songs that are well known around the world, including Shine Jesus Shine, Knowing You, The Servant King & Amazing Love.

His most recent recordings include the Where it Began EP, Jesus of the Scars, Salvation Songs and Like a Tree.

Graham travels internationally for festivals & conferences as a worship leader, speaker and performer and is an advocate for the charity Compassion International, encouraging audiences worldwide to understand worship as a way of life, and true intimacy with God is sharing in the concerns of his heart.

Graham is a founder and songwriter behind global phenomenon March For Jesus.
@furrymonkeything 7 часов назад
Listening in 2024. One of my favourites of his to play 🎸. There are so many chords along with quirky changes. Such a challenge to learn. Brilliant.
@polygonalmasonary 17 часов назад
The tonality and diction on this song is extremely reminiscent of Cliff Richard. Beautiful melody 🎶🙏🌈♥️🇬🇧
@ckxspartangaming5887 День назад
This is such a funny name in context of recent events
@markworthington1830 День назад
PEACEFUL COURAGE. Moses answered the people, Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:13-14 God offers cheer in the face of fear. Just as He adores a cheerful giver who may fear losing money, so the Lord longs to see His child find peace in the face of physical threat. In God’s grace, there is a peace that passes all understanding, that stands down discouragement or despair. But what if I lose something, an anxious heart may ask? Lose a job? Lose an opportunity? Lose a healthy body? Lose money? Lose a relationship? The protection of loss or the recovery of loss is the Lord’s specialty. So, stand on a firm foundation of faith, do not fear and be of good cheer. Facing an insurmountable obstacle-ominous water-being pursued by a hardened, intense army of avengers, Israel, the chosen of God, had to make a choice. Plunge to their death by crossing the threatening water or stand still and be slaughtered by their hostile former captors. But God. But God had a plan and purpose. Earlier in Exodus 14, He explained His plan was to once again harden Pharoah’s heart, so he would pursue the escaped slaves, so God could purposefully display His glory through the parting of the Red Sea. Glory! God displays when His people obey. “And when the Israelites saw the mighty hand of the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant” (Exodus 14:31). Is fear playing mind games with your faith? If so, stand still, look up and seize every thought as a captive for Christ. Pray prisoners of truth become converts for Christ’s cause. And be prepared. Fear is forceful, it attempts to bully you into unhealthy reactions, while love is patient bidding you to be still. Wait for the Lord to determine your fate…in His timing, as He is never late. Love is the remedy that heals the heart, soothes the soul and renews the mind with calming truth. If you are facing a health issue, offer your body as a living sacrifice to the Lord, trust Him to heal. Peaceful courage comes in the fires of refining faith, where pure love attracts a humble heart. Fear attacks, love attracts. You can be of good courage, because of the reality of your heavenly Father’s past faithfulness, your present experience of the Spirit’s comforting presence, and your eternal hope of the Son’s conquering return. You may feel past guilt pursuing you or unmovable obstacles facing you, if so, stand still with peaceful courage and watch God part the seas for you to walk ahead with Him. Love and obey, as the Lord displays His glory while inviting you to follow! “But the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left. That day the Lord saved Israel from the hands of the Egyptians” (Exodus 14: 29-30). PRAYER: Heavenly Father, give me peaceful courage to stand firm in you and trust you to provide a way, through Christ’s love and in Jesus’ name, amen.
@dijiola7127 2 дня назад
God bless you Sir
@dee4174 2 дня назад
Such a beautiful song. Thank you Jesus for dying for me. X
@cathybennett2415 3 дня назад
Sorry what song are you referring to?
@cathybennett2415 3 дня назад
@brianevans1776 3 дня назад
I woke up this morning with this song in my head. Not heard or sung it for ages but the Spirit was certainly on it as it led me into a time of worship.
@cathybennett2415 4 дня назад
Beautiful, beautiful memories of this song!
@markworthington1830 4 дня назад
LOVE MADE COMPLETE. Perfect love drives out fear. 1 John 4:18 “Love divine, all loves excelling,” begins a classic hymn by Charles Wesley. “Joy of heaven to earth come down, fix in us thy humble dwelling, all thy faithful mercies crown. Jesus, thou art all compassion, pure, unbounded love thou art; visit us with thy salvation, enter every trembling heart.” God’s love at work within us is one of the key themes of 1 John. Forms of the word “love” appear 43 times in this epistle! John circles back to this theme again and again. You might feel a bit of déjà vu in today’s reading, which begins “This is how we know” (v. 13). What does John want us to know? That we’re truly saved. How do we know? By the Holy Spirit. Again, we are told about the assurance of salvation and the work of the Spirit. So, we know where this is going: As children of God, we can testify to God’s love in sending His Son to be our Savior (v. 14). We who believe and receive the gospel are born again into God’s family (v. 15). God gives us spiritual life, demonstrated to be real by our love and obedience. “So we know and rely on the love God has for us” (v. 16). “God is love” is the point at which orthodoxy (truthful beliefs) and orthopraxy (righteous actions) reveal how interwoven and inseparable they are. God, love, life, knowledge, truth, salvation, righteousness, obedience-when we walk in the light, these are all together where and how and why we walk. As we love like God and imitate Jesus, our love is “made complete” or becomes fully fruitful (v. 17). On the day of judgment, we’ll therefore feel no fear or anxiety but rather joy and peace in God’s presence (v. 18) Amen.
@elutemas8235 4 дня назад
This has been one of my favourite songs throughout the years. Captured my heart when I was a teenager!
@barbaracovell 4 дня назад
I'm safe in Jesus he's my best friend my saviour I adore him 🙏
@polygonalmasonary 4 дня назад
He adores you to 👍🙏🇬🇧♥️
@barbaracovell 4 дня назад
@@polygonalmasonary 💙🙏
@miriamojo 5 дней назад
I am listening in 2024😊. Learned the song as a praise team in my country and the lyrics stuck over 10yrs now and i felt led to find it, helps me as I meditate on Phil 3...
@markworthington1830 6 дней назад
Amen Amen Amen. ♥
@markworthington1830 6 дней назад
A PRAYER FOR GLORY. Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. John 17:1,2 We have reached the climax of the Upper Room Discourse as we look at the prayer with which our Lord concludes. It is one of the most profound passages in the New Testament. It has been called the holy of holies of Scripture, and volumes have been written about this one chapter alone. Our Lord and His disciples had left the upper room and were making their way into the shadows of Gethsemane's garden. It was here that our Lord began His prayer. He prayed aloud in order that the disciples might hear what He had to say to the Father. Jesus' first request is that He might be glorified. If we prayed that we would be exalted or magnified or glorified in order that the world might see how important we were, it would be a selfish request. But our Lord immediately adds, that your Son may glorify you. So the ultimate end of His request for glory is that the Father may be glorified. This is always the ultimate purpose for all existence: that it might glorify God. Glorifying means to manifest or display a person's hidden virtue or wisdom or power or beauty, to bring out that which is hidden away in him or her. And here our Lord is asking that He be glorified, that things hidden in Him might now be made manifest in order that He in turn might manifest the beauty and the glory and the wisdom of the Father. Our Lord now tells us why He needs this additional glory. The Father had already glorified Him and would glorify Him again in His death. But the Lord is looking on beyond the cross. And He needs additional glory for the reason he gives in verse 2: For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. He needs it in order to fulfill the additional work that was given to Him--that of giving eternal life to all whom God had called. Our Lord is pointing out that in His resurrection and ascension, He will have power over all flesh. As He Himself said just before He ascended to the Father, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me (Matthew 28:18). The writer of Hebrews says that the Son upholds the universe by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). So here it is evident that Jesus is aware He is Lord over the entire universe. Jesus is Lord, whether people know it or not. He controls all the events of history and all the ordinary events of our circumstances. This is what our Lord means when He says here that He has power over all flesh, over all the nations. All the events of history and those reported in our newspapers have been allowed by the Lord as He regulates and runs the affairs of earth, in order to give eternal life to all those whom God has given Him. PRAYER: I bow before you, Lord Jesus, as the One who has been given all authority in heaven and earth. In Jesus name, Amen.
@markworthington1830 6 дней назад
A PRAYER FOR GLORY. Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. John 17:1,2 We have reached the climax of the Upper Room Discourse as we look at the prayer with which our Lord concludes. It is one of the most profound passages in the New Testament. It has been called the holy of holies of Scripture, and volumes have been written about this one chapter alone. Our Lord and His disciples had left the upper room and were making their way into the shadows of Gethsemane's garden. It was here that our Lord began His prayer. He prayed aloud in order that the disciples might hear what He had to say to the Father. Jesus' first request is that He might be glorified. If we prayed that we would be exalted or magnified or glorified in order that the world might see how important we were, it would be a selfish request. But our Lord immediately adds, that your Son may glorify you. So the ultimate end of His request for glory is that the Father may be glorified. This is always the ultimate purpose for all existence: that it might glorify God. Glorifying means to manifest or display a person's hidden virtue or wisdom or power or beauty, to bring out that which is hidden away in him or her. And here our Lord is asking that He be glorified, that things hidden in Him might now be made manifest in order that He in turn might manifest the beauty and the glory and the wisdom of the Father. Our Lord now tells us why He needs this additional glory. The Father had already glorified Him and would glorify Him again in His death. But the Lord is looking on beyond the cross. And He needs additional glory for the reason he gives in verse 2: For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. He needs it in order to fulfill the additional work that was given to Him--that of giving eternal life to all whom God had called. Our Lord is pointing out that in His resurrection and ascension, He will have power over all flesh. As He Himself said just before He ascended to the Father, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me (Matthew 28:18). The writer of Hebrews says that the Son upholds the universe by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). So here it is evident that Jesus is aware He is Lord over the entire universe. Jesus is Lord, whether people know it or not. He controls all the events of history and all the ordinary events of our circumstances. This is what our Lord means when He says here that He has power over all flesh, over all the nations. All the events of history and those reported in our newspapers have been allowed by the Lord as He regulates and runs the affairs of earth, in order to give eternal life to all those whom God has given Him. PRAYER: I bow before you, Lord Jesus, as the One who has been given all authority in heaven and earth. In Jesus name, Amen.
@user-qn5uw3bo6j 7 дней назад
❤하나님은 사랑입니다.
@mardocheelutete2276 7 дней назад
O seu pai 🧑 é o cara 😎 do coração ♥️ grande de todos que 😐
@user-qn5uw3bo6j 7 дней назад
@markworthington1830 7 дней назад
PRAY WITH BOLD HUMILITY. The LORD said, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.” Then Abraham spoke up again: “Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes, what if the number of the righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city because of five people Genesis 18:26-28 Prayer is an awesome privilege! You and I get to talk to the almighty God. How do you pray? Hands folded and eyes closed, or arms extended with your palms toward heaven? Silently in your mind or out loud? God is less interested in the physical aspect of prayer than he is about the attitude with which we pray. Abraham gives us an example to follow when it comes to the attitude we are to have when praying. Abraham was humble. He knew he was nothing but “dust and ashes,” and he had no right to expect the Lord to hear his prayer. Yet he asked anyway because he knew that God is gracious and compassionate. This is an example for us as we pray. We approach God with proper humility, fully understanding that as sinners, we have no right to be heard by a holy God. We certainly have no right to expect him to answer us and grant what we have asked. But Abraham was also bold. After his initial request, he went back to the Lord five more times. Each time lowering the number of believers that needed to be found for the city to be spared. We can also pray with boldness. We know the love of our God. He sent his Son to die for us. Because of that sacrifice, we have been washed clean of all sin and given the privilege of approaching God with any and every request. Be like Abraham and pray with bold humility. PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I know that I have no right to approach you in prayer. It is only because Jesus has washed me clean of all sin that I have the privilege of talking to you. Help me to be bold when I pray, trusting that you always hear and answer. In Jesus’ name I ask it. Amen.
@user-mj8gm8jv4l 7 дней назад
Let there be light upon me oh God, shine on me Jesud for the Father's glory
@HannahYaawusuahAdjepongL-AS 7 дней назад
"God is His own interpreter, and He will make it plain."
@polygonalmasonary 8 дней назад
Beautiful 🥰🙏
@shalomshahid5767 8 дней назад
I love this song so much! ❤❤❤❤❤
@brendanaisbitt7280 9 дней назад
@user-qn5uw3bo6j 10 дней назад
@khuselwakuneneantonio7751 10 дней назад
Amen 🙏🏾
@nigelgreenman6955 10 дней назад
@CrabMeatElite 10 дней назад
I'm going through the book of Mark with the entire sermon series titled "The Servant King." I never knew about your song until a fellow believer introduced it to me after I was a couple sermons in. And now another believer introduced me to this version. Altogether wonderful words to use in our worship, and it's become our theme song for the entire series!
@beataasiimwe8951 10 дней назад
@rodneyutley5787 10 дней назад
Wow! What a beautiful song and lyrics! My prayer for the day, for sure. And tomorrow, and the next day....!
@polygonalmasonary 10 дней назад
‘The call to be like God’, Genesis 1:27 ‘God created man in his own image’. My own philosophy is not ‘to be like God’ because we already are, it is to behave like god, or at least behave like god intended when we were created. Jesus said ‘Love your neighbour just as you love yourself’, it is God’s nature to love and we should all strive to love others, not just our families and friends but truly embrace all people regardless of their condition or status in society or church. 🙏🌈♥️🇬🇧
@markworthington1830 10 дней назад
YOU ARE SPECIAL. The word of the Lord came to me, saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:4-5 Is it not remarkable that when God began to talk to this young man and send him to his ministry, the first thing he did was to sit down and share with him that, God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Is not that what he is saying? This is the preparation of God. The remarkable thing is that this preparation began long before Jeremiah was even conceived. In other words, God said, I started getting you ready, and the world ready for you, long before you were born. I worked through your father and your mother, your grandfathers and grandmothers, your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. For generations back I have been preparing you. What a remarkable revelation to this young man - that through the generations of the past God had begun to work! When people face a crisis, they always start looking for a program, some method with which to attack the crisis. When God sets out to solve a crisis, he almost always starts with a baby. All the babies God sends into the world, who look so innocent and so helpless - and so useless - at their birth, have enormous potential. There is nothing very impressive in appearance about a baby, but that is God's way of changing the world. That is what God said to Jeremiah: I've been working before you were born to prepare you to be a prophet, working through your father and your mother, and those who were before them. If you read this account as though this were something extraordinary which applied only to Jeremiah the prophet, you have misread this whole passage. I often hear people say of some noted person, When God made him, he broke the mold. That is true, but what we fail to see is that this is true of each one of us. God never made another one like you, and he never will. God never made anyone else who can fill the place you can fill and do the things you can do. This is the wonder of the way God forms human life - that of the billions upon billions who have been spawned upon this earth there are no duplicates. Each one is unique, prepared of God for the time in which he is to live. That is the word which came to Jeremiah, to strengthen him. Look, God said, I have prepared you for this very hour, as he has prepared you and me for this time, for this world, for this hour of human history. I heard this week a story concerning the death of a young man, a pastor. When he was dying of cancer, his father and uncle, who are twin brothers, came to see him. After visiting with them both a short while, he asked his uncle, Would you mind if I talk to my Dad alone? His uncle was glad to wait in the hall. When his father came out, he said to his brother, I want to tell you what David did while we were alone. He called me over to his bed and said, Can I put my arms around you? I stooped over as best I could and let him put his arms around me. And now, Dad, would you put your arms around me? I could hardly keep control of my emotions, but I put my arms around him. Then, with his arms around me, he said, Dad, I just want you to know that the greatest gift God ever gave me, outside of salvation itself, was the gift of a father and mother who love God and taught me to love him, too. That is what God is saying to Jeremiah. What a gift you have! How I have prepared you for this moment, through the generations which lie behind you, that you might live and speak and act in this time in history. PRAYER: Thank you, Father, that you created me special for a unique purpose on earth. Help me to fulfill your purpose for my life. In Jesus name. Amen.
@RGGGuy-fg3yx 10 дней назад
amazing 🎉
@polygonalmasonary 11 дней назад
John 11, 1 -44. Lazareth of Bethany was four days in the grave before Jesus raised him from the dead. I am assuming this is the message of the song? 🙏🇬🇧♥️
@user-qn5uw3bo6j 12 дней назад
@bradleywinkler7127 12 дней назад
@GrahamKendrickMusic Thanks for this! The lyrics have always been among your best and are timeless; this new recording contemporizes the music in such a powerful way. As a worship leader, I love introducing your songs to worshippers who weren’t even born yet when I was cutting my worship-leading teeth on your work in the ‘90s. Thanks for sharing your gifts and talents with the world.
@markworthington1830 12 дней назад
PERFECT LOVE LEADS US. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; he makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Psalms 23:1-3 I read a story about 1,500 sheep in Turkey who went over a cliff, simply because one sheep decided to jump and all the others, one at a time, decided to follow. Interestingly, only 400 of the sheep actually died, with the other 1,100 having their fall cushioned by the first 400! Crazy as this story may seem, it perfectly speaks to our need for a shepherd! The Bible often uses sheep and shepherding imagery, with us as the sheep and the Lord as our Good Shepherd. Interestingly, the Bible never makes the point that we are stupid like sheep. You and I are made in the image of God and share in his very likeness, yet we are in desperate need of someone to lead us, and active and intentional leading is precisely what a faithful shepherd is called to do. I admit that my severely limited experience with livestock distorts my understanding of the shepherd’s role. I think of shepherds as fairly passive people, taking a nap under a tree on a sleepy afternoon while the sheep graze idly in the field. If I’m honest, poems like Psalm 23 play into this vision, with its singsong poetry that calms and soothes the soul, causing me to miss the fundamentally active nature of that psalm: “he leads me beside still waters.” A shepherd’s primary job is one of leading, guiding, and protecting those under their care. From the sheep’s perspective, this may often feel confusing and even frustrating, yet if we believe that the shepherd is good and trustworthy, he will lead us to places that we, in and of ourselves, are unable to go. He will show us streams of living water that we would never have known existed had he not led us there. Following Jesus in this season, for you, may feel painful and confusing. You may want to resist and push against the arduous and treacherous path he has you on. Remember this: Jesus isn’t here to simply validate your decisions or preferred future. He knows our “wisdom” may lead us straight off a cliff! No, he’s here to lead us and at times will ask us to do hard things. We must count the cost of discipleship and choose daily to surrender to him and learn the freedom that comes from following him as he leads. PRAYER: Father, help us to trust that you are leading us into green pastures and still waters, and give us the courage to follow as you lead. Amen.
@markworthington1830 12 дней назад
PERFECT LOVE LEADS US. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; he makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Psalms 23:1-3 I read a story about 1,500 sheep in Turkey who went over a cliff, simply because one sheep decided to jump and all the others, one at a time, decided to follow. Interestingly, only 400 of the sheep actually died, with the other 1,100 having their fall cushioned by the first 400! Crazy as this story may seem, it perfectly speaks to our need for a shepherd! The Bible often uses sheep and shepherding imagery, with us as the sheep and the Lord as our Good Shepherd. Interestingly, the Bible never makes the point that we are stupid like sheep. You and I are made in the image of God and share in his very likeness, yet we are in desperate need of someone to lead us, and active and intentional leading is precisely what a faithful shepherd is called to do. I admit that my severely limited experience with livestock distorts my understanding of the shepherd’s role. I think of shepherds as fairly passive people, taking a nap under a tree on a sleepy afternoon while the sheep graze idly in the field. If I’m honest, poems like Psalm 23 play into this vision, with its singsong poetry that calms and soothes the soul, causing me to miss the fundamentally active nature of that psalm: “he leads me beside still waters.” A shepherd’s primary job is one of leading, guiding, and protecting those under their care. From the sheep’s perspective, this may often feel confusing and even frustrating, yet if we believe that the shepherd is good and trustworthy, he will lead us to places that we, in and of ourselves, are unable to go. He will show us streams of living water that we would never have known existed had he not led us there. Following Jesus in this season, for you, may feel painful and confusing. You may want to resist and push against the arduous and treacherous path he has you on. Remember this: Jesus isn’t here to simply validate your decisions or preferred future. He knows our “wisdom” may lead us straight off a cliff! No, he’s here to lead us and at times will ask us to do hard things. We must count the cost of discipleship and choose daily to surrender to him and learn the freedom that comes from following him as he leads. PRAYER: Father, help us to trust that you are leading us into green pastures and still waters, and give us the courage to follow as you lead. Amen.
@pastorgofficialzim9079 12 дней назад
I was in my final year of Bible school
@user-uy1yq2cs2m 12 дней назад
Amen ❤
@gracetruthguy 12 дней назад
@vanessachiunda7262 14 дней назад
@lordschosen944 14 дней назад
This is a big lesson of humility. Global worship leader yet submissive to a leader in a local church. More Grace, more power and more annointing in Jesus Christ Name. May you never miss the mark in Jesus Christ Name. Amen.
@ArchieLea-ft7dr 14 дней назад
To the American patriotic people and Australian fairdinkum people and President Donald Trump and Israel and hospital and hostages in Jesus Christ Name in Hebrew Yeshua ha maschia Messiah Name in english translation definition in Jesus Christ Name Says IAM that Iam Amen and amen 🙏
@susannejohnson8864 15 дней назад
@benmcfarren6337 15 дней назад
Good news sure 👍🏽 cross sin renpt sin good 👍🏽 sin good 👍🏽 night coming soon soon Yeshua
@barrythomas9571 17 дней назад
Well said, finally a worship leader who speaks the truth about today's worship songs.
@rajanjacob2577 17 дней назад
❤❤❤❤ when i was 11 myfriend gift me this song in a cassette.