Asmr Crunchy Edits🤤
Asmr Crunchy Edits🤤
Asmr Crunchy Edits🤤
This is my new channel hope you guys you are enjoy my videos...I upload Edit Video by asmrs you can see other Types of asmr relaxing video and satisfying..plz guys support and subscribe my channel .
@CINEMA_ASMR_EDITS 19 дней назад
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 19 дней назад
@20SecBlinker 21 день назад
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
And I always always always regardless with or doing everything right routing wrong warn you editors, asking for no strikes and to just request removal… Is not something we do in the community. You’re expected to know this stuff before trying to create a channel and I don’t think I know a single person who doesn’t passionately believe in mass reporting so just let you know that request is pointless just make sure your side of the street is always clean always Otherwise expect to be reported. Let me know 100% promise you will be if you don’t fix the few mistakes here and there I thought that the fact that there was creators giving you advice that I almost wasn’t going to comment which is why I went off so hard because I was so irritated I was just going to report you that in there so yeah don’t expect people to show you and Grace like I said you haven’t built a foundation or an identity for your channel you are replaceable. Yes yes it is sad, but it is only true oh yeah that was my last piece of advice I think. Oh no my last piece of advice is that if you’re under 18 don’t say anything or you’ll also be mass reported. We don’t one like the entitlement of children and to trust them. Three it’s so easy to find info online… We all agreed like five years ago I’m talking about like I was like 26K people in the community tabs lol if he you say your age in your bio in it is under 18… Focus on your schoolwork you’re gonna report you would not even say anything about it beforehand. Because that’s not a matter of you did something wrong it’s a matter of, we don’t want you as a creator here lol. Yeah that’s my last piece of advice You are under 18 lie about it do not tell a soul. I’m honestly telling you this is someone that wants to help I believe that the age maybe you should be like 1516 anything below that we report. Because I know of people to the very least can edit maybe not make contact Contant in balance school work properly but yeah keep your age a secret for your own safety if you want to channel and stuff because there’s some people that feel Really strongly about this go to Dalton in honestly I think that there are some people that have kind of like manipulated their community into basically doing it not because they care for the children but to eliminate competition… I’m not going to name names but I suspect that from a few people so it’s like be careful
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
OK so it’s looking good so far… There are a few channels that specifically asked for their name to be listed before the editors name down on the bottom of the screen, so start paying attention to the bios when you take a video from a channel. Secondly never forget the @ That’s crucial. You’re close to being in the clear just clean up the sloppiness sensors no reason for it to be sloppy… Once you do let me know and I’ll send you 84 subscribers. Deal? And I’m good on my word. I was even good for the 401 I gave someone before. I mean it took some bribing and people who don’t watch ASMR, telling them that you know I’ll get you this Amazon you know turbo portable charger if you Justineau give them watch time by letting the playlist play while your phone is in your locker at work etc. etc. There’s so many channels that I’ve helped out this way. Do that and and I will make up for being harsh by doing that and if you want if you truly truly want to be an editor… You can make the same deal with me as that person I got 260 something subscribers for, or it was like broken up into four different increments and as long as they kept up with always giving credit always doing the right thing, I sent them the next large number of subscribers till they were closer to reaching out and I helped her reach 1000. And she said that she learned so much English bye thoroughly and properly kind of doing the exact stuff I yelled at you for not doing it lol read the bio like pay attention to everyone specific needs and won 600 etc. So she got better at English and hit her goal of 1000 before even being on the platform for five months. I don’t hate you, I hate how miserable the community used to be I want it to get better even if you were straight up taking credit for the videos posted and not being a good person at all I still would’ve cussed you out and then offered you a chance I maybe would’ve offered like 30 or 20 subs… But as long as someone fixes their mistake they have promise
@CallMeeKarma 22 дня назад
No you can’t say credits unfolded. That goes completely 100% against what the Creators SPECIFICALLY ASK… Show respect. You would have a platform without them, I subscribed when you didn’t have that many videos. But I am so iffy about the lake newest kind of 15 editors… You guys all seem either like you’re trying to get out of giving credit or you want to use ignorance as an excuse it’s not OK
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
I’ve seen you on multiple Channels. asking to add it for them. Rather than just going to their bio and reading the rules… You take time out of their day to reiterate something they’ve said 1 million times and have publicly posted in two different Sections on most if not all of their home pages. So if they already have it available to work any normal person can find it, you take time out of their day for them to tell you the rules you better follow them no excuse. I hate this. Why can’t you guys just do the most basic thing they ask you one thing. And then I have to be the bad guy win all I know I like editors in watching edits more than I actually like watching channels. I think it’s more variety and less searching around for the perfect video I think that I’d prefer editors and edits I hate when they get disrespect. But then people like you recent handful do stuff like this call me there’s only one of the most sensational channels ATM worked really really really hard you know back-and-forth personally with the creator who was disrespected so many times that they took away edits and many people live literally Basehor entire channels off of only editing for this one creator. I’m sure you don’t even have to say the name for you to know exactly what I’m talking about and one editor took like over four weeks communicated with them you know like try to make some compromises what would make them feel most comfortable and whatever and got them to re-allow edits. But with Wei stricter rules and. That’s someone who did something amazing modeling for the community but for fellow editors, for this creator themselves so they don’t have to be anxious that they band edits but their stuff is still going to have to be in them and now they’re going to have to report it every time they see it… It just stresses everyone out. Are used to put so much like work and effort into like donating to channels and whatever but then it’s like you know I had lost a lot of money to really crafty scam artists and I mean we hate the people that do it we had ourselves falling for it. Most of us don’t and I mean I’m at the point in time right literally before I even subscribed I think every video that someone has. And spend the effing time to reverse search the audio in the visual separately to make sure one that creator allows that it’s into their properly all credited… That’s exhausting for someone who just wants to I don’t know subscribe to a channel. Because people have made it so dishonest… How about not contributing enough that don’t cut corners. Yeah you may not be “stealing content “but you cutting corners makes the next person think I can cut corners and then all of a sudden it’s a pipeline to straight up theft that’s literally how even a decade ago they were justifying it… Absolutely not and after all the work that specific editors have done to do their best to try and clean up editors image and separate themselves from people who are masquerading as being part of the ASMR community… Like no
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
The past two years have been the most problematic toxic and just on enjoyable time in ASMR history. Mostly because of a wave of new viewers… Brought in by C19 And how rude they talk to people. But it’s like finally people are like really working hard to bring us kind of back to the welcoming supportive uplifting safe place of a community we used to have… Even though edits are my favorite I’m not gonna let any entitled lazy person squander all that hard-working goodwill from like other creators so they can edit.
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
And most of the time you can tell what type of person someone is by if they delete your comment and don’t fix anything or if they do which is why I always take screenshots and it sucks that I have to do that but I mean like people suck, but also I mean recently to people completely like turned around publicly apologized for not giving credit for the past few months I’ve had the account and added credit to everything Sadly five people that I’ve spoken to directly in this entire decade of being part of the community have ever ever ever handled it like that most of them delete the comment don’t address it. And it’s like oh once it’s addressed, all apologize. I’ll delete the mean stuff and support a channel even more for reforming themselves. Burn those who think they’re above it, we just want the disrespect to editors to stop. So we need plagiarists gone. Which means anyone cutting corners you guys fall into that camp, like people if they have credit on only like the recent half of their channel or the beginning half of their channel and then quit doing it at some point or didn’t fix the beginning half of their credit you know it’s you guys are also part of the problem because no true honest real ASMRTIST would ever do that to another creator
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
Super easy literally just type not even a sentence the name of the creator properly like they ask, in this one and I also know for sure they want it in the description and in the title. Short or full video fix your mistakes or like find a community that is better fit for shady people. The community is finally starting to improve some person, he’s not even being asked to spend $200 for some blocks of GC even more on the supplies mold the $400 on dehydrators so they can make reforms etc. I’ve donated and I know how expensive it is for a single crush… You’re not even being asked to do that you’re being asked to type the name of a human who is kindly spending $400 plus to make videos As often as they do. The labor this set up the clean up the preparation the film the video editing the uploading the sound synchronizing you know if you don’t have the right microphone you get harassed by terrible people in the comments if there’s a bark in the background God forbid you know there’s any signs of life… Everything else to be perfect for them. I mean there was 73 comments complaining about how her chalk wasn’t center in the frame once. NONE that is expected of you. Typing a single word, is no exceptions, a while ago I found you through you asking permission to edit and I’ve seen you do it across other channels a couple times write this wrong. Because it’s the same as people who only give credit to really big channels but not to the smaller ones, do you know the EXACT channels that needed the most and are kind of the only real reason why editors became a part of the community, to spread new channels. It’s like that’s the closest example if you’re skipping some credits and not others fix it just fix it there’s literally no reason not to just give the creators name there never is never will be and no other true creator that is truly passionate about ASMR would ever be able to sleep at night after doing so
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
It may seem like not the biggest deal but. Then again like I said you’re not in the right community… I think most every adult knows that plagiarism is something you do not want on your record/to be known for. Even if it’s just like a McDonald’s a sex offender a drug dealer Man who has assaulted children or women will get the job for a plagiarist or a shoplifter. Because nobody wants Thieves. In the workplace, and how many people in the world do you know that would willingly say yeah I’d love to talk to like identities of the scam artist an impersonator… Nobody. That’s why it’s a law and there’s three different versions of the law and why RU-vid has guidelines TOS five different iterations of it… It’s like a serious crime does not punish as often as it should be. But the fact that it is a warrant exists as a law goes without explaining even a 12 year old should know better and they do. So if they choose to do it anyways it’s out of entitlement entitlement that a simple editor doesn’t deserve there are many trustworthy, proper, quality editors out there already. We don’t need a half hours one that’s willing to cut corners and potentially end up contributing to the pool headrests that infect our community. No. Just like it was really nice of snappy to stand up and get the rights for a specific creator to allow edits back to Didok but honestly an edit club of over 70 people the only do edits on one specific reader or disposable. It was so amazing that someone went out of their way to fix site for those editors… But it’s like we can afford to The disrespectful ones Especially now with the recovery our community is making… And channels out there just blowing up and taking audience by storm. Because they actually have intention a specific plan with their channel. Passion and mission whatever you wanna call it they’re trying to spread through their work, like people specifically dedicated to old school channel is bringing them back to the newer audience, underrated channels to channels all across Our community. If you were probably asking people directly and wasting their time when the rules are visible on their page already for everyone… I don’t think this will be as big of a deal but the fact that like I see you around and have since I subscribed a while ago asking for permission. Say there’s a person who is not commenting and asking for permission you are the unforgivable one if you don’t follow those rules they also are but you are far more at fault since you had them directly take the time out of their day to explain it to you. They feign ignorance and then please delete their channel and find a new hobby L O L but like You know you know for sure the right way and it might just be the single short I’m sure it’s not but it might be in that case just fix it and don’t do better you were the one without any excuses and yeah these are very very harsh. Like three years ago there was some kind of notorious play dress-up finally got there come up and send more soon since the people they were editing for have their own actual companies like GC brands.. those companies are kind of difficult to just jumpstart it’s not an Etsy thing, a lot of our original kind of like biggest creators right now have their own brand professionally type thing they’re sponsored by planet fitness for example, Johnson and Johnson for example, T-Mobile for example, kind of random kind of not but it’s like those are the legal teams if there is a person giving them enough trouble to where they have to result to that… It hasn’t been that many sues. But when it does happen it’s great. And I mean yeah I’m being harsh but there was a kid who got his entire family bankrupt and they were stuck living in a Toyota Camry for 15 year-old douche bag that thought he was untouchable and Køuhei keeps doing for years parents lost their jobs they lost their house everything. So it’s like yeah you could have someone tell you off or that could happen Just yeah fix it be respectful of the creators or go home. I know hypocritical of me to say be respectful. But I’m not the one out here trying to benefit off of anyone else dessert. Walther generously allowing you to do so, if I was allowing someone to basically for example related to my job make an account and post things from my portfolio from my shoots from catalogs that I’ve been in and whatever and Ron either a fan account and then find out they’re just pretending to be me to either get followers or like I don’t talk to people I would I mean shit I’ve dealt with that so many times. And I think the best way to teach someone a lesson is to humble and humiliate them. That’s against most of the creators beliefs. Just the reality of the situation realize who you are who they are how you’re lucky how your replaceable how you should do the best you can to even be accepted by these people letting you take clips of their artwork and use it to hopefully grow following resolved. Think how lucky you are humble yourself show gratitude and just respect their rules
@asmrs3671 22 дня назад
So Satisfying 😍😍🔥
@CINEMA_ASMR_EDITS 22 дня назад
So beautiful 😍
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 22 дня назад
@CINEMA_ASMR_EDITS 23 дня назад
WHITE texture ❤
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 22 дня назад
@@CINEMA_ASMR_EDITS Thankyou Dear 🥰
@malangbaloch126 24 дня назад
I love her content ❤
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 23 дня назад
@KGFchapter2-my4qy 26 дней назад
@CINEMA_ASMR_EDITS 26 дней назад
Perfect 😃
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 24 дня назад
Thankyou 🥰
@CINEMA_ASMR_EDITS 26 дней назад
This is Amazing 😍🤩
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 24 дня назад
@CINEMA_ASMR_EDITS 27 дней назад
Great 👍
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 27 дней назад
@@CINEMA_ASMR_EDITS Thankyou Dear 🥰
@asmrs3671 27 дней назад
@CINEMA_ASMR_EDITS 27 дней назад
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 27 дней назад
@asmrs3671 27 дней назад
Waooo 😍😍🔥
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 27 дней назад
@@asmrs3671 ❤️
@camilaalgenithcruzlopez628 Месяц назад
Vaya asmr 🤨
@asmredit...417 Месяц назад
@asmredit...417 Месяц назад
@asmredit...417 Месяц назад
Perfect 😍😍
@asmredit...417 Месяц назад
Superb 😍
Really dusty 🤍
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@CINEMA_ASMR_EDITS Thankyou Dear 🥰❤️
@asmrs3671 Месяц назад
Soo Soo Amazing 😍🔥
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@asmrs3671 Thankyou Dear 🥰
@strawberryyy2122 Месяц назад
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@strawberryyy2122 Thankyou Dear 🥰
Bestest 💓
@asmrs3671 Месяц назад
Perfect 😍
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@asmrs3671 Thankyou 🥰
Delicious 😋
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@Cloudyyyeditzz Месяц назад
Awesome ❤
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@Cloudyyyeditzz Thankyou 🥰
Bluely 🥏
@asmrs3671 Месяц назад
Waooo amazing 😍
@asmrs3671 Месяц назад
Soo perfect 😍
@RigerFiger Месяц назад
Заслуживаете большего
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
They’re doing really good for how new they are? They barely even have an identity as an editor. Like what vibe is our channel what videos do they edit who are their favorite creators I don’t even know that yet they’re farther along than most people would be this comment does not read the way that most average people think it does,
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
Would I specifically say… Because I don’t like giving people underhanded compliments, I know that artists judge themselves the hardest. I say, “this is exciting I’m so do you know Happy to be able to watch you grow” It’s corny, but it’s positive. They can’t beat themselves up over anything in that comment they can’t feel pressured because of that comment they can only do like yeah I’m kind of excited to or positive annoying BXTCH lol
@asmrs3671 Месяц назад
Soo perfect 😍
@asmrs3671 Месяц назад
Perfect ❤️🔥
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@asmrs3671 Thankyou 🥰
@Cloudyyyeditzz Месяц назад
So good🤍
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@Cloudyyyeditzz Thankyou Dear 🥰
@strawberryyy2122 Месяц назад
Great ❤
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@strawberryyy2122 Thankyou Dear 🥰
@Cloudyyyeditzz Месяц назад
Awesome ❤❤
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@Cloudyyyeditzz Thankyou 🥰
@naziyamomin4974 Месяц назад
after so perfect crush why so less likes😢
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
It’s got thousands of likes on the owners page.
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
This is a brand new editor..? Give them a couple weeks or months… Takes time for channel to grow. Saying something like that even if you mean it as like “you’re underrated you deserve so much more” most people… Like over and try asking don’t view that as a compliment. That’s always kind of scene is like an underhanded compliment or a kind of slap to the face like what how would you feel if I said you know like oh your outfit is so cute if only like your hair was a little longer maybe you would finally find the person of your dreams. Or maybe if you lost a little bit more away you could only stop Getting picked on at work. And if you read that in the same tone that most people would read that in, that’s the same exact tone people say that you deserve so much more… It’s infantilizing, give them a chance
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
they’re doing pretty good for how new they are. Remember artists are always their own worst critics. So that could come off the Demeaning..
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
We’ve already lost too many amazing channels whether it’s pressure mistreatment or they’re sick of having their Contant taken… We’ve already lost 100 and I thought that we could make a passing new year without doing that. We reached 100 back on 7 August we’re closer to 140 at this point, that have quit. So maybe like the best encouragement possible is the way to continue receiving free entertainment from these people they don’t owe US anything
@BismaArslan-tv3wt Месяц назад
Perfect edit ,🤩
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@BismaArslan-tv3wt Thankyou 🥰
@asmrs3671 Месяц назад
Perfect 😍
@АсламбекИбаев-б7в Месяц назад
Что это скажите пожалуйста мне 😊😊😊если не сложно
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@АсламбекИбаев-б7в Dear it's gym chalk
@asmrs3671 Месяц назад
Waoo Amazing 😍❤️
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@asmrs3671 Thankyou 🥰
@asmredit...417 Месяц назад
Waoo Amazing 😍
@Cloudyyyeditzz Месяц назад
Soo goodd 🦋
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@Cloudyyyeditzz Thankyou dear
@asmrs3671 Месяц назад
perfect Edit 😍🤤
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
Aren’t you create it yourself? You gotta get better advice than that. This is basically a re-post… Don’t you want your brother sister fellow creator to like Truly excel?
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
Give them advice only another creator can… This is basically just re-post speed it up make it more vibrant and variety this looks exactly the same as the short they already have. It’s not excellent help them survive by giving them real advice I would never like request anything from another creator especially if I’m not paying them. But like another creator you should help them out with actual like advice Or at least that’s what I do with my coworkers
@CallMeeKarma 21 день назад
I’m only saying that because this is specifically like vital for them. During the sink or swim. Write especially with our proper “Brandon quote most people with out a catchy channel name languishing of security eventually. Because they’re difficult to search for… So they have a generic channel name. 371 others will pop up if I type in the handle As a creator yourself you should know the solution is that right? The algorithm. If they’re pushing the algorithm having a generic name because there’s four specific words people arrange them in a few different ways and they’re the most common channel names… The way to step outside of that box of every other “gymchalk425” “ satisfying ASMR quote“crushing something any of the combinations of the aforementioned words “is to be recommended by the algorithm… By being exceptional. Like those creators who got really big because they have aesthetics like vibrant are or really unknown Channels or really old school channels or they do like specific creator only or like one child crush edits or just like they have their own aesthetic and it pushes them outside of the box… UPJ grew quick… let’s break up blew up so quick Candy crush blew up so quick the day actually got overwhelmed and left the community… It’s like having unique catchy cute names that’s easier to remember and associate… But then there’s gems like LBD_ASMRFHJ_ASMR 111 it’s like very generic but their work was so and is so beyond excellent that it’s like they transcended the obscurity that their branding cast them There should be like a school or a wall class or like tips for trade or whatever they call it till like six seed as a creator on RU-vid… But yeah branding is the basics that would be good advice, posting even simply shorts that can’t be found anywhere else but someone specific channel that is extremely important. If I can find the same short elsewhere it diminishes the value of anyone else’s especially compared to the original creator as always… I hope you editors keep supporting each other with each other up and helping each other grow and succeed. We need more positive and supportive creators… It’s beginning to become kind of clicky and the creators the commenters are partially evil sometimes most of the time and the creators aren’t taking newbies under their wings like they used to So hopefully you guys can help with creating a better new atmosphere
@BismaArslan-tv3wt Месяц назад
@asmrs3671 Месяц назад
Amazing 😍
@LeydyHernandez-b6e Месяц назад
Es arena?
@asmrcrunchyedits5115 Месяц назад
@@LeydyHernandez-b6e No.its Gym chalk