ani veve
ani veve
ani veve
Hello, love ♡

I'm Ani veve (pronounced "Annie Vee-vee") and I like to make videos that share my love of cute, pretty things & other simple joys in life. My friends often describe me as an extremely genuine soul and the human embodiment of coziness so I hope I can be your comfort channel to watch after a long day. On top of the cozy and warm energy, I also always try to keep it real and honest in my videos at the same time. Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you enjoy your stay ♡
Coquette Kawaii Temu / SHEIN / H&M Haul
Месяц назад
5 месяцев назад
Glossier Super Pure Serum Review
7 месяцев назад
@anjelicaraeyap 10 часов назад
Thank you for this informative video!!!! I got the 1L in true navy! 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 from PH
@aniveve 6 часов назад
@@anjelicaraeyap no problem im glad it was helpful!! 🥰🙏
@superstarmario101 День назад
Oh my, you must have one of the loveliest smiles ever, how did you get the lighting so perfect? You're glowing here. You do an outstanding job on your hair and eye makeup, and that little wink and kiss you did at the beginning, it's just...wow! I know you'll say it doesn't, but how the heck does being so feminine and pretty just seem so come so naturally to you?
@aniveve День назад
@@superstarmario101 aw thank you so much, as you can see in the comments, many people beg to differ regarding the lighting 😅😫 (it was wayyy too bright here) it was my 1st time using my new camera and thus i wasnt used to it. It really frustrates me that this somehow ended up being my most-viewed video for that reason 😭 And aw thank you, I find my cutesy movements cringey sometimes 🤣 so im glad you find them endearing
@superstarmario101 День назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, yeah, I guess it is pretty bright, I didn't really mind it, though, and it looks like you've gotten the hang of adjusting your lighting since then. Of course, they're very endearing, you don't realize how pretty the subtle little things you do really are, don't ever change!
@aniveve День назад
@@superstarmario101 you are too kind 😊🙏
@superstarmario101 День назад
@@aniveve I can't help but be kind to you, you're the best.
@superstarmario101 2 дня назад
This video pretty much sums up why you're so cool; you're modest, genuine, responsible and you always look pretty and manage to treat yourself to nice stuff without wasting a bunch of money, plus, you're not afraid to show your love for all things girly.
@aniveve 2 дня назад
@@superstarmario101 aww youre just the best, thanks a million!!! 🥹
@superstarmario101 2 дня назад
​@@aniveveYou're welcome! I really appreciate how honest you are on here, you're not trying to give anyone the impression that you're rich or stuck up, you're genuine about your struggles and insecurities, even if you have no reason to have them, and you're just so approachable and easy to get along with.
@superstarmario101 3 дня назад
These outfits look so adorable on you, working on the sketches I did of these shots was so much fun, you nailed every pose, you looked like you were in your glory when you were modeling these, and I can't stress enough, you really do look amazing in skirts. I meant to to ask, do you play any sports, and which outfit here would you say was your favorite?
@aniveve 2 дня назад
@@superstarmario101 aw thanks so much! No, i dont play any sports, i just love walking, hiking and dancing :) hbu?
@superstarmario101 2 дня назад
@@aniveve You're welcome! I don't play sports either, and I couldn't dance if my life depended on it, lol, art is more my thing, but I love going on walks when I get the chance, and I'd like to go hiking sometime.
@superstarmario101 3 дня назад
Wow, again, your apartment looks so cozy, I'm sure there are some drawbacks to it, like you said in your other video, but it looks like you managed to make the most of it and enhance it with your iconic cute aesthetic. When you move into your new place, do you think you'll pretty much keep it looking like this, or do you think you'll go for a different look?
@aniveve 3 дня назад
@@superstarmario101 thanks so much! :) and hmm tbh i have been debating this a lot! I might keep most of the same sort of aesthetic but add more colours and textures to it (such a plants, wicker, wood, etc)
@superstarmario101 3 дня назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, that sounds interesting, whatever you decide, I'm sure you'll find a way to make it look nice.
@superstarmario101 4 дня назад
I still can't get over how amazing the first outfit looks on you, I know it's more of a costume than a casual outfit, but it's so cute and dainty. The white skirt is so light and flowy, it pairs perfectly with the pink top, and the little bows on the straps and the stockings are so iconic, if you ever started your own fashion line, they could be the insignia. You look like you're completely in your element in this outfit, the pink skirt and white top look great on you too, white and pink is definitely your color scheme, then the way you can go right from outfits like these to more casual tops and shorts just goes to show how versatile you are, I don't know what else to say, you're just remarkable.
@aniveve 4 дня назад
@@superstarmario101 🥹🥹🥹🙏🙏🙏
@aniveve 4 дня назад
So funny you mention that outfit, as i am doing a photoshoot with my friend in that exact outfit this weekend, so im glad it looks good in your opinion 😃
@superstarmario101 4 дня назад
@@aniveve A photoshoot, wow, I'm sure those pictures will turn out great, let me know how the whole thing goes.
@superstarmario101 4 дня назад
​@@aniveveyou should do some shots in the second outfit too with the little pink cap like you wore in your other video, since it's a more sporty looking outfit, you could do some poses with a golf club or a tennis racket if you have any.
@mor.a 7 дней назад
You are sooo honest person i love watching your videos of purse reviews❤
@aniveve 7 дней назад
@@mor.a aww thank you so much 🥹 i always try to be as real and honest as possible. Thank you for watching my purse reviews and for your kind comment 🥰🙏
@aniveve 8 дней назад
Hey everyone! I'm sorry if I maybe came off kind of overly defensive in this video and that it came out more rambly/rant-y than I intended. 😅🤣 I honestly didn't expect anyone to watch this video so I kind of was more off-the-cuff and not as concise with my thoughts as I usually am in my other videos. Thank you so much for watching 🙏❤
@superstarmario101 7 дней назад
You don't have to apologize, you didn't come off that way at all. I'm sure since you grew up poor and had to take initiative and learn to provide for yourself at a young age, being written off as a spoiled brat by ignorant people can be a soft spot for you. I don't know you as well as your friends and family, but I'm blessed enough to have gotten to know you over these past few weeks, and I have to say, you truly are a genuine and kind person. I mean, since when does a content creator take as much time to talk with one of their commentors as you do? Not even just something generic, like "hey, thanks so much for your support!" I mean, we've had full conversations right here in the comments about a bunch of stuff. I was so nervous about dming you, I was afraid I'd be bothering you, but you were completely cool about it, you never made me feel like you were too busy for me, or like I'm not worth your time. You're a friendly, caring, compassionate girl, you're down to earth and so easy to get along with, I'm sure your family has seen you at your best and worst moments, none of us are perfect, but you never come off arrogant or snobby, or like you're putting up a facade. Honestly, with how self-conscious and nervous I am, you've been so encouraging and uplifting to me, and I can't say enough how much I appreciate it. Honestly, I really enjoyed the video, I agreed with a lot of the stuff you mentioned, there's so many products and services nowadays that people indulge in either out of pure laziness or just having more money than they know what to do with, and I've just never felt the need to use most of them.
@aniveve 7 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 aw thank you so very much as always for your kind comments and ongoing support 🙏 it truly means the world to me to know I have subscribers that genuinely like my content and connect with me on things, at the end of the day, that was why i made a youtube channel: to connect with people so that we can feel less alone in our struggles and uplift eachother :) thank you so much as always for your kindness 🙏
@superstarmario101 7 дней назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, I can't relate to any of the makeup reviews or fashion stuff of course, but I can still appreciate how beautiful you are and at least from an artistic standpoint, I can appreciate your sense of style. I can definitely relate to this one when it comes to being mature and responsible with money and taking care of yourself. You certainly have made me feel less lonely, I mean, I have plenty of love in my life already with my family, as I've said before, I never want to take that for granted, but it's nice to feel like I have a friend to hang out with too, and I can't thank you enough for being a friend to me.
@asada1024 8 дней назад
Exactly, I so much agree. My friends and even my family accused me of being irresponsible financially since I had months spending big chunks of money at once. I just save, I cunt every grosz(cent) and then you can be supprised how much money you can save. Btw it would be much nicer to watch if you would include timestamps 😊
@aniveve 8 дней назад
@@asada1024 thank you for your comment! :) and yes sorry this video ended up being way more rambly and rant-y than intended 😅🤣 i will try to make it more concise next time for sure
@faiora 9 дней назад
I’m five minutes in and this video reads as very self-conscious and reflexive. People may have said some things that were untrue about you, but instead of just saying it isn’t true (and moving on to the content), you’re taking it like someone is calling you names, and getting defensive/reactive. This isn’t an educational video - it’s a video all about YOU and how people perceive YOU and how YOU feel about what some comments said. You, you, you. Edit: I’ll add, early in the video I was thinking, “this is interesting, she decides what’s important in her life and is teaching people how to be really intentional about how they spend money.” I think the premise is in place and that’s great that you’re showing people how being frugal in most areas lets you spend money on the things you really care about. It’s just too bad it comes across like a rebuttal instead of a learning experience.
@faiora 9 дней назад
I got to the bag rant about 22 minutes in, and it really cemented the tone of the video for me. It’s “crazy” to you to spend over $1000 on a handbag, but you aspire to…? So many of the items you mentioned not spending money on are beauty-related things. It would never occur to me, for example, to say I don’t spend money on Botox or red-light-face-things, or twelve step skin care regimens, because of course I don’t. It wouldn’t even occur to me. Why is that even on the list? Clearly I’m not your audience and shouldn’t have been recommended this video. This is a video for people who put their appearance before other things. That’s an okay thing to do… but it also explains why this video is so self conscious and self focussed. Thanks for teaching me a few things about makeup&handbag people. It’s been insightful.
@superstarmario101 9 дней назад
What's your problem? So she simply addressed that people can be presumptuous and rude and assume that she's spoiled when in actuality, she's worked hard for everything she has. If she wants to talk about herself, it's her channel and her video, she can do that, and yes, it's about her own personal experiences and things she views as superfluous luxuries that are just a waste of money, and frankly, I agree with most of the things she mentioned. If you don't like the video, or it wasn't a good recommendation for you, just skip it and move one, no need to leave a comment criticizing her, it comes off like you're just looking for attention.
@superstarmario101 9 дней назад
@@faiora judging by some of your favorites, you seem like the kind of person who despises anyone who actually has a sense of personal responsibility and works hard to achieve something for themselves, writing them off as having some sort of "privelege" you probably think it would be better if all they had was appropriated and given to people who were unwilling to work instead.
@superstarmario101 10 дней назад
People are so presumptuous and hateful, I never wrote you off as rich or spoiled, I think it's excellent that you've worked so hard and earned everything you have, you should be able to treat yourself once in a while, you deserve it. This is so relatable, I almost never eat out, especially not fast food, it's all unhealthy junk and way too expensive, besides, I love to cook, it's so much fun, and it's so rewarding being able to cook for your family and see them enjoy it. Your hair always looks gorgeous, it goes to show you don't need any of those ridiculous tools, cosmetics, or pricey hair care products, it's easy to see you take great care of yourself, you always look nice, and you're thrifty about it too. It's refreshing to hear from someone who doesn't drink or smoke, niether do I, it's just stupid and self-destructive, not to mention in makes you toxic to everyone around you. I don't watch tv either, the last time I ever watched tv was like seven years ago when a show I grew up with was brought back for a final season, I'm really not interested in any shows nowadays, and I won't waste money on streaming services. We could probably talk forever about stuff niether of us waste money on, this is more like fifty more reasons you're the coolest girl ever.
@aniveve 10 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 wow im so glad to hear im not the only one who doesnt spend money on things like eating out constantly/watching tv/smoking or drinking etc etc!! Its so refreshing to know i am not alone! I originally made this video to make others feel less alone, but in the end you are all the ones making ME feel less alone in your responses, so thank you so much 🥹🙏 and aw thats so sweet and wholesome that you enjoy cooking for your family, you are blessed to have eachother 😊 and thank you as always for your kindness 🙏
@superstarmario101 10 дней назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, it was a comfort to me too knowing there's someone else out there that feels the same way, so we helped eachother!
@cinnamonteeth 10 дней назад
Agree with you on takeout! I grew up in a family that cooks all our meals, only getting takeout maybe 1-2 times a month. The culture here is so different because people are regularly getting food delivered which is more expensive than just buying ingredients at the store and cooking. Not buying one-off drinks is difficult for me when college starts again lol because there’s a Starbucks right in the library and it smells so good, but I control myself unless I feel hungry and need a drink or snack. I’ll try to make my own iced matcha lattes from now on & take it with me to school.
@aniveve 10 дней назад
@@cinnamonteeth yes i grew up with a family that never got takeout either! So maybe its ingrained in us to not do so in adulthood as well 😅🤣 getting takeout/eating at a restaurant was like a special event or big deal. And i totally get the one-off drinks thing for sure, its such a nice, instant dopamine rush for not much money. Once in awhile theyre fine as a treat to yourself 😊 but yes learning to make them at home will be game-changing for sure!!
@missdee7173 10 дней назад
We can tell by your videos how sweet you are and you don’t come across spoiled at all! You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone . Work hard & treat yourself ! Those people don’t pay your bills ❤
@aniveve 10 дней назад
@@missdee7173 omg thank you so very much for your sweet comment, hun 🥺💗 it is so reassurring to me that I dont come off spoiled at all, as it is such a big misconception people seem to have of me, especially on tik tok. And you're so right, they don't! ✊️ thank you for your ongoing support, i appreciate you so much 🥰
@superstarmario101 11 дней назад
Okay, I was rewatching this to get more poses for drawing references and I can't believe I forgot to comment on the white romper with the orange spots. It's beautiful, the orange dots blend in with the white from a distance to make a pretty light orange, the way the shorts flare out is so elegant and flowy, it almost looks like a summer dress when you're standing still, and the band around the middle really compliments your figure, is there any look you can't pull off at this point?
@aniveve 11 дней назад
Aww thank you so much 🥺 unfortunately i gave that dress/romper away because i felt fat in it and now im regretting it lol 🤣😭
@superstarmario101 11 дней назад
@@aniveve What? Nooo..You've got to be kidding, you didn't look fat in it at all. I'm not sure what your favorite types of outfits to wear are, besides the coquette stuff, of course, but if you ask me, I think you look your best in summer outfits, I guess because of your tan skin tone, and summer is such a carefree, happy, fun, playful season, and that lends itself perfectly to your personality.
@aniveve 11 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 aww thank you, yes my favourite types of clothes to wear are def spring/summer for sure 🥰 i love anything light and airy, i hate feeling restricted haha
@superstarmario101 11 дней назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, yeah, you look like you really enjoy wearing them, the only thing missing here was a beach or a flowery meadow for you to chill out in, and I'm sure light and airy stuff like that is a lot more comfortable.
@Ana-ie7wj 11 дней назад
Where is this vanity from?:)
@aniveve 11 дней назад
@superstarmario101 12 дней назад
Wow, watching you put your makeup on is like watching an artist at work. Your makeup always looks good in your videos, it never looks overdone, it's just subtle and natural. So all you had on before this was a little bit of concealer? I guess I was right, you really don't need any makeup, even before you put this on, your face already looked flawless.
@aniveve 12 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 aw omg that is such a huge compliment, thank you!! 🥺 i really dont think my makeup skills are that great, especially compared to so many other talented people on here, so that means a lot to me 🙏
@superstarmario101 12 дней назад
​@@aniveve You're welcome, I don't know a thing about makeup, so I'm not really the best judge, I just know you always look great in these videos, whether that's credited to your makeup skills or just your natural looks is really for you to say. I just feel like makeup can really only do so much, if a person has an unappealing face, makeup can't completely fix it, and it's not like you have any blemishes or imperfections to hide, you're just polishing up the beauty that's already there.
@aniveve 12 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 you are so very kind :) I definitely get blemishes from time to time, no one is perfect, including me especially. however, i will admit that on this day that i filmed this video, i was having a particularly good skin day hahaha
@superstarmario101 12 дней назад
@@aniveve lol! I know no one's perfect, we all get blemishes and stuff, but your skin always looks smooth. Wait, did you just admit that you looked good here?! Attagirl!
@aniveve 12 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 🙈🤣😊
@superstarmario101 12 дней назад
Oh my goodness, that sage dress looks so good on you, and the wave in your hair is incredible, the bag has a really cool design too.
@aniveve 12 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 thanks so much 🥰
@superstarmario101 12 дней назад
​@@aniveveYou're welcome! I feel like the girls who watched this probably wanted to run right out and buy the dress and the bag after seeing how amazing they look on you.
@aniveve 12 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 🥺🙏
@superstarmario101 14 дней назад
That mini bag really is the perfect fit, it's little and adorable, just like you! Your dress looks so elegant, you always take the prettiest mod shots, you are a great model, no matter what you think.
@aniveve 14 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 aw thank you so very much, your kindness is a gift to this world 😊
@superstarmario101 14 дней назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, so is your's, it's definitely been a gift to me.
@superstarmario101 15 дней назад
Wow, your makeup always looks stunning, even though you probably don't need any. It's so good to see another video from you, have things calmed down for you a little lately?
@aniveve 15 дней назад
aw thank you so much :) and no tbh lol, things are just as busy as ever, but I happened to have ONE day off today so I filmed as much as possible :'( thank you for your care 🙏
@superstarmario101 15 дней назад
@@aniveve You're welcome. I'm so sorry, someone as nice as you shouldn't be so stressed out and exhausted like this.
@cinnamonteeth 17 дней назад
Oh my god this is beautiful 😍😍 Immediately buying now because I love flowers 🌹
@aniveve 17 дней назад
@@cinnamonteeth i know right?!?! Its truly breathtaking 😍🩷
@haloqueen23 10 дней назад
Thank you for posting. I've been on the hunt for some pink coquette beeding for my room makeover! 😍
@aniveve 10 дней назад
@@haloqueen23 yay im so glad you enjoyed 🥰 thank you for watching 😊
@polnasememel839 18 дней назад
My one mini. And it’s so cute. Better than large ones.
@superstarmario101 19 дней назад
That dress looks fantastic on you, the bag pairs well with it too. I feel like anytime you wear white or pink, it really compliments your naturally tan skin tone, I can totally see why you like being blonde too, your hair looks incredible, but whatever, you just go on being all insecure and stuff...
@aniveve 18 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 😊🙏 thank you so much as always for your kind comments, they are like my daily dose of confidence boosters
@superstarmario101 18 дней назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, like I said, sometimes I'm worried if I'm commenting or messaging you too much, but I'm glad it makes you feel better. Honestly, if you'd like, I'd be more than happy to tell you how pretty you are every day, lol.
@aniveve 18 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 you are too kind 🤣🙏🩵
@superstarmario101 18 дней назад
@@aniveve Seriously, I'll set a "tell Anita she's pretty" alarm on my phone.
@aniveve 18 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 🤣🙏🙏🙏
@superstarmario101 21 день назад
Your workout outfits are so pretty, the light pink bag looks good with this one too, it adds a bit of contrast against the black, and your hair looks lovely up in a ponytail like that.
@aniveve 21 день назад
Aw thank you so much! 😊 i feel like i look bald from the front haha 🤣
@superstarmario101 21 день назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, no you don't, lol, it's just the cap!
@asenaluvv 21 день назад
i love ur channel sm <333
@aniveve 21 день назад
@@asenaluvv aw omg tysm that means so much to me 🥰🙏
@asenaluvv 21 день назад
@@aniveve yes girl i love watching ur vids sm! and u inspired me to buy my own stanley lol! <333
@aniveve 21 день назад
@@asenaluvv omg im so happy i could inspire you, i hope you like it 🤣 and aw thank you, im so glad you like my videos 🥹 thank you for your support and for taking the time to leave a nice comment 🥰
@asenaluvv 20 дней назад
@@aniveve awwww ofc i really do love it and ur channel too so excited for your next post!
@aniveve 20 дней назад
@@asenaluvv 🥹🙏💖
@lively-lifestyle 21 день назад
I recently went to "Kiokii and.." and saw the flower knows collection and was indecisive on what I should get but I ended up getting the liquid eyeshadow 01 and I can confirm it's very glittery and is so easy to apply, the smell doesn't bother too much but I can not wait to use this product more!!
@aniveve 21 день назад
Yes its super glittery for sure! And after putting it on initially the smell eventually is unnoticeable :)
@superstarmario101 22 дня назад
I like your pink hoodie, it goes really well with those gray workout shorts, it's a cool sporty look for you and it still follows your iconic color scheme! The bag really makes the look pop, too, especially with the little fuzzy heart.
@aniveve 21 день назад
Aww thank you so much ☺️🙏
@superstarmario101 21 день назад
@@aniveve You're welcome!
@superstarmario101 23 дня назад
So I know this video's supposed to be about the lip gloss, but can we talk about how you got your hair to look like that? The way you tied up your pigtails so they flair out at the ends looks so cool, and the thick, long strands on either side really highlight your face, I couldn't stop looking at it throughout the video, it's such a nice style. The gloss looks good on you, too, by the way, I'm sort of hesitant to say anything about your lips, but, yeah, they look really pretty, if you don't mind me saying.
@aniveve 23 дня назад
@@superstarmario101 thank you! Im pretty bad at styling my hair generally; i pretty much just put my hair up quickly and arbitrarily in this video, so im glad it looks cool! 🤣
@superstarmario101 23 дня назад
@@aniveve You're welcome. Well, I've seen you wear it up in a ponytail, I've seen it down where it's either straightened or flowy, I've seen it braided, and they all looked pretty to me, so if that's you being "bad" at styling your hair or not putting effort into it, I can't imagine what your "good" hairstyle would look like when you actually put time into it.
@aniveve 23 дня назад
@@superstarmario101 aw thank you so much, you are way too kind 🤣🙏
@superstarmario101 23 дня назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, so are you!
@superstarmario101 25 дней назад
That's so neat how it highlighted your cheeks, eyelids and the tip of your nose without making them look shiny or oily. Dang, getting to see your face up close in these makeup videos really allows me to focus on the details and appreciate how beautiful you are, I know this sounds really corny, but it's easy to get lost in your eyes. You do a good job with your makeup, but I get the impression that you don't actually need it, do you think you'll ever do a video where you start without any makeup on at all and show us your whole process?
@aniveve 25 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 aww omg you are way too kind 🙏 i almost wanted to delete this video because i was insecure about it being so close up because you can see all my imperfections 😣 and i actually did film a full makeup video like that before where i showed my bare face but i deleted it lol 🫠 (soo insecure haha) and aw thank you, you are so incredibly nice 😊
@superstarmario101 25 дней назад
@@aniveve I didn't see any imperfections, your face looked perfectly smooth to me. I get that we all have insecurities, some that might be so small that only we notice them, but I'm really trying to wrap my head around what you could possibly be insecure about. Like I said before, I'm usually nervous about paying you a compliment because I don't want to sound obnoxious or annoying, but it's always nice to see you respond and take it so graciously. You're so welcome, well, you're incredibly nice, so you deserve to be told so.
@aniveve 25 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 my wrinkles, eye bags, wide nose, round face, lack of cheekbones or facial defintion, to name a few 😅😭 but you are so sweet thank you 🙏 im truly working on being kinder to myself
@superstarmario101 25 дней назад
@@aniveve I know you're wearing makeup, but I really couldn't notice any wrinkles or eye bags, your nose isn't wide, it's proportionate to your face, you have a cute little nose. Your round face and undefined cheek bones make your face look soft and pretty. Don't make me get out the list again... or add to it..
@aniveve 25 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 youre the best 🤣🙏
@superstarmario101 25 дней назад
Cat ears!? As if you weren't already kawaii enough, and your braids here, oh my goodness, your hair is incredible. You always get the cutest stuff in these hauls, and if we were buddies, I'd totally buy you a huge bag of gummies!
@superstarmario101 25 дней назад
How has nobody commented on this yet? You look like a princess here, and not just because of the little tiara hairclip thing. You do an amazing job on your makeup, I like how you don't go too heavy on the eyeshadow, you have such pretty eyes, and you're just putting on enough to draw attention to them. I have got to use a shot from one of your makeup videos for a portrait, as long as that's fine with you.
@aniveve 25 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 aww omg thank you so much! I definitely worked hard on my overall look for this video and it has barely gotten any views lol 🥲 so thank you for taking the time to notice my efforts and leave a nice comment. And yes id be honoured as usual! 😊
@superstarmario101 25 дней назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, I know, it's really a shame, you always look your best for these. Of course, it's only fair that somebody noticed. Thank you, I'm getting ready to start on a shot from your one active wear haul too.
@aniveve 25 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 im excited to see how it turns out! 😊
@superstarmario101 25 дней назад
@@aniveve I'll be sure to show you when I'm done, thanks again for letting me draw you!
@savesheikhjarrah1480 26 дней назад
Great review! I have a super old “wallet” like this design that I got for free with an Avon purchase years ago. It’s falling apart now. I always looked for a replacement wallet the same small and light style but couldn’t find until I came across this lululemon one! If it wasn’t so expensive I would buy right away. Still debating if I should get 😂
@aniveve 26 дней назад
Oh wow for free, very nice!! Yes i could totally see why youre hesitant, its kinda overpriced for what it is for sure. However, i use mine every single day and love it, but its ultimately up to you 😊
@GabeNwagbalaPlus 27 дней назад
good video
@aniveve 27 дней назад
@@GabeNwagbalaPlus thank you!
@monalisasaunders9330 28 дней назад
I was in Sephora and got offered this for my birrhday in April super awesome this is a brand Ive been meaning to try thanks Sephora
@superstarmario101 28 дней назад
This was such a good haul, the little white cap looks adorable on you with your hair up in a ponytail like that. Again, the way you dance around and pose in your outfits is the prettiest thing ever, and you have such a lovely smile. Your happy fun-loving demeanor is so infectious, I really hope you're not getting tired of me saying it at this point, but you're so feminine and pretty.
@aniveve 28 дней назад
Aw thank you so very much 🙏 and no i dont think it will ever get tiring lol 🤣🙏
@superstarmario101 28 дней назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, okay, good to know,, cuz I'm probably going to keep saying it over and over, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting on your nerves. Yeah, you look everything in everything, but there's something special about the skirts. You looked like you were in your glory in the pink swishy one, the way you were twirling around and swiveling your hips, you took full advantage of the swishiness, you're just so incredibly graceful. Same thing with the white one, I can see why you like skirts so much, would you say they're one of your favorite things to wear? They just look so gorgeous on you, I don't know how else to say it, I guess, like you said, it's that flirty girly look that you pull off so well.
@aniveve 28 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 thank you so very much for appreciating my ultra-girlyness. I find girly girls often get demonized in the media, and its cooler to be the 'tomboy' type, so im grateful you appreciate femininity 🙂
@superstarmario101 28 дней назад
You're welcome, yeah, unfortunately, it seems like any girls who enjoy girly things and want to be feminine are bullied or harassed for acting that way by cynical people who claim they're doing it because they're trying to impress men, but I feel like most girls genuinely want to act feminine and be seen as pretty. I really do appreciate femininity, I just can't put it into words without sounding redundant, but the outfits, the subtle body language, just the little ways that girls conduct themselves, it might not mean much to you, but to me, as a guy, there's just something so amazing about it. Maybe with your background in art and fashion, you have a better understanding of these things and can explain them better.
@aniveve 27 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 aw thats so nice to hear how much you appreciate overall femininity 😊 yes i understand what you mean completely. There are so many subtle things about men that i enjoy too, simply because they are different from me.
@superstarmario101 29 дней назад
Probably the best thing about your apartment is that it's one big room, like you said, it must be a lot easier to clean, there are no walls in your way which gives you this big open space to play around with as much as you want, and everything's in clear view in case of an emergency like a kitchen fire. It's really spacious too, which I guess creates the illusion that it's bigger than it really is while still feeling cozy. I can understand how the cons start to bleed through, but you've done such a good job with your place, it's compact and cozy and it's full of your style, when I first saw it, I thought it looked like a movie set, or that character's room from your favorite childhood show that you wish you had.
@aniveve 29 дней назад
Aww wow thank you so much!! It was always my dream to have a room like your favourite character in a show! And i put so much thought and effort into my home decor, so thanks a million 😊
@superstarmario101 28 дней назад
You're welcome, it's clear you put a lot of effort into your decor, everything's just all...soft and delicate and cute, so it fits you perfectly.
@aniveve 28 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 aww thank you so very much !!!!
@superstarmario101 28 дней назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, I'm sorry you've been so stressed out lately, I hope things get easier for you, you said near the end of this one that this might only be a temporary living condition for you, it would be a shame to leave this cozy space behind with all the work you put into it.
@aniveve 28 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 hahaha thats so funny you say that because part of the reason i am busy is that i will be moving soon 🤣
@superstarmario101 29 дней назад
Okay, I'm not even gonna pretend like I know anything about makeup, but I think you do a fantastic job with your's. Your face looks so clear and smooth, it's not like the makeup needed to hide any blemishes or imperfections, it just added definition to the beauty that was already there. Your sandy brown skin tone is so pretty too, it always looks like you have a light tan in all of your videos.
@aniveve 29 дней назад
Aw thank you so much, its taken me a lifetime to accept my skin tone, so i appreciate your kind words a lot 🙏
@superstarmario101 29 дней назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, but why would you have trouble accepting it? It's beautiful.
@aniveve 29 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 in many cultures tanned skin is seen as undesirable and unnattractive. But ive learned to embrace my tan 😊
@superstarmario101 29 дней назад
@@aniveve Well, those cultures are crazy, then, I think it's very attractive... You embrace that tan!
@thegraincreativeco9227 29 дней назад
I wish they had put a little loop on the outside to attach a keychain or something 😢. Great review!! Thank you!!
@aniveve 29 дней назад
I agree! That wouldve been so useful! And youre very welcome 🥰
@trishagoodwin4069 29 дней назад
I also bought this bag in a sale, here in the UK. I love the bag and will keep it, but am disappointed that the corners of the bag (which are quite angular, as you can see) are getting quite scuffed up, and difficult to make look good again. I apply clear polish, have even tried a pale tan shade, very carefully too. It can also get out of shape very quickly and is quite heavy to carry (but the all leather bags are). The only thing I tell myself, is that this is a See by Chloe bag, not a Couture range Chloe bag from the main label, that would have cost thousands. See by Chloe is made to a price bracket and so therefore the quality is not going to be as good. None the less, it is a beautiful bag, so versatile, (I do use it in winter as well, it works with black and olive greens/rusts) so I will be keeping it and just getting on and using it, even if it wears out, as I bought it to actually use.
@superstarmario101 29 дней назад
Wow, I know you rearranged some stuff in your updated studio apartment tour, but even here, it clear that you really made your room into your cute domain. The pure white look with little dashes of light pink across everything works perfectly with your style. I shouldn't have been surprised when you said you're an artist; your sense of color and theming is impeccable.
@aniveve 29 дней назад
Aw thank you so very much!! 🙏 i try really hard to make everything match lol 😊
@superstarmario101 29 дней назад
​@@aniveve You're welcome, and it all matches very well. Hey, I was wondering, this might seem like a stretch for a video idea, but have you ever seen those lo-fi girl videos where it's an anime girl studying at her desk with music playing in the background to help people work or study while they listen? I could totally picture you making a series of videos like that, like walking around your room in one of your pink and white outfits, doing all sorts of stuff, like making your bed, sitting at your vanity, rummaging through your makeup, looking through your closet, sitting at your desk reading or drawing, all with different dynamic shots played on loop while some calming music from your try on hauls plays in the background. I hope this doesn't sound too complex or silly, and I know you're probably too busy right now to put something like that together, but it might help boost your views and get your channel more attention.
@aniveve 29 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 thank you so very much for the suggestion! Thats so funny you mention that because i was actually thinking of trying out videos like that in the future and switching up my content a bit (taking a break from reviews) thanks again :)
@superstarmario101 29 дней назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, I'm glad you like it, I was actually afraid to send it at first, I thought you might think it was too ridiculous or involved compared to the kind of content you normally make, but it's good to know that you're willing to experiment with different ideas to add some variety to your content. Thanks for being so cool and being open to ideas.
@aniveve 29 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 i have been thinking of changing up my content for awhile now but was reluctant and nervous to do so, so hearing your suggestions help to motivate me to go out of my comfort zone. So thanks for that 🙂
@superstarmario101 29 дней назад
Very cool, it's cute and compact, and it goes along with your whole girly theme.
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
Your walk, oh my goodness....and that leg thing you do in the flowery dress with the split, you're such a lady... Pink is such a perfect color on you, too, this haul was wonderful.
@aniveve 29 дней назад
Thank you so much, you are too kind 😊🙏
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
Why are you, like, the epitome of grace and beauty? The lilac dress looks perfect on you, you look ravishing in all of them. Summer is definitely your season.
@aniveve 29 дней назад
Thank you so much 🙏🙏
@superstarmario101 29 дней назад
​@@aniveve You're welcome, by the way, how's your summer going so far?
@aniveve 29 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 its been unbelievably hectic and busy to be honest! How about you?
@superstarmario101 29 дней назад
@@aniveve I'm sorry you've been so busy, hopefully you get some time to relax soon. It's been alright for me, work has been kind of kicking my butt lately, I usually come home exhausted, but it's worth it when I make it to the weekend and get to hang out with my family by the pool.
@aniveve 29 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 i wont be relaxing any time soon unfortunately haha, sooo much on my plate at the moment its insane....😔 and oh wow so nice you have a pool! Enjoy it!!
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
So much cuteness....It was really thoughtful of your friends to send you some of those things all the way from Japan., if I could spare it, I'd love to be able to send you something to go toward any of the stuff you enjoy, since I know your skincare, makeup and outfits can tend to be pretty pricey
@aniveve Месяц назад
Oh my goodness you are so incredibly thoughtful 🥺🙏
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
@@aniveve I just know all your coquette stuff is special to you, and you want to stay stocked up on your beauty essentials, even though I'm sure you look fine without them, and it must be a shame not to be able to afford the things you love, so I want to help you out if I can. Plus, it would be my way of saying thank you for your channel and for being so caring and friendly.
@aniveve Месяц назад
@@superstarmario101 i dont know how you could unfortunately, as i dont have a PO Box or anything at the moment, but just thr fact that you thought of it means so much to me 😊🙏
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
@@aniveveI'm glad it means a lot to you. Do you have Venmo or anything like that? I could send you some money once in while through there. It looks like there's a way to pay people here on youtube too, but I've never used it.
@aniveve 29 дней назад
@@superstarmario101 you are so kind and generous to offer, thank you 🙏 but just commenting, liking and subscribing is more than enough 🙏
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
Obviously, your skincare routine must work, because your skin looks immaculate, your skin tone is so pretty too.
@aniveve Месяц назад
Aww thanks a million !
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, maybe sometime you could do a video about your skincare routine, or your daily routine in general.
@aniveve Месяц назад
@@superstarmario101 a lot of people have suggested that actually, so i think i will! 😊
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
This was such a great haul, it's cool that you made a short recap of all the outfits. Would you say coquette is your favorite style? Because you look like you had a blast modeling all of these, the way you swayed your hips back and forth is probably the most adorable thing ever, I like the little hop you did for each outfit transition, you were like a little bunny! Like I said before, your whole girly aesthetic is amazing, your hair looked perfect here too, btw.
@aniveve Месяц назад
Yes i love coquette 🥰 and aw thank you, im often told my spirit animal is a bunny haha. And aw im so glad you like my girly style, i often get insecure that its too overly girly
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
​@@aniveveI thought so, you're welcome, yeah, I'd say you're a lot like a bunny. I really do love it, no, don't be insecure about being too girly, it fits you so well, you just look so happy and playful in this style, like you're completely comfortable with it and you've made it your own.
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
Stunning as usual, if I had to pick, it's close, but I'd say the second dress looks the best, the scarlette color of it is so vivid, (that's the name of the color, right?) it's really flattering on you. All of the dresses look good on you, though, even the weird one with the pleated pattern at the bottom. Thanks for making these, I'm sure you've got a beautiful summer wardrobe picked out this year.
@aniveve Месяц назад
Thank you so much 😊 i always look forward to hearing which dresses people like best 🙏
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, which one was your favorite?
@aniveve Месяц назад
@@superstarmario101 probably the first one 😊
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
​@@aniveve Okay, I can totally understand that.
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
I know this is an older video, but congratulations! I can totally relate to what you said about not having a social life, I don't have any friends at this point, I'm so busy with work, I don't really have time to go out, but at the end of the day, my family is really the only group of friends I need. I'm sorry you had such a rough childhood, it's inspiring to hear how you've risen above it and managed to make a living and carve out a life all by yourself. Like I've said a bunch already, you have no reason to be down on yourself, it's good that you're humble though. I'm sorry things have slowed down for your channel, that must be discouraging, if it's any consolation, you have my support! You're such a breath of fresh air, and your videos are a lot of fun, so I'll definitely keep following your channel!
@aniveve Месяц назад
It definitely gets harder to maintain a social life as you get older and have more responsibilities :( all my friends live far away so we have to make appointments just to spend time together its so sad :( but you realize through time who your true friends are this way, who is willing to make the effort. And if you have a family that you consider your closest friends, that is a blessing too :) as some people have toxic, estranged families. And aw ya ive felt so discouraged lately with youtube, so your support TRULY means a lot 😊
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
@@aniveve It really does, all of my friends I knew from highschool are married now, I never really see them anymore. Honestly, I'd rather have one or two true friends than a bunch of so-called friends that I can't really depend on, my sister is like my best friend, we've always been close, my brother-in-law and I get along really well too. I'm so thankful I don't know what it's like to be in that situation with toxic family members. I've been sort of down lately that I'm not in a relationship, I just don't have the confidence to approach a girl, but at the end of the day, I have my family, and I guess that's all the love I really need. I'm sorry, it must be discouraging making content when you feel like you don't really have an audience, but I'm glad my support means something to you.
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
I love your apartment! It might be simple, but it's spacious and cozy, and of course you dressed it up with your own girly aesthetic. It's wonderful that you found a place that you're happy with, thanks for the tour, this had such a relaxing tone to it.
@aniveve Месяц назад
Aw thank you im so glad you enjoyed it! I try my best to make the most with what I have. Im glad my videos are relaxing 😊
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
@@aniveve You're welcome, I really did enjoy it. You certainly did make the most of it, it's quaint and cozy, I felt accomplished when I bought a new desk for my room to store all my art supplies and have a place to work, but you made a whole little office space. They are relaxing, even just over the last couple of days, when I get home from work, I pull out my phone, and I'm like "Yes! I get to watch Anita again!"
@aniveve Месяц назад
@@superstarmario101 omg you are just so precious, that means so much to me that you look forward to watching my videos 🥹 i truly put so much heart and soul into them and sometimes i feel like giving up, so it means so much to me that they bring people joy. 🙏
@superstarmario101 Месяц назад
@@aniveve I can tell you pour your heart and soul into these, just know that it's not lost on me, I appreciate how hard you work on them, and how kind and caring you are to respond to comments. As much as you say I lift you up with my comments, you do the same for me when you write back.
@aniveve Месяц назад
@@superstarmario101 i appreciate you so much 😊🙏 thank you for being so kind, despite everything you are going through