The AnyLogic Company is a multinational team operating from the US and Europe with a global network of partners. We design and develop simulation modeling software for business applications:

AnyLogic - general-purpose simulation software
AnyLogic Cloud - cloud environment for model execution and integration
anyLogistix - software for supply chain modeling

Our flagship product, AnyLogic, has changed the way simulation models are built and expanded their application in complex business environments. Its unmatched flexibility allows users to capture the complexity of virtually any system, at any level of detail.

We enjoy developing best in class technologies to help our customers solve the business problems they are facing. AnyLogic software is utilized world-wide in thousands of commercial organizations and academic institutions, including over 40% of Fortune 100 companies.
AnyLogic Conference 2023 Introduction
11 месяцев назад
Making Simulation Modeling Accessible
11 месяцев назад
US Sugar Rail Modeling in the Cloud
11 месяцев назад
AnyLogic 9 - The Future of Integrated Simulation
11 месяцев назад
External Model Connectivity for Digital Twins
11 месяцев назад
Model It Anyway; the Intuitive Solution was Wrong
11 месяцев назад
@robertaschenbrenner5145 8 часов назад
Hi, was not able to participate this year. Do you plan to put the sessions online again and about when can we expect them to be available? Best regards!
@chigorina_a 11 дней назад
Здравствуйте. после 8:01 просто чёрный экран =(
@runaroundrussia 18 дней назад
@nishkrut 19 дней назад
Cool! I will be participating!
@jblessed9883 27 дней назад
New to AnyLogic. This simulation sounds like it should be simple yet doesn't work for me. I'm using a Personal Learning version downloaded in 2024.. When I import the simple excel sheet as described with 6 entries, I get "Event Loop Exception. Resource 3d\person.dae already exists". PS: I skipped or ignored step 5. Agent Animation during the set up as instructed in the video. The agent does not seem to have created properly as it still bears the default name "MyAgent" on the Main model building page. When I run the model nothing seems to happen. When I scroll up to see more of the screen it shows "Connections" as "not connected". Can you help? If it can't do this then I aim skeptical it will be appropriate for my enterprise use case.
@notteenage Месяц назад
why cant i create an experiment where the top level class would be extending another class? (error message is called where error text is telling me that this is not allowed)
@РаминРодионов Месяц назад
@yosramagdy1178 Месяц назад
What advantage does Anylogic give beyond Plant Simulation software (Tecnomatix) for simulating a hydrogen supply chain? I started on Tecnomatix but am thinking about switching to anylogic, but I need to study well the capabilities of both software in that application. Your reply is very appreciated.
@preethisudha1592 Месяц назад
Hii.Thanks for the video.Im so new to anylogic. 1.why we are optimizing here?.We got output before optimization right? 2.If i need to stop vehicle at each destination at 3 stops in a day and then resume in it in a next day for 3 stops how can i do it? Thanks Someone please help me my basic doubts.
@karlduckett 3 месяца назад
Can confirm - this doesn't work any more. Is there an alternative?
@anylogic-simulation 3 месяца назад
Hello, Thank you for your comment. We’ve repeated the steps from the video, and it continues to work on the latest version of AnyLogic. We believe the issue might be related to a typo in the car's material name. The car material name contains two consecutive underscores ("__"). Please try to paste the following code to the “On startup” action of the “Car” agent and let us know if it works for you: car.setColor("Material__4__Surf", randomColor()); Have a nice day!
@РаминРодионов 3 месяца назад
Спасибо за видео!
@МихайлоЮдін 3 месяца назад
All parameters in your model are deterministic. Have you tried using probability distributions instead of deterministic parameters?
@МихайлоЮдін 3 месяца назад
All model parameters appear to be deterministic. Have you tried using probability distributions instead of deterministic parameters in models?
@anylogic-simulation 3 месяца назад
Thank you for the question, Sure, you can use any distribution to set model parameters. AnyLogic comes with a large set of probability distributions - anylogic.help/anylogic/stochastic/probability-distributions.html#probability-distributions To obtain a random value according the probability distribution, you should insert the call of the corresponding function in the “Default value” field of the parameter, e.g. exponential(1, 0). AnyLogic provides users with a handy visual wizard that lists and illustrates all the supported probability distributions - anylogic.help/anylogic/stochastic/choose-pdf.html#choose-probability-distribution-wizard If none of the probability distributions supported by AnyLogic fits your data, you can define your own custom (empirical) distribution with assigned weights. For more information, please follow this AnyLogic Help article - anylogic.help/anylogic/stochastic/custom-distribution.html#custom-distribution We hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to use our community pages - www.anylogic.com/resources/support/
@МихайлоЮдін 3 месяца назад
Recently, Gartner included a new entity in his Hype cycle - Casusal AI How soon do you think AI will be able to identify causality, not just correlation?
@farmieu 3 месяца назад
It would be great to have such a workshop recorded via a screen share. A beginner lecture series to anylogic
@harveygould2990 4 месяца назад
is there somewhere we can look at this model? i am trying to sort the message pop up in my model
@anylogic-simulation 3 месяца назад
Hi, Yes, you can find it here: cloud.anylogic.com/model/91e3790c-7c9d-4dfc-98b5-0c4414c1f5b7?mode=SETTINGS or here: www.hannahsshop.com/vsl-order-form-uio
@bogomilangelov6696 4 месяца назад
The video is really good, but when I try to do the optimization Experiment on this model, after downloading it from the cloud, at the end i get a RunTimeException (Error in the model during iteration 1). The iteration ist sometimes 10, 4,2 and so on. How can I fix this? I did not manage to find a solution online yet. Thank you in advance!
@anylogic-simulation 3 месяца назад
Hello, Thank you for the question. We've investigated the issue and attempted to replicate the error using both the Genetic and OptQuest optimization engines. However, we were unable to reproduce the problem on our end. Please try to follow exactly every step from the video again. If you will continue to experience the error after following the steps from the how-to video, please submit your question and the model to support@anylogic.com so we can reproduce the problem on our end and provide you with the solution. We hope this information is helpful to you.
@notSoAverageCat 4 месяца назад
One change I made to make it work was to change trainSource's orientation on track" to forward, I believe the default was changed to backward.
@Sushil-cq7sr 4 месяца назад
How does one change the Histogram x-axis from "model time" to "hourly or days or week or say as a calander dates" ?
@TauvicRitter 5 месяцев назад
Very nice example and fun too. Are we not forgetting legal limitations on alcohol consumption? Very important for a simulation and calculate realistic profit. And of course returning and cleaning glasses. Guests should disperse trough the bar otherwise noone can see the bartenders if you stay close to the bartender.
@TauvicRitter 5 месяцев назад
This doenst work any more. The objects dont change their color. I use plane rectangles and circles now.
@StarOfJoy-42 5 месяцев назад
Добрый день. При построении модели перекачки нефти из терминала в танкер возникла необходимость задать разную вместимость для больших и малых танкеров. Однако свойство "Вместимость" является статическим и не реагирует на разные значения параметра Вместимость, заданного в агенте Tanker (аналог вашего Балкера). Функцию set... для изменения этого статического параметра тоже не удалось обнаружить :( Подскажите, пожалуйста, как решить эту проблему.
@anylogic-simulation 3 месяца назад
Добрый день! Свойство “Вместимость” уже существующего элемента Tank не может быть изменено во время прогона модели. В вашей модели при создании нового агента типа Tanker вы можете присвоить значение свойству “Вместимость” используя функцию “set_capacity()” для элемента Tank, или присвоить значение так же, как это реализовано в вебинаре - при помощи элемента параметр. Задать значение для параметра можно также кодом: “agentName.parameter = value”.
@TauvicRitter 5 месяцев назад
Thanks very informative presentation about relation between SAP and Anylogic. Wondering if simulation processes could be generated instead of hand modelling. The example processes look very simple.
@mutabalenzy192 5 месяцев назад
Who is the intelligent person who can tell us what this British company is? Lol
@shevasaxerd 5 месяцев назад
Что на счет движения пешеходов? Пешеходные переходы, влияющие на поведение объектов-машин, например
@anylogic-simulation 5 месяцев назад
Пешеходная библиотека и Библиотека дорожного движения предназначены для разного. Первая - для моделирования движения и поведения пешеходов, вторая - предназначена для моделирования потока транспортных средств в дорожной сети. Обе библиотеки предоставляют ценные возможности моделирования, однако прямого взаимодействия между пешеходами и автомобилями в рамках этих библиотек не предусмотрено. Для достижения реалистичного взаимодействия между пешеходами и транспортными средствами необходимо реализовать собственную логику в модели AnyLogic. Используйте таймер фазы светофора из Библиотеки дорожного движения для управления движением как пешеходов, так и автомобилей. Это гарантирует, что ни пешеходы, ни автомобили не будут выходить на перекрестки во время конфликтующих фаз, предотвращая столкновения. Больше информации вы можете найти в следующей статье: benjamin-schumann.com/blog/pedestrians-and-cars-in-anylogic. Если у вас возникнут какие-либо вопросы, вы можете воспользоваться задать их в группах сообществ: www.anylogic.ru/resources/support/?
@СъемДеда 5 месяцев назад
Спасибо, от всей группы спасибо, не представляю как без вас бы делала эту лабу
@tatevikvirabyan1438 5 месяцев назад
Можно ли сделать график зависимости количества трафика от скорость передачи данных lorawan? Чем больше трафик, тем больше скорости необходимо, как это сделать, если есть время движения через маршрут?
@anylogic-simulation 5 месяцев назад
Да, такой график зависимости можно создать. Один из способов - использовать Библиотеку моделирования процессов для моделирования потока данных через сеть LoRaWAN в AnyLogic. С ее помощью можно представить устройства в сети, а также отразить процессы передачи и приема данных. Далее при помощи элементов сбора данных anylogic.help/ru/anylogic/analysis/index.html вы можете создать график зависимости количества трафика от скорости передачи данных. Пример похожей модели: cloud.anylogic.com/model/2ec9cf46-6b4f-48a9-b660-43cce3f54371?mode=SETTINGS. Кроме того, мы рекомендуем пройти наши пошаговые обучающие упражнения anylogic.help/ru/tutorials/bank-office/index.html#модель-банковского-отделения. Этот туториал покажет основы работы с Библиотекой моделирования процессов и сбора статистики. Если у вас возникнут какие-либо вопросы, вы можете задать их в группах сообществ: www.anylogic.ru/resources/support/?
@Macrocompassion 5 месяцев назад
Can this technology be applied to simulation of our social business system of macroeconomics? The model needed to do this comprehensively and scientifically is made as simple as possible, without over-simplification. It contains 6 agents (Government, Landowners, Producers, Households, Finance Institutions and Capitalists) and 19 double connections between them, where the terms as money always flows in one direction between various pairs of these agents. These agents are connected and work in several closed circuits, and the simulation gives the various terms in a time-dependent result without any over-all input nor output. For the model please see my SSRN 2865571 "Einstein's Criterion Applied to Logical Macroeconomics Modelling".
@ItalianMatchaWheels 5 месяцев назад
such cool guy
@gandalfwiz20007 5 месяцев назад
Question, can I add my custom 3d models? like those cars? the one car included in the personal learning edition has a bad render view. Also, the street signs and markings, they are images?
@anylogic-simulation 5 месяцев назад
Hello, Thank you for the question. The 3D Object element enables AnyLogic users to import ready-to-use 3D models created with the help of any third-party 3D graphics packets into their models. 3D object supports 3D models created in Collada (DAE) file format. You can learn more in this AnyLogic Help article - anylogic.help/anylogic/3d/3d-object.html#3d-object The street signs, traffic lights, signs in the station are either a ready-made 3D models or agents created with simple 3D objects from the 3D Objects palette - anylogic.help/anylogic/ui/anylogic-palettes.html#3d-objects We hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to use our community pages - www.anylogic.com/resources/support/
@KajalKumari-lv5fy 5 месяцев назад
@mengweiwu7469 6 месяцев назад
please help!!! I follow every step you take,but when i run the optimization to get the best parameters, it shows "Error in the model during iteration 0". how can i solve this? It's very important to me.Thank you sooooo much !!!!
@anylogic-simulation 6 месяцев назад
Hi, You can find technical help and discussion on LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/groups/1524407 and StackOverflow - stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/anylogic Otherwise, our point of contact is www.anylogic.com/company/contact-us/
@gottarddrattog3189 6 месяцев назад
where i can download this modulation????
@anylogic-simulation 6 месяцев назад
Hi, you can find such models here - cloud.anylogic.com/
@pcsksa5 6 месяцев назад
Great piece of analysis. Thank you for sharing.
@McRyach 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for the tutorial. Super helpful. But I couldn't add documentation on AnyLogic help about the *randomlyCreate()* function. I'm trying to customize it to control the randomness unevenly between two agents. Could you please give a link to the documentation for that function?
@anylogic-simulation 6 месяцев назад
Hi, glad you liked the tutorial and thanks for the question. Please find AnyLogic Help links for the respective function - anylogic.help/anylogic/stochastic/selecting-random.html#create-random-object anylogic.help/api/com/anylogic/engine/Utilities.html#randomlycreate
@maitreyamehar631 6 месяцев назад
I wanted to calculate the capacity mixed passenger and freight train on the mountainous region.
@anylogic-simulation 6 месяцев назад
Hi Maitreya Mehar, For this purpose, you may find the following materials useful - Pedestrian tutorial. Designing the subway entrance hall: anylogic.help/tutorials/pedestrian/index.html#pedestrian-tutorial-designing-the-subway-entrance-hall Hump yard model tutorial which shows basic functionality of AnyLogic Rail Library: anylogic.help/tutorials/rail/index.html#hump-yard-model Railway Station (captures movement of passengers and passenger trains in a very detailed way): cloud.anylogic.com/model/56da9169-485e-433d-8628-c37fda4590c5?mode=SETTINGS Subway Platform (a small subway station built with the AnyLogic Pedestrian Library and Process Modeling Library): cloud.anylogic.com/model/eaa70770-1328-4c62-889b-13a9d09fb6bf?mode=SETTINGS We hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any further questions, please feel free to use our community pages - www.anylogic.com/resources/support/
@Sushil-cq7sr 7 месяцев назад
Can you help me to link the database to the delay block? whenever I try, there's an error that says "Not Unique value". For the reference: I have a processing time in my database which is in hours/days. So, when I import the excel DB in the model and in the "Delay Time:" section I choose DB referance and choose the Table, and then Value Column and run the model it shows an error saying "Not Unique Value". Please help me. Thank you in Advance
@anylogic-simulation 6 месяцев назад
Hi and thank you for the question, This error occurs when attempting to retrieve a distinct output from a database table that holds multiple identical data (i.e., results are not unique). The “Database reference” tool applies “uniqueResult()” function by default when creating a database table query. To avoid getting this error, please either use a “uniqueResult()” function (the column should not contain several identical results in this case) or a “firstResult()” function (it returns the first suitable result). You can also add an additional condition with “where()” function to make a request to a database table. Please refer to the AnyLogic Help page to get more information about writing database queries - anylogic.help/anylogic/connectivity/querying.html#writing-database-queries If you have any further questions, please feel free to use our community pages - www.anylogic.com/resources/support/
@GavinWilkinson 7 месяцев назад
Hi Ben, what is, or where can I find, the Discord server link?
@paulenderman 7 месяцев назад
is there link of the model file or tutorials for learners?
@anylogic-simulation 7 месяцев назад
Hi, and thank you for the question. The model presented in this video is a real commercial product, and thus it cannot be freely distributed. All rights for this model belongs to TranSystems. Fortunately, you can find a step-by-step tutorial for crowd simulation and pedestrian flows in the following AnyLogic Help article: anylogic.help/tutorials/pedestrian/1-simulating-simple-pedestrian-flow.html#phase-1-simple-pedestrian-flow Additionally, you can find ready-made models with similar logic in AnyLogic Cloud. Source files are available for download for some of them. Here are some examples: cloud.anylogic.com/model/d5a74028-b504-42f6-9e33-1ca2d554604e?mode=SETTINGS cloud.anylogic.com/model/7be27b45-0a74-47f9-a78b-9bce22a6faa8?mode=SETTINGS Other than that, we recommend beginners start with the free book “AnyLogic in Three Days”. This is the hands-on AnyLogic textbook from the developers with practical examples covering the basics of simulation across industries and all the main software functionality. It is ideal for self-learning and has a lot of examples. You will find this book at the link below: www.anylogic.com/resources/books/free-simulation-book-and-modeling-tutorials/ If you have any further questions, please feel free to use our community pages - www.anylogic.com/resources/support/
@carstonmillward4759 7 месяцев назад
Can I output any of the log values to be visible in my model while running? For example, to show the miles traveled by vehicles in real time.
@anylogic-simulation 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for the question... For this purpose, it is more convenient to use elements from the Analysis palette - anylogic.help/anylogic/ui/anylogic-palettes.html#analysis We recommend going through our tutorial - Bank office model - anylogic.help/tutorials/bank-office/index.html#bank-office-model Phase 4 of this tutorial shows how you can collect complicated statistics whenever you need them. If you have any further questions, please feel free to use our community pages - www.anylogic.com/resources/support/
@johannesprior2674 8 месяцев назад
Is there any possibilty to implement multi-objective optimization in AnyLogic?
@anylogic-simulation 8 месяцев назад
Hi, and thank you for the question. A built-in optimization experiment supports single-objective optimization only. The experiment is powered by the OptQuest engine which supports multi-objective optimization - www.opttek.com/doc/v911engine/OptQuest_Engine_Documentation/help.html#multi-objective-optimization You can access OptQuest API in a custom experiment - anylogic.help/anylogic/experiments/custom-experiment.html#custom-experiment and set multi-objective logic. Just to let you know, we added new genetic optimizer - www.anylogic.com/blog/anylogic-8-8-4-genetic-optimization-and-pedestrian-elevators/ from AnyLogic 8.8.4. Please see the 'Optimization in Custom Experiment' example model (in AnyLogic: Help -> Example Models). It shows the implementation of optimization in Custom Experiment and opened for modifications Java class. Feel free to modify the algorithm for your needs.
@PMOTEAM-d8f 8 месяцев назад
Хотелось бы, чтобы пекарь выпекал булочки, а портной штопал портки... При всем уважении к Андрею последняя часть его выступления была отвратительна...
@chukwukawencheslausata143 9 месяцев назад
Well detailed!
@brianbaheramouzegarletsbui6533 9 месяцев назад
Thank you. I attended part of the webinar live, but I had to leave for another engagement. This recording is extremely helpful and your two presenters are great at explaining the foundation of simulation modeling, and taking it further to the capabilities available in Anylogic's cloud SaaS. Keep up the good work.
@informativeofficialchannel3171 9 месяцев назад
It's amzing i am doing a project on bus station(on anylogic software ) can u provide this project ?... It's necessary for me ...plz
@anylogic-simulation 9 месяцев назад
Hi! You can explore the model's source files cloud.anylogic.com/model/56da9169-485e-433d-8628-c37fda4590c5?mode=SETTINGS and the Rail Library Reference Guide anylogic.help/library-reference-guides/rail-library/index.html. Hope this helps!
@ДенисПетров-н5е 9 месяцев назад
на 13:00 как я могу выбрать двух агентов? Мне нужно чтобы мой агент(Trucks) обрабатывал двух агентов(Consumers и Transformers). Модель-электрическая сеть областного района, где есть агент Dispatcher(из которого и выезжает Trucks и едет в Consumers или Transformers), ну и учитывая вышеперечисленные агент "экстренныйвызов". В случае аварии на Consumers или Transformers на месте возникновения аварии( как выше и написал на одном из элементов коллекций этих двух агентов) должен загореться красный индикатор, после чего должна приехать аварийная служба и все починить. Надеюсь понятно объяснил модель. Заранее спасибо!
@anylogic-simulation 9 месяцев назад
Здравствуйте! Советуем изучить этот туториал anylogic.help/ru/tutorials/turbine-maintenance/index.html#модель-обслуживания-ветряных-турбин. В нем происходит реализация логики обслуживания и передвижения транспорта между турбинами и центром запчастей. Модель из туториала реализована в дискретном пространстве, но как раз вебинар "AnyLogic 7.1: работа с ГИС-картами" поможет вам перенести модель в ГИС пространство (привязать агентов в популяциях к координатам на карте).
@Тюльпан-ш7у 10 месяцев назад
Is it possible to download this model?
@anylogic-simulation 10 месяцев назад
Yes, it is possible. Check it out - cloud.anylogic.com/model/4b6944d0-1426-4db4-a246-6f61ccc3c4a5?mode=SETTINGS
@ahmedshaban5979 10 месяцев назад
Is it possible to recieve more than agent type message at once?
@anylogic-simulation 10 месяцев назад
Hi, thanks for the question. Could you just elaborate a little more as it is not entirely clear.
@РоманСеливерстов-ч1щ 11 месяцев назад
Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста. На 36 минуте происходит создание иконки, и привязка двух портов к этой иконке. Переходя в основной объект не могу соединиться с этими портами. Порты визуально есть, но проводя линию от CarSourse до порта иконки, не соединяется с ним????
@anylogic-simulation 11 месяцев назад
Добрый день! Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз повторить действия по созданию агента “Маршрут” как показано в вебинаре шаг за шагом, не пропуская ничего. Если проблема не уйдет, пожалуйста, напишите нам о ней, заполнив форму на странице www.anylogic.ru/company/contact-us/
@azekenji 11 месяцев назад
ваш anylogic фигня