Epilepsy awareness month 2021
2 года назад
Seizures and weighted blankets
2 года назад
Epilepsy and Weight Management
3 года назад
Seizure recovery
3 года назад
Epilepsy and medication side effects
3 года назад
Epilepsy and the pandemic
4 года назад
Epilepsy and migraines...AGAIN!!!
4 года назад
Epilepsy awareness month!
4 года назад
Energy and memory with Epilepsy
5 лет назад
Epilepsy auras
5 лет назад
Epilepsy Awareness Month Day 3!
5 лет назад
The 6 month migraine
6 лет назад
Purple Day is 4 days away!
6 лет назад
Epilepsy and migraines :-(
6 лет назад
Donating my hair today!
6 лет назад
Happy Valentine’s Day!
6 лет назад
Here’s our new family member!
6 лет назад
Keep focused on your purpose
6 лет назад
Migraines and meds
6 лет назад
@djackson006 Год назад
This really resonated ❤
@djackson006 Год назад
Love and light 🙏
@djackson006 Год назад
I needed this, thank you.
@gianahernandez3524 2 года назад
Hey I have been going through the same. Migraines with epilepsy sens I was little. They war so bad I would start to throw up. No medication help and I lost my faith in Doctors sense no medication work for me. But naw I am down to 1 or 2 migraine a month and the pain is like a 6 or less it was a 10 in the past. I have done a big change in my diet in the past 3 years. Here are some things that has work for me: 1. 0 Gluten in my diet 2. No lactose 3. No meet or fish 4. No eggs (A plant based diet) 5. Magnusm supplement 6. Running every day in the morning (working out in general) 7. Avoid as much as I can situations that will put me in a lot of stress 8 meditation Anyways hope this can help in some way. Thank you so much for your videos, is healing to hear other people that know how it feels to live with this condition. I have you in my prayers 💟 we got this! Don't give up there is hope Sorry for my English, I am from Puerto Rico and talk Spanish.
@elcapitano1972 2 года назад
Take your own advice. 😉❤️💪🏼👊🏼✨ indeed. 17 yrs of insomnia here. Since mAi 1st gran mal. 😳 tis like a switch is permanently on! @_@ Purplectic is a cool name. 🤣😂💜 mAi mates down ere in Oz 🇦🇺 sAi i have mongolepsy. 😁 cheers fellaz. Lol ... #Awake 😳
@emmamcgeorge4246 2 года назад
My auras I get a weird feeling in my stomach and my throat and feel like I have a puke tast in my mouth then I have a absence seizure and stand up and stare off and see black for like 15 to 30 seconds then everyone keeps asking me questions and idk how to talk or anything and I either get tired after or I have a headache or I'm not hungry for like 3 to 4 days
@oliviaflower4258 2 года назад
Hey I am going through the same thing right now, am still working on a diagnosis but the migraines and the epilepsy has been a nightmare. Your videos really help me feel not alone.
@purpleptic1787 2 года назад
I’m so sorry for what you’re going through and hope you find answers. I truly touched that my videos help you feel connected. We are a community and my goal was to tell my story and reach people. Thank you for being you and always feel free to reach out
@sega_sistarz 2 года назад
I don't know for sure if what I am having is exactly seizures but I am seeing the Neurologist tomorrow but this is my experience. These will only happen at night but before it happens I will experience stomach flipping all day, like feeling like I'm on a rollercoaster. 30 minutes into my sleep I will jolt up from my sleep and experience exactly what you said, a weird feeling in my brain and a weird taste in my mouth I can't get rid of. I will get up, usually, because I can hear/feel my heart pounding so hard that it feels crippling and I get kind of sweaty (but according to heart tests I've had and my watch heart rate and beating is normal. I can not explain how loud this heartbeat sounds, though) I'm sure my vision goes wack, but I'm legally blind with double vision and snowy eye syndrome so if it did, I wouldn't notice until I'm near blacking out. My mouth feels super dry and my tongue feels numb out of nowhere. I get this weird huge spirituality/deja-vu/memory thing that is so hard to explain, I have slurred verbiage and can't comprehend or explain anything. Worst case I fall to the ground in paralysis/pass out. My legs won't work right away after I wake up. Then I am shaky with an escalated heart rate for a while afterwards. Then super exhausted of course. I've called the ambulance and gone to the ER for dizziness and passing out in the past; but this severity is new for me within the past 3-4 months. I've gone to the ER and etc. Etc. but they just to blood tests here and let you off. Nervous about my appointment tomorrow, because after years and years of having issues with no resolution I feel so crazy.
@purpleptic1787 2 года назад
I am so deeply sorry that you been experiencing this. It is a scary time but it is such a relief when you can finally out a diagnosis to what you’re feeling. What your listing as your symptoms sounds a lot like many of the things I experience. Of course every case is different but yours does sound an awful lot like mine. When I am jolted awake after a seizure I usually have to go to the bathroom immediately after or after I regain my senses I search for comfort. A question I have is do you also experience migraines?
@user-ls9hl9fx9o 2 года назад
Bless your heart sweetheart i have had Epilepsy since a kid and migraine’s since I can remember and a lot of different different meds and if you want to chat let me know ? I hope your doing well ! God Bless!
@purpleptic1787 2 года назад
Thank you! I’ve been going to the doctor and might have an answer so I’m very hopeful. Thank you for the support
@user-ls9hl9fx9o 2 года назад
@@purpleptic1787 Thanks for replying! It’s hard getting any support and means of really anything etc…. I’m about to have my third operation today for VNS ! I hope you get all help that you need !! God Bless ! Thanks again
@purpleptic1787 2 года назад
@@user-ls9hl9fx9o I hope all goes well. This community is typically tight knit because few others understand what we experience. Praying for the best for you. Much love 💜
@user-ls9hl9fx9o 2 года назад
@@purpleptic1787 thank You I just got out a few hours ago it was only supposed to be a hour it turned in to 6 hours I can barely talk thanks
@user-ls9hl9fx9o 2 года назад
Thanks again we’ll I don’t have any kinda support I have my teenage daughter I don’t try to bring her into things she doesn’t really understand a lot of what I’m going through I will say this I’m emotional and mentally and physically just torn up by what has happened to me these last few years over these operations with VNS and I’m angry with these so called doctors that have done nothing I’m scarred and a lot of things has happened!!!!!! Thanks again
@dnique72 2 года назад
Thank you for giving me somebody to relate to. I’ve got so much love for you 💜
@purpleptic1787 2 года назад
It really helps having someone who relates
@dnique72 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing. I needed this
@purpleptic1787 2 года назад
Glad I could help even if only a little
@williamarmstrong737 2 года назад
My auras are small black and white orbs!!!
@purpleptic1787 2 года назад
That’s part of it sometimes. I can’t say mine are orbs but I see spots. It’s hard to tell if my auras are from migraines or seizures. I really hope you find relief. Thank you for your comment. Please comment more
@Luke-pd7xj 2 года назад
Mine feels like every muscle in my body becomes weak. Last time I had one, it felt like a mix of a panic attack and an “aura”. So it was hard to decipher, I brushed it off as a simple panic attack but the more I thought about it, it was definitely a aura.
@purpleptic1787 2 года назад
Oh my! I couldn’t imagine an aura feeling like a panic attack. I’m so sorry about that. An aura takes on so many forms. I hope you find some relief through either medication or mindfulness and deep breathing
@We_About_That_Life 2 года назад
Hello my sister I appreciate your advice and I continue to keep you in my prayers not only because of the seizures but because of the times we're living in it's very difficult for all of us, I just know from my own personal experience that when you're dealing with Epilepsy and added stress you can sometimes feel overwhelmed. But if we focus on our blessings and the fact that at the very least we are able to wake up the next day whether good are bad it's a chance for a new start, I've been thinking about getting a weighted blanket for sometime now and I believe due to your success with one I'll go ahead and give it a try. Again I love you and thank you very much have a great rest of your week and weekend, I look forward to your next video. 🤗🙏🏾💜
@purpleptic1787 2 года назад
Thank you for the prayers and support 💜 please let me know how the blanket works for you
@We_About_That_Life 2 года назад
@@purpleptic1787 Yes ma'am will do!
@nadinejohnson3438 2 года назад
That’s awesome! I hope this will continue to work for you, if only a little bit.
@zatronbuck8633 3 года назад
One of my immediate family members has had epilepsy and for years had seizures. He has completely stopped having them now because of a new prescription. I'll ask him what he takes and pass that info to you. His epilepsy was caused by a hit to the head.
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
I would love to hear more. I do take and have taken quite a bit of different meds, but I’m always open to hearing about others
@zatronbuck8633 3 года назад
It's called Levetiracetam. 500mg tablets. His was caused by trauma to the head and that pretty much stopped it. I think there are different types of epilepsy. But yes mam Levetiracetam 500 mg tablets.
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
@@zatronbuck8633 thanks! I’m actually on 1000mg twice a day of that. I really appreciate you finding that out for me
@zatronbuck8633 3 года назад
Yes mam. I don't even know you but I want you to be free. I'm gone keep looking.
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
@@zatronbuck8633 Awww, that’s so sweet. Thanks
@justtonyfareal9449 3 года назад
It’s ok beautiful! Let it out and continue to breathe!! The battle isn’t yours!! Continue to stay prayed up and I’ll keep you in prayer as well!! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
Thanks so much! Prayers are definitely appreciated right now 💜
@We_About_That_Life 3 года назад
It's better to let it out to internalize it does more damage otherwise, I'm here in Texas I can't imagine what it's like to have children dealing with Epilepsy. Although the scriptures say children are a gift I don't have any children the closes thing to it is my younger siblings who most think are my kids, I'll definitely be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I know how people look at things because of their own ignorance and due to all of our imperfections not that it doesn't hurt just the same we just have to pray them as well. 🙏🏾
@We_About_That_Life 3 года назад
I had several seizures yesterday, I understand my sister trust me I understand my sister. 🤗💜🙏🏾
@We_About_That_Life 3 года назад
I'm so happy to finally get back to seeing your videos, it crazy because what you're talking about what I've been dealing with for so long it really started once I reach around my early teenage years. BTW I was born with epilepsy I'm 34 now, I have chronic migraines and chronic insomnia I sometimes stay up for days also with chronic pain I do agree with you about taking those day's to yourself thank you for the encouragement I appreciate it. 🙏🏾
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing some of your story 🙂 my insomnia used to be a lot worse to the point of not sleeping for days regularly. Since being diagnosed in 2017 and on meds I don’t experience it as often. I’m sure all of the chaos the last two years are not helping. I hope your sleep gets better and thank you for the support
@ericroybal 3 года назад
@ericroybal 3 года назад
I like your channel too but that furbie of yours! 😻
@ericroybal 3 года назад
Have you started a new medication recently? I put on 100+ pounds after I started Trileptal. Eat the Big Mac then! 🤣 J/K
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
@@ericroybal he’s such a cutie I must admit 😻 he gets his attention one way or another
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
@@ericroybal I was on trileptal for a long time but got off of it about year ago and was switched to depakote which I know can cause weight gain. Don’t worry, I don’t let it stop me from enjoying food, haha!!!
@ericroybal 3 года назад
@@purpleptic1787 I’ve been sheetrocking the inside of my house today. It was the first time I have seen all four of my cats in a big ball under the comforter on my bed 😹 Thankfully I lost about 60lbs (almost down to the weight I want to be) but the Hagen Daz keep call me at midnight. 😂 I’ve been on Trileptal 1800mg a day since it was in trials around 2000. It’s the only medication that has controlled my seizures. Depakote was horrible for me. I know it works good for some but man it did not like me. Please keep the videos coming. I love seeing your channel. The guy working with me today got a little more eduction about epilepsy (he doesn’t have it but his girlfriends father does so it’s important to him…at least it better be if they want this house when I pass 🤣 Which will be a very, very long time from now because all the work we’re putting into it you can bet I’m gonna stick around to enjoy it ☺️ Hope you’re doing well and have a great night!
@latoyaalexandre2790 3 года назад
Thanks for this video. Glad to know I'm not alone
@dazparry1580 3 года назад
My epilepsy wasnt diagnosed until i was 32. I have dejavus during simple/complex partials, which not even dr's took seriously growing up. I also have the absences and grand mal in my sleep. I guess the dejavus are my auras? But the neurology nurse says they are the seizures, even though no dr ive even seen knew about it. I see loads of videos about dejavu with hundreds, even thousands of people explaining what sound like epilepsy symptoms but the majority are convinced its spiritual. I try to give advice but its pretty much ignored. 😔 i think epilepsy is much more common than people realize. Hope you're well, keep making videos. 👍
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
Your symptoms sound a lot like mine! I also was diagnosed around the same age. It’s so common but so overlooked and pushed aside as not a serious disorder. I’ll keep making videos and getting the word out. I took a short break because I was going through a crazy cycle of seizures. Hopefully I’ll get another video out soon. Take care and I hope your plan of care is working out
@ericroybal 3 года назад
Great video! Thank you for sharing your experience with epilepsy. My clinical seizures are strictly nocturnal, like yours. Thankfully they have been controlled with combination of brain surgery and continued medication. My hope with surgery was to get off my meds but they were unable to remove the scarred area of my brain completely. So it’s a life with medication for me. It’s still better than what pre-surgery was like, my meds couldn’t control the nocturnal seizures. I’ve had a few breakthrough seizures over the years but not many. These days I deal mostly with sub clinical seizures, Interictal Epileptiform Discharges (aka spikes), depression and side effects from medication. Not sharing that to be a downer, I’m just sharing where things are for me now. I had almost 12 years of 99% normal life after my surgery. I think it was the seizures I had in 2014 that caused major changes in my life. It’s okay though. I had surgery to have a Responsive Neurostimulator, or RNS, implanted. Learning about what data it collects. Using the data from the RNS along with my personal logs, I really began to see how my epilepsy impacts me, even when the abnormal brain activity is not evident. I also joined myepilepsyteam.com while I was in the hospital before my surgery in 2018. It has been a wonderful place to not only receive but to give support and understanding to other living with epilepsy. Please keep up the great work! Also…loving the video bombs by your furbies! I have four myself that are always here for me. And Quagmire…what a wonderful name!
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
I’m so appreciative for the comment! My neurologist has been wanting me to have that surgery but every time I have the 7 day EEG done it comes back inconclusive for them to implant it in the correct location. My epilepsy is a little mysterious in it wasn’t diagnosed until I was in my 30s. My first appointment the neurologist was skeptical that it was even seizures I was having until he saw it for himself. Thank you for sharing and I will definitely look into some of the things you mentioned! My fur baby keeps me going. I used to have a service dog before the trainer made a huge mistake and got him disqualified. Totally upset about that
@ericroybal 3 года назад
I’m sorry to hear your service friend was disqualified because of someone else’s ignorance/mistake. My hope is maybe there is a way that could be remedied…it is difficult to find friends that support and care for us…especially our service friends. I understand how frustrating it can be when the EEGs come out inconclusive. I’m sorry to hear that you have experienced that. Even though the devices available now are a huge step in the right direction for the treatment of intractable epilepsy (or however they say it…I can’t remember the word right now), the devices are still limited to the treatment of focal epilepsy. Thankfully, there are treatments being developed that will hopefully be available to a broader range of people that live with epilepsy. Depending on the severity of your epilepsy, how it affects your quality of life and your doctors prognosis for proceeding forward with testing or just seeing what happens (not saying doctors aren’t good….just can’t think of different way to say that), while the standard VEEG may not show anything significant, a SEEG may result in data that your doctor could use to find a long term treatment. And don’t worry, they keep your skull safe during the test AND no, they will not put it by your bedside. 🤣 But seriously, getting an SEEG was the greatest decision I could have made. My epileptologist was convinced I would be willing to have one given that the VEEG only showed interictal epileptiform discharges (aka spikes). When the SEEG was done, the same areas that showed only spikes before showed clearly where my seizures were beginning. Thankfully for me the area of interest when they did the SEEG was clear to begin with. Depending on the data from your past EEGs, your doctor may not feel an invasive EEG is the best for you, which is understandable. Over the years though, I’ve learned to asked my doctor about everything I think about. He may not think I’m willing to try something when I am. I have asked some crazy questions over the years…to his entertainment at times and us having a good laugh. 🤣 Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
@anannyam2179 3 года назад
Hey! I too have grand mal seizures only at night. My aura are different and its not the same all the time which is weird! And I sometimes get my aura in my dreams too because I get my seizure after almost 30 mins after I sleep.
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
That’s super interesting! I feel like there is still so much to learn about the whole topic and so much left to uncover. Nighttime epilepsy is different than any other I’ve come across
@carlottafaircloth2804 3 года назад
Miss your pretty face!!
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
I miss your face sweetie! Happy happy birthday my beautiful friend 💜🥰😘
@picashlio3361 3 года назад
No offense to you doctor but.... I have a learning disability, failed almost every grade from fourth to tenth, had an IEP in school, and graduated with a 2.9 GPA and even I know that sometimes seizures don't follow normal patterns. Your doctor sounds less old school textbook and more moron.
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
He’s not a moron he’s just a very new neurologist and goes what should be textbook. I’ve been with him for a few years now and he has no problem letting me know his limitations when it comes to my case. He has referred me to many, many other neurologist who refuse to take my case on because it’s complicated. And they have been in practice for YEARS!!! I appreciate the comment but I made this channel to connect with others, share my story and build a place of support. Please let’s keep it positive
@simpleyllesx3952 3 года назад
Hi, I know I´m bit late but still wanted to reply because I just found your video....I have a series of auras during the day..... My neuro said that auras are actually seizures. Just focal seizures. Its still like in a conflict in the neurologist field, because a lot of people dont think auras are actually small seizures, but for me it actually makes sense. I do have focal seizures with secondary generalisation and I have more "auras" than I have big and visable seizures. My auras start at the stomach. It feels like I´m on a rollercoaser, after that I usually feel disorientated and get very sweaty and shaky (feels like I haven´t been drinking enough water) and I start seeing weird patterns in my vision field (waves and lighter points). I´ll link a video that shows what I mean (ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-X3_pv6us8A0.html) and after sitting down for a while it usually stops. If it gets generalised I stare at one point and my arms start to spasm and I dont react to people around me. This usually lasts 2-3 Minutes max. My neuro (god bless him) believed me. I just got to him after my first grand mal seizure. I had my aura and then I just blacked out in the bathroom and woke up hours later in my bed. My boyfriend actually talked to me after that seizure(before he guided me to bed) and asked me if I need an ambulance. I actually talked back to him like "no I just want to sleep, I´m fine" and as said, after I woke up, I had no memory of talking to him or getting out of the bathroom. All I remembered was the weird feeling and than blank. I woke up with a blood taste in my mouth, a giant headache and sore muscles (and a few unexplained big bruises). Thats when I realized something was VERY off. After talking to my neuro at the appointment, we started believing that I had abscence seizures my whole childhood. My mum always thought that I just needed glasses or was just a clumpsy child, because there were times where I hit every door frame (like I wouldn´t have seen it) and every open window and stuff like that while playing, and sometimes I would just not react to anything for a few seconds and then continue like nothing happend. My mum never thought about epilepsy. So yeah that is my epilepsy/aura story!
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
Oh my gosh this is so similar to me!!! I love my neuro but he’s so young and believes only in textbook cases. He has tried referring me to other neuros but no one locally will accept me and the ones I’ve been to out of state were quacks and total jokes
@OS-bs9ky 3 года назад
do you have an auditory or visual hallucinations during your auras ?
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
I'm not sure if they would be considered hallucinations but I definitely have trouble seeing, blurry visions, see shadows and have ringing in my ears.
@OS-bs9ky 3 года назад
@@purpleptic1787 these are distortions, not a hallucinations. Hallucination is when you see or hear something that does not exist: like flashes of images from your past or fragments of voices or conversations.
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
@@OS-bs9ky I totally know what hallucinations are that’s why I said I don’t have them and explained what I experience
@rumianams4807 3 года назад
I have metallic taste as well and also a very strange smell
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
It's so difficult explaining it to someone who does not experience it. Thanks for commenting
@AcEwusie 3 года назад
Are u sure it's a actually a smell or is it more of feeling that seems like a smell?
I get the weird smell 😞😞
@carlottafaircloth2804 3 года назад
I’m here for you girl. Call me! I might not understand it but I’m here. I’m here!
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
I love you and appreciate your support friend
@ASEKcp 3 года назад
We sound alot a like! I've only had 2 grand mal seizures in my sleep one at age 16 and one at 24 but I've had deja vu since I was maybe 12 or 13 years . They usually last a week I feel really paranoid and like somebody is always behind me watching me and when I get deja vu I feel normal I can talk move everything I just get hot and freaked out . Because I feel I've dreamed of lived this moment before and somebody is watching me do it. But I've only had 2 big seizures in my life but I've had these aura or deja vu as long as I can remember
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
I would definitely look into having an EEG done if your insurance covers it. Please note that nothing I say or recommend is medical advice and I only speak from personal experience. I do not have grand mals often either but I experience my seizures in my sleep. I have always had deja vu as far back as I remember and experience a lot of what you are describing. I don't have the paranoia however I totally understand how deja vu can create the paranoia when you do not know what's going on with you.
@ASEKcp 3 года назад
@@purpleptic1787 thank you for your reply I haven't had a seizure since. And I understand I had an EEG and they seen nothing
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
@@ASEKcp Hmmmm...interesting. Unusally activity shows up on EEG that is done in the doctor's office but anytime I have done the 5-7 day it comes up inconclusive, but probably because they sleep deprive me and I have mine in my sleep. Smart people, right? Well whatever it is I really hope something is figured out. I only suggested that because it sounds so similar to my story. Do you have migraines by chance?
@ASEKcp 3 года назад
@@purpleptic1787 exactly that's what I thought if we only have our seizures in our sleep why wouldn't they give us the EEG in our sleep? But no not really I just notice whenever I get dehydrated I get a headache
@ASEKcp 3 года назад
@@purpleptic1787 I've been reading a book about trauma and PTSD. I feel maybe it could be something emotional . I've also woken up crying with my pillow full of tears after having a dream of a family member passing or something like that.
@jana3705 3 года назад
I feel so alone when it comes to epilepsy and these auras/feelings. Whenever I talk to my family about these things they just don't understand. So these videos are nice and relatable. I'm only a teenager but I'm struggling through it.. epilepsy is definitely tough. I still haven't been able to chat with a teen who has gone through anything like epilepsy. I just want to chat with someone who shares the same experiences.
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
Jana I can absolutely relate that family doesn’t understand. It can rough most days because you know that weird, not feeling quite right thing but when you try to explain it you get looks as though you’re crazy. Family means well and they want to be there for you but epilepsy is one of those illnesses that unless you feel that aura, unless you feel that weird tingling going all through your body or have a weird taste in your mouth for no reason, it’s just difficult to comprehend. I’m so very happy you like the videos and I promise to get back into you. Reading comments like this makes my day :)
@ASEKcp 3 года назад
I just found out I have epilepsy I've had the aura and deja vu all my life
@jana3705 3 года назад
@@ASEKcp These auras disturbs and disrupts my everyday life so much. My mind just seems so dead, slow, and takes so long to work. It really messes with my education and school life. It takes me so long to do homework and even if I study for a test. I just forget everything the next day, it sucks.
@ASEKcp 3 года назад
@@jana3705 I don't mean to sound like broken record I'm sure you've heard if before but praying while I get these terrible feelings has really helped me beat them. At least know I'm strong enough to get thru it . Don't give up
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
@@jana3705 just an idea, something I do...if you have a favorite perfume or favorite pen or pencil, use that when you’re studying and use that same item for your test. It helps with relating the material to the object and your more likely to remember what you’re studying. That’s one method I use to fight memory loss. I have to try to connect moments to objects or feelings. Memory loss SUCKS!!!!!
@apostolicmomlife 3 года назад
I had epilepsy when I was 1-2 years old. I started getting migraines with aura when I was 11. I still struggle with migraines with aura even now. I’ve been trying to research to see if maybe my migraines are epilepsy related. I haven’t had a seizure since I was 2. My dad said they had me on phenobarbital for seizures. The only thing I do have til this day is migraines with aura. I’ll get the aura first then after I get the migraine. It starts with my eyes seeing spots, flashes of light, or they have this weird pain feeling in them that hurt. I’ll go numb in my hands up to my elbow, my fingers will be tingling, sensitive to lights and sound, nausea, sometimes a slurred speech. Once this stops (usually about 30 minutes to an 1 hour) I’ll get a migraine and I end up in bed for up to 3 days due to it. If I catch it in time, it goes away. Exedrine migraine sometimes works when I catch it in time. If I don’t, nothing helps it.
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
Wow, that’s such a bummer. I’m so sorry you’re going through all of that. I wish more neurologist saw the two as related. I’m sort of the opposite of you. I’ve been diagnosed with migraines since I was a child but wasn’t diagnosed with epilepsy until my 30s. Not to say I didn’t have it since mine are nocturnal, it’s just unknown. My migraines are now daily and some days are just worse than others. I’m on daily prescription meds to prevent then on prescriptions to take when I feel the aura come on. Ringing in the ears is my most common aura and next is my eye sight blurring until I pretty much can’t see straight
@lettylopez1128 3 года назад
Exactly my experience
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
@@lettylopez1128 Having this evasive illness is so draining and these "experts" don't know which came first. Was the migraine or the seizures; the egg or the chicken, lol
@JD_Partner_LawOfficesOfHnG 3 года назад
This happens to be all the time and I have seizures. I find myself drinking more caffeine in waves. It’s a bad cycle. Are you doing anything different during your low energy periods?
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
Unfortunately I haven’t found a good regimen for energy. I do a lot of caffeine which feels like it gets worse, weird. I drink a lot of coffee and Dr. Pepper 😳 not good, lol. Staying busy helps, odd. But when I finally do stop, oh my goodness I’m so drained
@hectorcaro3346 4 года назад
I have complex partial seizures and grand mal seizures. My auras usually start a few hours before I have a grand mal or I'll have one the next day. I also have seizures when I'm taking a nap or when I'm sleeping. I hear music in one ear or a drumming noise and my back and legs will start having muscle spasms.
@purpleptic1787 4 года назад
Ok so you’re aren’t exactly like mine but it is somewhat reassuring to know that I’m not the only one experiencing seizures during naps. I’m so sorry that you deal with it but trying to learn and navigate this world when I was diagnosed in my 30s I have so much to learn so I’m trying to reach as many people as I can. Thank you for responding.
@hectorcaro3346 4 года назад
@@purpleptic1787 it is also reassuring to know that I'm not the only one experiencing seizures during naps as well. I'm so sorry that you're dealing with this as well. I was just diagnosed at 36 with grand mal and complex partial seizures and it is indeed very difficult to go through with this in your 30's. We have to adapt to our new life and I've been dealing with seizures since January of this year and I literally spent January,February,March,May,June,July until now having a few seizures a day or every other day.
@purpleptic1787 4 года назад
Hector Caro Oh my gosh! No good. I was diagnosed at 32 I think. Since then I’ve had other diagnoses for other illness, that will be my next video. It’s like a dang snowball since then. Keeps piling on. And not having someone to call for help is unsettling so if something happens to me it’s scary
@Kristinetamano 4 года назад
I totally understand you on the migraine topic. I've had them all my childhood, and I asked my neurologist about my migraines and she said it's not part of my seizures. I just need to get better sleep. How can I get better sleep when I have nocturnal seizures? Sometimes I'm so used to the migraines that the mild ones im not scared of , it's the painful 10's that make your head feel like it's going to explode.
@purpleptic1787 4 года назад
Kristine Warrior Queen ok so you sound so much like me it’s scary. I started having migraines in elementary school and by the time I got to high school I would lose my eyesight. Over the years I was diagnosed with nocturnal epilepsy but my neurologist says they are not related. I don’t believe that because I wake up exhausted and I’m not sure if you experience the same thing but I wake up after my seizures.
@JD_Partner_LawOfficesOfHnG 3 года назад
@@purpleptic1787 I wish I could talk to you. It sounds like I’m reading about myself!!
@Kristinetamano 3 года назад
@@purpleptic1787 I'm glad I can relate to someone, thank you for answering me. Have a good day.
@purpleptic1787 3 года назад
@@JD_Partner_LawOfficesOfHnG we can definitely chat through email or something because having someone to share experiences with is priceless and comforting. I keep saying I’m going to make another video soon and I really need to
@matthewdba 4 года назад
Oh man. Sounds like you could use a hug! What meds are you on? I've been on a lot but nothing that I know of that risks blood clots.
@lifeascara5492 4 года назад
You are so strong, Tamika. You’ve been through a lot, yet you keep pushing forward. I pray you for your continued strength.
@purpleptic1787 4 года назад
Life As Cara thank you so much. It gets a little harder each day but I make it. Thank you so much for your friendship
@amandastroup840 4 года назад
I have epilepsy. Good job wearing purple for me since I have epilepsy.
@purpleptic1787 4 года назад
Amanda Stroup you are so very welcome! We are such an overlooked illness 🤗
@lifeascara5492 4 года назад
You are always in my thoughts and prayers!
@purpleptic1787 4 года назад
Life As Cara thank you bestie! I love you 🥰
@karlaj4277 5 лет назад
Yep...not using my Masters :(
@karlaj4277 5 лет назад
Sis I dont have epilepsy but I am getting older and find myself dozing off after just sitting down and lack of energy as well. Sweetie....we're getting old lol!!! Congrats on the job! Proud of you!! And loving your hair!! LOVEEEEE YOUUUUU ❤❤❤❤❤
@purpleptic1787 5 лет назад
Karla J sis I know lack of energy is part of getting older, and believe me I wish it was just that. This is a whole other level!!! Most days I wake up exhausted. Not tired, exhausted. I’m loving my hair too, thanks girlie! It’s growing out so quickly and I like the shape it has. I miss you 🥰🥰🥰
@karlaj4277 5 лет назад
@@purpleptic1787 Try to keep keeping us updated on your condition. MISS U 2
@robertteppler12345 5 лет назад
I was having loads of auras but didn’t go to the doctor,I didn’t know they were auras, mine start in my stomach, then rises up to my head and get a nosebleed feeling, go all hot and like a euphoric rush followed by dajavu and sometimes dreams in them, it freaks me out . I have memories when I come out of it, I’m fully aware all the time , my head tingles. Anyway had a bad clinic tonic in my sleep which nearly killed me so diagnosed with clonic tonic partial and and another but I can’t think of it. My short term memory is terrible now , I know one thing, when I’m stressed I have loads of auras, thanks for your video
@purpleptic1787 5 лет назад
Robert teppler teppler thank you for sharing! I’m always grateful to hear other people’s stories. I too have nosebleed feelings sometimes. It’s not a fun experience to have auras, especially if they’re new to you. Unfortunately short term memory loss is part of epilepsy. It’s rough not remembering conversations or certain memories
@robertteppler12345 5 лет назад
Purpleptic yer the memory thing kills me feel stupid sometimes )
@purpleptic1787 5 лет назад
Robert teppler teppler yeah, I get embarrassed by it. Especially when someone is adamant that something happened and I really can’t remember what they’re talking about
@robertteppler12345 5 лет назад
Purpleptic I find I forget what I’m talking about, forget words I’m looking for
@amandaturner4874 5 лет назад
I actually have the same type of epilepsy which is rare. You're right we are unique. I have absence Seizures during the day all day long, and then the moment I close my eyes day or night I start having generalized tonic-clonic Seizures (grand mal). I won't have one aura that last long. I will have several different types of Auras though out a few days with seizures in between. It usually starts with a smell skunk to me that one usual goes with eye issues, off and on cloudy eye sight. those will fade into random sounds, Bella, horns a tick-tock sound, then a headache, last will be either nausea or hot flashes then they will start over
@purpleptic1787 5 лет назад
Amanda Turner Thank you so much for reaching out and telling me about your experience. I have very similar aura but instead of skunk smell my sense of smell is heightened. Unfortunately I also suffer from migraines which can last for months at a time. If you want to connect more I would love to. It’s been a while since I’ve made a video but I plan on getting back to them. Thank you so much for sharing and watching 😁
@wokeslayer577 5 лет назад
Migraine insight: well, I myself am lucky enough to get treated in Taiwan because my wife is Taiwanese. My doctor is an Epileptologist and he told me that epilepsy and migraines are "kissing cousins. And so not they were "related", but dangerous. The doctor explain it these way: "we need to control them, because they are like a fire, that start with a bush...but has the capacity to set the whole forest on fire, so you need to act as soon as you detect it.". Now I don't have a specific remedy, but he told that I should follow a protocol for headaches (Im going to include Migraines in the HEADACHES category, bring itself the worst one of course) in order to identify it's origin and jump into conclusions. So first I should drink something with caffeine inside (coffee, coke or chocolate) sometimes this is enough and it was just poor blood irrigation, if the headache persisted than I would go trough 2 different medications before taking THE PILL that in my case it just instantly kills it. In my case it works, before there was nothing I could do or take. The asians doctors put me in a modified diet in order to be clean of seizure trigger known food additives such as: GLUTEM, M.S.G., refined sugars and flours, farmed meat because of the high content of antibiotics, hormones and vaccines. Hope I was of any help.
@purpleptic1787 5 лет назад
Matame Hapedos thank you so much for your insight. My neurologist treats my migraines separately from my seizures even though I told him I think one is a trigger for the other. I’m on daily meds to prevent migraines and I have meds on hand to take when I have auras. Doesn’t always work. Ok usually doesn’t work. It’s not easy to live with but I do the best I can. My seizures also have come back. They were controlled but the doctor said what I have is probably the best I can hope for. Thank you so much for reaching out! I absolutely love connecting with others who understand what it’s like
@wokeslayer577 5 лет назад
thanks for sharing, me too suffer from them and epilepsy.
@wokeslayer577 5 лет назад
‪ Thanks for sharing .....#‎我愛耶穌‬ ‪#‎台灣‬ ‪#‎尼加拉瓜‬ ‪#‎癲癇倡導‬ ‪#‎fightepilepsy‬ ‪#‎打癲癇‬‪#‎癲癇‬ ‪#‎Diānxián‬ ‪#‎epilepsia‬ ‪#‎epilepsy‬ ‪#‎EpilepsyAwarenessMonth‬ ‪#‎seizure‬‪ ‪#‎CeaseTheSeizures‬ ‪#‎advocacy‬ ‪#‎Nicaragua‬‪#‎EpilepsiaNicaragua‬ ‪#‎EpilepsyAwareness‬ #laepilepsiayyo #Алексей #PurplePeople
@karlaj4277 6 лет назад
@aetoon2007 6 лет назад
Hi, fellow epilepsy warrior here! I'm in the SBC area as well. I suffer from migraines along with my epilepsy. For my the treatment of my migraines my epileptologist put me on Topamax to treat my seizures and migraines along with my other meds. I'm in the same boat with the "if I'm not allergic to it, I've tried it." Studies have actually shown that migraines and epilepsy go hand in hand. I hope you've had luck with your treatments!!!
@purpleptic1787 6 лет назад
aetoon2007 thank you so much for telling me this part of your journey because I’m tired of being told it’s not connected. Hopefully you’re finding relief 💜
@aetoon2007 6 лет назад
Purpleptic my seizures are still uncontrolled, but the medications have helped. I went from having 20-30 complex partials in a week down to only a few a month. I was recently told that I may have catamenial epilepsy because of when my seizures happen. Good luck on your journey as well.