Dreamcatcher Malaysia
Dreamcatcher Malaysia
Dreamcatcher Malaysia
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@imperialtower Месяц назад
damn am i too critical or is this interview kinda weird...
@phunkymicrowave5033 7 месяцев назад
my arab family eats sunflower seeds a lot too and they always come with the shell so it was really interesting seeing jiyoo (especially yooh) being surprised by them still having the shell and not knowing how to crack them
@user-wn3tp6fm2u 7 месяцев назад
OMG 1 win yay congrats
@daisyy_days 10 месяцев назад
Im also not good with dialect it's like a different language 😭
@daisyy_days 10 месяцев назад
I wonder what's my name in chinese :((
@santoshsharma483 11 месяцев назад
Queen Bora becomes very gentle whenever she's around the Ice Queen Handong. Their ship has mom & daughter vibe to it.
@PongoXBongo Год назад
I can confirm the effectiveness of the one-meal-a-day diet on weight loss. Although, in my case, it's more down to forgetting to eat rather than an intentional weightloss regime. You know those times when you're so drained of energy that you need to either eat or sleep? Yeah, I do neither until I just pass out and take an unplanned nap. Do not recommend, lol.
@hczyanly5136 Год назад
@gfndceqmavhor354 Год назад
Jgnlah bila mereka nk datang... PAS bersuara lagi.. Kata Dreamcatcher adalah suatu symbol agama yg akan mengancam agama Islam pula! 😂
@namapunorang9085 Год назад
Pulak..simbol agama apa tu?
@maniacgemini Год назад
​@@namapunorang9085 simbol typical dreamcatcher sbb nama diorang pun Dreamcatcher blh google gambar. X sure ni symbol agama @ culture tp xyah kata org M'sia, yg haters dr overseas ada je yg sengaja nk boikot/buruk2kan DC kaitkan dgn culture appropriation a.k.a x hormat culture org lain sbb guna nama tu. Ibarat klau Red Velvet kira rude lah sbb guna nama makanan 🤣🤣 🤡 hahh giteeeww
@loudcatcher13A 10 месяцев назад
xkan kot sbb DC bukan group yg super popular mcm blackpink etc. so maybe DC akan slip under the radar haha.
@hardbros2021 Год назад
Sebelum ni aku mmg anti gila dekat kpop music, maklumlah kaki layan lagu rock/metal je. Tapi lepas Dreamcatcher keluar lagu Deja Vu, mmg terus layan semua lagu diaorg sampai sekarang. Tak dinafikan persepsi aku dekat kpop music ni dah berubah sikit lepas kenal Dreamcatcher.
@zharfanazrul1364 Год назад
betul diorg ni punya music byk genre bukan rock je kalau dgr bside diorg
@cap.s2284 Год назад
Confirm nanti kalau DC datang ticket penuh tak macam 2019 dulu 😂
@maniacgemini Год назад
Tp kan dulu unexpected ramai jgk actually. Cuma klau kata fans dr M'sia je taklah kut. Campur2 dgn negara2 jiran Si'pore, Indon crowded jgklah. Sy pun risau je ingat krik2 sbb M'sia lebih kpd group yg popular2 je. Sampai diorang pun cakap x expect blh tahan ramai jgk yg dtg 😂 tp bestlah bila x terlampau ramai sgt, diorang lagi blh pay attention dkt fans sorang2 sbb x terlampau sgt kena layan 😂😂 nasib dtg yg 2019, DC entah bila nk dtg entah cam susah je huhuhu 😢
@AtlanticPicture Год назад
Thanks hitz/Calista and Shout out to all Malaysian Fans!! 🤟😎
@DurianzSpikey Год назад
I hope HITZ invite Dreamcatcher to Malaysia...to meet their Malaysian fans...:P
@kkmaru Год назад
Dreamcatcher Malaysia 💘💕
@kimkardashi-un2004 Год назад
Dah boleh kot Dreamcatcher datang malaysia😭❤️❤️
@DurianzSpikey Год назад
2019 Dreamcatcher mmg pernah datang Malaysia...Era Piri...
@maniacgemini Год назад
Pernah datang 1x thn 2019. Mmg unexpected giler ingat x dtg dh M'sia. Tp last2 dtg jgk. Agaknya ramai M'sian InSommia yg request mintak dtg jgk. Cepat2 book sbb tau mmg susah giler dah lps ni diorang. Kut2 x dtg dah 😢 diorang sll pegi pun belah2 west je .. Fanbase diorang besar kt sana
@kimkardashi-un2004 Год назад
@@DurianzSpikey I mean nowww! We need them here now😭💗💗
@kimkardashi-un2004 Год назад
@@maniacgemini era tu tak kenal lagi dreamcatcher huhu
@bardshah8864 Год назад
Undi dreamcatcher
@Lee-Mays Год назад
mantap ah
@nurulwani Год назад
aigoo you guys notice us🥹🫶🫶
@Faz2108 Год назад
I really hope they will have activities or concert in China
@SalamsalimSalim-sv6kk Год назад
semoga sukses
@kimkardashi-un2004 Год назад
Please dreamcatcher come to Malaysia❤️❤️
@vistastructions Год назад
Dongie's Wuhanese is so cute!!! I'm from Wuhan and it feels so nostalgic and almost unreal that someone I follow also speaks Wuhanese 😍 窝们两都斯乌寒人 😂😂
@YCHTT Год назад
Malaysia got taste that all I have to say.
@ajrmdni Год назад
Sooooo proud to Dreamcatcher and very lucky for Malaysian Insomnia hoping Dreamcatcher gonna tour to South East Asian again gonna watch them in Indonesia hopefully Dreamcatcher are the REASON the whole World Unite Salam dari Insomnia Indonesia branches
@wolf.zeroeight Год назад
Thank you!!! :rock:
Weyhh siyes laa!?? Pukul berapa tadi depa air?
@sailorhyeon Год назад
so proud !!!!
@thztan7492 Год назад
Nice malaysia
@AtlanticPicture Год назад
🤟😎🤟 DREAMCATCHER is in A League of Their Own!
@kkmaru Год назад
@niksyazz4169 Год назад
@rulezzzureal Год назад
I hope Hitz FM will invite Dreamcatcher to their station if Dreamcatcher able to make an Asia & Australia Tour this year.
@julsky14 Год назад
@dreamcatcherisREASON Год назад
@Mikuraonly Год назад
@mazinpg8442 Год назад
@tars_11 Год назад
@yu-tf3dt Год назад
@markjimenez6266 Год назад
@lane9215 Год назад
dongdongie 武汉话好可爱 🥺
@autumneagle Год назад
Handong vlogs are always so peaceful and such a soft vibe. She has a presence like a calming river or peaceful meadow
@mimawisma5017 Год назад
Dong dong cantikkkkk 🥰🥰🥰
@butcherpoqewsashuri Год назад
🥰🥰 Gracias por los subtitulos ❤❤❤
@TheJerryfu63 Год назад
希望她能平安回南韓😢 昨天中國停發了日韓的簽證⋯⋯😮😢
@hosanamaria9793 Год назад
Algo na Handong falando chinês, a música de lofi no fundo e o clima de nostalgia de duas amigas revisitando o passado me trouxe uma paz hoje, obrigado Dongie, vc é incrível ✨ mt amor do Brasil
@somnia.diadem Год назад
동아 건강조심하고 잘쉬다 온나~
@zackdrew7199 Год назад
I love when Handong is with animals🫶🏻
@kumbawolf Год назад
That a great little insight into Dongie's past. Looking well rested and beautiful.
@YCHTT Год назад
Nice to see dong dong enjoying herself with friends.
@loremipsum5027 Год назад
Yeah, absolutely.
@sherinjohn001 Год назад
Dong should walk with peppero in mouth when she meets the principal. Principal: 👁️👄👁️