Learn how to program games using nothing but JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS! You'll find links to the working examples and source code on my website: pothonprogramming.github.io. Join the Discord to get in touch: discord.gg/fTNxCXv
Stay Down Dev Log - Part 13 - SPIKES!!!
3 года назад
Stay Down Dev Log - Part 12 - GRAPHICS!
3 года назад
A More Efficient Tile Map
4 года назад
2D Polygon Basics In Pure JS
5 лет назад
Get The Angle Between 2D Vectors
5 лет назад
Calculate The Length Of 2D Vectors
5 лет назад
@samperry8386 Месяц назад
Thanks for this. Got to the end and the red red block has disappeared... Grrrr... I've done loads in python, this HTML seems so awkward... but slowly slowly.
@tmate88-j8y 2 месяца назад
The only reason I can think of for needing more than 4 touches is if you make a mini Guitar Hero with strumming 😅
@MBkingsoft 3 месяца назад
Thank you 🙏
@ameera999 4 месяца назад
Atlast i found the answer to my question
@ibrahimcan323 5 месяцев назад
you are a real king I have been trying to create an https server for weeks. I actually want to make a web proxy on my own
@Elit3dGaming 6 месяцев назад
I don't really understand the old and new position. I am trying to re-create it in my code but both values read the same
@rataV7517 Месяц назад
for simple discrete AABB vs AABB you can replace the old position with the velocitiy, something like this: if(collision_detected_x) { if(velocity.x > 0) //coming from the left { //resolve collision on x } else /coming from the right { //resolve collision on x } } if(collision_detected_y) { if(velocity.y > 0) //coming from the top { //resolve collision on y } else /coming from the bottom { //resolve collision on y } }
@jeff-uq2sz 7 месяцев назад
You're the man!
@user-bv6kk6yv6k 7 месяцев назад
I think you are missing the point of putImageData. If youve got for example 10,000 instances per frame, you need to use 10,000 drawImage but only one putImageData as you can draw the entire canvas in one show.
@AleczanderSmith 10 месяцев назад
I understand the code but have no idea how to implement it
@SombreroMan716 10 месяцев назад
The switch statement in your routing function seems unnecessarily complex. What would be the difference of having all solid tiles check for all 4 faces instead of only the necessary ones? I know it would be more efficient, but I didn’t see any changes when I got rid of the switch statement and replaced it with an if statement to check if the tile isn’t 0 (if it isn’t an air block). If that was true, I just called collidePlatformTop, collidePlatformLeft collidePlatformRight, collidePlatformBottom. Edit: reading back, I realized this may seem overly pushy/rude. I hope this didn’t insult you, I just wanted to get straight to the point as this is already a really long comment. 😅
@JehanSaren 11 месяцев назад
libraries are for toxic. this is very good👍
@WerdOriginss 11 месяцев назад
you just ended days of frustration trying to figure out collisions in Flutter Flame Game. Thank you.
@tigernga218 Год назад
What I came here today for was to see how you constructed your polygon and how the rotate worked. I had a lot of trouble with the rotate. I was trying the atan approach with an angle (deltaR) to rotate the object which rotated the polygon but also moved the polygon around the 0,0 axis. The other try it just collapsed the poly to a line. This looks like the way to go. I recommend some videos just on the rotation part for games with the applied vector math as well. Please don't skip any steps as the math blends with the code. I had to watch 10 videos before I caught on to the projection technique for collision detection. Came down to the unit vector which we say here again with rotation. Thanks, great video!!!
@magickomchanell4556 Год назад
can u make territory war game?
@smvnt3803 Год назад
It's the person who recommended that! I'm now a second year computer science student. 💀 Time flies. This channel definitely helped me a lot back then!
@tormentboy Год назад
I have a Problem, my Rect cant Jump and I dont know Why? LOOK my Code window.onload = function(){ let canvas = document.querySelector("#canvas"), ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"), ancho = window.innerWidth, alto = window.innerHeight; let control, rectangulo, loop; //Tamaño Canvas canvas.width = 320; canvas.height = 180; canvas.style.background = "white"; canvas.style.display = "block"; canvas.style.margin = "0 auto"; canvas.style.marginTop = "10px"; canvas.style.boxShadow = " 1px 4px 8px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)"; rectangulo = { alto: 32, ancho: 32, saltando: true, x:144, x_velocidad: 0, y: 0, y_velocidad: 0 }; //Funcion Control control={ left:false, up:false, right:false, keyListener:function(event){ let key_state = (event.type=="keydown")?true:false; switch(event.keyCode){ case 37://izquierda control.left = key_state; console.log("Izquierda"); break; case 38://arriba control.up = key_state; console.log("Salta"); break; case 39://derecha control.right = key_state; console.log("Derecha"); break; } } }; //Funcion Loop loop = function(){ if(control.up && control.saltando == false){ rectangulo.y_velocidad -= 20; rectangulo.saltando = true; } if(control.left){ rectangulo.x_velocidad -=0.5; } if(control.right){ rectangulo.x_velocidad +=0.5; } rectangulo.y_velocidad += 1.5;//gravedad rectangulo.x += rectangulo.x_velocidad; rectangulo.y += rectangulo.y_velocidad; rectangulo.x_velocidad *= 0.9;//Friccion rectangulo.y_velocidad *= 0.9;//Friccion //si el rectangulo esta callendo por debajo del Suelo if(rectangulo.y > 180-16-32){ rectangulo.saltando = false; rectangulo.y = 180-16-32; rectangulo.y_velocidad = 0; } //si el rectangulo va fuera de la pantalla if(rectangulo.x < -32){ rectangulo.x = 320; } else if(rectangulo.x > 320){ rectangulo.x = -32; } //Dibuja Rectangulo y Suelo ctx.fillStyle = "#322824"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); ctx.fillStyle = "#f00"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(rectangulo.x,rectangulo.y,rectangulo.ancho,rectangulo.alto); ctx.fill(); //Linea ctx.strokeStyle = "#a6a6a6 "; ctx.lineWidth=2; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0,164); ctx.lineTo(320,164); ctx.stroke(); //llamar cuando el Navegador este listo para dibujar de nuevo window.requestAnimationFrame(loop); }; window.addEventListener("keydown",control.keyListener); window.addEventListener("keyup",control.keyListener); window.requestAnimationFrame(loop); }
@abirneji Год назад
I never thought to invert this to check for not collisions why did I never think to invert this that's so much more efficient
@abundantabsurdity7085 Год назад
I really like this tutorial. I tend to like the ones that code along with the explanation better but this is great stuff. I'm really new to all this but I'm going to try to edit this code to allow me to create a map with numbers and use sections of a spritesheet to draw a real map and not just black and white tiles. It's going to be fun. My code will reference you for thanks and link to this video. Thanks again for this tutorial!
@pukito9123 Год назад
perfect explanation
@felipeferreira9647 Год назад
Why to use prototype and constructors instead to put the function directly inside the object ? I really don understand the difference, making console tests here and, seeing the function call isn't change. Someonde knows ? thanks.
@felipeferreira9647 Год назад
I'm know is too late (5 years, long time bro) but i really don't understand why to use that " Human.call" , If an " this.name = name" is (if i understand the explanation) the same thing. Why to use this so nosense invokation format ? If i got it, when u use Human.call(this) , u are pointing to Worker instead Human, and the name call parameter is just another parameter to call the name from Worker context (the name inside Worker parameter). I'm just staying with the idea of this.name and Human.call(this,name) are the same thing, and ignoring this call method , it's ok ? ... Btw thanks for sharing.
@hawkbirdtree3660 Год назад
I got everything working, but I wrote mine in c. Thank you so much for this tutorial.
@Disorrder Год назад
This only works for a pair of rectangles. Try to add more whites 😅
@georgesjeandenis Год назад
Thanks man. : - )
@rogueduckster Год назад
Great vid man, was having trouble understand timesteps 👍
@valtsuhw Год назад
Thanks a bunch for sharing, finally got my cube rotating in C++ (without any odds or distortions). Edit: And the rest of my polygon models aswell, cheers.
@iplayddr3789 Год назад
these videos are so great. i started doing the odin project last year, learning web dev, then sort of stumbled upon game dev and it has totally up-ended where i thought i wanted to go with programming. notice you havent uploaded in a while, hope all is well! thanks for making this series
@umberto21 Год назад
nice. i ll try tomorrow
@georgel8702 Год назад
@The_Boctor Год назад
Your example was invaluable years ago, when I was trying to write a competent 2D engine. In 2018, I slapped together a perfect port of this to C++/SDL2 to learn how the pieces worked. Even though I quickly ended up with entirely original source code after however many rewires since then, your guide is the very best I've seen for tile-based slopes from scratch. It ultimately opened my eyes to separation of X/Y steps for accurate collide-and-slide. Thank you!
@a.j.outlaster1222 Год назад
Thank you so much, I didn't even watch the whole thing, And it helped me out a ton! I am currently working on a raycaster, And the minimap always caused so much lag, It took me some time, But, Now I can debug with 2d visualization! LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!!!
@asyncasync Год назад
Sweeping wont work if either of the cubes rotate during the journey, will it? I mean, if the cubes can be rectangles.
@Hiedalle Год назад
hi my images (individual frames) are too large and to many to put into a spritesheet. I therefore need to animate through the png sequence inside the canvas. do you have a tutorial on doing so as well?
@a.j.outlaster1222 Год назад
Help! I can't figure out how to download the source code!
@kevkondro Год назад
Thank you for the video! How would you make this cube rotate 4 different DIVs which include images and text?
@Teturarsyra Год назад
Note: the "y" axis in this example is reversed (points down) compared to the traditional mathematical orientation, this flips the sign of the cross-product compared to text-book examples.
@matrixsystempvp Год назад
Hey, this Video was very helpful - I've watched it multiple times over the last few years - keep up your great work! I've a Question: I render the World on the whole Screen. I get less than 60 FPS if the World is larger than 50x50 Tiles & I'm completely zoomed out (to be able to see the whole World). This is probably because the loop function is not fast enough. Do you have any Idea on how I could make it more performant/efficient? I already tried to first draw everything on a not visible canvas (buffer) and then at the end draw the buffer onto the real canvas, but that didn't do anything to the FPS.
@live_destin-3408 Год назад
@PiterTraceurFA 2 года назад
I have no idea how this is supposed to work... I used the second method and the result I get just gets larger the further away the vectors are from each other.
@zainkhalid5393 2 года назад
Would i be able to make a 3d car game without any library? I'm actually making a self driving car using reinforcement learning in JavaScript without using any library.
@danielraducu9073 2 года назад
THIS IS AMAZING CONTENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FROM EASTERN EUROPE
@danielraducu9073 2 года назад
I LOVE YOU !!!!!!
@michaeledwards6722 2 года назад
I think it would be better to run with Image object ready to drawImage and ImageData object ready for putImageData. Having getImageData running in the calls does not provide an accurate measurement of the speed of putImageData.
@marqueeplier4949 2 года назад
I love you. :)
@silentfilm1746 2 года назад
wdy didnt u use circle1's radius and circle2's radius together and check if value between circles's centers is greater than sum of their radiuses
@Mark-wo5dm 2 года назад
I actually laughed when you just said "I just copy and paste the code", 'cause yess that's true for us XD.. then try to identify the code if you can get the logic then if not.. search another code LOL.
@taokodr 2 года назад
I've had this video sitting in a playlist for a couple of years, and I *FINALLY* had some time to look into it and start playing around. Thanks to your video and another similar one, I've created a working (well, limping ;) ) scrolling map class that might help me make an old game idea into a reality. Thank you so much for taking the time to put something like this out in the world!
@allanalbrecht3112 2 года назад
Hey, I've been searching for a JS tutorial guru who presents at the same speed I ingest. And I believe I have found you. Thank you for your first two videos in this series. I see it's been out for a while, so I will be hanging around for a bit. Thanks again....going over to Poth Programming to see what else ya got.
@jhanolaer8286 2 года назад
hi sir, please make a video tutorial for a fluid simulation
@Fybir_ 2 года назад
bruh, i spent hours tryna figure it out myself