I write educational analyses of complex issues in contemporary politics, history and news.

BarakalypseNow is a quadruple entendre. It's a play on the famous war movie Apocalypse Now mixed with my name (Barak), it's my RU-vid channel focused on news and politics, and it's my personal state of outrage at the state of the world. The Barakalypse marks the end of the world of corruption, greed and senseless violence! But, a deeper definition of "apocalypse" makes it more synonymous with a revelation, or a great dispensing of clarity, rather than a cataclysmic end of the world. This channel is my way of bringing on the apocalypse.
@BALD_PAB День назад
It's 2 weeks before the 2024 election and I couldn't be much more nauseated by the fact that according to polls, around 50% of this country wants to put Trump's neo liberal fascist ass back in the White House.
@falsificationism 3 дня назад
Really nice work on this! Watching in 2024. Evergreen content...really well researched and explained!
@DataBattlesZ2087 3 дня назад
To Escape the matrix, turn off RU-vid, turn off Spotify, find a trail and walk till you figure it out.
@CJ-gv6bq 5 дней назад
Neoliberalism does include social programs such as welfare, social security, unemployment and so on. Many people spend their entire lives on welfare paid for by taxpayers. This video does not see the big picture or asses anything in reality. Such as the reason that homeless people and encampments are not encouraged is not just because of the being an eye sore. The main reason is because these streets are public spaces for all taxpayers or people to use. They were never intended as places for people to set up a tent camp. This is the issue. The video advocates for socialism.
@johnnewell9932 6 дней назад
And btw, what has happened to poverty all over the planet since the seventies? It has been reduced at a faster pace than any other time in human history. Sure, there are issues with this system, but it remains the most effective in history. You don't like it because it is a meritocracy. You probably believe in Darwinism. If so, don't you find your position hypocritical. If the people who possess the best skills make more money and rise to the top that helps everybody in the end. These are basic fundamentals I'm sure you don't agree with. I bet you make pretty good money though. Why don't you stop spreading this propaganda and take responsibility for your opinion. Start giving half your income to the poor. Bet you won't do that though. You're just another libtard.
@johnnewell9932 6 дней назад
You're correct in your basic understanding of neo liberalism. But your conclusions about how it impacts our lives is totally wacky. People like you are the gravest problem for society today. You attempt to explain the economic impact of this system on the citizens and you don't even understand basic economic principles. What happens when the government subsidizes something? You get more of this thing. Look at the impact welfare has had on poor people. Stop spreading your propaganda please.
@ZenatiOmar 7 дней назад
Only China understand how to beat Neoliberalisn
@ZenatiOmar 7 дней назад
Japan refuse Neoliberalism and stil have a Social Market Economy like Norway Norwegian Oil and Gaz is Owned by the State and the State fund with that Oil and Gaz Free Health care and free Education and norway is not a Socialist or Communist Country but a Constitiknal Monarchy with a parlamentair Democracy Neoliberalism is not new its Feudalisn Companies and Markets have the powers and Government officials became beggars and puppets and Elections becane only a show and the votes of people wil change nothing because the Lobby groups are those who change the direction The elected givernment take Conclusion Neoliberalism is the Dictatorship of the Markets and Multinationals
@ZenatiOmar 7 дней назад
Neoliberalism is the Dictatorship of the Markets
@fkglobalize8875 7 дней назад
The problem nowadays is to put this idea throughout the people. Because they did toke over the media and teaching establishment's long ago. There's no real free political or philosophical teaching or discussion in our teaching establishment's. Professors have to follow the guidelines given by the government's,"or else" And the same for mainstream media,is censored. We that discuss this issues on this platforms are a minority. Nowadays people don't care about economy or politics,they complain but when I try to explain them they reject.I see it every time,one's by ignorance others because they don't believe they can fight back,afraid to lose the little they still have or lack of faith in the establishment.I see a darker future for the people,ending in a bloody revolution ww3 or a 1984 tipe of world totalitarian government.Am I to negative? Maybe 😒 About the revolution to be truthful i don't see enough blood (courage) running on the veins of the majority.
@kgblankinship 9 дней назад
I would like to see as a countervailing power a notion one might call "neo-republicanism." The idea is that supreme power in a nation must lie with the people and that the government, which they elect, is to be their agent. It goes back to the principle mentioned in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence and the preamble to the Constitution.
@Grizlbc 10 дней назад
i disagree.
@michaelarmstrong5065 11 дней назад
So description of communist and socialist for a long time were that they were liberals or reform democrates or progtessives. Now that term doesn't fool anybody they call themselves neoliberal.
@Testimony_Of_JTF 11 дней назад
One of the miracles of our age.
@thomasscottpersing9641 13 дней назад
Outstanding. All sad but true.
@RyanRoss-dh8lc 13 дней назад
media outlets focus on the symptoms, but not the cause. Like a house fire, the media focuses on the smoke but not the cause of that smoke. The cause is man made neo-liberalism. Which turns human beings and their need for connection and services into a commodity to exploit for financial profit.
@jasonc0065 18 дней назад
Deficit spending is one aspect of Keynesianism that is unpopular worldwide. During the Trump era, Africa and America both complained about the China debt trap. Now Africa says that the IMF debt trap is even worse because it comes with white malice. Africa returned to cooperation with China. Even Zambia, the country that complained the most, normalized relations with China in the Biden era. The New Deal is not without its excesses, and this one of them.
@jasonc0065 18 дней назад
Does neoclassical economics equate with neoliberal politics and agendas everytime? I have consistently followed neoclassical economics and come to antineoliberal conclusions. I learned that Adam Smith supported labor unions and warned that his invisible hand theory depends on widespread access to capital. Chicago economics has a concept of market failure, which the Rothbardians deny. Chicago economics can actually justify some social democratic policies. In the Congo, nationalizing the mines serves a public good, because of the perpetual foreign threat to steal the resources. Both Lumumba and Tshisekedi have this policy, and yet the Congo today is staunchly evangelical and socially conservative. Lumping all evangelical Republicans into this category is not fair to us. They want their culture back, and it so happens that neoliberalism drives its erosion. Trump is not a neoliberal, Bill Gates with his unsafe vaccines is. Neoliberalism is a synonym for globalism, the erosion of all cultures including the western one. It turns out that Bill Gates and Milton Friedman are on the same team. Eugenics is their agenda, and they implement it by the capitalist mode of production. It all began with human zoos. One of Lew Rockwell's criticisms of Pinochet is that he did some public sector stuff including government run healthcare. Even some of the most successful examples of capitalism such as Botswana have government run healthcare, and there is no denying that it is very popular outside of America and that its bad examples such as the UK and Canada are because of corruption. Cuba can be easily dismissed as a travesty. I am forced to conclude that the decisions of individuals only work in concert to produce prosperity when backed by rule of law, enforcement of the Non Aggression Principle, defense from foreign threats, and the social safety net. Concerning the state apparatus, Marx is unfortunately right. By the same invisible hand by which we get bread from baker, we get corruption from politicians. Democracy is mob rule, and democracy and capitalism are a deadly combo. Anarcho-capitalism is corruptionism, precisely the ideology and practice of Tshombe and the CIA. The New Deal turned out to be better than neoliberalism, inspite of its excesses such as punishing farmers for overproduction. It should be intuitively obvious that overproduction is food security, and all that wasted food could have been funneled into food stamps. I am appalled that libertarians do not condemn the IMF as the communist central bank that it is. The IMF loans are clearly a racist LBJ food stamp for Africa, causing them to vote neoliberal for 200 years. Paul Kagame is more neoliberal than Pinochet, and he is worshiped even by antineoliberals that condemn Pinochet. If Pinochet were Kagame, he would have invaded Argentina, Milei would have a war in west on his hands, Chavez would worship him, the US would have refugee deals with Chile, and Pinochet would still be in power. As it is, Chile is a stable country with easy visa access to the USA. It turns out that the MS13 drug cartels are the common enemy. Trump and Bukele are cooperating on the solution. Bukele is a Lumumbist. Reality forces Milei to be a Lumumbist and align himself with Bukele. It is a supreme Marxian irony that capital alienates the proletariat by funding WEF communism by the capitalist mode of production.
@soulfireonfire6423 19 дней назад
Pay attention to what lobby controls both parties. Then take the babes of those who spearheaded this ideology and research their early life as to who they are. Keep in mind that it’s nit the legacy nabe of who they are but the name they were given to have their own country. Z
@markgoldby6502 19 дней назад
Thank you
@freekiekahn7317 22 дня назад
Another communist point of view. Communist left wing ideology is the real danger.
@uniball5667 22 дня назад
24:48 literally prophetic
@henryjosephfontaine 24 дня назад
Devils children looking for new ways to wipe out the human race for centuries now
@johannjohannes8265 24 дня назад
Try socialism again and you will fail again. Capitalism is the best system. There is a reason why every country with a high standard of living never before existing in the history of humanity in the world is also capitalist and democratic country.
@claytongeist7816 25 дней назад
WTF? its been 3 years and the series still isnt finished
@WillyBluefield 25 дней назад
The concept of fair and equal distribution of wealth revolves around the idea that resources, income, and opportunities should be shared in a way that is just and equitable within a society. Wealth and resources are allocated based on justice and fairness; thus, distribution is just and considers factors like effort, need, and contribution.
@wadesmith666 26 дней назад
The corporations, who basically run the world, socialise their losses, and privatise profit. In other words we pay for all their losses , and any profits they keep, even when, such as in the big tech, and big Pharma industries, we the people from our tax pay for 99% of the development of new stuff, but they, the corporations get to keep any profits made from these investments. You couldn't make it up, it's commonly known as daylight robbery.
@whatabouttheearth Месяц назад
The bourgeoisie support ideas that uphold the hierarchical power structure of the bourgeoisie 🤯 what a surprise
@whatabouttheearth Месяц назад
"Against a popular authoritarian she was a dead candidate walking" A sort of absurd comment, or at least without context, since Hillary Clinton won the popular vote against Donald Trump.
@faxriimanov3D Месяц назад
From the Post soviet country. We suffer from worst kind of neoliberalism State and Corporation unification. Where the statesman is a businessman.
@faxriimanov3D Месяц назад
From the Post soviet country. We suffer from worst kind of neoliberalism State and Corporation unification. Where the statesman is a businessman.
@AAZinvicto Месяц назад
thanks for sharing this
@kingkonut Месяц назад
bring back the gold standard i say
@YouilAushana Месяц назад
11:53 - I know I want free market anarchy with limited government watching the market and very few departments overlooking important hazards.
@YouilAushana Месяц назад
3:54 looking at you San Francisco!
@imlaion2133 Месяц назад
This is the finest documentary series I've watched on neoliberalism. Such a shame that's not better known. Thank you for producing this series, you went great lengths to tell this story. A phrase from the beginning of the first video will for ever stuck with me: "living in today's world and not knowing what neoliberalism is, it's like living in the Soviet Union and not knowing what communism was". I'll be sharing your channel with everyone I can think of, thank your work.
@mateenabbasi9856 Месяц назад
My friend, where have you been?
@kratumz Месяц назад
gang whats the music u used?
@MarkKoerner-c8c Месяц назад
I'm still not understanding the difference between neoliberalism on the one hand and old-fashioned American economic conservatism on the other? Is there any difference? Don't both neolibs and paleocons (to use insider jargon) favor a more minimalistic government, less social spending, lower taxes, less regulation, and so on? Don't they both say that the New Deal was a mistake? Don't they both say that the poor will be helped, over the long run, when the government stops helping them? What's the difference? Why not stick with the old terminology? Or are we just looking a European takeover of American political terminology? I suspect that's really it, as "liberal" means something different, something more right-wing than the mild left-of-center-ism that Americans call "liberal." This harping on wordage is important for only one reason: I think using "neoliberalism" as a replacement for "conservatism" confuses most Americans. For the rest of the world, it's probably fine.
@wocookie2277 Месяц назад
Let’s take this time in society to create a new society based on the commons, and embrace the profits from a socially astute society that recognizes the basis of the commons and the reality of that all society is based on the commons, labor,and natural resources. Without either, there is nothing.
@wocookie2277 Месяц назад
You forgot to mention Mulroney in Canada. And Trudeau. He to me was the father of this with his disruption of the Canadian energy industry at the time. Basically he sold Canada to this ideology. Mulroney just picked up the ball.
@SeamusMcFitz-jz9if Месяц назад
Every single piece of technology that you use right now everyday was invented in America. A free-market captialist system. That's not a coincidence.
@wocookie2277 Месяц назад
Got it. Pawns in a rigged system with a birth lottery for class distinctions. Let’s be honest the majority of the wealthy come from wealth. Began when corporations were given the same rights as humans. Came of age in the late 70s, watched this happen even in Canada.
@Johnrl21 Месяц назад
You are doing a fair job explaining this topic. The only problem is that you are framing it like it is wrong, which it isn’t. You are also harping only on its negative side, which is not a fair framing.
@E.Houghton Месяц назад
The effect of neoliberal economic policy on education has meant that students, even in a time of recognized environmental and climate emergency, learn nothing about how to protect the Earth, its living systems and species, and its climate. Our very lives depend on maintaining a healthy planet, but any notion of "protection" of any of the Earth's resources would smack of the need for regulation and strict environmental and climate policies. Therefore, environmental and climate education, despite student calls for it with the Fridays for Future movement, are met with government silence. Other than a vague notion of "sustainability" which is occasionally mentioned in education, students are taught to be unquestioning "consumers" far more than participating citizens. Failure to protect ravaged environments, species, forests, waters, soils, species and mineral deposits has brought down civilizationss in the past. Neoliberalism keeps us on that precarious track towards a similar fate.
@dennisanderson3036 Месяц назад
I attended graduate school in economics and studied under the famed David Hamilton, an Institutional or Evolutionary economists from the 1940s to the early 2000s. I got some of this history from him but you have really pulled the skeletons out of the closets and the behind the scenes bed fellows. Thank You so much for your contribution she doing light on the subject. It’s such a strange time we live with neoliberalism.
@patrickbodine1300 Месяц назад
Liberalism is a mental disease and stupidity is the real pandemic.
@williamjameslehy1341 Месяц назад
Your boss must be so proud of you.
@java9637 Месяц назад
i would love to see more content from you i enjoyed all 5 series, likely will rewatch them
@barriewright2857 Месяц назад
Absolutely brilliant and thank you for the education and information.
@kurtharaldheitmann4112 Месяц назад
Kommunist bullshit . Cultural marxism will bury the idiots.