Gospel Partners Media / Wretched
Gospel Partners Media / Wretched
Gospel Partners Media / Wretched
Wretched TV and Radio are hosted by Todd Friel. On the show you will see and hear live witnessing encounters and discussions of tough theological issues and various topics in the Christian community. You might even have a laugh.
Andy Stanley Just Made Another HUGE Fumble
2 месяца назад
@christopherflux6254 21 минуту назад
There was a church in the UK which went through a season where they didn’t do any music at all. They felt that God wanted to teach them about worshipping in ways other than singing. So they served their community, helped the poor etc…. Eventually that season ended and they started music again. The music worship leader was Matt Redman and inspired by this season he wrote the popular song Heart Of Worship.
@Schi8694 46 минут назад
Yes I can. Their position still infinitely better than the Democrats. However, any more slippage, and this may be the last time they get my vote.
@altmediapost Час назад
Guy thinks 1+1+1=3. lol
@iKnowlestheTruth 2 часа назад
Here’s a thought-How about we apply this to 1 Corinthians 11:2-16? Paul was writing to “all men everywhere who call on the name of the Lord,” about a practice that symbolically represented the creation order-Paul mentions nothing about culture. 🤔 And, the church practiced it until feminism swept through the west… which, to me, is a big red flag. 🚩
@AirborneUSA 2 часа назад
You can disagree if you want, but I wouldn't suggest it
@-ClayMan- 3 часа назад
2+2=5 w systemie szesnastkowym więc 7 możliwe że posiada inny system obliczeniowy.
@davekremer8719 3 часа назад
The Church isn't suppose to be Political? How did that work out for the Church in Germany? We are to be Biblical and salt and life in Culture and speak boldly against Evil! One political parties platform comes directly out of Romans 1, they have the truth they know about God and has God's restraining hand of Grace been removed from are country?WE must stand strong in God and his mighty strength Eph 6:10 and speak his truth!
@jimkraft9445 3 часа назад
Romans 6:23. For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Second Corinthians 9:15. Thanks be to God for His UNSPEAKABLE GIFT, ETERNAL LIFE. John 6:47. Romans 3:26-28.
@danielpasula6860 3 часа назад
Yayks 😳 Heres howYahweh says He wants to be worshipped Psalm 150 Praise Yah! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty expanse. Praise Him for His mighty deeds; Praise Him according to the abundance of His greatness. Praise Him with trumpet blast; Praise Him with harp and lyre. Praise Him with tambourine and dancing; Praise Him with stringed instruments and pipe. Praise Him with resounding cymbals; Praise Him with clashing cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise Yah. Praise Yah! If you play drums and guitar, Best you worship Yahweh with them. LOUDLY 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
@pulsefirefitness 3 часа назад
😂😂😂 the stupidity in this video
@m_jay5 4 часа назад
As a single Christian man in my 30s even modest clothed women are making me lust, I'm at a complete loss! :/
@michellesiegmund6657 4 часа назад
Such a good point
@fitrik7248 4 часа назад
Christians should vote for the candidate that MOST accommodating of Christian value! is not gonna be 100% but MOST
@ewaldrempel9924 5 часов назад
This is just ridiculous!
@arthurmann7040 5 часов назад
What does the Bible say about restoration, ? please, show me Scripture where a believer who has truly repented may not be restored to the Ministry they once held.
@m_jay5 5 часов назад
I feel like I'm in a grey area on this matter. In my late teens / early 20s I discovered the fitness wear the women wore in the 80s/90s - high cut leotards, tights / pantyhose, etc. high cut bikinis, thongs, etc. - I don't know if it counts, but it definitely feels like it satisfies the same way. I haven't been in a relationship for almost 10 years and have never had a successful relationship in my life! So there is a tremendous amount of loneliness and feeling unloved. I'm in my 30s now :/
@m_jay5 6 часов назад
I feel like I'm in a grey area on this matter. In my late teens / early 20s I discovered the fitness wear the women wore in the 80s/90s - high cut leotards, tights / pantyhose, etc. high cut bikinis, thongs, etc. - I don't know if it counts, but it definitely feels like it satisfies the same way. I haven't been in a relationship for almost 10 years and have never had a successful relationship in my life! So there is a tremendous amount of loneliness and feeling unloved. I'm in my 30s now :/
@fulai2029 6 часов назад
That's atheism for you, enjoy it westerner. You bring it to yourself.
@stevenewman1393 6 часов назад
How so very truly factually totally well said indeed, In Yeshua's most Holy glorious wonderful and beautifully powerful name Amen!🙌.
@BADDMIXX 7 часов назад
@petercollins7848 8 часов назад
The Christian Church has sung these great hymns for 500 years, indeed some that we sing actually go back to the early centuries of the faith, and we have had no problem singing them through all the changes and styles of language that have taken place during that time. But it must be added that there are some great modern hymns too and we can sing them along with the older. The secret is discernment and a truly biblically aware leadership to decide which hymns should be sung in a particular church. The problem we have though is that in many churches the leadership is often ignorant of true biblical theology, and the of the benefits of understanding church history. They are more concerned to fill seats and church coffers and make people feel good about themselves than be honouring to God and create reverent services.
@ryandyc 10 часов назад
I think he’s getting closer to Gnosticism now. Is anyone else noticing this? It’s worrying to me.
@donhecoxmusic 10 часов назад
But why do you show a dinner encounter with your pastor apparently with wine glasses? Are you trying to make a statement regarding your preferences for pastors who approve of drinking alcoholic beverages?
@One-Ruler-1Victor 10 часов назад
Yeshua is the Savior of all men(people), especially those who believe.
@Rev.4.8-11 10 часов назад
I want you to disciple me. . .
@EndWach-gi1nh 11 часов назад
Look at her nazi eyeballs, the way they stare, searching to find something to curse you with. Who is ordered to find person guilty no matter what. Real prosecutor: show me the crime and we’ll baking soda find the person or persons. Fake prosecutor: show me the person and we’ll find the crime.
@matthewwinterle5475 11 часов назад
I got saved because God spoke to me through spoken scripture from The Chosen. Isaiah 43:1. Thank you Lord!
@rebecca.medicineeagle 11 часов назад
Aww... Steven Lawson ;( So sad.
@dianeschultzviseth9794 11 часов назад
thank you for articulating my thoughts. you are correct. may God have mercy.
@BrianJohnson-lx3zd 12 часов назад
While I like singing hymns better than (most) modern worship songs, we should be careful not to essentially tell Christians today, “All the worship music we need has already been written, so we don’t need your songs.” Sure, there should be lofty language in some worship music, but there should also be simple, accessible language in others. After all, singing lofty language only honors God as far as the singer understands it. Let every Christian worship God from the heart when they sing, whatever they sing--new or old, lofty or simple.
@e.k.izzle32 12 часов назад
terrence… lookin at you mane 😂
@timmytheimpaler 13 часов назад
Every part of that montage is 87,644 times better than any modern, emotive praise chorus. If those hymns don't excite you, it says something about your spiritual condition, and it ain't good.
@julianaroldan2004 14 часов назад
Please love your enemies, love those in your house!!! Be humble. Otherwise you are not a child of God. What Jesus toughened about loving others as you love thyself! Please practice compassion kindness Mercy! Do as your Father in heaven DO!!!! Or He is not your Father 🙏😭
@theyaya2502 14 часов назад
My God is a mighty God. He rains from heaven above.
@m-dog_swizzle7446 15 часов назад
I needed this. Thank you God. If anyone sees this, please pray for me.
@davidm8135 15 часов назад
Trump supporters always have an excuse for him. I was raised with Christian conservative morals and I don't see them being applied to Trump
@warchela 15 часов назад
It’s easy to get upset at the immorality of others, especially when they are promoting their immorality They are not the enemy, but rather the mission field. John MacArthur
@michaelraab9472 15 часов назад
Brother, I like your videos but this account is NOT in the book of Luke (it's in Mark and it doesn't specify the word "men"). HOWEVER, the participial phrase, "they could not" (Mark 2:4) IS MASCULINE in gender! Thank you for this review of "The Chosen."
@live2groove 15 часов назад
Your problem is that "The Church" thinks that people need church, but in reality, it's "The Church" that needs people. Good Luck with that.
@johnlaing9124 15 часов назад
Glad his dad's in heaven.
@SFKathy2250 15 часов назад
Religion makes people crazy. Technology gives them a megaphone.
@ozdoublelife 6 минут назад
@johnpage7735 15 часов назад
If unbelievers see two Christians arguing with each other, then why would they want to join that club?
@Smicks09 16 часов назад
A 7 minute 29 second theological discussion and not a single verse of scripture mentioned. Sad. God's Word, or Todd's word?
@kenterry9396 16 часов назад
Water baptism has nothing to do with getting saved
@ScriptureSoundscapes541 16 часов назад
“And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell…But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” ‭‭James‬ ‭3‬:‭6‬, ‭8‬
@rosebue3868 16 часов назад
God obviously doesn’t want us to twerk!!! TD Jake’s disagrees!
@leeroyc4148 16 часов назад
this guy is a nut case
@Papflfmslmx 17 часов назад
Over time I have become the first example that Mr. Friel uses in the video. How can I change and be filled with true fear?
@Ray-r5j9u 17 часов назад
@stormykeep9213 17 часов назад
She asked really good questions, but I felt so bad for her when she walked away clearly made up her in mind that she wants to continue rejecting God. I pray she continues to seek and finds Jesus one day.