Cults to Consciousness
Cults to Consciousness
Cults to Consciousness
Stories of claiming independence after leaving high-control groups & people.

Hi! I’m Shelise Ann Sola- former devout Mormon. On C2C, my husband Jonathan and I dive deep into the nuance of cultic organizations and coercive manipulators. We are not anti-religious, but anti-abuse, and shed light in dark places to bring compassion, understanding and accountability.

From FLDS Polygamy, Mormonism, Amish, Scientology, Extreme Christian Fundamentalism, Radical Islam, and Self Help, to the cults featured in popular TV docu-series, we interview survivors, advocates, authors, and more. Together we discover how our guests find independence and healing through awareness and true individual sovereignty.

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FORCED Back Into the Old Order AMISH at 17
Месяц назад
I Fell in Love with a Professional Predator
3 месяца назад
@jeffbarrett411 43 минуты назад
Its obvious church culture is ridiculous, yet The Word and Jesus - not so much.
@bernardefitzgerald6451 50 минут назад
Jackson Angela Thompson Gary Perez Gary
@DianeRobinson-nb7rq Час назад
What an awesome guy!!! Wow! Loved this ❤
@Maicon-b1b Час назад
Hey I like your channel I liked the episode with nuriyah Could you please do a video reaction of a video called"scariest hell testimony ever" The video has a green background. I think it would make for good content Please and thank you sister 🙏
@aaronshim9829 Час назад
Btw, a discernment channel called Revealing Truth recently made a video about this interview video here and also does exposés on other Christian cults out there as well as debunking what these Christian cults teach by using the Bible itself. What do you guys feel about this?
@janesmith9024 Час назад
It is so hard for people where they know older children will stay to leave a group like this. So brave. Well done. I think I know where she was in NE England as we (Catholics in our case) lived near and I remember driving by on the way to some day trips and seeing all the lovely Jewish families, large families, on the streets and my parents who were tolerant of everyone would tell us what they knew. It is indeed a deprived part of NE England and the weather is pretty awful although there are lovely countryside and beach areas and hills if you journey a little further away.
@RozaneBeyMcCurdy Час назад
I was so sad to hear the show was no longer airing, because it was so hopeful to see others escape. I am happy for this update, you all look so well, well-adjusted, and happy!
@segoleneginibre859 Час назад
You have come such a long way and are still a kind, compassionate personne All my love and hopes for your future❤ ❤
@boydpease4103 2 часа назад
There is sone science to support transgender For during the early critical formation of a fetus if synthetic hormones in foods and beverages and container packaging are introduced it can actually override original dna and chamge the physical gender so that it now does not natch the spirit body gender hence the mental and emotional trauma!❤ We know there are all kinds of congenital joined twins and triplets in horrific ways and it us not something ordained by God bit exposure to phosphates and other bio toxins exemplary of human irresponsibility with these bio hazards to a fetus formation❤
@boydpease4103 2 часа назад
At 7 years old a semi-baptist o recognized I wanted to hold hands with and kiss a boy on the cheek the way other boys did with girls. I asked God and He said my Same Gender attraction was CLEAN and that He had provided a way for same gender attraction. I had left the Baptist Church ar 12 because my beliefs were more like lds though I didn't know it yet till I found them at 18 while in usaf. Here I found out more defined Covenants I had read about in old Testament at 12. The Covenant of Maidservants AKA Wifewomen aka Polygamy which God told me was also Same Gender Marriage for Females Then there was the Covenant of Manservants aka Husbandmen aka the United Order which God told me was also Same Gender Marriage for Males So here was the way God provided for Same Gender Attraction. But Brigham Young stopped new practice of the United Order because it interfered with him wanting to send people to homestead lands for his political agenda to be a governor over a vast area. United Order could vote no and not have to go as autonomous entity. So BY buried it in the ground not thinking about alllllll those it would cripple for Same Gender Attraction. Then Woodruf buried Polygamy out of desire to keep an lds kingdom in that region instead of the making and keeping of Commitments and Covenants before the Lord. For as God told me anciently women could shop around for characteristics of a man and elect this Covenant after which they could set up own household and only consider the man a sperm donor and coworker. The United Order anciently provided men sealed to each other to have all things in common and provided when a man died his wives and children could go to another man under this Covenant instead of his father or brothers and also provided Same Gender Marriage for Males God said these 2 Covenants were presented in a great premortal Council and were given TO PROVIDE A WAY OUT OF TEMPTATION IN ALL THINGS SOOOO here I was with men for personal gain had buried these two Covenants/Talents aaaand we all know about what is in the way when talents are buried in the ground.❤
@deefitzgerald2906 2 часа назад
I was SHOCKED at what this Woman said….I cannot imagine taking my samples to see if I can or not be with my husband….It sounds Like Women are not equal to men in this Religion….Im sorry but this is WRONG on so MANY levels….
@gacktist00 3 часа назад
we had a entertainer star from US years ago in Korea. he was so famous cuz he was fun and speaks Korean local accent really well, so he was everywhere on tv. he came to korea as a mormon missionary, and stayed here and got married and had many children. few years ago, he went to prison due to the drug use...(every drugs are illegal here). also, he was cheating his wife! he had a boyfriend. it was wild😂
@mamyshariff3219 3 часа назад
People need to stop listening to ex-muslims and seek knowledge for themselves you cant judge a book by its cover read it not he said she said
@LuaySharaf 3 часа назад
Loved this... Ex Muslim from Middle East - Jordan
@rjtruth1779 3 часа назад
Its interesting to learn about all the variations of these religions, Anabaptist, old order amish, new order amish, Mennonite ... i didnt realize there were so many groups. But it makes sense. I grew up mormon and didnt know about some of the breakoff groups. I knew about the AUB through the show sister wives with kody brown because my mom grew up with him but they dressed normal and seemed not so different from mainstream mormons just practiced polygamy. I never knew much about the flds. I never knew about the order/kingston clan. Or other mormon split offs. Its very interesting to learn about and extremely crazy these stories of people who've left. It makes me wish that religion wasnt as protected under the law because people get away with so much abuse and manipulation under the guise of religious freedom. Depriving people of basic rights and education. Like i believe in the freedom to practice whatever belief systems or lifestyle you choose but no person or organization should be above the law.
@Rose-hm6vp 4 часа назад
To help people financially would have also been a way to manipulate them, so I’m sure if missionaries help that could also been seen as bad…..
@daniellenelson5300 4 часа назад
My boyfriend was Mormon for a minute when he first came from puerto Rico in middle school, he said he pretty much just did it because they took him fishing lol. This is in western ny which surprised me because it's a mostly Hispanic population where we live plus it's western ny
@RejinaChatterjee 4 часа назад
The most concerning part is the role of her mother & of her father __ normalization of such regressive practices
@RejinaChatterjee 4 часа назад
She contradicts herself by saying that she had freedom before her marriage but then she was looking to get married to some freedom ...
@tracy503 4 часа назад
Thank you for sharing your story ❤
@AkshayMishra-kc9ed 4 часа назад
What do u have to say on hinduism ? Plz share ur view
@Andrea-zm1nl 5 часов назад
"most people wouldn't recognize that i am jewish if they saw me walking down the street" that is exactly why Jewish is NOT a race or ethnicity. You will never hear a Japanese or Nigerian or Korean person say this. Even the full blooded Ashkenazi Jews are just Caucasian and an anthropologist would also identify the skeleton of an Ashkenazi person as Caucasian. You'd only be able to tell they were Ashkenazi if you looked at DNA. This is the same as an anthropologist being able to tell that a person was Asian, but they would need DNA to tell if it was Chinese, Japonese, Vietnamese, etc etc etc.
@Tsubahi 5 часов назад
People like that are feeding young girls like meat to hungry predators. 😐
@Andrea-zm1nl 5 часов назад
The answer is yes, ALL religions are cults. None of them are based on objective truth. All of them have some leader and teach ideologies. Some are worse than others but no matter what religion we are talking about the people have been brainwashed into worshipping some ultimately evil deity. I say this because every god that humans have dreamed up is a petty, child like tyrant that is guilty of evil and horrific acts.
@ioneliatoma3603 6 часов назад
I'm sorry I cannot think that so.many people can be sooo much brain washed....
@ioneliatoma3603 6 часов назад
I'm sorry, but how ..... you have to be to do everything what someone else is telling you so without thinking at all
@etainepona4206 8 часов назад
So has anyone filed charges?
@cattailsforlunch 8 часов назад
Martha is clearly an amazing woman. She is achieving greatness despite all of the adversity that she faced growing up and as a young girl adult. It just makes you wonder what she would have accomplished had she been given more opportunity as a child and if so many years weren’t stolen from her.
@cattailsforlunch 8 часов назад
My parents visited the Motorsport complex that this group owned in Shawano in the early 2000’s. They saw a group of brethren build a massive building in a single weekend. My parents say that all of these people, young men, women and children walked seemingly from out of nowhere and worked from dawn to dusk, carrying tools, all dressed in very conservative attire, without taking breaks, and then disappeared over the hill. Then they returned to do it again the next day. My parents knew from that moment it was a cult. They still talk about this strange and scary sighting to this day. Edit: I just checked with my parents and they said that they actually worked all night on the building, kids too. My mom snuck and gave the children pizza. The leader walked around all day with two women who held an umbrella over his head.
@HomeFromFarAway 8 часов назад
James Dobson's books damage children. he is old now and I hope he is alone, lonely and in pain
@user-ze6lo6lc5q 8 часов назад
Alyssa, may I ask, do you still believe in Jesus Christ as a saviour ?
@bambangtheo5640 8 часов назад
The strange thing in Christianity is when there were members of particular church who left their church because of some dissatisfaction on several things then they move to another new church and claiming they find true God and start criticizing their former churches. 😂😂😂 So, their perspective are all windy and empty. They don't look for the truth of God. They actually look for the churches whatever they want, run after self satisfaction and forgetting that Godly values are in them already.
@bambangtheo5640 8 часов назад
The strange thing in Christianity is when there were members of particular church who left their church because of some dissatisfaction, being victim of abusive conducts, or on personal several things then they move to another new church and claiming they find true God and start criticizing their former churches. 😂😂😂 So, their perspective are all windy and empty. They don't look for the truth of God. They actually look for the churches whatever they want, run after self satisfaction and forgetting that Godly values are in them already.
@MustafaSajjadHaider_Dramatist 9 часов назад
Wow, He is an amazing person, I wish him stay blessed with whatever he believes in, and you, the host, as well.
@lyndseyproscia2943 10 часов назад
I heard that Warren banned couples from having kids. Then he allowed "seed bearers." Is that still going on? The good thing is that the cult won't go on.
@karenlewkowitz5858 10 часов назад
Women have been manipulated so long - forever. Augh. Seems the 70s were freer. Performance feminity is such an apt phrase.
@truthprevails1237 10 часов назад
Great 👍 job. Keep it up
@dirtybooth 10 часов назад
Oh the devil is working well through this one
@ChristFollower699 11 часов назад
O wow, this guy has just straight up admitted he was a deceiving thief lol none of that stuff is biblical at all, you've left your cult, your cult was not Christian though
@valeriefrench9405 11 часов назад
So I’m trying to understand. Are these ladies considered legally married and have to get a divorce when they leave so that they can remarry? Or can they just legally marry a nonmember in the eyes of the US law?
@hemahaw1 12 часов назад
If no one is gonna say the abusers names, places and have these monsters arrested well then it will just continue won't it so screw everyone else right😢
@barrygoonicholson9141 12 часов назад
4841 Macejkovic Run
@jonahvimeo4276 13 часов назад
so called licensed professionals - or - unlicensed professionals ? All are subjects of possible corruption - a mafia evolving structure. Regardless it is in 2024, 1888, or 3000 BC., human social and politic behavior is the same regardless what group of people would it be ( a country, a town, a church a sport club, even a family ).
@StephenItanagar 13 часов назад
I could see how he slid all the way down.. You start compromising a little, soon you throw the Bible altogether..
@selim996 13 часов назад
Calling APUS as ex devout muslim is as calling Bibi N is q loving peaceful person
@charlyshay1013 15 часов назад
But she still believes in god, so she still hasn't escaped the myth and mind control that goes along with that ideology. Once the existence of a god is dispelled, a person can be truly liberated and come into their own realization. The belief, faith, and honor to a mythical god is totally misplaced--we owe those things to ourselves so give credit where it's due...frail human beings that we are. We only have each other and that's who we should be focusing on, instead of wasting breath and energy praying to nothing.
@reneewolfe1549 15 часов назад
Love your show and pray that your guests get the council they need. Can't imagine the hell you all have been through.
@SuperDeddeh 16 часов назад
Love that she had a good childhood
@jasmines.6325 16 часов назад
So so so many women dont get to tell their stories, peoplendont realize even the worst of the U.S is still not as bad as Afghanistan,Iran,Iraq, North Korea
@GZee-b9s 17 часов назад
Are you related to Amanda Rae because you look and sound like her so much !