Institut Nova Història - Conferències
Institut Nova Història - Conferències
Institut Nova Història - Conferències
Canal de l'Institut Nova Història, entitat de recerca que vetlla per la restitució de la història de Catalunya.
@Jordi-lt2ee 2 месяца назад
@josefinamariablazquezmarin1564 7 месяцев назад
Mayolas PEP és un home íntegre..d' una feina excelentment rigurosa. El recordo com a persona d' una conferencia a Barcelona de fa anys. Jo vaig comprar- lo el llibre d' en BILBENY.. que cita ..PERÒ EL VAIG LLEGIR😊...( Com els teus tresors PEP... També sobre COLOM I LA SEVA FAMILIA A PORTUGAL ) . Magnifics i rajant veracitat evident.- ✓Com diu l' altre MAYOLES. [Roger].que ens acompanya... PER MI el llibre sobre l' almirall fou un VERTADER CAMBI DE PARADIGMA.- Gràcies per la extraordinaria feina que feu. Tots. També a l' estimat i gran actor JOEL JOAN.
@josefinamariablazquezmarin1564 7 месяцев назад
El meu pare també ho sabia que COLOM ERA CATALÀ.. --jo per ell--, Però ell, amb més fúria que BILBENY. Ho sabia. I prou!!😊
@stoproboenergeticas8064 10 месяцев назад
Estic molt interessat en les herbes, qué ósties fumeu? Qué droga més meravellosa, eixos coneiximemts son els que heu de compartir i que tots sigam feliços
@xavierp875 10 месяцев назад
Es curios que el Abraham Abulafia va morir a Malta.
@xavierp875 10 месяцев назад
A Mdina , durant l'època medieval, el carrer del costat nord de la catedral (l'actual Triq il-Fosos) era el barri jueu; Els jueus pagaven un impost especial a l' Universitat de la ciutat , atorgant a canvi el monopoli dels apotecaris i tintoreres. [9] A la llista de milícies de 1419-1420 (un registre d'adults masculins a Malta, excloent Birgu i Gozo ), la columna de "la Giudecca" (el barri jueu de Mdina) enumera 57 homes jueus reclutats. Això condueix a una estimació de fins a 350 jueus a Malta en aquell moment. Les famílies tenien cognoms típics jueus com Meyr/Mejr, Melj, Nefus, Levi, Catalanu, de Marsala
@anselmo4952 11 месяцев назад
Coló va a ser un gran mari i un home excesivament avar . Probablement va a ser genoves o catala.
@anselmo4952 11 месяцев назад
Catalunya sols va a ser un comtat de la Corona d'Arago.
@FreireDom Год назад
Esteu fent el palangana i deixant-nos a la resta de catalans com un toll de "hooligans" capaços f'inventar qualsevol parida.
@waratahfilm2350 Год назад
@lluisbofarullros3223 Год назад
Molt bona feina!. Moltes Grácies Montse i INH!
@toniboschtorras723 Год назад
Just estic llegint una novelaab moltes escenes a malta, concretament a la capital i escrit per un català que lògicament ignora el passat català de l'illa. Pero eps jo llegint he vist que el plat més típic és un STUFFAT ( ESTOFAT ) en Anglès STUWED, Francesc BRAISÉ en Italià BRASATO 3n Català ESTOFAT.
@picadetercio3104 3 года назад
Esta vergonzosa ridícula e infantil .. es reflejo del grandísimo complejo de inferioridad que tienen los independentistas, ya que Cataluña nunca a sido nada importante en la historia de España ni en el imperio español y mucho menos en Europa, carece de figuras históricas y es la realidad pese a quien le pese ... Y la solución es con el dinerito de todos pagar a estos pervertidos intelectuales impresentables para hacer esto ... Con el dinero de todos .. los nazis van a ser unos aprendices en manipular con chusma cómo está ... Estas actitudes son preocupantes es Odio y complejo
@R3C4R3D 3 года назад
En castellà sería Palomo i sona molt "amaricunat", normal que fos català ¿No? 😂😂😂😂😂 SOU UNA PUT@ VERGONYA, NO SOU HISTORIADORS, SOU MERCENARIS DEL NAZISME CATALÀ.
@marklamarr3576 4 года назад
I like Bilbeny's use of the hermeneutic method of the 'phylosophers of Suspicion', very VERY adequate to this subject matter... heck, who wouldn't suspect of Spain -when they have historically so grossly lied and manipulated History?... see the 16th century edicts of the Holy Inquisition banning all books on Columbus and the discovery of America -risking death penalty.
@nomecreona3829 4 года назад
El método científico de INH para catalanizar personajes históricos: 1.- Se busca un nombre parecido en catalán al personaje que se pretenda catalanizar. 2.- Se le cambian los sitios en los que estuvo al personaje por otros de nombre parecido, preferiblemente situados en Cataluña y si no los encuentran se busca uno en los Países Catalanes o en algunos pertenecientes al reino de Aragón, perdón, quise decir de la corona catalano aragonesa. Si no lso encuentran, siempre habrá un cuadro del personaje en cuyo fondo aparezca un paisaje con un campanario que se parece mucho al de un pueblo del Ampurdán. 3.- Se descarta cualquier referencia o documento histórico oficial existente en cualquier país del mundo que vaya contra su posible catalanidad. Porque claro, es universalmente conocido que hay una confabulación internacional que dura más de 500 años, promovida por los malvados castellanos, que trata de ocultar cualquier referencia al personaje que lo vincule con el imperio catalán, el más importante del mundo de todos los tiempos. Notarios, registradores, administrativos de los ayuntamientos, censores , bibliotecarios, religiosos y escribanos de todo el mundo se ha coordinado a la perfección durante siglos para tratar de ocultar toda la historia de Cataluña. 4.- Descartado el punto anterior las evidencias basadas en los puntos 1 y 2 convierten al personaje escogido en el catalán más puro.
@marklamarr3576 4 года назад
Still, a lot more feasible than the blunt lies in the Spanish Inquisition 'official' book on the discovery of America.
@nomecreona3829 4 года назад
@@marklamarr3576 According to Bilbeny all the colonization was carried out by the Catalans. If that seems "feasible" to you, how do you explain that there are 500 million Spanish speakers in America and none of them speak Catalan? Why did those so-called Catalans call them Nueva Granada, Nuevo Santander, Nueva Vizcaya, Nueva Extremadura, Nuevo Leon, Nueva Navarra. .. to the new provinces founded in America ?. Are all the coats of arms of the crown of Castile and Leon that are present in the current symbology of all America, are they all falsified? Is there a universal conspiracy between all the countries of the world to change all the history books and hide history of Catalonia in America ?. Only a Trump voter could believe such nonsense.
@billycorgan3934 3 года назад
@@nomecreona3829 this people is not my cup of tea but it's pretty obvious Columbus wasn't genovese. There are a lot of reasons to figure out history on this character was censured. See what happened with this investigation on Columbus DNA. Results that supposed to be released on last October and been postponed to next year.... The official story has been refused by most of the investigators. Just see Discovery Channel and Discovery Max TV reports and how they hold this catalan or balearic identity of Columbus. His identity has been censured for some reason.... And we know more about a roman Emperor than him. The first exploration took place with Catalans, Portuguese and Castilians on board. That's why the 3 ships exploration. How do you explain the name of the Montserrat island?? It's obvious catalan took part of it. But Castile managed to keep them away from America. If Columbus identity was revealed as catalan or balearic the consequences would be different probably. Obviously a humble person couldn't ever had all that knowledge to arrive America. He took part of a high class status (and probably Jewish). It's impossible to become admiral, viceroy etc if you don't take part of this high social class and get married with a Portuguese aristocrat woman. You should think why Castile held the Indies term to name America... To do not let others to conquer America and hide this conquest.
@nomecreona3829 3 года назад
@@billycorgan3934 As I already said in another previous comment in Spanish, I am open to any theory of the real origin of Columbus and I agree with you that his Genoese origin is highly debatable and not very clear. I can even admit that his origin is Catalan, why not? But the problem is not whether he was really Catalan or not, there are plausible theories that say that he could be Portuguese or Galician or even Basque, the problem is that Bilbeny's arguments are completely ridiculous. He argues that the entire history of America is falsified by the Spanish and by all the historians of the world as if there were a world conspiracy, where all the documents from all over the world have been falsified in a coordinated way to hide the Catalan origin of the discovery. Not only does it say that Columbus was Catalan, but that the entire crew of the three ships was Catalan, that the ships did not depart from the port of Palos de la Frontera in Andalusia but from Pals located in Catalonia, the furthest possible point that connects Spain with America. He uses the stupid argument that Castile had no coastal towns, confusing the current province of Castile with the kingdom of Castile which at that time included Andalusia, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, and the Basque Country, all of them coastal provinces. And the most ridiculous of all is that he points to Joan Colom i Bertran as the real Columbus. A man who was born in 1414 which implies that he discovered America at the age of 78 and completed his fourth voyage of exploration in 1504, with 90 years of age, in the sixteenth century where the life expectancy at birth was 35 years . Bilbeny justifies the advanced age of the supposed Columbus by the quality of the Catalan Mediterranean diet, a completely absurd argument. Only an idiot can believe that a 90-year-old man in the 16th century could fight cannibals wielding a sword as he describes in his scouting diaries, or could endure the conditions of such a harsh journey. Regarding the island of Monserrat, it is known that Colon named it in honor of the Virgin of Monserrat and that he traveled to Barcelona several times as the Catholic kings did. But it is an anecdotal fact, because if the theory that the entire discovery was Catalan, as BIlbeny defends, why in the viceroyalties of America they called their provinces Nueva Navarra, Nueva Vizcaya, Guadalajara, Valladolid or Nueva Granada, like those of the kingdom from Castile and none with a Catalan name?. Why is Spanish spoken in all the Americas and not Catalan? Are they all conspiring against the Catalans and actually speak Catalan in private?. I don't know what you read about Bilbeny but he only comes up with crazy theories. Have you heard the one that says that the Roman empire or the Greek civilization were actually Catalan? The one that says that Cervantes and Shakespeare are the same person and was Catalan? The one that says that Catalonia was the most powerful empire of all Western civilization and that all the history books are manipulated to hide it? or those that say that Leonardo Da Vinci, Erasmo de Rotterdam, Teresa de Avila, Juan Sebastian Elcano, El cid campeador were catalan?. No, I am not deceiving you, all those absurd theories belong to Bilbeny and the pseudo-historians paid by the Catalan independence government. ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Colom_Bertran
@billycorgan3934 3 года назад
@@nomecreona3829 as I said don't like them and nobody knows them in Catalonia. I think they're more known out from Catalonia than in. Not by chance...they aren't any reference to nobody. At the same time, we should recognise the official story told is not what really happened, many of the chapters were censored by economics. It's impossible that travel was only departured only by Castilians since Castile wasn't a navy power and had no technology to carry it out. Just see they got back to Barcelona at the first travel. According to the official story, Catalans were cheering this people at their arrival. Why did they are going to do that for a "Castile exploration"?? Even when this issue was hidden to avoid the attention of the rest of Europe. It's obvious catalans took part of it and there was several catalan sponsors on those explorations. 3 ships represented Portugal, Castile and Aragon Crowns. Castile needed the man (Portugal), the cartography/technology (catalans/balearic) and Castile provided the sailing point (canary Islands). Portugal could probably carry out this travel but they needed the Canary Islands to sail. Montserrat Island was named since Catalans took part of that exploration. Its because it was a British colony that we could know about it. What we will never know is what happened to do not let take part of the later conquest to the Aragon Crown. If there was a deal between them to split trade route areas or was forced. It's a fact the official story is based in a fairy story since they pretended to be in Indies when they weren't and tried to hide it till the Pope took a decision over the destiny of these new territories conquest. Well, we heard many stories like Walt Disney was born in Mojacar... But who cares? Catalan government has nothing to do with it. I think it's worst what happened wit the official Spanish history like this Reconquest term (that never existed at any old document until the XIX century) so on.
@nomecreona3829 4 года назад
Mira que hemos vivido engañados todo este tiempo pensando que Colón era genovés cuando en realidad era catalán y se llamaba Joan Colom Bertran, nacido en 1414. Un hombre excepcional que fue capaz de descubrir América a los 78 años de edad y no sólo eso, se atrevió a un cuarto viaje a la edad de 88 años. Lo que habría dado por verle blandiendo su espada con una mano y el taka-taka con la otra. ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Colom_Bertran
@montsevila6908 Год назад
Esclar!, tothom sap que els mariners seuen còmodament redactant diaris i analitzant cartes de navegació, i els almiralls fan les tasques més dures. Els castellans sí que ens sabeu de navegar!!!😛🤣
@narx221 4 года назад
Jo el que em pregunto es que collons fot el Joel Joan defensant que Colom era català amb un munt d'historiadors al voltant jajaja
@montsevila6908 4 года назад
Jo em pregunto cóm pot ser possible que el Joel no t'hagi demanat permís a tu per fer un acte públic!!! 😝
@migelcalvo8770 5 лет назад
¡¡ Se ponen ciegos de Marihuana y Ratafia y les da por decir gilipolleces , ¡¡ vaya colla de soplapollas, solo falta el Cucurull ja ja ja ja
@christiansilva1299 5 лет назад
HASTA CUANDO DE MENTIRAS Y ALUCINACIONES , PAREN DE FUMAR DEL OPIUM CULTURAL !!! ATTENCION VOUS RISQUEZ UNE PLAINTE , à vous vous renseigner de quelle type. OH Olvide que tienen el financiamento de la NOBLE GENERALITAT ahora vamos a ver de cuantos millones sacados ....quizas de oscuros origenes , tal como digamos "su investigacion imaginaria"
@FredericRoig2014 5 лет назад
Esperem que a la República catalana es doti a l'INH de suport polític, econòmic, acadèmic i institucional per seguir investigant el nostre passat.
@xavisanchez7522 5 лет назад
Merces per pujar el video ;)
@albertmp1964 5 лет назад
Impagable la feina que feu destapant la història catalana. Gràcies.
@cfr6980 5 лет назад
Jo no soc independentista i estic aqui, gaudint de la història. El coneixement es lliure ;)