Spasmodic Gaming
Spasmodic Gaming
Spasmodic Gaming
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The Pillar of Autumn Cutscene Room
21 день назад
DOSAGE - Audio Commentary
3 месяца назад
DOSAGE - A Halo 1 Launching Video
4 месяца назад
DOSAGE - Trailer
4 месяца назад
BLACK MESA - Full Game Without Jumping
8 месяцев назад
COUNTER-STRIKE 2 - Console Commands
9 месяцев назад
COUNTER-STRIKE 2 - Basics For Beginners
9 месяцев назад
A Story of Overcomplication - Halo: CE
11 месяцев назад
The Third Hangar
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MDSR Summer '23 - Outro Movie
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@Nagsea День назад
I remember doing these in multiplayer leagues with my friends. Good times. Although I still don't understand how the piston boosts worked with multiple people like in overlord
@1987nightrap День назад
Thats cool, but it doesn't answer the question, we don't know if before hand when you acquired the weapons, if you jumped or not, we need a run done from start to end, with the starting weapons. It may not seem possible, but every game can be broken, it just takes knowledge
@SpasmodicGaming 17 часов назад
Thank you! I can touch on those concerns. I 100% had all the weapons from the very start. I beat the game, then played through it again on that same save file so I would have every tool available to me. In regard to the jumping, it's helpful to look at this video like a montage. Meaning, I'm showing off all the crucial obstacles. What happens in between those obstacles is immaterial. I can tell you that I jumped during the fighting sections though. I don't have to, but my objective with this project was to quickly get from obstacle to obstacle and film them, not showcase every fight. A full playthrough would be grueling so I never sat down to do it. If there was a wave of interest in seeing me do something like that, I would happily host a live stream, but until such a time, it's not something I'm interested in doing. Nor am I interested in trying this on a fresh save file. I'll leave that to someone far more knowledgeable than I am :D
@1987nightrap 17 часов назад
@@SpasmodicGaming fair enough
@parhi3m 4 дня назад
after 23 years, new tricks are still being discovered! what else can be hidden in this game?
@AffenKloPutzer 5 дней назад
Thank you for this video, but I'll just stick to rushing in and getting killed first
@terribleatgamesBSS 6 дней назад
Always happy to help! Awesome that you were able to figure it out in SP
@SpasmodicGaming 6 дней назад
You're the best, dude.
@BadCyborgMovies 6 дней назад
Congrats. I've just advertised this in the HBO forum. Maybe it'll get you a few extra views or comments. Just so we're clear, that _was_ single-player, yes? Maybe I'll give it a go sometime, but most of that trickery was unfamiliar to me. In regard to grenade jumping up the hole, I wouldn't have Sputnik available, so how tough is it to get up without it, and do you have any specific tips for that? Looks like a rather big jump to me! Is a combination of plasma + frag going to be enough?
@SpasmodicGaming 6 дней назад
Hey, thank you so much, I appreciate that! This was indeed accomplished in single player, amazingly. You should absolutely give it a go. It should be possible on the original version of the game, so long as you're ok navigating void space blindly. In regard to the hole, I think there's 3 feasible approaches. Walking into that area a little spawns the shade turret in, so you could push that all the way and grenade jump up the hole. You could lead a pair of flood over and attempt to boost up. You could also play on Legendary and double frag jump up there :)
@BadCyborgMovies 6 дней назад
Double frag jump? How does that go?
@SpasmodicGaming 6 дней назад
@@BadCyborgMovies You look at the ground at a reasonably steep angle, jump and throw a frag grenade, such that it won't bounce into your feet. You strafe around it lightly, drop a frag at your feet when the first one lands, and jump before the nades go off. If both go off simultaneously, as far as I remember it kills you instantly, even on Legendary. But if you jump earlier and you're far enough away from the explosion, you can survive, and still reap most of the benefits of two grenades. But if that doesn't work, leading flood to the hole should be fine, or pushing the shade turret the whole way.
@BadCyborgMovies 6 дней назад
Thanks. Definitely must try that out. Can't recall doing it before.
@LaidenLaPoint 6 дней назад
It's freaking awesome to see this one done. Seriously man, epic stuff. I really love the complexity of tricking, the manipulation of loading zones and things of that nature. I also loved the vibe and editing style of this one a lot. Every time I see videos like this, it just brings me back. It makes me happy, like a weird sense of nostalgia and joy. I'm glad a group of us have kept this hobby going for so long. It really is something special.
@SpasmodicGaming 6 дней назад
Hell yeah, dude. I'm always glad to see you still around :)
@iamKORHAL 7 дней назад
I love how classic Halo tricking your write-up was. You were experimenting, found something different, side tracked, discovered something else by accident, pieced together loading zone manipulations, combining the Banshee cutscene timer with the other cutscene to cancel it. What an interesting exploration you had. Super props and respect friend <3
@iamKORHAL 7 дней назад
The dedication to HIH <3
@iamKORHAL 7 дней назад
This is amazing! I'm so happy to see it finally achived after all the years :')
@ugoboom 7 дней назад
dude this is so sick. and it looks like this might just work on OG xbox too (just gotta deal with no OOB visuals) god bless the time honored tradition of dicking around with acrophobia
@pixels7718 9 дней назад
I found this almost a decade ago and still come back to it sometimes to smile, thanks for the trick~
@yelsoh 16 дней назад
Crazy how I found you 12 years ago doing Halo 1 and Halo 2 done segmented speedruns and you are still doing things like this till this day, you deserve way more attention then you receive and I am so glad you are still uploading and doing what you love
@SpasmodicGaming 15 дней назад
Thanks for the kind words, my friend! And thank you for watching for so long. I appreciate you.
@caboose3146 21 день назад
@kirogato1387 21 день назад
@BadCyborgMovies 23 дня назад
I like how you casually sort of tack on "Oh, and I also found a space cruiser". This is what life is like for you eh? Probably you could rummage around in your closet and find a hidden door which leads to an F-16 or something. Worth looking!
@SpasmodicGaming 22 дня назад
I've also discovered this place called Narnia, a kingdom I now rule over with benevolence.
@domdunc 25 дней назад
Cool find bro!
@SpasmodicGaming 25 дней назад
Thanks, legend :)
@marksman444 26 дней назад
This is great! Technicaly you could actually play on and explore that room on modded halo custom edition maps of the pillar of autumn. (kindof counts i guess?) cool to see it finaly gotten to with just in game assets. Keep up the great videos!
@SpasmodicGaming 25 дней назад
Thanks, buddy! I personally think that counts to a degree. It would be so much fun if the room had collision.
@Kingohel 27 дней назад
I think the Dark cruiser might be the Pillar of Autumn from the cutscene, but a bunch of its exterior parts have been culled, could be wrong just a theory
@SpasmodicGaming 25 дней назад
It's very likely that's what it is, honestly, but it's still largely up in the air. I would love a concrete explanation behind it.
@iPlayiOS 27 дней назад
holy ᶠᵘᶜᵏ I can actually do this one
@SakisTheDrifter 27 дней назад
What i would like from anyone to discover, is what is this "no AI" johnson biped is doing in the first cafeteria fight of the mission. I guess he is the one used in the cutscene, but why is he still there in gameplay doing nothing? i tried placing him higher in the ceiling to prevent him from falling in the cafeteria room, but this causes the mission to not load at all
@SpasmodicGaming 25 дней назад
After realizing that the cutscene room has no collision, as soon as I read your comment I thought, "I wonder if that's the cutscene Johnson after having fallen through void space?" I would love to know for sure as well. I remember phasing into the cafeteria not too long ago, and he's there even before the bridge cutscene.
@SakisTheDrifter 25 дней назад
@@SpasmodicGaming Actually thats weird. I just opened the map in sapien and the "cutscene" place called "hangar" is just above the cafeteria room. "Cutscene" Johnson too is placed just above the cafeteria into the hangar. The problem is that he is just a little offset into the floor,so he slides into it and into the cafeteria(so i am very convinced that this is the "cutscene" Johnson).I would really like someone to find a solution to this and place him correctly,without breaking the mission. It really makes me wonder how the hangar room is located elsewere between versions of the game(i am using the original xbox version)
@SpasmodicGaming 19 дней назад
@@SakisTheDrifter So far as I know, on the original version of the game on Xbox, the room deloads entirely when the mission starts.
@SakisTheDrifter 19 дней назад
@@SpasmodicGaming Yes thats true, but i believe that Johnson doesnt, because his biped is offset in the floor, making him appear in both rooms at the same time. Can you investigate this? I really like watching videos like this, showing new discovered things
@kat_stuff2 Месяц назад
I thoroughly enjoyed this video
@ErikLosLobos 2 месяца назад
Nice anti camping snipe
@voxeledphoton 2 месяца назад
wait you guys can't just do this stuff naturally?
@AnonymouslyHidden 2 месяца назад
beautiful dude
@BadCyborgMovies 3 месяца назад
Interesting, especially about that Maw launch where you didn't have the luxury of a handy checkpoint, but where you ended up flying well beyond your target. Thanks for the kind words also. Now some 'lingering questions', since you invited them at the end. One thing I've been curious about, it seems like a time came when you went from being slYnki to being Spasmodic (or possible Spasmodic Gaming, I'm not sure). What brought that about? I figure that with your advancing age, maybe you started having difficulty remembering which frickin' letter you were suppose to capitalise, so you just binned the whole darned thing. But I could be wrong! 🤔 Another thing: okay so that was your last H1 launch video, but where do you see your H1 involvement going from here, if at all?
@SpasmodicGaming 3 месяца назад
That Maw launch was an adventure to be sure, but it paid off in the end :) And of course, man! You deserve it. I'm surprised you don't know the story! Well, reasonably quick and dirty. I did a bunch of speedrunning back in the day, then I faked a whole mess of runs (like 9 or 10 or something) to entertain an imaginary story that I dreamt up, subsequently leaned on old trauma and acted like a ridiculous moron for a year, but eventually got caught officially. I considered lying more at the time to wriggle out of it, but finally stopped and just confessed to everything. Afterwards (I touched on this briefly in the commentary), I had to genuinely ask myself if Halo was a healthy addition to my life, and I decided in the end that it was. I had much more to offer, I just had to be honest about it in every respect. So, I left slYnki behind and started fresh with Spasmodic! I wasn't really concerned with what the forgiveness process would be like for everyone. I just wanted to make content that I found interesting, and if people wanted to stick around, that was entirely up to them, and I've never looked back. Since then, it's been beautiful. Occasionally, I'll get a sad, pathetic, naïve child who wants to believe they're throwing a jab at me, but I don't mind. I'm a different, better person now, I've had nothing but fun on this channel, and the people who matter have stuck around. It would have been nice to have avoided all the ugliness, but oh well. As for my Halo 1 adventures, I do have a few more things planned. I wouldn't mind looking into a couple tricks one last time, I have a portion of a jumping video I intend to work on soon, I wouldn't mind redoing my no jump speedrun of the campaign, and I'm vaguely interested in getting proficient at all the new speedrunning tricks and tossing together a fun segmented run, but we'll see.
@BadCyborgMovies 3 месяца назад
I had no idea you'd been such a disreputable scallywag! A life of high crime and cooking eh? Interesting. There could be a book in this. I should say, I was never really following the speedrunning scene. I _was_ interested in speed runs, but of a different type, based on efficiency of combat rather than doing nifty grenade jumps and whatnot. But I couldn't get people very interested in that, so it was only me doing it. Anyway, thanks for the story, and fingers crossed for your possible further H1 adventures and movie output.
@SpasmodicGaming 3 месяца назад
@@BadCyborgMovies Hahaha, that's a kind way of putting it :P Luckily I'm much more level headed now. I remember trying to start 100% runs back in the day, but they never really caught on. Nowadays, there's "John Wick%" where people kill everything on Legendary, but it still doesn't seem very popular. Probably just harder to track kills, honestly. Thank you! I don't think I'll ever truly leave the game, but I certainly won't be as prolific. I figure 20 years of continual service is enough :D
@BadCyborgMovies 2 месяца назад
Well I was indeed doing kill 'em all speed runs (that's what I called them), so it's nice to see the concept taken up by others in some form, even if it apparently needed a movie franchise to spark things.
@BadCyborgMovies 3 месяца назад
Holy cow, a hundred minutes' worth of H1 audio yammering! Okay then, better settle in for some listening.
@NotoriousBlake 3 месяца назад
Long live Slynki!
@Burnt-o 3 месяца назад
18:00 the white line on the right was an mcc bug that wasn't fixed until Season 8 (Nov 2021) :)
@SpasmodicGaming 3 месяца назад
Why are you so smart and handsome?
@caboose3146 3 месяца назад
@Loni_Architects 3 месяца назад
This is incredible. Beautiful project. Insane tricks, amazing editing. Been watching for years... Is this really your last one?? Cheers Spasmodic!
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
For the record, my favourite is the rockslide to hillside tower launch (5:13). It's such a lovely and scenic trajectory and has a striking destination of course, plus the hog use is fun. In regard to which, I'm wondering if you were actually in danger of dying from hog impact, and had to hit an angled surface on it to cushion yourself. At any rate, I note that you do get a nice bounce up off it, and from the position of the hog it looks like you had no intention of trying to be stopped dead. So perhaps there was more going on here than I at first realised. One other thing though. In the brief final shot where the beam fires, I notice that there's no hog there, so maybe that snippet was from some other ascent. Was there some trouble getting a shot of yourself with the hog?
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
It's definitely one of my favorites in the video as well. It's easily the hardest launch I've ever landed. I can tell you that I hit the hog multiple times that day and died on impact immediately. I ended up flying over to the tower to adjust it closer to the edge, and that final adjustment did the trick. I landed the launch within 20 minutes. The hog was there mainly so I could have a wall of sorts to hit, otherwise I'd sail clean off the tower. I would have been happy with any sort of landing, but the landing I got was honestly insanely lucky. Basically, I filmed all of the launches first, then the cinematic shots came afterwards. For many of them, I wasn't keen on cleaning up little continuity errors. I was mainly interested in taking pretty shots of everything. For that particular shot, I flew far outside the map, scoped in with the sniper rifle, then flew at my partner, and it looked gorgeous. The lack of hog never really bothered me.
@BadCyborgMovies 3 месяца назад
Okay, thanks for the explanations. It might be amusing to know what sort of speed you were going when you hit the hog. Not sure how easy that would be to work out though!
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
2:14 I just noticed something about this launch onto AOTCR's first bridge. Is there a bit of pinball going on here? Looks like you get a bounce off the cliff behind you, to convert your upwards path to a somewhat lateral one.
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
There is indeed! There's a rocky ledge above me that's there for reasons unknown. Launching into it hard enough redirects the momentum towards the bridge :)
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
Oh yes, I've just fired up the game to check it out. I'm sure I actually _knew_ about this curious feature years ago, but had just forgotten about it. I see that the underside has a very nice diagonal angle, so I imagine that at some point you thought to yourself, hey I could bounce off that! Anyway, the use of that feature makes the launch all the more interesting, now I know what went on. Definitely worth talking about in the commentary I'd say.
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
You mentioned in the blurb that the Acrophobia skull "made setups take far less time", but were there any launches you couldn't have done _without_ it? I'm guessing it opened up many new possibilities, so I'm wondering if a few of those were reflected in the video. Or perhaps all the launches originated (conceptually) in pre-Acrophobia times?
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
Every launch was conceived many many moons ago before skulls were ever a thing in CE. Every launch in this video can be done without it, with the possible exception of the launch on The Maw. That one is a bit of a toss up in my mind, which I'll address in the commentary. Honorary mentions would have to be bottom to top AotCR, and bottom to tower on Halo. The former because of the banshee barrier making the set up insanely difficult, and the latter because of the bizarre floor at the bottom of the map. They're still doable, but Acrophobia made both trivial, especially the one on Halo. That took me maybe 15-20 minutes to setup? Back in the day it would have taken hours. But it was a conscious decision to not leverage Acrophobia too hard. One launch I dreamt up recently was bottom of Keyes to the hangar, but I figured if I can't get to the bottom of Keyes normally, I shouldn't be able to launch from the bottom.
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
Ah, okay. By the way, possibly you missed my comment on the 3-hog Halo launch? I know RU-vid can be dodgy for notifications. There was also a question I asked on your '343 Guilty Spark in 6:16' vid, a while back.
@vux3643 4 месяца назад
i've been separated from the CE tricking days and community for years now, but this video put a smile on my face. amazing work dude. long live high impact halo ❤
@caboose3146 4 месяца назад
Nice. You're the only one who inspired me to do stuff in CE back then. Happy to see an amazing final.
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
It's nice to still see you around, buddy. Thanks for all the comments over the years!
@yankeesfan8 4 месяца назад
So happy to see this!! Another insanely good video by one of the GOATs.
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
Appreciate you.
@michaelbeamish2279 4 месяца назад
These launches were insane! I don’t know which was best. They were all so good.
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
Still doesn't touch the great Ms. Man! :D
@HybridsEgo 4 месяца назад
You made this game look so fucking clean!
@codyhartphotography 4 месяца назад
Un. Real. High Impact Halo was a special community. GT: SystemOFFLINE. 10/10 man.
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
2:50 Umm… how'd you get the Banshee down there below the tower's floor?
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
BOOL! I used the loadzone in one of the hallways by the dual suspension bridges, then just flew right in. I dropped grenades via the shade turret.
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
Ah right. I remember having a try at BOOL in Two Betrayals, but it was torturous and I eventually put it aside. Don't think I ever got back to it. Can you tell me, is it possible to do BOOL in AOTCR in single-player?
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
@@BadCyborgMovies It is! There are guides out there. Speed runners have been doing it for a while now. It's actually not too bad either
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
Okay, thanks, guess I should check that out then.
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
3:49 I can appreciate the nifty 3-hog structure you went for here. An interesting plan for a multi-phase ascent. Also I like the cinematic finish with the 'blue beam' shooting up. Now if only that beam had zapped you and sent your lifeless body flying off horizontally, that would've been amusing. I do like a bit of comedy.
@thetubmarine 4 месяца назад
I always loved your videos and this one was incredible. Thanks for the memories. - theneighborrkid
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
My friend, you're an absolute legend. Love you, buddy.
@JumprsOfficial 4 месяца назад
Halo CE never looked so good, fabulous content as well. It was worth the perseverance <3 reiko
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
You're the best.
@HaloTupolev 4 месяца назад
Opening the credits with a shot from T3T Revisited just hit me straight in the feels.
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
Good eye!
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
1:45 Nice of Bungie to leave those divots for you to land on at the top! I never knew about those. Well, not surprising; they are a _little_ off the beaten track. 2:00 Ending under the security control area eh? Another place I never knew about! I _have_ at least been down to the oddly shaped platform you launched off. It's fun getting down there. 4:28 I like all that bouncing around the AOTCR cliff walls!
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
Me neither! Originally, I was just launching up to the switch, but when I went back to record this launch a second time, I decided to fly up there for the hell of it and discovered those spots. It was a pleasant surprise for me for sure. We just need to get to the very bottom of that pit now :) The spot under the switch is one of my favorites in the entire video. Just enough space to stand up. Because the Acrophobia skull means you can't crouch launch, I had to hit that launch basically perfectly. So far as I remember, that spot was first reached back in the iBonk days in 2002. This was the first time I ever stepped foot under that glass :D I'm glad you liked that launch! A couple people have mentioned that to me now, which is a relief. I wasn't sure, at first, if I was even going to leave it in, but I'm sure glad I did.
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
Yes, definitely worth leaving in. There's something to be said for the pinball dynamic, and it adds a different element. The Pelican landing was another good different element; landing on a moving target! And then… launching at sea? Yup, you got _that_ base covered too.
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
Congrats on finally seeing the project through. I probably don't fully appreciate how tough some of these launches were, or how much of your sanity they cost you, but maybe you'll be talking about some of that in the commentary which I see is to follow (looking forward to that). I have comments to make or questions to ask on various bits, but I'll do that separately. Thanks for the mention in the vid. From the video blurb, I guess it's due to my column ascent in BCM252 from 2017. I see your old comment that "I thought about giving it a go for the launching video I was working on a few years back". So I guess that was Dosage as it _then_ was - or possibly one of your offshoot projects. Gave your video a mention in ye olde HBO forum by the way. So maybe they'll do a news item on it presently.
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
Thank you, buddy. I appreciate you. I'm glad you're looking forward to the commentary! I don't know when I'll have time to record it, but I'm also looking forward to it. You're most welcome to ask as many questions as you like. I can always make time for Rockslider. As for my sanity, honestly, about 80% of this video was shockingly easy. The remaining 20% was... interesting, in a word. The rockslide to hillside tower launch was easily the hardest. After that was the bottom to tower launch, hilariously enough, followed by bottom to top AotCR, then finishing strong with The Maw launch. All torturous in their own special ways. You're welcome! You are correct. That was a launch I jotted down years and years ago for this video after WLT made it to the bottom alive for the first time in a ghost. Seeing you land it was both incredible and a relief. It was so amazing to see done, but I was immediately relieved to not have to do it myself. Lone Starr and Ms. Man landed the other launches (blue beam pit, bottom to top T&R, top of 343 GS end structure). You're also here for the banshee grab on The Maw. The original plan was to use Duke's method of overloading the Xbox to grab the banshee, so your method made the concept possible. Thanks so much! That's awesome! I hope it brings those fine people some joy :)
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
In regard to the commentary, maybe you could explain a bit more about that "little idea" that popped into your head, to do with a second computer and connecting over LAN. I wasn't sure what was going on there. Bear in mind, my whole Halo world is exclusively single-player and with the original Xbox, very simple. I'm not familiar with your set-up, but I'm assuming you're using co-op and the LAN thing was to do with that. You say the rockslide to hillside tower launch was "easily the hardest". That's one I was going to comment on, as one I really like. A lateral launch, I'd call it. A shallow but speedy cruise over much-travelled ground, in this case. Aesthetically pleasing, and with a hog waiting at the far end as a stopper (jolly lucky some bozo happened to park up there huh?). But in the commentary, maybe you can explain/analyse _why_ it was easily the hardest. There may be a good bit to talk about there. You said the Maw Banshee grab "made the concept possible". I assume the Banshee is simply what allowed you to get down to your launch site, yes? Except, I imagine the Acrophobia skull later allowed you to dispense with the Banshee entirely.
@SpasmodicGaming 4 месяца назад
@@BadCyborgMovies Oh for sure, that'll definitely get talked about. It was the main linchpin for the entire project. The rockslide launch is also going to get talked about fairly extensively. As for The Maw, you're exactly right on all points. I'll go more in depth later, but that's basically it.
@josh11735 4 месяца назад
Awesome job man! :)
@iPlayiOS 4 месяца назад
The RU-vid Legend himself 😱
@BadCyborgMovies 4 месяца назад
A video so uppity (as in, things going up), it probably needs a licence from the FAA.
@invocant8563 4 месяца назад
Certified insanity, amazing job