YES! Skills sequence for a unic target: Annihalation Blade - Willbreaker - Ascending Slash - Death Blow - Guillotine Blade - Counter Barrier - Provoking Roar - Frost Cleaving - Ice Tornado. Skills sequence for a multiple targets: bring everyone closer - Counter Barrier - DaVinci Chill - Willbreaker - Provoking Roar - Frost Cleaving - ice Tornado. use the shield throw only when you run out of stamina, it can be used for damage but it is better to save it in case you need it.
You can use it in coop mode but you will enter as a tank, you will not have skills to help your team as this build is more focused on single and area damage.
Esse jogo esta cada vez melhor, impressionei a facilidade de fazer as dg coop, antes ficava ate 20min a espera de grupo por ser dps, agora é praticamente instantaneo
Yes, it's not ideal, but the upper fans are blowing air inside, so the performance isn't bad, I put it that way because I thought it was prettier, and it didn't negatively affect it.