God a Minute?
God a Minute?
God a Minute?
One minute (more or less) sermons and talks, videos and messages of faith, hope and inspiration, of goodness and character, our discipleship in Jesus Christ, the purpose of life, the glory of God, and our elevated relationship to Him as His sons and daughters. It is the goal of this channel to provide inspired moments, spiritual pick-me-ups in an increasingly busy and faithless world. The channel has a devoted LDS flavor, reflecting my faith in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but is equally inspiring to anyone who loves God and wants inspiration in their walk with Christ.
@jefferyprickett4443 25 дней назад
They don't make them anymore like Brother Richards!
@CarlosACabrera-k2p 3 месяца назад
In the old days, when General Authorities would attend stake conferences, I had the privilege of having seen and hearing him three times. He was a humble man and very funny at times.
@johnplatt7971 3 месяца назад
56 years ago LaGrand Richards married us. He was amazing. Had loved him since I heard him in stake conference as a young girl. was thrilled when I was able to request him to marry us. Can't do that now, but so thankful we could then.
@DerGlaetze 4 месяца назад
I first saw brother Richards in the Fall of 1976, at the Marriott center, while at the MTC, at the beginning of my mission. He was a one man speaking dynamo. He had that fervor that was reflective of those times, especially during the 1920s through the 1940s, during the 2 world wars. Just listen to the FDR speeches and you’ll know what I mean.
@wpontius4355 4 месяца назад
One of my favorite childhood memories is LeGrand Richards talks during Conference. His good humor, lively talks and unique style that seems to be one long breath. Never planned his talks, just said what came to him. Rest in Peace sweet man.
@FromAgonyToLight 4 месяца назад
I was considering giving up completely and then this video pops up first in my home feed. I’ve watched it before under similar circumstances. I hope this isn’t just coincidence, because things are not alright right now. I’m inching towards homelessness, unable to exit an unfamiliar country or access my bank account with dwindling funds. I hope for good days ahead.
@CN-pe4gz 3 месяца назад
Don’t give up. You are loved by heavenly Parents beyond words. He has a plan for you.
@chrismcdaniel7174 4 месяца назад
@mikeboyd3225 7 месяцев назад
LeGrand Richards, a true Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. I had an interview with him in 1980. An amazing man.
@adiospobreza 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for this inspiring story! We all have testimonies, and are grateful that More and more saints are now sharing Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of: "Without Disclosing My True Identity; The Authorized and Official Biography of the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. PDF"
@BestMuzick Год назад
I was trying to find someway to send condolences in regards to your wife’s death. Even though you know you both will be reunited again, while on this earth I do understand how you must miss her. I hope your health and any pain you might be experiencing will be eased. Surely you are in the arms of his love and surely you have so many blessings, well wishes and prayers in your behalf. Bless you.
@gemmeerobinson1803 Год назад
Why was Smith so mean to deceive so many? He was shot to death by those who Smith used stories to swindle folks out of their hard earned money. Now Mormon deceived leaders sprays words of whitewash to make evil Smith look good as God foretold false leaders would do. Today hard working true Christian's are out that Smith vomited we are an abomination. Mormon's will not be in heaven because of this deception condemning true Christian's as evil for the warning what the true God say's beware of false prophets. Smith the evil called good. God foretold this that Mormon's are fulfilling evil be called good and good evil. Y'all shouldn't listen to a madman Smith but to the true Holy one who say's there is no other God but Him. Think Mormon's and quit Condemning God as a liar and agreeing with Satan that there are many God's. True Christian's are not an abomination. To remove the true God that Satan failed in trying, so why join Smith or Satan in their sick pursuit to kick out the true God for an impostor?
@alexanderv7702 Год назад
It is my understanding that this man is a widower.
@Cynthia-vw9ov Год назад
I love this story. Thank you so much for believing and not giving up. Knowing what you've been through recently it must be hard to believe. Don't give up! Good things are still there in front of you though you may not see them with your natural vision. Blessings to you.
@christophermusangi5111 Год назад
@thomaspearson1919 Год назад
The New Testament Matthew 23 - 24 - 14 And this GOSPEL of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all NATIONS and the end will come. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And it is NOT the Mormon book, and its dam scriptures.
@FromAgonyToLight Год назад
The Lord God says otherwise. Please, don’t reject more of His word because of what others have said. Know from God.
@Robert-k1f6f Год назад
Elder Holland I loved your story and the message it provided, thank you. 😊
@thomaspearson1919 Год назад
Why don't you pick up the New Testament and read Matthew 23 - 24 - 14 NOT the book of Mormon.
@lootingiv4058 Год назад
@@thomaspearson1919 Because they are BOTH the Word of God. There are way more scriptures supporting the restoration and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon than there are against it.
@thomaspearson1919 Год назад
When Joseph Smith [ Adult & c/o ] wrote the book of Mormon he plagiarised from the King James version of the Bible, which can be readily seen by anyone willing to objectively compare the two books. The King James version of the Bible was translated from early manuscripts of the original languages of the Bible, which were, Hebrew - Geek - and Aramaic. The book of Mormon is claimed to have been translated from reformed Egyptian, which is a language with NO evidence that it ever existed. -------------------------------------------------------- The book of Mormon you say is the restoration from what. ? The words and names in the book of Mormon. In which it was written 500 years before Christianity you believe. Lehi. Onidah. Angola. Morianton. Jacobugath. Alama. Shilohi. Kishkumen. Moron. Shurr. Teacum. Riliancum. ====================== Locations near Joseph Smith 200 miles radius. Lehigh Valley. Pa. Oneida. NY, Angolah NY. Morgantown. Pa. Jacobsburg. Pa. Alma Quebec. Shilohi. OH. Kiskiminitas OH. river. Morin Quebec. Tecumseth Quebec. Ripley ME. ================================== Joseph Smith plagiarised his own country, America. just match them up and take your time, and see. ========================================================== THE BIBLE JOHN 3 ; 16 For God loved the world that he gave his ONLY begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Satan he was NOT JESUS CHRIST brother. =====================================================
@josevasquez-ju8rb Год назад
The Lord spoke to Peter ...how many times would you forgive your fellow man Peter ask. Jesus said 70times 7 then the Lord said ...this man came to his master and had a debt to him ...and the master forgive him ...but the nam had a servant that owned a debt and he didn't forget and send him to prison. And people came a passed along to the master and the master said to him ....I forgotten you dedt to me why would you not forget me? And Jesus said to him now you will pay all you done .on Jesus name amen.
@thomaspearson1919 Год назад
Put the book of sin Mormon book in the fire where it belongs.
@electrovintage9390 Год назад
6:24 This put a smile on my face. Amen ❤
@thomaspearson1919 Год назад
You have listened to a false apostle, who likes talking porky pies [ lies ]
@Maegirls Год назад
I just love the way this man speaks at General Conferences. My great hope is that he will be part of the twelve God Willing. Beautiful Talk.
@gemmeerobinson1803 Год назад
You can testify all you want changes nothing. Smith was a girl chasing sex maniac who used God to supply his hunger. Smith was evil that you call good and good people in other Christian churches you call an abomination who hates sin that Smith loved. You can type Jesus to use God like Smith to look good for your own hunger but Mormon's are NEVER allowed around my wife or daughter. PERIOD!!!
@gemmeerobinson1803 Год назад
You can testify all you want changes nothing. Smith was a girl chasing sex maniac who used God to supply his hunger. Smith was evil that you call good and good people in other Christian churches you call an abomination who hates sin that Smith loved. You can type Jesus to use God like Smith to look good for your own hunger but Mormon's are NEVER allowed around my wife or daughter. PERIOD!!!
@gemmeerobinson1803 Год назад
You can testify all you want changes nothing. Smith was a girl chasing sex maniac who used God to supply his hunger. Smith was evil that you call good and good people in other Christian churches you call an abomination who hates sin that Smith loved. You can type Jesus to use God like Smith to look good for your own hunger but Mormon's are NEVER allowed around my wife or daughter. PERIOD!!!
@joanmiddlemiss2678 Год назад
Exactly where Im at. I want all the pain to go but apparently I'm not allowed to do that. Physical, Mental, and Emotionally I am too drained.
@Everything_Fave Год назад
Don't give up, please.
@joanmiddlemiss2678 Год назад
@@Everything_Fave why not?
@deanpayne1172 Год назад
@@joanmiddlemiss2678 You are known, loved, and needed.
@joanmiddlemiss2678 Год назад
@@deanpayne1172 why should I believe it?
@thundermw9048 Год назад
​@joanmiddlemiss2678 you should belive it because it is true and because it is really the only thing that will help you. Having faith and believing that even though this life is full of hardship, the hardships are temporary good things are ahead. Christ prepared a way for you, because he loves you, it's not always an easy way to walk but it's worthwhile. I hope things improve for you, sorry you are struggling.
@truthseeker4431 Год назад
OBVIOUSLY Mormons are required to shove Brigham YOung and all Mormon leaders until 1978 down the old memory hole!! What a crock o crap.
@dallinhaymore7097 Год назад
Wake up
@richcountyratrodsjrod2329 2 года назад
As a dad... this gives me hope.
@kelm7908 2 года назад
Thank you
@adamkoepke245 2 года назад
That’s not President Benson……
@floritaparker7357 2 года назад
praise the Lord, for giving us his words, in the bible and the book of Mormon. Thank you, our dear heavenly father.
@bobokoth9194 2 года назад
he is Above
@thomaspearson1919 Год назад
Not really he is a false apostle from GOD, and he knows it.
@zon3665 2 года назад
There's a great book by an LDS author that shows that there's perfect harmony between the prophetic statements concerning the garden of Eden being in Missouri and the Old Testament account concerning the garden of Eden. It's called Canaan, Babylon, and Egypt A Comparative Theological Analysis on Creation sold by Eborn Books.
@paulwake Год назад
This is spam.
@adiospobreza 2 года назад
I love Elder Holland, he exemplifies someone of authority and as an apostle, someone between us and Heavenly Father, with keys most of us don’t have. I see a correlation between this short video and chapters 20 and 12 of what more and more returned missionaries are now sharing with everyone: “The Sealed Portion, The Final Testament Of Jesus Christ PDF “ by Pearl Publishing. Imagine that! Pearls of Great Price indeed.
@TheSwedishHistorian 2 года назад
Thank you for uploadinh this video
@kwood9955 2 года назад
Thank you for clipping this portion! I'm using it in my seminary class.
@jenniejennie3884 3 года назад
Never give up God is always save and protect. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@davidjanbaz7728 3 года назад
You say in your description of your faith in the church . Christians put our faith in the Person of christ ,not in any church. Major difference between Christian ✝️ and Mormons.
@theephraimite 3 года назад
Nicely done. Tuesday - March 2, 2021.
@zachgarver7922 3 года назад
He is a liar. He was quoted as knowing nothing about Smth's treasure seeking and seer stone, and denied the church was in possession of Smith's peep stone.
@theephraimite 3 года назад
Smith’s treasure hunting and peep stone are made up stories. There’s no evidence to prove them.
@JeffDrakeX 3 года назад
I think calling him a liar is a bit of a stretch. If you read the interview in which Elder Richards is asked about Joseph’s seer stone, he states: 1) The Church Historian’s department did not have a single repository containing the former contents of safes that had once been owned by the Apostles. 2) The Urim and Thummim that Moroni provided with the golden plates were not in the Church’s possession. Is it possible he was lying? Sure. Is it possible he was being disingenuous? Sure. But honestly, I just don’t see any evidence of that.
@paulwake Год назад
@zachgarver7922 @@theephraimite Both of you have some confusion, but that doesn't mean that anyone is lying.
@theephraimite Год назад
@hilarydahle6323 3 года назад
Which talk is this?
@Jackson.Wysong 3 года назад
Good things to come
@emmettcleere1205 2 года назад
1999 High Priest of Good Things to Come
@thomaspearson1919 Год назад
Don't bother with false apostles who are born every minute..
@thomaspearson1919 Год назад
@@emmettcleere1205You have just listened to a false apostle and there are many in that corporation church $$$$$$$$$$$ company.
@iowaguy8380 9 месяцев назад
​@@thomaspearson1919that's why I left the evangelical church
@joecook5689 3 года назад
Sadly, I thought there was a real Lord at like age seven.
@paulwake Год назад
Good thing you were right.
@d.beaumont9157 8 месяцев назад
@@paulwake😂 Good one, top comment.
@chasbee 5 месяцев назад
Ya, pretty sure the Lord is older than that.
@joecook5689 3 года назад
What a nice person, Legrand.
@teambroyalty5755 4 года назад
@teambroyalty5755 4 года назад
@denisereaser6706 4 года назад
@desm8550 4 года назад
Thank u for including me.
@romanavillapando9468 4 года назад
Uplifting messages, extending my life everyday is a miracle.
@fd139 4 года назад
Which conference is this from? I need to read it in French
@GodaMinute 4 года назад
You'll find it here: www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2006/04/the-need-for-greater-kindness?lang=eng
@dezidergulyas5748 4 года назад
Boží muž .
@GodaMinute 4 года назад
Yes, he is a man of God. Thank you!