Actual Space
Actual Space
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@LeviEditsss День назад
Well guys 1 week from now we don't know what will happen
@adrianjeffreys1238 2 дня назад
There is no creator. The universe is a phenomenon. Prophets are a fiction of the mind...
@theprofessor78678 2 дня назад
The Universe - A perspective from the Quran We (Allah) built the universe with ˹great˺ might, and We (Allah) are certainly expanding ˹it˺. Surely your Lord is none other than Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then ascended His Throne; Who causes the night to cover the day and then the day swiftly pursues the night; Who created the sun and the moon and the stars making them all subservient to His command. Lo! His is the creation and His is the command. Blessed is Allah, the Lord of the universe. It is Allah Who has raised the heavens without any supports that you could see, and then He established Himself on the Throne (of Dominion). And He it is Who has made the sun and the moon subservient (to a law), each running its course till an appointed term. He governs the entire order of the universe and clearly explains the signs that you may be firmly convinced about meeting your Lord. Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. His Light (in the Universe) may be likened to a niche wherein is a lamp, and the lamp is in the crystal which shines in star-like brilliance. It is lit from (the oil) of a blessed olive tree that is neither eastern nor western. Its oil well nigh glows forth (of itself) though no fire touched it: Light upon Light. Allah guides to His Light whom He wills. Allah sets forth parables to make people understand. Allah knows everything. Then He (Allah) turned towards the Heaven when it was ˹still like˺ smoke, saying to it and to the Earth, ‘Submit, willingly or unwillingly.’ They both responded, ‘We submit willingly.’
@fantaseahorse4696 3 дня назад
Why did you change the voice of the narrator? The previous voice was as good as it gets. The prior videos i believe are the best on the entire internet. This new voice makes the work mediocre. I would reupload with the previous voice.
@Actualspace78 3 дня назад
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! We appreciate your feedback and are always looking to improve. We'll definitely take your comment into consideration and will bring back the previous narrator back in future videos.
@JF3-x 4 дня назад
No comments? Strangely, it is a great prediction of the universe. Great job.
@Bogdan-tk1gy 4 дня назад
Great video, thank you!
@edhall9656 6 дней назад
so it melted millions of years ago but this time it's our fault......
@DavidEwoi-z6y 7 дней назад
Jehovah Elohim
@LamaxLe 7 дней назад
Very meaningful👍
@gregdemeterband 7 дней назад
26 Billion years old... not 13.5....Also, the extended galaxies are from another universe... The are beyond the Great Attractor...its gravity does not effect as much as our own...
@rositaahmad6248 8 дней назад
Im in 2024 but im scary im die
@smalluniverse1 8 дней назад
Visit me 😊
@edwardhouse2933 9 дней назад
they skip over the 'planet detection' so conveniently... the 'detection' is the most minute blip on the spectral display of the light from the star 'theorized' to be the motion of a planet crossing between the star and the observer. from this 'blip' they 'determine' the characteristics of the planet - whether it may be habitable...
@Duise-j9f 9 дней назад
Humans were brought down to earth from heavens already developed. Islam. And it doesn't exclude existence of other living beings
@margarettemullings2527 9 дней назад
@specialk5070 10 дней назад
DUH!!!! 👽👍
@WHAMaTRON 10 дней назад
What was there b4 ?
@MmisseMourad10.10 11 дней назад
@Boballoo 11 дней назад
So fucking stupid! FFS! When you reach the end of knowledge, it is always these nutcases who step in and say, because we don't know, therefore God! Wake TF up! There is no God to protect you! FFS! We are on our own. Get your life together! FFS!
@victormarioardilajr.6021 13 дней назад
People that think the universe is perfect are only looking at one side of things. There have been large numbers of people buried by volcanos, where is the perfection in that? And, in today's space savvy minds, one of our darkest fears is sharing the fate of the dinosaurs. I don't find that so perfect.
@retf054ewte3 13 дней назад
I am sure there is a creator. and Humans are the most noble and highest intelligence in the whole universe.
@rossminden5578 14 дней назад
Even tho all of the conditions that this universe could exist are unlikely, compared to infinity, this universe was inevitable.
@Nick-Emery 15 дней назад
one time around 30 years ago, i took acid, and i looked at what i now know to be Orion, i could see it as a teddy bear, and now i can't un-see it, i have tried to point it out to people but nobody can see what i see :) its from the belt down wards,,,, its awesome, i wish i could explain to someone how to see it.
@blessingiscool121 15 дней назад
There's a 2.7% chance that everyone will be extinct in 2029
@leoalexander7729 16 дней назад
The universe is so crazy and amazing. The chance of us being here on earth and for earth to be perfectly situated for life is just mind blowing. I’m lucky to live quite rural and at night there is no light pollution and I get the most beautiful night sky and some nights I just go out and look up and endlessly wonder. We are so tiny and insignificant in comparison to the infinite vastness that is the universe.
@tomasringstrom9380 17 дней назад
The universe is perfect because the concept of freedom of choice is lacking in its structure
@stuarthindson9675 17 дней назад
If god created the universe and everything in it Where is the proof of this ?? Please don’t reply with “read the bible” as the bible says earth is about 6000 years old which is clearly wrong
@stuarthindson9675 17 дней назад
If god created the universe and everything in it Where is the proof of this ?? Please don’t reply with “read the bible” as the bible says earth is about 6000 years old which is clearly wrong
@stuarthindson9675 17 дней назад
All these people saying that god created the universe !!! There’s no evidence of god No one has actually seen or spoken to god Just books in different religions talking about god ! The bible says god created the stars, planets and moons in 6 days and earth is about 6000 years old but scientists across the globe have proven that it’s taken 13.8 billion years for the universe to get to its current state and earth is about 4.54 billion years old. And millions of people still believe in the bible!!! Science and astrology is real This might annoy many who believe in religion but I’m one that won’t believe anything until its been proven to be real
@chrish3911 17 дней назад
That singularity point was the voice of the One God. That Power of what is called the Big Bang was when God spoke…”Let there be light!”
@SnoopDoggg420 18 дней назад
what's outside the speed of light. information we can't receive due to the lack of the sense to comprehend it
@paulkoester5573 19 дней назад
Ok, so would you categorize a little person as a "dwarf human"? No Sounds a bit messed up Pluto is a planet 👌✌️no.9
@aronkilonzo1405 15 дней назад
it is not just size that made Pluto to be demoted from being a planet.Other factors were considered...those which define what a planet is.
@raykalingo8525 20 дней назад
American Standard Psalms 19.1 "The heavens is declaring the glory of God " Psalms 83.18 "JEHOVAH MOST HIGH"
@ramkittu1997 21 день назад
Very good explanation 👏 i loved it broo from 🇮🇳 india keep on going
@Actualspace78 21 день назад
Thank you so much. It means a lot✨
@ramkittu1997 21 день назад
@Sunnnnnnnnnny 21 день назад
every single word in this documentary focus on one singular point that there is a Creator who is the most perfect and précised who created this universe!! Allah
@NatnaelBrhane-t3m 21 день назад
There is nothing out there except that planets stars and asteroids.
@dumitrulangham1721 22 дня назад
❤❤❤❤ space is full surprises!
@spikestips6034 23 дня назад
@malachi- 24 дня назад
Our universe is not fine-tuned to life, life fine-tuned itself to the universe. Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.
@Nine_883 24 дня назад
God is a genius. Everybody knows that.
@Nine_883 24 дня назад
My father summed it all up with one word. GOD.
@The-Bengal-Boys День назад
@@Nine_883 No.
@jeanCharlyDANDRESSOL 25 дней назад
You guys are the best. Always. Until the next one. Thank you.
@Actualspace78 24 дня назад
Glad you liked it!
@zhavlan1258 25 дней назад
For 119 years, by determining the constancy of speed of light, all experiments and Michelson-Morley experiments are indirect and incomplete. If the Michelson-Morley experiment was carried out on a bus or airplane and was used to determine speed. only then will this experience be direct. Therefore, Einstein does not rely on the Michelson-Morley experiment. Question. Do you have an example of such direct experience? New technologies, new research tools Let me suggest for schoolchildren and students on one's own to measure the Universe, dark energy, black holes, etc. To do this, I propose two practical devices. «laser tape measure *+reference distance* 1,000,000 m”» and «Michelson-Morley HYBRID Gyroscope». I am writing to you with a proposal for the joint invention of a HYBRID gyroscope from non-circular, TWO coils with a new type of optical fiber with a “hollow core photonic-substituted vacuum zone or (NANF)” where - the light travels 500000 (In a laser tape measure, the length of the optical fiber is fixed at 1000000 ) meters in each arm, while it does not exceed the parameters 94/94/94 cm, and the weight is 94 kg. Manufacturers of “Fiber Optic Gyroscopes” can produce HYBRID gyroscopes for educational and practical use in schools and higher education institutions. Einstein dreamed of measuring the speed of a train, an airplane - through the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1881/2024, and only then would the experiment be more than 70% complete. This can be done using a fiber optic HYBRID gyroscope. Based on the completion of more than 70% of Michelson's experiment, the following postulates can be proven: Light is an ordered vibration of gravitational quanta, and dominant gravitational fields adjust the speed of light in a vacuum. you can make scientific discoveries; in astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, higher theoretical physics,... (We are not looking for ether, we will see the work of gravitational quanta)
@aronkilonzo1405 26 дней назад
I just try to imagine what a priviledge it is to be alive in this moment of the universe
@LysisAG 26 дней назад
But, isn't every solar system exactly in the center of the known universe? 😊
@MadinaPachuau-ck6ig 27 дней назад
In The Beginning, God created the heaven and the Earth.
@Adam-zo6lc 27 дней назад
Lies.. u don’t know, and u will NEVER know what beyond the universe. No way in hell u can ever reach million light years away and see
@chudleyflusher7132 27 дней назад
Yes. Nothing from nothing except Universe-creating gods.
@jjque322 27 дней назад
He created something out of nothing. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1), the big band theory and the second theory still base on the same "nothing" and the bible already know it, bible won, its a science book in simple words.