Wuthering Waves Theorycrafting & Content Creator!
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Wuthering Waves 101 | Energy - Explained!
2 месяца назад
@InphyFWT 19 часов назад
0:38 it's "dual-dps". "Duel" is when two individuals fight to the death.
@Bittexu 15 часов назад
@@InphyFWT Ty lol
@meliodad2422 День назад
one of my favourite tips i stumbled upon is using counter attacks as dodge, when you dodge, u can basic atk and do a "counter attack", if you didnt know, counter attack gives i-frame. hence, you could dodge, and instead of instantly countering, u delay it(there is a max time window), then only counter when u need to dodge agian(so u are doing damage instead of dodging) this is useful for enemies that have multiple attack strings that make spam dodging abit hard.
@PenultimatePenPen День назад
New subscriber here. Been on the lookout for WuWa creators cause it seems like it sadly isn't covered as much. So I love that I stumbled on this video. Looking forward to more stuff from you!
@setovessalius День назад
thanks so much for the vid!
@Aruzien День назад
@Lore_no2020 8 дней назад
I enjoyed this video
@levenundag9723 13 дней назад
My team is jinshi verina and encore I don't know if it's good or not let me know please 😊
@Bittexu 13 дней назад
Less ideal 😂you're not getting a lot of stacks for Jinhsi.
@levenundag9723 13 дней назад
@@Bittexu I see I wanna have taoqi but haven't got her but I got 11k damage while verina buff her
@haneko6422 14 дней назад
Iv been using yuanwu with jinshi and he actualy works really well with her. I put rejuvinating glow on him with the healing guantlets so dont have to worry about concerto on him so you can rotate him in and out really fast. I almost always have full stacks on Jishi when i get back to her. Plus hes also low investment dont need anything special to make him work and he does his job in feedin jinshi stacks so win win.
@damii_11 16 дней назад
Really like this..
@qiesel6638 16 дней назад
great guide! short & sweet! i just wish the volume was louder I'm on full volume with a 2x volume booster and the video is still very difficult to hear
@Bittexu 16 дней назад
@@qiesel6638 Im so sorry 😭
@qiesel6638 16 дней назад
@@Bittexu it's all good! i still subbed to you <3
@Dragonape12 18 дней назад
@trashbuilds8351 20 дней назад
Explaining what the visuals on the screen/in game means is SO HELPFUL there is just so much going on visually that I have a hard time knowing what it all means lol
@HyperDrive365 23 дня назад
lmao i 3 starred with yuanwu and taoqi on last floor and you discrediting him lmao, mortefi even slower in generating stacks for jinhsi than yuanwu
@Bittexu 23 дня назад
@@HyperDrive365 I didn't discredit him as a stacker just as a character. Mortefi isn't slower if you do a reverse rotation. And good 4 u.
@salmanshakil4396 24 дня назад
what else do we have as a choice? for those who couldnt pull yinlin what are they gonna use ?
@Bittexu 24 дня назад
Yuanwu with Originite + Reju Glow
@salmanshakil4396 24 дня назад
@@Bittexu w he is s4 in my account
@Anonymous-sd6hq 24 дня назад
I can max her forte gauge with mortefi and he's only s1. You dont need to be on jinhsi to stack it. Also extending your rotation is a non issue since you have plenty of time for any challenge this game has. I did crownless dif 6 in 2 minutes and she's still not maxed in terms of level or talents . I feel like its a little disingenuous to say he's bad when you can essentially get the same result as with a yinlin only caveat being you normal attack on mortefi or verina for a couple of extra seconds.
@Bittexu 24 дня назад
You can probably clear all the content with Jinhsi + any character, that doesn't make just any character particularly good. Yes you can fill the Forte with Mortefi if you extend your rotations but that's not optimal. And the point of the video is not to talk about what's unoptimal. Because the truth is these games aren't designed to require every last bit of damage to clear them so you don't really need to be super optimal. I'm just doing this to help players who might struggle a bit. I'm very fortunate to hear you can clear D6 Crownless in 2 minutes.
@Anonymous-sd6hq 24 дня назад
@@Bittexu I get that it's about what's more optimal however when the optimal alternative is not leagues above the free option is it fair to say one is good and one is bad? Also I feel like people who might be struggling are more likely to be f2p in which case pulling an entire 5 star just to stack the forte a little quicker might not be the most optimal choice. However if they release a character that buffs skill damage , has coordinated attacks that for some reason alternate between 3 elements and works with jinhsi's incarnation attack string I guess that you could consider worth going for xD
@Riyuuu9 26 дней назад
Need help, I lost on jinhsi 50/50 but i got her weapon at 10 pulls as a f2p should i pull for her? Or wait for my guaranteed changli?
@Bittexu 26 дней назад
@@Riyuuu9 Her weapon isn't amazing on any other character rn. Id say get Jinhsi. But its your call :)
@avis3536 27 дней назад
I've got the same formation as you, i got jinshi with Verina and yinlin and the most amount of damage jinshi did with that formation is 56k , and i don't have her signature weapon yet. Also i still have to farm echoes for good substats. So yeah, this formation is actually good for jinshi to deliver nuke damage.
@nethcenteno5858 28 дней назад
hahahhaha Yuanwu suck? Yuanwu can generate more forte for Jinhsi.
@Bittexu 28 дней назад
His totem attacks every 1.2 seconds while Yinlin's mark attacks every 1 second, naturally he stacks a little slower. He's still good tho for the stacking. I mentioned he sucks in general, you can use a lvl1 Yuanwu with Reju Glow however you're just in for a weaker team.
@papayapayama2087 25 дней назад
@@Bittexu Yeah but you spent way too long talking about mortefei who is kind of cope when not C6 while Yuanwu is perfect and stacks concerto fast if you actually know how to play him. Not everyone has Yinlin and for those that dont Yuanwu is an obiviously better pick. Getting him to ascension 4 for increased reseonance skill range is all he needs except for some lvled 1 cost echoes for survivablity. Saying that Yuanwu sucks is not a reason if he is the second best option. That makes him good in actuality.
@Bittexu 22 дня назад
@@papayapayama2087 Mortefi isn't cope. 1. I explained how he can frontload a lot of stacks for her. 2. Rotation flexibility, you can start with your ult first then swap to Verina then go back. Mortefi will deal actual dmg in this team ans you still get Reju Glow + Moonlit with him and Verina.
@naturalzen2144 28 дней назад
subscription earned with this level of explanation and detail and showcase well done 5 outta 5 no drama
@ZeroTenshi 28 дней назад
@Zayxs 28 дней назад
Good explanation, but why Verina? You didn´t explain why is she that good with Jinhsi
@Bittexu 28 дней назад
Verina can stack decently when Jinhsi's outro is active but the main reason is she's just SUCH a good buffer.
@papayapayama2087 25 дней назад
Verina has coordinated attacks and buffs
@CaptainMorri27 29 дней назад
you made effort to show Mortefi and Yinlin but not Yuanwu? "he's really slow" have you actually used him? LMAO he's the fastest attacker in WuWa and he rarely gets staggered so he can make sure you get the Incandescence stacks faster than most options, "he generates no concerto energy" even if this is true, it's irrelevant to the fact that he's fastest character to stack Jinhsi's Incandescence and with literally 1 second screentime since he can just auto and swap out(his inherent skill automatically places his coordinated attack skill whenever he swaps out without full forte) not to mention Yuanwu's ult gives Jinhsi Lightning Infused which supposedly gives >greatly increased resistance to interruption >larger AoE basic attacks >increased reduction of vibration strength I would've like to see if those will actually affect Jinhsi as stated in his skills but the fact that you didnt even try is kinda weird to me, other than that great video showing off the actual application of Mortefi and Yinlin
@Bittexu 28 дней назад
1. When I said Yuanwu is slow, I didn't mean for the stacks. I meant slow Concerto Energy wise. Compared to characters who can sneeze and insta-charge their Concerto Energy O_O (cough, sanhua for example, cough) I didn't show him in the video because of 1 main reasons: He stacks 'basically' just like Yinlin. Very sustained stacking unlike Mortefi who frontloads more stacks before he's off. The only difference with Yinlin and Yuanwu is Yinlin mark ticks every 1 second and Yuanwu ticks every 1.2 seconds. But it basically makes almost no difference. 2. The gimmick of reducing vibration isn't all that great. Yeah you're reducing vibration but it is not as good as having more damage through other characters and their buffs. But thanks for the feedback :)
@CaptainMorri27 28 дней назад
​ @Bittexu Yinlin has slow 3rd and 4th Basic attacks, added with her slow 2nd skill casttime and her Chameleon Cipher being delayed as well, she often has a downtime where there are no stacks being generated per second unlike Yuanwu where it's there permanently as long as you have proper swap timings, this is even more relevant to compare with Mortefi who cant really use his ult every rotation I'm guessing Concerto is important cause you really want to skip the first 4 basic Jinhsi needs to do but would it really matter if Jinhsi is your main dps and you get Incandescence while your main dps is dealing damage 90% of the time instead of 70-80%? I've seen a build with Yuanwu using the 3*weapon and running rejuvenating to trigger a heal with 1 basic, that would make him a faster buffer than Verina and with Bell-borne scaling off of DEF, it also becomes a decent burst of damage
@vidzorko4492 28 дней назад
@@Bittexu Concerto energy is obviously irrelevant for Yuanwu, since you don't even use him for his outro, you just press echo, E, ult, swap out. Obviously, the problem with Yinlin is the onfield time, and much more selfish approach to the sub-dps role she has. Not to mention all the buffs that are pretty much entirely irrelevant to Jinhsi. I want to see you try to explain away the charts on theorycrafting discords that statistically prove Yuanwu and Jinhsi are the best duo in terms of DPS.
@Bittexu 28 дней назад
@@CaptainMorri27 Yinlin's mark has like 18 seconds up time. It basically always remains unless enemies die or its your first rot.
@Bittexu 28 дней назад
@@vidzorko4492 There is no problem with Yinlin. She takes field time yes, but she does good damage in that field time that's Yinlin is a good character. Her buffs aren't entirely useless for Jinhsi either. Jinhsi part of the rotation isn't even very long and you want to stack her forte before so anyways. Yinlin's uptime doesn't really hurt you. She's very good.
@locthiennguyen 29 дней назад
isnt yuanwu main use is to knock out enemy with toughness bar(the white bar below the heath bar)? of course he doesnt deal any dmg
@Bittexu 29 дней назад
Jiyan groups enemies, does that mean he shouldn't deal any damage? Just because you have a gimmick doesn't mean you can't be good at other stuff. And Yuanwu isn't good at anything.
@Separoth 29 дней назад
@@Bittexu I wouldn't say Yuanwu isnt good at anything. Sure he doesn't do the best damage, his scalings are DEF so his kit was never built around damage anyways. But he makes up for that with his utility in being one of the fastest characters to stack up Jinhsi's passive which is the main point of this video. The only downside is you have to reposition is skill at times but its low cooldown so its not that bad and he can already work at almost no investment by just funneling buffs and Incadescence stacks to Jinhsi.
@locthiennguyen 29 дней назад
@@Bittexu well, if he can knock out boss fast, and help jinhsi stack super fast, and also generate shield(for r2?), that's good enough for me, i don't have to do some heavy invest, just echo and high lvl is good enough
@CaptainMorri27 29 дней назад
@@Separoth the reposition of his skill is solved by yuanwu's inherent skill so Idk anything wrong with him being a great subdps for jinhsi, your points were correct and he did in fact just went with "trust me bro" when mentioning yuanwu
@SHiNON_26 29 дней назад
@@Bittexu lol the Yuanwu shade is crazy💀 he's actually much better because he requires low investment and low on-field time compared to Mortefi and Yinlin (his cons are low dmg, limited range, and pretty weak in the early game, and can be replaced with Mortefi S5-6 but ofc you'd rather use Mortefi with Jinyan especially in ToA)
@DisIngRaM 29 дней назад
Nice vid with related sample footage ❤. I learn a lot from this much easier
@jamesnieves1216 29 дней назад
What I usually do for long sustained fights is that I alternate her liberation and nuke skill damage every other rotation. Even with good supports/coordinated attackers, her skill is so back-loaded that without her S2, every rotation feels lacking because of her unfilled forte stacks.
@eir3831 28 дней назад
S2 only works outside of combat so in long fight it doesn't matter.
@jamesnieves1216 28 дней назад
@@eir3831 im sure glad i only have her at S0. lol
@shirofox6422 29 дней назад
my favorite youtuber uploaded a video😮 thank you for the info and hard work yet again sir <3
@farisgoh Месяц назад
Why not skill first then ulti and forte. No need to jump😂
@Bittexu Месяц назад
Ulti leaves you in an animation lock which results in a lower dps rotation + the jump attack generates more energy. 😂
@jordy_indo45 Месяц назад
i play genshin impact just 2 hours ,back in 2020 ! (I am serious) after that i didn't play that games even in 2024 But in WuWa (2024) what i like ,grappling , parkour ,dodge/parrying! Also hunting echoes (pokemon) 😂🎉 Cant wait for the next update v 1.1
@kata5398 Месяц назад
There won't be next time mf
@rin3484 Месяц назад
Another tip would be to intro - BA345 - Skill - Ult - HA. In this way you can also get the dmg bonus from her last major talent and if you have her at R1 you can also get her Crit rate buff
@larkzev2379 Месяц назад
Is that the old heron ost?
@Bittexu Месяц назад
@LeoA05 Месяц назад
Specter Rover is great when switching her in. The 3 second delay allows you to get your 5 basic attacks in easy for the increased crit chance if you have C1 Sanhua.
@Amaaa-qo3dx Месяц назад
how about const 1
@Bittexu Месяц назад
@Amaaa-qo3dx Месяц назад
@@Bittexu Constellation 1 Sanhua, i dont know what i called that...
@simamenn Месяц назад
​@@Amaaa-qo3dxyeah, must attack 5x for crit
@jhoncreusora8574 Месяц назад
if you use her as your main dps then, yeah, do it 👍
@Amaaa-qo3dx Месяц назад
@@jhoncreusora8574 how about qucikswap?
@Tooturntdown Месяц назад
If u have s1 you might wanna finish the sequences first
@kaionyoki3670 2 месяца назад
Nc showcase
@user-dr6jn1wf7u 2 месяца назад
Im not sure if people are already aware of this but that blinking in character is when your outro for the current character is ready so the current character can activate outro and the next resonator coming and jumping doing their thing will activate an intro skill. Also those little bars on top of them Which i call reveberation bars, does vary in every characters they way they are used is also part of their mechanics being diverse. I hope this can help others
@kawru_kun6846 2 месяца назад
aside from combats and bosses WuWa is really relaxing
@Cinnamo00n 2 месяца назад
Literally me last week
@dreamcatcher1074 2 месяца назад
Morfeti is a secret 5star
@seth7764 Месяц назад
Right?!? My line up is Jiyan, Morfeti and Verina. Two five stars and Morfeti because aint no one better
@forekmuchomorek7157 2 месяца назад
1. Uninstalling Genshin 2. Risk of Rain stage 4 or 5 music 3. Installing Wuthering Waves Yes, everything is in the place.
@androidonly4388 2 месяца назад
I dont care high damage. We need epic battle! (But ur dmg definitely higher than mine)
@Yukina_rai 2 месяца назад
@ashenreborn1161 2 месяца назад
Wats ur graphic settings
@shirofox6422 2 месяца назад
so cool🤩
@Upliftalex 2 месяца назад
GG's bro nice!
@iammordant 2 месяца назад
Bro do you sleep? Wtf already??😂
@Bittexu 2 месяца назад
I am not that grindy lol
@iammordant 2 месяца назад
​​@@Bittexu BTW you didn't show your build Tried doing this with Rover, Yangyang, Baizhi but the last floor is cooking me since I don't have AoE 3 starred every other thing though
@NerdEmoji1067 2 месяца назад
I genuinely used to love Genshin, and it’s sad to see the state that it’s in. And because of it I just can’t play it, WuWa has already done more in 3 days than Genshin has in 3 years.
@nagajule7715 2 месяца назад
At least they dont have 3 singular pulls for this one... For now at least...
@kubersx4420 2 месяца назад
Me quiting genshin year ago : -"We look forward to seeing you next time" - Nah I don't think so
@beepbedits 2 месяца назад
seems like so many people (INCLUDING MYSELF) are uninstalling genshin for wuwa. and it’s awesome. genshin doesn’t deserve the player base they’ve had for years.
@eugenbeetl9751 2 месяца назад
@shirofox6422 2 месяца назад
so simple and now i understand everything! thank you :D