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@lonesurvivor8828 2 дня назад
Great tips!
@Casualcivlifer 2 дня назад
Bro. Where can I find your play throughs? These videos are very informative. I would love to watch your thought process through a game.
@Riri_734 2 дня назад
Love your builds. Do you have a one that is build around the Ironclad?
@Sweeka_ch 2 дня назад
I dont have any specific build or video around Ironclads. When playing with Ironclads I like to go Industrious culture as the tier 3 shield unit provides a good frontline and both the tome of constructs and tome of dreadnaught have good unit enhancement for shield units. The astral siphoner unit that eldritch sovereigns can summon with thralls are interesting as well as they have a pull ability, like constrictors, that can be used to pull enemies away from ironclad's zone of control so they can use their big attack.
@johnhobbes2268 2 дня назад
I still prefer 3 attacks. Wet and distracted are just insane debuffs. Easily doing 100+ damage per turn. However the higher range and combined with killing momentum makes this thing still interesting.
@Sabamonster 4 дня назад
Hey man, good video. Very clear and concise with what you are trying to achieve. I would offer one suggestion though; Try to improve your sound quality - I only say this because audio is the number one reason that people will tune in; or out of a video and it can make a video difficult to sit through At the moment it's pretty echo-y and feels like you're speaking inside a box. Otherwise, great vid!
@SyberianLynx 4 дня назад
I love how many fun combos this game allows
@duncanthermidor9421 4 дня назад
nice build again^^ i would like to see your take on a spell focused build(with little to no summon)^^
@Vyo1983 4 дня назад
Love your builds, but I am not a fan of having Zero materium,. The Imperium tree is too strong to ignore
@Sweeka_ch 4 дня назад
good point, Getting a materium society trait and swapping fey mist for tome of artificing would be a nice way to get materium affinity without really affecting the build much. More shadow affinity wouldn't be bad either as I think the combo of the astral/shadow imperium trees synergize quite well.
@oguzhan-bt3vn 4 дня назад
Tome of scrying goes well with fey mists since it allows you to have true sight in cities and ambush enemies one by one.
@rb1092 5 дней назад
Solid tips for sure
@IDidntVoteForThisOption 5 дней назад
Any recommended changes for this build since the mystic update made magelocks better?
@Sweeka_ch 4 дня назад
Magelocks are definitely a lot better after the patch but I would still bring some frontline and not spam them in this fashion as you will need a way to put marked on the enemies for the 50% damage boost.
@IDidntVoteForThisOption 4 дня назад
@@Sweeka_ch awesome, thanks for the reply!
@pancakes4193 5 дней назад
Finally got to your Eldritch Sovereign video, super love them as a fan of cosmic horror/Lovecraftian stuff. What synergies do you recommend for them in terms of culture, faction traits, and tomes? The mana upkeep in the early game is just nasty, especially since getting to Level 4 only takes the first few minutes of the game.
@Sweeka_ch 4 дня назад
I think ES are quite versatile and could fit comfortably into most builds. due to having many mind-control/insanity abilities they are notably weaker against control-loss immune units such as celestials and constructs.
@sod1237 6 дней назад
good information! does 110% hit have any benefit apart from still being high if there are reductions?
@Sweeka_ch 6 дней назад
In addition to all the other reductions like line of sight, evasion, etc accuracy is also reduced by distance away from the target starting at 3 tiles (the exact formula is based on the max range of the weapon), so its nice to have a little over 100% like 110% or 120%. I think going over 120% starts to become a bit of a waste especially with a 1 action point weapon where you can reposition for a better shot.
@sod1237 6 дней назад
@@Sweeka_ch thanks. great answer, very strong video.
@cptmanticore7356 6 дней назад
Hero weapon Pistol and Sword also benefits from the Buff dragooner got. Pistol got no cooldown
@Sweeka_ch 6 дней назад
The pistol and sword hero item never had a cooldown, that was a dragoon specific thing. The only change to the pistol and sword in this patch is that it now has breaching.
@MortalCoil64 8 дней назад
great summary!
@persepheliaeve8256 8 дней назад
Oh you should have showed the halos! Each sovereign gets a cute halo depending on their last upgrade
@Sweeka_ch 8 дней назад
Some additional notes on this video 1. I over-emphasized keen-sighted. its not necessary and unless you already have a ranged-heavy army you are probably better off with something that helps your army more like tough, its just nice to have 2. you can craft helms in the item forge that increase your heroes accuracy, very good for magelock heroes. 3. Critical hit chance also increases your accuracy so its great to get any additional crit chance you can.
@IDidntVoteForThisOption 8 дней назад
Great content! What’s the math on crit chance increasing accuracy? Just discovered your videos and I’m eating them up right now… next build plan is to combine your feudal unicorns and quick T5 vassal builds, but idk if any of that broke with the recent update
@Sweeka_ch 8 дней назад
@@IDidntVoteForThisOption In the Age of Wonders games you roll for Crit before you roll for hit and if you crit it is automatically considered a hit. In AoW4 your crit chance is also capped by the accuracy of the shot to prevent only stacking crit and not needing to worry about accuracy. For example a ranged unit with a crit chance of 80% does an attack with 50% accuracy the attack will have a 50% chance of crit a 25% of being a normal attack and a 25% chance of being a graze or miss.
@IDidntVoteForThisOption 7 дней назад
@@Sweeka_chawesome, thanks for the info!
@varengo1838 9 дней назад
nice overview! if I may, try to speak a bit louder in the beginning of the video perhaps, I initially thought the whole video would ve been with bad audio, but good job for the rest!
@Sweeka_ch 9 дней назад
Out of date, Living Fog is now a mythic unit and doesn't benefit from unit enhancements, still a good unit though.
@pancakes4193 9 дней назад
Just recently discovered your channel and DAMN you have a lot of AOW4 content that is sorely needed in the community. I can't wait to dig my teeth into all your videos, especially the build guides. Thanking the algorithm for directing me to your channel and I hope it only continues to lead more people to you.
@slsmma 10 дней назад
Thanks for the video!
@itachi280586 10 дней назад
BAldur gate copycat :D
@istoptrucks 11 дней назад
very good analysis. thank you! would you agree that this Eldritch hero type is OP and breaks the game as it is now?
@Sweeka_ch 11 дней назад
Thanks for the comment. Yes I do think that the ES is OP in comparison to the other ruler types. I'm not sure if they would be able to nerf it to a balanced state without making it feel boring though. I'd rather see them buff the other rulers. The Champion and Wizard in particular play like generic heroes in combat and could be made more interesting.
@sod1237 11 дней назад
Very good. Have been using vassals a lot also lately
@kuwe4652 11 дней назад
Sadly no longer as strong as it was. 1 turn cooldown and in addition reduced damage hits hard in my opinion.
@Riri_734 12 дней назад
Mind control spec is insane. Hope they don't get nerfed lol.
@Sweeka_ch 12 дней назад
Yep, especially with all the status resistance reduction and bypass you can do.
@Vyo1983 14 дней назад
Could you explain why tome of the roots?
@Sweeka_ch 13 дней назад
Blight blades for extra damage on units, summon entwined thrall is pretty good and vine prison is a helpful spell early. The tome isn't vitally important to the build and can be replaced with something else if you want though.
@wanderingwisp4542 15 дней назад
Subbed. Awesome build! Love age of wonders 4! Looking forward to the expansion release later today! 😁
@minecraft991115 15 дней назад
think u forgot one, the 2nd hold in the tree of stone area
@BEANSNOHELPME 16 дней назад
Great video!
@alexpruitt536 16 дней назад
How do yo get those units? Just from rally the leiges ??
@Sweeka_ch 16 дней назад
The Living fogs? You can research them from the tier 4 shadow tome "Tome of Oblivion" and then summon them from your spell book.
@geopoliticos 16 дней назад
Great stuff!
@Vyo1983 16 дней назад
Do you prefer a Champion or Wizard King Ruler?
@Sweeka_ch 16 дней назад
The wizard king is the strongest ruler type. The extra casting points and ability to cast another spell for a turn are invaluable. The dragon lord is also pretty strong and is unique and fun to play. The Champion doesn't really have anything special going for it and is the weakest ruler type. I don't see any reason to pick it other than for role-playing.
@vandervongrint 17 дней назад
I'm surprised I didnt know about transmutation circle. Knew all the others. Thanks for the video.
@naatnaat3612 17 дней назад
Great idea for a build. A suggestion would be have a early mid and late game options. Eg berserker for midgame. To help those get to the endgame better
@ashtonday5313 17 дней назад
Thank you for these videos. I suck at this game. Thank you for your help 🙏
@daedalusdreamjournal5925 20 дней назад
thanks for the build ! Of note, you may also want to build cities and release them as a free vassals if there is a lack of free cities or once your whispering stones become available (because you have so many). If you do, place a whispering stone for a few turns before releasing the newly built city as a vassal as increased stability gives increase vassalage once released. Combined with bannerlords and the last perks of the order tree, you can spam litteraly dozens of troops very quickly and for cheap. Or even cheaper if you build massive expeditionary forces from your vassals. :)
@mirdav3648 20 дней назад
How do u manage to have so many ideas Also great video ty
@matijacoklica2582 20 дней назад
For tip no.2, depending on the map setting (Wondrous Past trait or sometimes just big map size >9 players) and if you have DLC Empires & Ashes, ancient wonders like Vaultsphere will offer you a Forced Evolution spell as a reward. Spell, which by default costs 80/80 or 120/120 (depending on map settings), will transform a random unit (with Evolve trait ofc) in the army immediately, regardless of rank or tier or "type". A very cheap way to transform you units. Some other tips, but they are probably well known already (or should I say, more biased from my POV): - Always choose "Inspiring Leader" as a trait for your ruler and heroes, especially if you are stacking armies, regardless of unit tier. Why? You will save more gold and mana. - If possible, always choose "Military Engineering" development skill (Materium tree) - cheaper/faster outposts which you want to build preferably on gold mine (to remove upkeep) that has neighbour provinces like magic material, wonders or mana node/ruins (basically, do not choose Iron Deposit, Pastures/Oasis or anything on sea, unless you are trying to build a city from this outpost). - Even if you play military build faction, have at least one faction with relations >300 (most likely you will need a bond or another faction that likes "factions that start wars"). Why? You can buy items from them cheaper and you can sell your items to them for higher prices. - Even with still kind-of bad AI for Vassals, when you gain a Vassalage with free city, it's recommended to remove "automatic" attacks and either use them for defending themselves, clearing the infestation (you will get the rewards, don't worry) or guard one of your cities, because Vassal army counts as "Friendly army" in battles in/around your cites which they protect (and starting mid-game, Vassal armies can be powerful, i.e. around 1000 army power).
@mikhail2710 21 день назад
Nice, but this is going to be a costly army in terms of imperium, as every tier 4 consumes 3 imperium per turn
@Sweeka_ch 19 дней назад
The overall strategy of frost weapons + flaming weapons + lava burst will work with any non-mythic melee unit so you can fill with bastions or berserkers if the imperium cost is too expensive.
@mikhail2710 21 день назад
Now I realize this game has some balance issues 😂
@pajamamage1163 22 дня назад
Great little video, I appreciate the content! Just started getting into the mod so this is invaluable.
@Bopler 22 дня назад
Good tips 👍
@Palladium1010 23 дня назад
Thanks, pretty useful. I've been wondering lately if there is reason to go for any of these holds to form something. Although it would have been more cool if you showed their ideas and even map colours maybe. Just checked, and there are formables from hold under the Command's control with some missions, mostly generic dwarven, but Verkal Dromak has something unique, I dunno if the mission tree expands since it is rather small, but yeah, it's unique xd
@sessionsw9657 25 дней назад
Didnt know any but one of these things. Very good vid
@Tentacl 26 дней назад
I know it's not the most powerful, but I really love the Reavers. Not the most common fantasy tropes, but the whole conquistador/slaver theme really makes for cool thematic civs. Maybe it's because I love chaos dwarves so much in TW warhammer.
@Sweeka_ch 26 дней назад
Reavers are getting buffed in the next patch. The magelocks will be able to move and shoot on the same turn and melee units will inflict marked with their attacks, should make the magelocks feel a little more reliable.
@Tentacl 26 дней назад
@@Sweeka_ch Sounds good! I always felt a 2 cost single attack that is missing for some reason would fix a lot of issues with heavy hitting single shot units...
@Sweeka_ch 26 дней назад
@@Tentacl Yeah I agree, there is way too much mobility in this game for 3 action point ranged units to be reliable. Shrines of Smiting in particular have been really weak for a t5 unit ever since they got nerfed to a 3 action point attack.
@Tentacl 27 дней назад
Those tips were surprisingly useful. This game has so much depth but so little readability unless you just spend time researching online. Subbed.
@Covun 28 дней назад
Angry but thankful comment.
@Bergreen88 Месяц назад
Bro please get a mic
@sod1237 Месяц назад