Hellbilly RJ
Hellbilly RJ
Hellbilly RJ
Hellbilly Ain't Dead (PSA)
5 лет назад
My Taste of Music Vol 3 attempt 2
5 лет назад
My Taste of Music Vol 2
5 лет назад
@theresezettergren6591 2 месяца назад
You look like a sweden viking! take dna test you are not From amerikanska ansesteri sweden norwey finland
@alanturner6615 3 месяца назад
Hey Bro if you believe your going to hell then you obviously believe in the devil? Correct? If so then you know that the devil is one of gods fallen angels just saying bro!! If you’re gonna believe in one it’s kinda hard not to believe in the other…
@hellbillyrj4501 3 месяца назад
It really isn't that hard... My views do intersect Christianity at times, and I do believe in your god... but I don't believe that your devil is an evil creature bearing so much resemblance to a handful of gods that are primarily over nature. The Christian idea of Hell actually stems from the pagan belief of Hel, ruled over by Hela, which is actually far closer to Satan than any Christian depiction or description. I don't believe that your Hell is actually a real place though. My belief system is very, very complicated because I'm an eclectic pagan (basically I believe most every religion has it's truths but also things that were either completely made up, that is to say myths, and also some truths that have been twisted to better fit a certain narrative and either instill fear in people to get them to believe in that religion -- Christianity and Hell for example...). Also, I'm not saying that I believe that Christianity is outright wrong by any means either... just that the belief system doesn't align with mine precisely though they do intersect in certain areas... Whether heaven and hell are real places or not is irrelevant until we die and by that point it's allegedly too late to change your mind anyway... I'll go believing in what I believe though just the same, no matter how complicated it may be to explain.
@alanturner6615 3 месяца назад
@@hellbillyrj4501 If you truly want to know.. I’d like to challenge you to go on a missions trip to a 3rd world country like India and see things first hand cause for some reason that I have no clue why but the devil and god are very active there.. and you will almost guaranteed see things that are unexplainable while your there but you have to be willing to go into a religious setting where most the stuff happens where the devil is trying to stop the teachings and he ends up possessing people to do his works.. believe or not but when I was there seen 110lb lady pick up two grown adults with each hand that were trying to stop her from disrupting church… and many more things but I don’t want to sound crazy and get that it’s hard to believe without seeing for yourself and that’s why the challenge.. if you want to be truly informed first hand..
@codydrobinson 4 месяца назад
Former Hellbilly here Jesus changed me man for the better came across your channel by accident hope life is good and I’m gonna pray for you
@NoRestTilVictoryProductions 5 месяцев назад
When you get older, you might change my mind. Because I said the same thing. I'm taking all these MFers to hell with me. Without thinking about it, I was already in hell with them. Forgiveness is the hardest thing to do without enough time. You have to forget it, and that takes a long time. But when you realize the peace in life you'll have, the best thing to do is take advantage of that peace. It's not worth it when you drag someone through hell with you. Whether you believe it or not, God will bring you out of it. But remember. How deep in sht you get in life, God's going to drag you back through it to get you out of it. And that is going to cut you both ways. But you'll learn a lesson. So it's better to refocus and move on. Otherwise, you'll end up digging a sht hole you can't climb out of and will be too embarrassed to ask for help. Don't let life end that way for you because of someone else's stupid sht. Peace.
@hellbillyrj4501 5 месяцев назад
I appreciate your comment and you taking that time. While I acknowledge the Christian god as being real, I am very much a pagan at heart and can't worship such a spiteful, arrogant deity. Forgiveness isn't so much of an issue for me though and I'm actually in a much better place now than u was at the time this video was made. Again, I appreciate you watching the video, the kind words, and you taking the time to leave a thoughtful amd inspiring comment. I hope great things happen for you, and sending all the love your way. Stay blessed!
@CJ-vq5tg 5 месяцев назад
this song still scares me, as a alcohol of 20 years, may 16 to may 22nd i i almost drank myself to literal death, this was the song i was blaring as i was hammering away gallons of whiskey, i ended up in the hosptital, next day i was in detox, i still choke in fear thinking of that
@hellbillyrj4501 5 месяцев назад
Man, I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm glad you're still around though! And, idc if nobody else says it, I'm proud of you, making the decision to get sober is a struggle every day though, and if you ever need somebody to talk to reach out. Been years since I posted up a new video, but I'm still around. No matter what time it is though hmu and I'll respond as soon as I can we can have a whole ass conversation. I appreciate you stopping in and checking out the video and sharing that!
@kevinlockwood6746 7 месяцев назад
This is the kind of sub human you get when you let several trains run through you and your left to fester inside a rancid womb for 9 months 😂
@annamariespoelstra8834 7 месяцев назад
Hi, I still see your kind eyes, I am wondering where you’re at now. I hope you and yours are fine, but plse drop us a line ❤
@hellbillyrj4501 7 месяцев назад
I'm getting by, and I appreciate you so much! A lot of things have happened since this video went up and every time I think I'm gonna get back to making content life throws something else at me. It is still in the plans though, I just can't say when. Feel free to drop the sub though or you can hmu on my socials listed to stay in the loop. I have missed so many great opportunities for new songs and that has hurt me in one of the worst ways, but I have no doubt that as soon as I get back on here there will be loads more opportunities waiting and always coming up.
@celebronmarque3874 9 месяцев назад
i like you a lot you seem real. and offering yourself up to be contacted if someone is in need. the song speaks to me i cant stop listening to it. ty for your channel.
@punkado68 10 месяцев назад
That’s 100 fucks And the version with a symphony-and thebonus if the pope owned a disco
@inspiredfunkmark Год назад
Great reaction!!!! Lmao!!
@ouroboris Год назад
wow. that's a long intro.
@vladerag Год назад
*whistles* this comment section, though. Look, I can't say I agree with you, because I don't, but one of the comments here really caught my eye. A comment that says "I watched your video for 5 minutes and left," which interests me a lot because your response to Jim Jefferies was over forty minutes long. They listened to five fucking minutes, and now they think they can make a comment about your opinions? They don't even know your opinions! I am pretty sure I know what ticked them off too (I bet it was your comment about being a straight, white, male and asking how many enemies you might have) and it certainly made me raise an eyebrow, but I am willing to bet they didn't get the implicit point that lies behind the question: so long as people worry about their safety, prohibition of guns is impossible. It isn't your opinion on sexuality or feminism that is relevant here, but that you are not certain that you would be safe expressing your opinion. And all of this dogpiling just makes the fucking point for you.
@vexroid7028 Год назад
Johnny Cash sucks my friend.
@biancamoore413 Год назад
@nulse55 Год назад
Tim is brilliance in motion.
@RyanRichardsToby Год назад
Hey, friend. I was the guy arguing with you on the Jim Jefferies guns bit. I was wondering: Why do you prefer 9mm vice .45? A .45 will knock your opponent down in one shot. I know a 9mm can bounce in the body like 5.56, but you're not looking to kill a home intruder. A .45 is guaranteed to subdue an opponent with one shot. Why 9mm where your opponent can keep fighting with a shoulder hit? The mass of a .45 would knock him on his ass with a shoulder shot.
@hellbillyrj4501 Год назад
Ballistically speaking, the 2 rounds perform very similarly. The .45 does hit with a bit more force, but neither are going to be enough to take anyone off their feet from impact alone. My argument for 9mm vs .45ACP is magazine capacity. 18 rounds vs 10 in a full-size duty pistol. Nearly twice as many rounds, means I don't have to worry about hearing a click on a trigger pull if it went that long. But, overall, the 2 cartridges perform nearly identical in every ballistic test, and a 9mm typically isn't going to ricochet off bone (except in a one-off circumstance). A .22 will bounce around inside and cause lots of small wound channels, and that would never be my first choice for shooting anything except empty soda cans, milk jugs, and squirrels. Most all handgun cartridges are going to perform in a very similar fashion in terms of ballistics though despite a bigger projectile or higher powder capacity, larger rounds are going to be slower than smaller ones, but at over 1,000 feet per second, that difference is relatively inconsequential and irrelevant bc it's impossible to outrun. Also, the more mass a projectile is, the longer it will take to stop, which means you then have to worry about over-penetration, that's to say that it hits your target, passes through cleanly, and lands in whatever is behind said target. If that is a family member, or any other innocent bystander, that's all bad. Less likely to over penetrate with a smaller round. You also mentioned the aim not being to kill, but simply to incapacitate, which is mostly true, however, military and law enforcement alike are taught to aim center of mass, torso area, which is where nearly all vital organs are contained. The main goal is to stop the threat, and sometimes that can be done with just a presentation of deadly force without ever firing a shot, other times, that may be hitting the target several times until they've decided to stop advancing. But, the right firearm is always going to be the one you practice with the most and are the most proficient with, 9mm is less expensive than .45 thus making range time cheaper, which makes practicing with the firearm more likely. For someone not able to get a lot of range time, that wanted the most effective and efficient home defense firearm, I would recommend a shotgun in 12guage with size 0 buckshot. The reason being a shotgun will be more forgiving with less than ideal shot placement, the size buckshot would be large enough to penetrate a reasonable distance to stop the threat without much worry of over penetrating even on a shot where every pellet missed the target for whatever reason, it would likely come to a stop in the wood framing and insulation after penetrating the sheet rock. I personally carry a 9mm because it's the sidearm I carried in the military, the ammunition is less expensive, the recoil is manageable, and I trust the round to do it's job. It's the one I'm most proficient with, have the most hands-on training with, and the most easily accessible for me. Hopefully this answered your question, and I do apologize for the long-winded response to what seems like a relatively simple question. lol
@RyanRichardsToby Год назад
@@hellbillyrj4501 No. I like our conversations. I wish there was a way to do it outside of public comments. First of all, only officers in the USMC carry pistols. AND 5.56mm is about the size of .22 cal. So, why is .22 considered less deadly? Those are my first comments. Second: The two loudest sounds in the world are bang when you expect click, and click when you expect bang. M16s jam easily (unlike the AK-47). Pistols with magazines could easily jam. I am only interested in a revolver which never jams, so number of bullets isn't an issue. Also better for home defense because IT NEVER JAMS... well maybe a couple of times throughout its history, but you know what I mean. Next: Yes. I know the two center mass and one at the head training. The older Marines to greet us at Bangor (Maine) airport on our way to Ireland then Iraq said: "Win their hearts and minds.... two to the heart, and one to the mind!" About shotguns: I have read recently that a 20 gauge is better for home defense than a 12 gauge. I forget why, but it probably has something to do with disabling the home intruder rather than turning him into a pink mist. Would you really rather kill a home intruder than disable him, and call the cops? I truly hope that you aren't accelerated by the thought of taking the life of somebody else.
@hellbillyrj4501 Год назад
@@RyanRichardsToby Every branch of military has a designated duty pistol, and in the army, at least an MP, we carried them. Revolvers are a solid choice, and anything from .380 up to .44 magnum would suffice, though I'd stick to something between 380 and .357 mag, because of over penetration. 20 gauge vs 12, you're mostly looking at the recoil as they both have the exact same offerings in terms of shot sizes ranging from really small to really big, and slugs. But, a 12g will have considerably more felt recoil than a 20g bc the smaller cartridge size is going to have less powder, less recoil means easier to shoot, easier to shoot is always going to be better in a situation like that. M-16's are more likely to jam than an AK47 or 74, it's not because of the round size though, it's more to do with the construction of the rifles. One cartridge size isn't going to be less capable of jamming than another, it depends on the ejector, feed ramp, and the quality of the ammunition. Construction quality and moving parts being properly lubricated are the primary factors in jams. In terms of a home intruder, my goal is not necessarily to kill anyone, but to stop the threat. If stopping the threat means they die, then so be it. But, stopping the threat could just as easily be as simple as, "I have a firearm and I'm prepared to use it." I go by the military law enforcement training standard of the least amount of force necessary to reach the desired outcome and gain control of the situation. So, it's not that I would "rather" kill someone than wound them... I would rather them listen when they're told to stop, and it never have to turn physical at all... but, I would also rather be prepared to kill someone if it was necessary than to be the one that got killed bc I was attempting to aim at a target area that was too small for me to hit with the adrenaline flowing in a life or death situation.
@RyanRichardsToby Год назад
@@hellbillyrj4501 I just... I dunno... for a pistol I demand a revolver because in the military I know shit jams. The two loudest sound in the world are bang when you expect click and click when you expect bang. Revolvers simply do not jam. Given a revolver only (six shots none of these specialty revolvers that can hold 12 .22 bullets) then what would be your bullet of choice? Speaking of not jamming, I think that the AK is superior to the M16 that I was trained to use. Not jamming despite lack of care, and even covered in mud as their reputation suggests, I think that a weapon that doesn't jam is superior to any other unless you take pristine care of it. Funny story: After duty, we couldn't go home until our rifles were clean. I'd take mine into the shower to clean it, then just apply more oil to cover up that I washed it in the shower.
@hellbillyrj4501 Год назад
@@RyanRichardsToby For a revolver, I'm inclined to say something chambered in .357 mag personally bc of it's versatility; being able to shoot .357 mag, .38+P and .38 SPC. They're fairly common, easy to find, and very rarely are they ever included in any ammo shortages. Another one I'd say, for it's versatility, is The Judge by Taurus, capable of firing both .45 Colt and .410 shotgun shells. If you're only looking to get one gun, one of those would be my suggestion simply because of it's versatility, though I can't speak to practicality on The Judge, as I've never seen one in practice, only in theory.
@RyanRichardsToby Год назад
The point is that the Pope allows the Church to protect priests who abuse children. They cover them up, and even move them out of the country their in to protect them from the host nation's punishment for crimes against children laws. If the Pope doesn't let priests doing crimes against children face real justice then he's just as guilty as the rapist priest.
@pennicooke2277 Год назад
This is the first reaction of yours that I have watched and I’m sorry but I won’t be bothering again. You appeared to enjoy it just because of the foul language and seemed to completely miss the point. You didn’t actually react to it by making some intelligent observations or even acknowledging the obvious irony. That’s what was so entertaining and brilliantly clever, as Tim Minchin always is.
@aidanaigner2133 Год назад
Ur cool ash man fr
@russellhill7486 Год назад
Hope you have a gun at the ready in the jail shitter 😀
@russellhill7486 Год назад
And gay
@russellhill7486 Год назад
Guess you in jail now 😂😂😂
@russellhill7486 Год назад
Red neck at its best or worse
@russellhill7486 Год назад
@russellhill7486 Год назад
Stupid American
@russellhill7486 Год назад
@russellhill7486 Год назад
Jim Jeffries says hi 👋
@russellhill7486 Год назад
You should be banned from posting
@russellhill7486 Год назад
You are not in the real world
@davidboland11 Год назад
Turn your comments on for your gun control. You claim to not give a f@@k but you obviously do. on the gun control you fall into the 10% who was raged. You repeatedly said no1 will take your guns you will kill first. Not the brightest bulb you can shoot the government drones out the shy with a shotgun🤣🤣🤣🤣 your pissy shotgun wouldnt even reach a drone from ebay never mind the army's that literally fly over the clouds. Does so much more i want to say but seriously your just to dumb to take on criticism
@amandamills3205 Год назад
I cringed the whole time I watched your video for 5 minutes and left. I found myself going back to the video just to understand how ignorant some Americans are. Jim Jeffries is a comedian and your comments and views are ignorant. Get some education mate. In America you have the highest number of people killed and incarcerated, just as a starting point. Spend time with your kids before releasing crap or at least find the one you don’t.
@updem Год назад
Notice how he didn't respond to you. Lol.
It was a song that was dedicated to all of those who were gun down and lost their lives to law enforcement
He is not talking about hurting people
You ever have the cops pull you over pull your tags Off your car for a first time offense and take your license plate. Called my insurance company and,
@hellbillyrj4501 Год назад
Yeah... driving around with expired temp tags, they sure did. Was I pissed? A little bit, but was I wrong? Absolutely. If the tags had been legal I wouldn't have even been stopped. Crazy how that works when you don't give them a reason to fuck with you they don't fuck with you most of the time. Not all the time, because I've been pulled over by a black cop for driving while white in the wrong neighborhood, so I'm not saying racist motherfuckers don't exist, but what I'm saying is racism is racism, reverse racism is racism, this song is still racist at the end of the day. If I was the one singing this shit, as a white man, that should would be racist af... skin color don't mean dick bc racism is still just racism and you can't justify racism bc somebody was racist towards you...
@@hellbillyrj4501 My tags were legit
@hellbillyrj4501 Год назад
@@realnappyboytalkwithmarvin9883 sounds like you had the displeasure of dealing with a real piece of shit. Truth be told though, they’re everywhere; ever City, every state, every country, some where a badge and a gun some where a suit and tie some live in the backwoods, some in mansions, some in trap houses… some are white, some are black, some are Hispanic, middle eastern and Asian. Fact is, can’t blame everyone based on what they look like, the clothes they wear, or the way they talk… bc worthless pieces of shit come from every walk of life 🤷‍♂️
@thatnnutt3778 Год назад
You're an idiot for the Gun control video. Like blindly stupid. You seem like you snore the N word when you sleep.
@abigailsanchez7722 Год назад
This guy is a fool 😂😂😂😂😂
@abigailsanchez7722 Год назад
I don’t think this guy really owned guns (at least not legally) because he seems like he has some mental issues. If I am wrong and he does own guns….we’ll I hope he gets them taken away because he doesn’t seem stable enough.
@BabyNoah22 Год назад
Failed channel by a redneck uneducated loser. Get with reality you ghetto loser. You need to move away from that culture. This is the reason why your broke and killing yourself with cancer. It's a shame that you stew in your own shit while the world passes you bye and makes progress in society. Its a shame that most blacks and rednecks never moved away from an uneducated culture revolved around ignorance. Jeez bro.....some one get this guy a one way time travel trip so he can go back to the 1800's. Well suited for you.
@TopSpeedStudios Год назад
This uneducated wannabe white supremacist couldn't handle the hate and made up a sob story to get off RU-vid. Can't think of a better ending
@TheMarathonomahos Год назад
I'm still laughing at you turning off comments on gun control.. probably why no one watches you 🤣
@theaussieguy3371 Год назад
Fucking weakcant handle the truth
@theaussieguy3371 Год назад
I'm Your a week cunt turning off comments on the gun control video
@RyanRichardsToby Год назад
I once debated you about guns, and this USMC vet's hate of the 2nd. I just want to show you something that can draw us all together. Clint Eastwood put together a production of "America the Beautiful" led by Willie Nelson, and to include Axl Rose, Danny DeVito, Whoopi Goldberg, Reba MacIntire, Robin Williams, Stevie Wonder, Julia Roberts, Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Tom Cruz, and more. Let's enjoy this production of, "America the Beautiful" together: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_YByweuTSGU.html
@ambersmith5102 2 года назад
I wasn’t expecting that. Best reaction and interpretation of this video Iv seen. I loved the video an the song.
@eddielopez2373 2 года назад
Hope you’re well, bro. I like that flag in the background! Hah. Praying for you, man. There ain’t a chain in your life Jesus won’t break. Hell isn’t for you.
@rjmullinz2258 2 года назад
You lack the ability to "destroy" anyone verbally
@davidcoombes-pearce4533 2 года назад
You're not quite right.
@MOSCOWDEATH161 2 года назад
American Danny G from smethwick
@DaveFromEarth84 2 года назад
I understand why you turned the comments off in the gun control video, you are afraid for the comments. But dude, you must be or really stupid, or madly indoctrinated. I live in Europe. That is another part of the world where shootings just dont happen, because GUNS ARE ILLEGAL! And therefor i do not have to carry a gun to protect myself because is safe everywhere, all the time! Simply because there are no f*&king stupid patriotic b%@ches walking around with guns. The fact that you have to teach the children at school how to dodge bullets is seriously an insane thought over here! It is not healty.
@blake8631 2 года назад
🤘 video makes it a lil more agreeable..