Profiling Africa through People, Politics & Culture
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No Room For Homosexuality In Ghana
4 месяца назад
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@normanmckee5959 День назад
How do I purchase your book?
@Ayipe 4 дня назад
Greedy n dishonest people that's the reason everything is so expensive.
@Kalagenesis 10 дней назад
Why is a white man with a sister in your video?
@beautifullyhealedroses 13 дней назад
I would never move to Ghana because of the corruption and greed amongst the people. And I'm not blaming them it's the political system - too corrupt.
@banditkitty2743 15 дней назад
And America wants to share her mental and spiritual illness with you. Do not accept anything from this cursed place. Revelation 18:2-4 [2] And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. [3] For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. [4] And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
@japa9958 16 дней назад
It's cheaper to keep her. 😁
@Muusaah-xt4fm 23 дня назад
Bro you cant move from the states to tell us that its overrated.if you cant afford dont.....
@evagorgonio3737 25 дней назад
Must think positive if you have money little bit must savings for emergency
@nanakonadu- 29 дней назад
Overrated by who exactly ?? You.
@sewahakoto5825 Месяц назад
Great interview, well done for writing the book which personally i think will help even Ghanaians living abroad or born abroad. Is it on Amazon?
@jameilsanders1492 Месяц назад
entrepreneurial spirit is needed . find a problem and create and be the solution andcget paid for it.
@jameilsanders1492 Месяц назад
they also have plugs that can convert and protect your appliances as well.
@jameilsanders1492 Месяц назад
Accra is expensive but Kumasi is 50% cheaper.
@makoriasati4980 Месяц назад
*Africa is still colonized.* During slavery and to date plantation owners kept and keep slaves. The big plantations of Africa are still in the hands of slave masters. From the big farming land for agriculture especially in Kenya, Azania, Namibia and others. The other plantations of mineral blocks for oil, gold and other minerals are still owned by Europeans. The industrial production is owned by Europeans, Indians, Japanese and Chinese. Africa never got independence because the black skinned Europeans took control, the one Frantz Fanon refers to as "Black Skin White Masks" Most African Leeches not Leaders, are recruits of either CIA, British and French secret agencies. Who have nurtured them, both financially and "academically" brain washing and supported them to enter into Either political, Financial or military leadership. Most of the people who control Africa are answerable to foreign masters in Washington, London or Paris. It has been said that former prime minister of India Morarji Desai was a CIA agent in their pay roll since when he was a junior government officer. That one tells us that many of the Africans at the top are paid foreign agents! Who are sabotaging African development by the deliberate policies they implement, developed out of the continent. In Kenya and other African countries, the Sons and daughters of former homeguards, continue to weld a lot of political and economic power. We must reform our leadership structures, Money politics in the name of Demoncracy is destroying the continent. We must reform the education systems and stop the Mis-Education of the Negroe, Carter Woodson. We must reform our economies to cater for all. Religion is a problem now, in divide and rule, but soon it will fizzle out, it will continue to follow the downward trends it has taken all over the world.
@garthmanuel5701 Месяц назад
moving during pandemic is crazy.... its gonna take a while for the countries to pick up..
@JessyDoesTravel Месяц назад
As someone who currently lives in Accra, It’s important to see and understand both sides of
@jeremiahmccray2924 Месяц назад
Is Ghana safe for Americans
@arlusterpenn6019 Месяц назад
Everything he said made me glad i live in the US🇺🇸
@edwingross9778 Месяц назад
Trust me it's overated and not up to par as far as great living conditions with, open drains, bad roads, to many unpaved roads, to much trash on the streets, the drainage system is clogged up with plastic trash which causes the water to not drain well and have bad odors with water not moving. And Marlaria issues. Plus way to many structures not completed.
@eigentlichtoll02 Месяц назад
I believe in this man from what he says... Without ego he simply tries to explain that democracy might be temporarily inadequate under the given conditions. And whether it is or not: his arguments are pensive, self-reflecting, considered pro and contra and are free from hate, self-glorification or self-victimization.
@zzzman89ify Месяц назад
@IvyProsper Месяц назад
I'm getting new notifications on this video and thinking it's a brand new channel only to find Ondiro has rebranded to a new name
@CamalaThomas Месяц назад
@kuyahkudey3217 2 месяца назад
I think you need to change the time when you post your videos. You may want to post your vides the same time of day when you post for the Diasporan channel. I am saying this because I live in Jamaica and I never get a notification for your videos and I think it's because of the time when they are posted. I think most of the audience for the Diasporan.
@44323322K 2 месяца назад
I would buy some property instead of spending it on rent.
@ronaldwhitfield7725 2 месяца назад
You go for young Sister. Go be the journalist that you are. Africans around the world need a good, sincere journalists like you that report the facts. ❤🖤💚
@robrigogilmoresr4831 2 месяца назад
Yeshua is coming back soon repent repent except Jesus as your lord and personal savior repent if you reject Jesus you accept the mark of the beast which is the digital ID so repent please These are the last days we're going to be seeing demons specially when Jesus comes back for his true church the one that's serving him through the Bible through the love of Christ Spread spread abroad the church is going to go up and demons are coming straight down we're talking about 9:10 15 ft demons chasing people there's going to be cannibalism floods in the military personnel are going to be dressed in bulletproof settings going to house the house snatching people out of their houses and putting Christians and Guillotines cuz they don't announce Christ and they want everyone to receive the microchip the mark of the beast the problem is that the world is going through Earth Pains of the Bible States and waiting for the man of lawlessness which is the Antichrist because the world is going through chaos and they looking for that one later to take over the world's problem which is going to be the false Messiah what's the price and then as soon as Jesus snatched the church is going to be 7 years of tribulation the great tribulations that's when many many many many people are going to come to Christ the ones that were serving Christ half-hearted and then there's going to be a lot of chaos it's going to be a drought flood the Locust is already here they came yesterday billions of them and that's biblical also the river's red the moon was red what does biblical also think about the sacrifice the red heifers that was transferred from Texas to Jerusalem biblical prophecies being followed in a truth as you have little time to repent and turn from your sins Yeshua is coming back soon repent repent except Jesus as your lord and personal savior repent if you reject Jesus you accept the mark of the beast which is the digital ID so repent please repent the kingdom of God is at hand repent repent for God wants to show you more than life everyone's going to hear the trumpet sound then the Earth's going to crack open and then the dead in Christ is going to rise and then we are going to get caught up the church that is Donald Trump is going to be the president and him and his son-in-law Jerry Kushner and the prince Saudi like the book of Daniels Express the Saudi Prince is going to be the prince that makes the Covenant with Israel and Donald Trump's going to break the Covenant because of business tides and it's a billion-dollar business peace plan and that's what is Israel is waiting on that's why he keeps turning down peace plans and ceasefires cuz he's waiting on Donald Trump and he's going to make a big mess because he's going to get Iran really really ticked off so here's the deal about making America great again Donald Trump is going to make America at military state every place is riding in the United States is ran over with all the immigrants and it's going to be the four Horsemen's that's going to start taking places Jesus is coming back soon the church is going up and demons are coming down and it's going to be a chaotic moment because Donald Trump is going to tear this country apart he's the Antichrist and then King Charles was going to come into play with the New Order the Pope's going to come with the One World Government in the peace Covenant climate does Saudi Prince and and Donald Trump is going to make a new law including what the WEF and King Charles Hello Aaron God a min Anyways Yeshua is coming back soon repent repent except Jesus as your lord and personal savior repent if you reject Jesus you accept the mark of the beast which is the digital ID so repent please repent the kingdom of God is at hand repent repentBut it gets worse than that Jesus coming back for his church the one that choosing to live the board of God the Bible when the church goes up demons are coming down it's going to be a big flood the government's going to say the aliens came but that's not the truth they are real demons for 7 years of tribulations God's judgment please repeat that Anyways Yeshua is coming back soon repent repent except Jesus as your lord and personal savior repent if you reject Jesus you accept the mark of the beast which is the digital ID so repent please repent the kingdom of God is at handRepent while there's still time The Kingdom of God is at hand!!! #GoWithGod #finishstrong Donald Trump is going to be the president and him and his son-in-law Jerry Kushner and the prince Saudi like the book of Daniels Express the Saudi Prince is going to be the prince that makes the Covenant with Israel and Donald Trump's going to break the Covenant because of business tides and it's a billion-dollar business peace plan and that's what is Israel is waiting on that's why he keeps turning down peace plans and ceasefires cuz he's waiting on Donald Trump and he's going to make a big mess because he's going to get Iran really really ticked off so here's the deal about making America great again Donald Trump is going to make America at military state every place is riding in the United States is ran over with all the immigrants and it's going to be the four Horsemen's that's going to start taking places Jesus is coming back soon the church is going up and demons are coming down and it's going to be a chaotic moment because Donald Trump is going to tear this country apart he's the Antichrist and then King Charles was going to come into play with the New Order the Pope's going to come with the One World Government in the peace Covenant climate does Saudi Prince and and Donald Trump is going to make a new law including what the WEF and King Charles Hello Aaron God a min Anyways Yeshua is coming back soon repent repent except Jesus as your lord and personal savior repent if you reject Jesus you accept the mark of the beast which is the digital ID so repent please repent the kingdom of God is at hand repent repent But it gets worse than that Jesus coming back for his church the one that choosing to live the board of God the Bible when the church goes up demons are coming down it's going to be a big flood the government's going to say the aliens came but that's not the truth they are real demons for 7 years of tribulations God's judgment please repeat that Anyways Yeshua is coming back soon repent repent except Jesus as your lord and personal savior repent if you reject Jesus you accept the mark of the beast which is the digital ID so repent please repent the kingdom of God is at handRepent while there's still time The Kingdom of God is at hand!!! #GoWithGod #finishstrong
@robrigogilmoresr4831 2 месяца назад
Lord willing I'll be published in my book if Christ doesn't come back this year I will be fighting for you all in my book my book is called Merc City Gutz & Glory Series 1
@robrigogilmoresr4831 2 месяца назад
I'm sorry for the ignorance of my country America is just so naive in times Yeshua is coming back soon repent repent except Jesus as your lord and personal savior repent if you reject Jesus you accept the mark of the beast which is the digital ID so repent please repent the kingdom of God is at hand repent repent
@dumashange7558 2 месяца назад
Congratulations Ghana !!!!
@dumashange7558 2 месяца назад
Lgbtq, ABA !!!!
@obrightmanemyotabor9358 2 месяца назад
How much is salary in Accra that rents are like the ones in the western world?
@paulclark-ef3ll 2 месяца назад
Needs a pronunciation guide
@beatriceowusuachaw6210 2 месяца назад
They said Steve has done his citizenship hurrah in fact people are beginning to believe Africa is peaceful
@beatriceowusuachaw6210 2 месяца назад
God is faithful and alive
@akorfaaisha7562 2 месяца назад
@hybridinfodesk409 2 месяца назад
I wouldn't do it. In Egypt, 1 month's rent and a deposit. You can rent for a year or shorter time. THAT'S A SCAM AND HUSTLE. GO TO ANOTHER MORE CIVILIZED COUNTRY.
@deron1390 2 месяца назад
African Americans are the only people that move to Africa without a plan, Europeans and Asians always seem to thrive when they move to African countries.
@ochosinco9275 2 месяца назад
Respect anyone standing up for themselves and there country. Don’t blame any blacks for wanting majority rule. Stand up against China also 🤙
@kwasisomuah1233 2 месяца назад
Hi my sister God bless you for what’s you doing
@noneedtoknow6098 2 месяца назад
America must lead by example & bend for Ghana 🤣
@megatronDelaMusa 2 месяца назад
Serwaa has the breasts of traders
@megatronDelaMusa 2 месяца назад
Serwaa is a cult.......adora
@linzerwright4378 2 месяца назад
@AlexanderNhyirabaAsante 2 месяца назад
As painful as the truth may be it's much costly to live in Ghana. It's a good video.
@paajoeokofrobour8837 2 месяца назад
great story
@sourcestvghuk9897 2 месяца назад
Dorkono in Jamaica 🇯🇲 is the same as Dorkono In Ghana 🇬🇭 ❤❤
@ntarugeranicholas3988 2 месяца назад
Peof .you really told Africans the truth but they will never hear you because they ate blind
@linzerwright4378 2 месяца назад
GOD this is not HOLY... It is Wickness..
@linzerwright4378 2 месяца назад
AFRCIAN PEOPLES have their beliefs and laws against homosexual and Same-sex which is SIN against GOD... Am not for this LGBT... Many diseases will plague the land from sexual immorality and Wickness and Sin.. as an African woman, am support with your answers. This will protect the Children,,,, .
@diaaahmed6734 2 месяца назад
Lord of war ABI Ahmed biggest war criminal in Africa provide advice because nobody speak about kill 6000000 tigrian by ABI Ahmed and his dolders