Welcome to PCSAO's RU-vid Channel! Public Children Services Association of Ohio is a membership-driven association of Ohio’s county Public Children Services Agencies that advocates for and promotes child protection program excellence and sound public policy for safe children, stable families, and supportive communities.
@susanb2015 3 месяца назад
None of the people on hete are real CPS workers.
@susanb2015 3 месяца назад
They get Money for adopting children out instead of Keeping Families Together. One video about what CPS does - Cash 4 Kids: Senator Nancy Schaefer.
@aliglo333 4 месяца назад
So many people here hate these workers & victimize the parent but until you have witnessed the horrors of abuse you can only judge from your side of the victimhood. You wouldnt last a day in this field nor would you believe that only by GODS strength & having my own therapist am I able to handle the things Ive seen. We dont do this to be patted on the back we do this to save a child from abuse and/or to help the parent keep their child in the home. We dont get paid enough to go around snatching kids & the documentation paperwork & hrs dont add up! We would much rather not have to go thru that its very stressful but so rewarding when we can keep at least one child alive
@aliglo333 4 месяца назад
Its so ironic how the blame is ALWAYS placed on the worker and ALL parents are perfect UNTIL a child dies then its "where was CPS?" Do you want intervention & prevention or NOT? The ONLY way a case is created is because there was an open investigation made. If nothing is found nothing is done case closed but no one talks about that! If you are only looking at this from a victim mentality then there would never be justice in your eyes. You have no idea the horrors that happen behind closed doors until you walk through one
@michaelbabb4947 6 месяцев назад
This video is total bullsh*t. These “people” are evil as hell. Hi 👋 Jessie Werlinger (Clay County MN CPS)
@buttersbunnybuns3406 10 месяцев назад
Bullshit you’re a liar that’s not your mission. Your mission is to break up families tear them apart. That’s what y’all do.
@barryshackelford6549 Год назад
What state criminals look like.
@nuclearknight8543 Год назад
All CPS does is ruin families lives and children’s lives. I was a victim of CPS not of my family. I went through all kinds of crazy stuff in my childhood and most of that was because of CPS it affected my ability growing into an adult to be able to form relationships with family members coworkers and love interests it made me terrified of women because women would abuse me in these foster homes CPS is nothing but a bunch of jackbooted thugs yo you shady tactics to destroy families don’t want there to help families y’all are only there to take children away from families
@jamespennington8362 2 года назад
You kidnap children. Me and my 2 brothers was kidnapped by your employer. You can fuck yourself
@Jonnie_Tha_Junglist 2 года назад
your agency is corrupt.. taking children from loving parents and pretending to be seperate from the state court syatem.. i understand there are ppl that abuse children and they need to be delt with .. im a victim of cyf lieing musrepresemting facts . and every person that stays quiet when they witness a fellow state employee infringe on rights of the people they swore an oath to protect. their failure to act make them a crimminal. if cyf is a state agency ans the court is a state court and everyome in the courtroom livelyhood relies on the same state. how can i walk in and expect a fair and unbiasd meanimgfull hearing .. take children with 0 evidence of abuse or neglect. writeing deceptive court paperwork ... when u know enough about the law that you can clearly see the lies and manipulation it is of the utmost offense. cyf took my child from a loving father and placed him in a place whete he was sexually abused by an adult and a teenager .. they have not protected my son they have causes my son to be phyaically sexually amd mentally abused.. u can say u are just doing your job but u have knowingly chosen to do a job that is immoral. . dont intervene unless u have evidence of abuse or neglect . without that you are nothing more than a kidknapper..
@duanenichols8666 2 года назад
They steal kids with no right for the parents to face their accuser ,speedy trial,and jury trial that's the big one a jury trial the main constitutional right violated they want the public to believe their lies about the parents but simultaneously if they don't have jury trails then they think the public is too stupid to be a jury or they wanna hide lies from everyone they can pardon Jody Herring Andrew Sucher and Benjamin Reed defenders of American children
@nanardene6842 2 года назад
2tfig vur.fyi
@user-cz9rq3xf5y 2 года назад
Where I'm from it's called Child and Family Services (CFS), after graduating with my bachelors degree I started working as a Case Manager with a local CFS where I'm from, terrible experience for me, most of our cases were bullshit, taking children from their beloved homes and families over something small and easily fixable was not what I signed up for and envisioned what it would be like, although I must acknowledge some of the cases I worked with were legit and still traumatic for me, I worked as a Case Manager for 6 years and most of that time I tried looking for other jobs not related to social work but no one would hire me, well I guess they wouldnt want a former CFS worker working with them do they?, but I eventually found a job with a non profit organization that focuses primarily on child welfare advocacy and family support, I work as a Assistant Chief Administrator there, I mainly supervise Program Leads and employees, take over their jobs when needed, and other administration work, it's been 3 years working with them and I am grateful for the opportunity to work against the child welfare system and provide support to families who are deeply affect by this terrible system that we have.
@georgepryor639 2 года назад
It's nice to see someone from this system that is at least telling some truths about what it actually is. In my area cps is so corrupt that no family stands a chance.
@vicki3671 2 года назад
# kids for profit!! RIP Nancy Schaefers.
@vicki3671 2 года назад
Do you know of any advocacy that need volunteers in Ohio?
@user-rt9hv4cf1v 7 месяцев назад
Im so sorry, you are so right
@user-rt9hv4cf1v 7 месяцев назад
Tell me how i find an agency to advocate girls who deal with these ppl
@sarahspears9655 3 года назад
This video makes me sick. Kidnappers.
@lt3228 3 года назад
Heroes????? I stopped there.
@ladyblindwolf1490 4 года назад
So i must ask if removing children is so tramatic to remove kids then why are there so many videos of caseworkers smirking laughing during child removals on this platform
@darrylking2500 4 года назад
Never trust Them SOBs The System is Fuck up an they keep on Pulling Stunts of taking kids.Its No wonder Why Some of them Homewreckers Die Invading People's Right Nothing they Do impress Me They're like Toilets Full of Shitttttt with No Repercussions when they Fail That's what Makes It Sicking.
@pawan4815 4 года назад
for CPS a child is a customer till child is in their custody they will get mony.
@MyLevelheaded 4 года назад
@Rebecca-qn4ux 4 года назад
www.SpiritualHealingForChildren.com Buy my book for children if you really want to help them! “Spiritual Healing for Children in Foster Care: Love and Forgiveness” Ruby Judah
@melaniecianci9734 5 лет назад
They are definitely not heros that's why society doesn't treat them as such
@youcanlearnsomethingjustli38 5 лет назад
They fucking lie to kidnap kids! Literally! Dumb bitches didn't Kno I had proof when they kidnapped my newborn, I immediately got her back! Their aim is to take your children, make no mistake about it. They are not your friends, they dont give a shit about how they traumatize you and your kids...and yes, Franklin county! Mother fuckers lie all the time, intimidate you if you don't know your rights and willing to stand up to them. If they come knocking, ignore them all together! Once you open the door and start speaking you'll regret it.
@CoCojoy420 5 лет назад
I got a challenge to all you, BITCHES#dcfcs. The Constitution read that article. Are you smarter then a 5th grader???, me thinks not
@CoCojoy420 5 лет назад
Dont even have to watch, unscripted, is the word you described your day to day job. FIND JESUS.
@aliglo333 4 месяца назад
You should try praying for them 🙏🏾 not every worker is doing it for the whopping income ....a whole 38k a yr woo hoo some of us are workers for GOD trying to save lives
@MarijuanaCannibis 5 лет назад
How's this evidence of ESL disability being exploited
@MarijuanaCannibis 5 лет назад
How's this evidence of ESL disability being exploited
@MarijuanaCannibis 5 лет назад
Fuck you you horrible trauma causing paid goons
@joyceyoungblood7927 5 лет назад
They dont care about abused kids. They leave them with abusive families because they are damaged and harder to adopt out. The want normal healthy kids they can steal and make money off of adopting them out! They get bonuses at the end of the year for children they have removed from homes and successfully adopted out! This is a propaganda film full of lies!
@alohaazzie8462 4 года назад
Joyce Youngblood that literally doesn’t happen but ok
@hopelove6658 4 года назад
This is a total lie. There are NO bonuses. You are insane
@vickichaney7806 5 лет назад
Every person who has ever worked for cps/DHR should rot in hell or prison. Legalized kidnapping that's what you do.
@calmclover3797 2 года назад
I've been abused so I'm going to get neglected kids out of bad homes so I dont think I'll be a bad person
@codyday1275 5 лет назад
If you have done any of these things as a parent, If I were a Case Worker, I would deem you UNFIT and take away your parental rights, this is coming from a child of abusers.: 1. Have ever A. Hit your child with a CLOSED FIST or B. Hit your child OUT OF ANGER (NOT AS A PUNISHMENT/DISIPLINE) on more than one occasion, or currently do either A or B = Temporary suspension of your Parental Rights 2. Have ever BURNED, CUT, BROKE SKIN/CAUSED BLEEDING, LEFT BRUISES/MARKS, PUNCHED, or WEILDED A WEAPON toward your child INTENTIONALLY/IN AN AGRESSIVE FASHION, = Temporary Suspension of Your Parental Rights 3. Have ever exposed your genitalia or and ¨Private Parts¨ to your child, even if not in a sexual way (Only exception is a lesson on human anatomy and body parts, and ONLY IF THE CHILD ASKS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THE BODY) otherwise , =Further investigation/Parenting classes. 4. Have ever HELD YOUR CHILD DOWN AGAINST THE FLOOR/WALL in a RESTRAINING FASHION as a PUNISHMENT, or TO CAUSE INTIMIDATION (ONLY EXCEPTION IS TO RESTRAIN CHILD FROM HURTING YOU, THEMSELVES, OR SOMEONE ELSE). Otherwise= Further Investigation/ Parenting Classes. 5. Have ever FLUNG, SPIT, RUBBED, ETC or made them EAT ANY BODILY FLUIDS (BLOOD, SALIVA, URINE, SEMEN, PUKE, ETC.) INTENTIONALLY = FULL SUSPENTION OF RIGHTS 6. Have ever PUSHED, SHOVED, TRIPPED ETC. your child because you thought it was FUNNY, AMUSING, or in an INTIMIDATING WAY or even as a PUNISHMENT= Temporary suspension of rights. 7.Have ever BEAT your child with A BELT, PIPE, TREE BRANCH, or ANY OTHER WEAPON/UTENSIL even as a PUNISHMENT= temporary suspension of parental rights 8.Have ever LEFT YOUR CHILD ALONE FOR ANY EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME WHILE THEY WERE UNFIT/UNABLE TO TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES or at a YOUNG AGE= Temporary Suspension of rights. 9. Have ever EXPOSED YOUR CHILD TO GRAPHIC, SEXUAL, or GORY MEDIA (MOVIES, TV, MAGAZINES) UNSUITABLE FOR THEIR AGE RANGE, = Parenting Classes 10. Have ever FOUGHT WITH YOUR PARTNER OR ANYONE ELSE PHYSICALLY OR OTHERWISE IN FRONT OF YOUR CHILD, AT A YOUNG/ NON SUITABLE AGE = Temporary suspension/Parenting classes (YOU WOULDN¨T BELIEVE HOW MUCH DAMAGE EVEN VERBAL FIGHTING CAN DAMAGE A CHILD!) THAT IS TEN I COUlD THINK OF, PLEASE ADD YOUR OWN/ ARGUE WITH ME WHY I AM WRONG!! If you have done any of these as a parent, you need to look at yourself for a long while! I want to know other people¨s opinions!!!
@Jonnie_Tha_Junglist 2 года назад
ive done none of these and they took my child .. i agree with you 100%
@codyday1275 5 лет назад
Speaking as someone who suffered from physical, mental, and emotional abuse from both my parents DAILY for a good 13-14 YEARS, and now have Complex PTSD and anxiety and depression from it, if I was a Social Worker and thought that the parents are not fit to raise their children/child and were abusing/neglecting them, I would have NO PROBLEM, (NONE) with taking away their parental rights and awarding the Kids to the State! I know some caseworkers are not the best, but most are amazing. Their JOB is to evaluate whether the children would be better off with their parents, or better off somewhere else. Sometimes NO PARENTS is better than ABUSIVE parents. Believe me, I should know! And most abusive or neglecting parents are just still immature and put themselves and their lives and needs before their children. What I say to parents like that is "Nope, you CANNOT have a seperate life without your children. Once you had that child, your life is basically OVER, now it is ¨OUR¨ LIfe, You and your child from now on! IF you still wanted a free life to do what you want, you shouldn´t have gotten pregnatnt/had an abortion. Because if you are putting yourself before your children, you are UNFIT to be a parent. NOW, I am not saying that this is all the parent´s fault. Sometimes they just don´t know HOW to parent well. In this case most times Case Workers reccomend parenting classes. IF you REFUSE these classes, you are UNFIT to parent your children, because above all, you should be doing EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER to be the best for them, or at least keep custody of them, RIGHT? And I¨m not even talking about parents with drug/alcohol addictions. Those are a completely different story, and if I were a social worker, and if both parents had a problem with substance abuse, that would be an AUTOMATIC SUSPENSION of the parent´s rights especially if the parent(s) were agressive and hostile while using. But I would probably try to award custody to someone like and aunt or grandmother first to give the parents time to maybe clean up their act. Maybe I don´t know what im talking about, but I think I have to know at least a little, seeing as though I LIVED IT, right? Please leave comments on your point of view, so I can know what other people think! Thanks!
@georgepryor639 2 года назад
I was an abused child as well but that doesn't mean I support what these corrupt cps agencies are doing. Yes abused kids need help but I don't think you quite understand what cps is all about anymore. It's not about the children at all. It's a money making business that does not care about children . These workers are taking kids from good homes and they are getting away with lying to courts to do it. Most are not even a government agency but a private company that is funded by our government. You have absolutely no rights when it comes to cps. It's one of the most unconditional systems we have and it's the children that are paying for it.
@miley3059 2 года назад
You were probably still better off in your parents care then the states! I’m sorry you went through that but they take kids from loving families that fight like hell to get them back. Who knows where you would have ended up! It is BS!!!!!
@vicki3671 2 года назад
Not when they place a child with raging alcoholics!!
@michaelt.sanchez1682 5 лет назад
They work long hours. So who in the fuck are are watching yalls kids when your on the streets
@shortsign 6 лет назад
@welikegoodies 6 лет назад
@melaniecianci9734 5 лет назад
Omg you are so right
@blainekristin6290 6 лет назад
What about the trauma you inflict on the children? On the family? I can't for the life of me understand why, if you truly care about children, do you rip kids from non-abusive parents, their schools, their churches, their families and their communities? These children are removed from loving parents, for stupid reasons like the "possibility of future emotional neglect". What is emotional neglect? Is it, or is it not subjective? Basically dependent on the bias of the individual case worker. All this is done in the name of "the best interests of the children"? Who do you really think has the children's best interests at heart? Their parents, the ones accused of bogus acts of abuse and neglect, or strangers that run kiddie mills purely for monetary gain? Strangers that neither love nor have an emotional investment in these children. It's statistically proven, that children in foster care are more than 60% more likely to be physically, emotionally and sexually abused, or to risk fatality. Why is nearly the entire population of children "in care" placed on hard core, off label, psychotropic medications, regardless of history of mental illness? Why do you not hold the fostering families to the same or higher standards than birth families? Why do you overwhelmingly ignore reports of abuse from foster kids against foster parents? If you do anything, it's placement of the child elsewhere, while leaving remaining vunerable children in the hands of these sickos. Why do you leave severely abused and neglected children in the home with their abusers? Why is there a staggering amount of fatalities and missing children when taken "in to care"? Why is the removal of children from biological families financially incentivised? Why is it overwhelmingly the first resort vs. the last when removing children? Why are more taxpayer dollars given for each "special needs child" (meaning custodians receive more money for each psychotropic drug and/or mental health dx)? Why do so many older and minority kids die at the hands of their abusers, while there is an open CPS investigation with easily founded abuse? Why do parents that have their cases tried, and are ruled unfounded, still see their kids taken, and reunification (in rare cases) dragged out far beyond any reasonable time frame? Why are so many babies being taken at birth, before a parent would have even had a chance to abuse/neglect them? Why is the time frame for severing parental rights of infants much shorter than older children? Why are these babies being forcibly adopted out, in closed adoptions nonetheless, when the parents have done nothing wrong, and have never been charged with any crime? For that matter, why are none of these so-called abusive or negligent parents ever charged with a crime, giving them the opportunity to be judged by a jury of their peers, vs. the secretive, shady, totally corrupt, family courts? Why are parents that have had their children wrongfully taken, given gag orders to protect the department, not the interests of the family? Why have so many cases of perjury and falsification of legal documents, been brought to the attention of the public lately? Why do case workers believe they are allowed to fabricate evidence, in order to wrongfully take someone's children (exerpt from supreme court case Hardwick vs. Vreeken): Using taxpayer funds, government officials in Orange County have spent the last 16 years arguing the most absurd legal proposition in the entire nation: How could social workers have not known it was wrong to lie, falsify records and hide exculpatory evidence in 2000 so that a judge would forcibly take two young daughters from their mother for six-and-a-half years? County officials are paying Lynberg & Watkins, a private Southern California law firm specializing in defending cops in excessive force lawsuits, untold sums to claim the social workers couldn’t have “clearly” known that dishonesty wasn’t acceptable in court and, as a back up, even if they did know, they should enjoy immunity for their misdeeds because they were government employees. I could go on about these heinous acts all day. A few months ago, I watched a horrendous injustice occurring to two parents in California. I truly thought it was an isolated incident. They took their baby because they sought a second medical opinion (baby Sammy). I started researching independently, and found this is far from uncommon. At this point, I believe CPS is so corrupt, it's probably beyond reform. Government funding should be pulled ASAP. Only 11% of the roughly million children displaced annually by CPS, are actually taken for actual abuse. The rest are cases reported annonamously, and the kids were taken not for neglect, but "risk of" future neglect. The parents then lose everything they have spinning their wheels in these secret, corrupt family courts, and a great percentage do not get them back, innocent or not. Many of these parents sit helpless, as their children relay and show physical proof of abuse in their foster home. If the parent speaks up, and reports the abuse, they are considered to be spiteful and labled as difficult.They can't do a damn thing to help or comfort their children, because they are instructed not to tell them they love them, or show any emotion. They are told that if they should cry in front of the kids, they run the risk of losing visitation completely, and many do. They are not even allowed to tell them they are doing everything in their power to get them back, and that they are fighting for them in court. If someone would have told me these things a few months ago, I would have defended CPS as an absolutely necessary agency, and I would have sighted that there had to have been some wrongdoing on the parents part. Now that I've watched more than 100 recorded interactions with CPS, almost the same amount of news report coverage, and countless documentaries, my actual soul feels sick. I KNOW there are well meaning Social Workers that are genuinely good people. But these people that actually have a heart, are treated unfairly, or they resign, thus the unbelievably high turnover rate for CPS employees. With that being said, I also know that a vast majority are driven by greed, and drunk on their perceived power. I am educating myself, and I suggest the rest of the public do so as well. We need CPS reform/termination, like yesterday. The police can investigate alleged abuse, bring charges on the parents if necessary, and hold people accountable for making malicious false police reports. Parental rights should NEVER be severed by a judge alone, and in some cases just a magistrate without proper training. These magistrates hear and rule on these cases, always siding with CPS, to protect their careers, should something happen, regardless of how minute the chance is. Parental termination cases should be held before a jury of the parents peers, should they wish. I highly doubt any jury would remove/terminate rights for the slim chance of possible future emotional neglect (again, whatever that is). Rights are terminated for these flimsy, nonsensical reasons all the time in these secret family courts. The public is mostly unaware of these injustices, because the cases are shrouded in secracy, even if a parent consents to release of information. Nobody is held accountable, everyone has implied immunity, and all parties profit whether it's the guardian ad litem, case worker, psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, attorneys for the state, state's expert witnesses, foster parents, group homes etc. Sadly, in some cases this includes court appointed lawyers for the parents, and there is definitely suspicion of kickbacks towards the very institutions they send parents and children for these mandated psych evaluations. Not to mention the role played by big pharma, basically using foster kids in drug trials. Nobody from the state benefits from family reunification. Out of home placement = job security, and big bonuses for those in charge. Each year they have to justify the need for more funds, and each year more children are taken from their biological families, for that justification. Even though founded child abuse has been on a steady decline. I am going to stop now, I just want to know how you monsters sleep at night?
@irunwithscissors1094 6 лет назад
they have no conscience, so they sleep very well.
@youcanlearnsomethingjustli38 5 лет назад
They get incentives for each child adopted out.
@hopelove6658 4 года назад
I AM a social worker in the foster system. I DO NOT get a good wage, I work 12 hours a day ALOT and I answer phone calls even on my days off because I CARE. I agree it is a broken system. I see MANY MANY things that are wrong. There are TOO many kids per worker. I have NEVER lied on a court report and I work my butt off to make sure that kids/families are reunited at the expense of my own children. It's the court system that is the problem. We do not write the police reports and I certainly do not have any authority over sending kids home. I am empathetic and I cry ALL the time AND spend most of my nights worrying about not only the kids but their families as well because I care. What needs to happen is that there should be a complete overhaul of the system. They should hire ONE worker for 10 kids, not 35. There is no way in hell that I can devote the time to each child. We are frustrated, exhausted and sad. We are not bad guys. My heart hurts right along with the families. Many of us actually care. I am a human being too trying to make a difference because I was raised in foster care. You cant label everyone. Label and judge the system, the court and some of the lazy judges but not me and my coworkers at my office who bust our asses everyday to try to make things better.
@hopelove6658 4 года назад
@@youcanlearnsomethingjustli38 not true at all. That is a lie.
@blainekristin6290 3 года назад
@Ashley McCullough I’m a Fraud investigator for DSS.
@kaceypowell2881 6 лет назад
Case workers are needed to protect children who can not protect themselves! It a hard job but absolutely necessary. You must have empathy, strength, great observations skills, and intuition. That's what makes a great case worker!
@irunwithscissors1094 6 лет назад
You forgot to mention education, and training. Unfortunately, what you mentioned is just like a unicorn... sounds awesome hope you get to encounter one, but sounds more like a Fantasy. Question? don't you think all social workers should be good? Case workers are needed to prevent the deaths, molestation, and real abuse when removed from parents into foster care. What happens to the empathy, strength, and observation skills then?
@casperblackcat1975 5 лет назад
Goodness me I don't whether to wet myself laughing after reading your comment of throw something at my PC screen few case workers care about the kids & many of them don't even have qualifications In social work, I was In 3 foster homes In Australia & I was abused In my third home when my parents tried to report this they were ignored & DHS (Department Of Human Services) tried to make my mother sign papers to put me up for adoption all the while she was on 4 different kinds of medication to control epileptic seizures. Kids should only be removed from the home as a last resort & not for the most stupid reason & before being placed In a foster home a living relative should be found first at least the child knows them & the removal would not be so traumatic.
@georgepryor639 2 года назад
If the system worked the way it should I might half agree with you but as most of us have found out the hard way IT DOESN'T. If you really cared about this issue then you would go searching for the facts and not base your opinion just by an experience that you see as good. I'm curious to know why you think so many parents are complaining about cps corruption. Do you think we are all just angry parents who have an axe to to grind? Parents all over the world are complaining about the same exact problems so do you think that's a coincidence? Our federal government gives these agencies so much money for every child they take and when money like that is involved you don't see what's driving them to be so corrupt? I'm not trying to be mean. I just want you to look at things objectively . Is there a need go have something in place for children who are really being abused ? ABSOLUTELY! Is that something cps? NO!!! They have abused innocent families long enough. They either need to be completely reformed or just abolished and we need to start from scratch.
@forhonor2k Год назад
They have no empathy and the police could handle this job without these horrible people so many baby's die in there custody it's because there's no actual love for them
@mattthecat9576 6 лет назад
I knew someone years ago who hated CPS workers so much that at night he would go to their offices & urinate all over their 'Kidnap Cars'. He made sure to cover the driver's door handle.
@questioningeverything4200 6 лет назад
Yeah We Get paid a giant bonus to rip kids out of family’s homes , and if I feel someone has an attitude I may take their kids from them ahha bullshit
@maryshaffer8474 6 лет назад
I'd rather be an adult protection worker.
@princessdafiyah896 5 лет назад
@spiceyfood52 well the money is good
@Fleurbunny 6 лет назад
Awwh, are the poor 'heroes' all traumatised from having to take children away from their natural families?? My heart just breaks for these poor kidnappers...🤦🏻‍♀️🖕🏻
@theonewiththecrazyidk8413 3 года назад
OkAy my best friend is being abused and because cps won’t do shit the can’t get out. So yea cps is needed it’s traumatic to watch him talk about jumping off a bridge. It is difficult to go to the police because your friend sent you a letter about how he will be dead by dawn cause of his dad
@surelooksresourceful6032 Год назад
Some caseworkers neglect real abuse until the kids end up dead. I’m sorry. I hope your friend gets the help they need. ​@@theonewiththecrazyidk8413
@tarrimount1409 6 лет назад
I was a foster child in 1970s CBS put me my brother in a home that abused they would not feed us they had 4 kids of there own that use beat us and hurt us I told the case worker what was going on and she did not believe us. We were not taken from our parents my parents for help. We went to live my aunt and uncle first then the money stop so we were placed in a home that abused us. The case worker lied to foster parents telling that my mother was a who're and a drinker and my father was no good and very viendo which was not true. The case awake told when I get older I would going to state intuition because she felt I was making stories. They were giving meds to come down that refused to take. No a days I would ha e been Adha meds. Finally I was put away in a place Trenton no that was awful kids there were in a lot trouble fighting drugs rape. CBS is awful then and now even worse they enjoy taking children and hurting even more. I am 56 years and raised 2 children I still have nightmares for what they did to me CBS sucks in the 1970s they were known as drugs. I don't in no anymore but they still the same.
@xalypeerce8804 6 лет назад
the scum that have rang up on me n my daughter r liers n setting u up with certain as not all but too many bad apples here n will blow stuff out of all proportion.they come n sprout off loads of crap lies wile behind ur back r setting up giving the kids to satanists n pedos for cash.this is so evil n needs to b exposed
@levismommy9389 6 лет назад
These CPS child traffickers are lying. They lie all of the time. They're so used to lying that it's second nature to them. They are heartless and evil. It is my wish that every one of you be shot down like the sick animals that you are!
@terriewatson8828 7 лет назад
As a former foster child from Ohio, I speak from experience when I say this video is horse shit.
@MarijuanaCannibis 5 лет назад
Fuck cps
@bolivarcruz5466 7 лет назад
This is all a lie bullshyt
@julieandetson3916 7 лет назад
I'm look up Damn Senator Nancy Schaefer..................... don't get bull shitted by the government......*********** CPS..are not 100%great or even close... a cherry picking story...
@casperblackcat1975 5 лет назад
I watched a program about Nancy such a courage's women & It's funny how her death was ruled a murder suicide clearly a cover up.
@bonnierisner8468 7 лет назад
where can a grandma get help raisin 3geandkids age 17. 14. an 9years 5years without help