Saint Clement
Saint Clement
Saint Clement
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Saint Clement's is a historic Anglo-Catholic parish in Center City, Philadelphia, a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, and a part of the global Anglican Communion. The parish is committed to the proclamation of the catholic faith and to public worship of the highest quality draws members and visitors from both near and far.
@maisyjames5253 6 месяцев назад
Fond things, vainly invented, and grounded upon no warranty of Scripture, but rather repugnant to the Word of God.
@Wanamaker1946 8 месяцев назад
…I wonder what happened? Is this just a defunct church now? Where did it go?
@Wanamaker1946 11 месяцев назад
Can anyone tell me what’s going on at Saint Clements? The videos stop at 2010. I heard perhaps that their endowments went bust, and that they went woke. Is this true? I see a lot of vids popping up of Saint Marks, Locust Street. They’ve become the new High Church.
@RezaChity-G 4 года назад
Terrible, terrible, because it's fake.
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@yvonnebonaparte4249 4 года назад
When u put the video on for good Friday of 2020
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Hi Yvonne! Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses (including Palm Sunday 2020)! ru-vid.com
@potatobrah0019 5 лет назад
At this point, anglicanism is more catholic the Catholicism.
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Thanks, Leo. Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@Wanamaker1946 5 лет назад
The Altar is replete with relequeries of those who have gone before us. The air is filled with the sweet incense of prayers made from mater and dust.....that we too were and will be again in our Heavenly State....impermeable, all encompassing and through, we magnify thy Name and Wonderment in praise and thanksgiving Almighty Father, Son and Holy Ghost. As MARY was and IS assumed into Heaven, so too are we on the Last Day.
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Thanks, David! Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@hudsonbailey674 5 лет назад
The glories of high church.
@hudsonbailey674 5 лет назад
I've worshipped at St. Clement's and was transformed. It's a splendid liturgical experience. Am I correct? The Cawley Fathers.
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Thanks, Hudson. Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@yardgoods 6 лет назад
High church Protestants playing pre-Vatican II dress-up.
@GeminiMoon1994 6 лет назад
Oh hi there, sorry could you type your comment again....couldn't see it over your arrogance and ignorance on Church history. The arrogant Catholic look really doesn't sell your church to anyone.
@RezaChity-G 4 года назад
@@GeminiMoon1994 Ok, prottie.
@GeminiMoon1994 4 года назад
@@RezaChity-G I'm Catholic, but go off
@Wanamaker1946 7 лет назад
Absolutely Exquisite! The offering up of our prayers within the unison of ancient music that will too outlive each of us in this world and bring us closer to the next. "The self" is lost here in here in mystery of Christ and sacrifice of the Mass.
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel with regular livestreaming of the masses! ru-vid.com
@Wanamaker1946 7 лет назад
Exquisite! Heaven on Earth.
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Thanks, David! Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@giovanniserafino1731 8 лет назад
Beautiful beyond belief! Unfortunately, according to the official teaching of the Catholic Church, Anglican Orders are "absolutely null and utterly void." What does this mean? The men at the altar are laymen and do not have the power to confect the Sacrament of the eucharist. Despite the elaborate ceremony, copious use of incense and Beautiful vestments and Music , absolutely nothing happens at the altar. Bread remains bread, and wine remains wine for Parliament does not have the power to make priests.! They lift up bread and wine and worship it as if it were God. Unfortunately this is idolatry! This is the sad result of England trying to be Catholic without the pope. Come home Rome!
@fr.jamesjohnson1567 6 лет назад
More triumphalistic papist bloviating! So boring to listen to now... "We only are the one true Church... Come home to Rome...blah, blah, blah..." Anglicans could care less about the "official teaching of the [ROMAN] Catholic Church" with all its heretical distinctives. As far as we're concerned you're just a big group of nonconformists. You can take your popery and your Apostolicae Curae and stuff it!
@thomasthelich9953 5 лет назад
Just because the papacy doesnt recognise the validity of a reformed practice of the holy eucharist doesnt mean it has any less meaning. In the 39 articles of faith of the English Church ( aka Anglican, Anglo-Catholic, etc.) First detailed in the 1604 English Prayer Book, the Sacrament of the lords supper is detailed as being temporal in the prescence of Christ, not corporal. Transubstantiation is not a part of epeclisis and the invocation of the spirit upon the hosts of bread and wine. We observe this practice in rememberance of Christ's holy martyrdom and the absolution and remission of our sins, so just because we see it as a a symbolic consumption of christ and not a physical one does that mean it is totally wrong. Idolatry would be consuming transformed body and blood into bread and wine and taking as " it is repugnant to the plain words of the Scripture, overthroweth the nature of the Sacrament, and hath given occasion to to many supersititions". Im not saying that the beliefs of the Catholic Church of Rome are wrong, Im just presenting the Oxford Anglican perspective that is so reminiscent of Catholicism. We are fundamentally different institutions, but its still fun to compare and relate to eachother as we are all brothers and sisters in the universal fellowship of Christ.
@georgewaite9389 5 лет назад
@@fr.jamesjohnson1567 are you sure the Orthodox aren't also of the same opinion? Whenever any non-Catholic clergy join the Orthodox church, they have to be re-ordained. But maybe geographic/socio-economic isolation make this less of an issue for Episcopalians/Anglicans than dealing with Catholics?
@stantheman3138 10 лет назад
95% White church-in Philadelphia 2008? You have the Tea Party keeping non-Whites out? Because this congregation has about as much color as skim milk.
@paulhardy1817 4 года назад
Yeah I was noting that as one of its distinct advantages. Non-Whites are a minority in the world. Shouldn't they have places to pray with their own cultural tradidions: Gregorian chant, Mozart, etc.
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
The neighborhood that the parish resides in has been (and remains) largely White, but everyone is welcome at God's table.
@Wanamaker1946 3 года назад
Anyone is welcome at Saint Clement Church. Get you tush out of bed super early Sunday morning and celebrate the Eucharist and then say that. Put your tint aside and join the Human race. Feeling sorry for your self doesn’t cut it. You’re just a bore that nobody wants to be around. I bet you don’t even attend church.
@stantheman3138 10 лет назад
Why so many gays in High Church/Anglo-Catholic churches? Do you enjoy dressing up THAT much? Is church just another form of drag?
@Wanamaker1946 3 года назад
The baby’s have excellent taste. Let’s face it, they do simply love Art and Music. God has made a mansion for all us. I detect jealousy in your statement. If church gets one kneel and utter the Word of God so freely, how can that be a bad thing? Saint Clement Church is none political and that’s the way it should be for all churches. It’s solely about the Sacrifice of the Mass......and of course Coffee Hour in the Upper Room.
@Thurifer2005 Год назад
​as someone who used to be a part of thi church before befoming Catholic, they are HIGHLY political.
@Operadolceinc 10 лет назад
Very moving.
@dadareyes8050 11 лет назад
Sir, I'm sorry to correct you: the RC has not abolished the cappa magna. It simply put into optional use. The Ceremonial of Bishops recommends it for use in the most solemn occasions.
@chrisdoeller7332 6 лет назад
A little gentle push back. Just because its on the books as being OK to do does not mean its ever practiced.
@rwboa22 11 лет назад
I'm Lutheran, and we have the Service of Humiliation and Prayer, which is the equivalent of All Souls' and Rememberence Days.
@JohnBowerMarty 11 лет назад
ministercreek - I understand you believe the Bible has a lot to say about homosexuality. However, I practice Christianity which is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. I have searched and searched the 4 Gospels, and have never found anything that Christ taught against homosexuality.
@fr.jamesjohnson1567 6 лет назад
Spot on, ministercreek! Jesus didn't have to say anything more about it, he covered it quite sufficiently pre-Incarnation in Old Testament and later through his personally commissioned, authoritative spokesmen--the Holy Apostles.
@Vicki4Dogma 11 лет назад
All - The vatican-2 heretic cult (founded in 1965 at the Vatican) *cannot possibly be* the Catholic Church … since it enforces the opposite, and the opposite of the Catholic Dogma (the actual Catholic Faith) The founding documents of the vatican-2 heresy … the “v-2 council” documents … have well over 200 heresies AGAINST Dogma Site > Immaculata-one (dot) com Section 12 > Anti-Christ vatican-2 heresies (50 listed) Sections 13 and 13.1 > Photographic *proof* of heresy at the Vatican
@Vicki4Dogma 11 лет назад
Continuing … Section 13.2 > Catholic Dogma on automatic excommunication ... for physical participation in a heretic cult such as the vatican-2 cult Section 19.1 > Dogma on Abjuration for re-entering Christianity (the Catholic Church) … Formal Abjuration also provided here Section 13.3 > Matt 16:18, Gates of Hell scripture, defined at four (4) Councils ... is not about the Papacy Section 10.2 > Returning to state of grace, when there’s no Confession, like now Immaculata-one (dot) com
@murray774 12 лет назад
How wonderful to see the Capa magna.There are some people who get it right.
@murray774 12 лет назад
This is how Mass should be done at all times and in all places.
@Priesty77 12 лет назад
What part was Anglican? How far we are from what was taught by Jesse and Paul. How much pagan symbolism have we let into our faith. This is Mithraism not Christianity.
@simonjohn6857 12 лет назад
Absolutely beautiful.
@PrenticeBoy1688 12 лет назад
This is an Episcopal Church parish. There are no cardinals in the Episcopal Church!
@anubismasi4909 6 лет назад
I think you are assuming that only cardinals wore capae magnae. They were part of the episcopal (bishops and archbishops) choir dress for several years after Vatican II until they were suppressed. High Church Anglo-Catholics (Episcopalians) often preserve older, Roman practices.
@sfg078 12 лет назад
This is nothing new. A cardinal deserves the high status that the capa magna signifies for his services to God and the Church.
@frjohn65 12 лет назад
God forbid this parish ever becomes Roman.
@RezaChity-G 4 года назад
No, God please let them come into your church, for out of it, they are damned to everlasting hellfire. God, the Most Holy Trinity, please choose to exercise your mercy upon them. Amen.
@Ettoredipugnar 12 лет назад
@johnross12 Well Jesus wasn't relevent any more neither was His Church. Times were changing its 1962 . Now 50 yrs later those who decided what relevence was are now irelevent. : )
@271250cl 12 лет назад
@n5rnd I'm not a Roman Catholic so I'll have to take your word for that, though I've not seen the cappa magna used in England since the death of Cardinal Heenan. I'm not sure what happens at 'extraordinary form' services in the Vatican, but I'm sure the cappa magna hasn't been used since the early days of Paul VI's reign. But my main point was that it is wholly inappropriate for an Anglican bishop (no matter how much he might enjoy dressing up) to wear the cappa magna.
@thomasredman3777 7 лет назад
Don't give it a second thought, just enjoy it...that is if you appreciate the long lost liturgical world of pre-Vatican II. And "No" it's not just "dress up" it's real to the worshipers at St. Clements. And I dare say, it's the only church/cathedral in the world where you can see and hear liturgy like this on a regular basis.
@RezaChity-G 4 года назад
@@thomasredman3777 Regular basis? There's many truly traditional Catholic Parishes around the world with this.
@johnfski61 12 лет назад
@boomac62 Actually, both in the UK and in the USA the Anglo-Catholic branch of Anglicanism was the one most concerned for the poor. Look up the Anglo-Catholic "slum priest" tradition and you'll see what I'm talking about. Evangelical Anglicanism was the party of the smug capitalist middle class. Anglo-Catholicism was the party of the poor and Christian socialism.
@choirboyfromhell1 13 лет назад
First rate choir and 1908 Austin organ...just a little too much smoke for my tastes... The guy with the tallest mitre wins......(!) :P
@beswanky 13 лет назад
@boomac62 What a bizarre comment! How would a poor person not feel welcomed by beautiful liturgy??
@TheSensibleCatholic 13 лет назад
Who is being glorified here? Christ or the celebrant? What an abomination!
@RezaChity-G 4 года назад
You claim to be Catholic? THESE ARE OUR SACRED TRADITIONS STOLEN BY THE ANGLICANS! And you mistake respect for the office of Bishop(even though he's a big fake, since he's Anglican with invalid orders) as glorfication of him. TO CHRIST BE THE HONOR AND GLORY. LAUDETUR JESUS CHRISTUS, ET IN SAECULA SAECULORUM. AMEN.
@1971derrick 13 лет назад
It is so refreshing to see how Episcopalians worshiping in so many diverse ways. This is a perfect example of an Episcopal, high church at it's best.
@RezaChity-G 5 лет назад
Yes perfect example that means quite literally nothing since they do not have the true faith in Christ. I must say it is very Beautiful though.
@1971derrick 13 лет назад
Never offer anything but the best to the Lord. Everything we have, we are stewards here on earth but it the end everything belongs to the almighty.
@CatholicTraditional 13 лет назад
This is the same as my Tridentine Masses that I attend, except that is all in Latin. This would easily become a Roman Catholic parish.
@RezaChity-G 4 года назад
Not really, they still believe in Protestantism, they may look like us, but they certainly don't believe the same things we do. I do understand what you mean though, that liturgy-wise, they'd have no objections if they were to join the Church. Also, they support homosexual "marriage" as of late, like the whole Episcopal Church.
@CatholicTraditional 13 лет назад
This is the same as my Tridentine Masses that I attend. This would easily become a Roman Catholic parish.
@TrainmasterCurt 13 лет назад
Simply magnificent! The music is ethereal! I would so love to attend a High-Mass there!
@Gaeilgeoir 4 года назад
Thanks, Curt! Feel free to check us out at our new RU-vid channel, complete with regular livestreaming broadcasts of the masses! ru-vid.com
@PfaelzerOrganist 13 лет назад
Wow! Subdeacon and Deacon are wearing the planeta plicata!