Dumb ways to Kai
Dumb ways to Kai
Dumb ways to Kai
Come with me on my journey as I play every survival game ever in the hopes of finding the worst one!
@judehudson5325 3 дня назад
Amazing!! 🍩🍩👏👏👏❤️
@jesseherring4745 3 дня назад
This is the best survival game ever
@firestarter000001 6 дней назад
I played with my frined and we had tons of fun. We played on a private server, so no issues with vanishing stuff.
@tapejara1507 7 дней назад
Its a hidden gem.
@fjorddenierbear4832 7 дней назад
Dumb title. 7D2D is Minecraft with zombies. Is Minecraft arguably a bad game? Absolutely. 7D2D is pure perfection in terms of survival and building. But we shouldn't compare 7D2D non-sandbox games.
@uruburus5203 10 дней назад
9k hours in this game, yea is alright
@natemiller6389 11 дней назад
Now that 1.0 is out is is again a completely different game than i had originally purchased lol. Took a good half of our items away this time lol the game will never be finished its how games are designed today... have to keep a quarterly update going to keep the sales up, cant do that if game is finished.... even though their updates are silly in all these games, takes their whole team 6 months what it takes a modder 1 week to achieve only the modder doesn't introduce a multitude of bugs to fix later.... Used to be a few ways of getting water now there are none but looting... you can make a gun from scratch but no longer can make a glass jar?
@Mark-hw7kf 12 дней назад
This game winds me up no end forever running away from something!eurojank for sure but i havent given up yet!
@darthtaiter 13 дней назад
There's an extra dimension to that opening statement. "Arnold Schwarzenegger with a Massive Sword." A Massive Sword that looks kinda small in his Massive HANDS. lol XD
@g4m3life86 14 дней назад
8:53 yeah they need to retain folks' stuff for like a month, a long time. 2 weeks isn't a significant enough amount of time. people may quit and change to other games if they log in & find their base gone after a short amount of time
@justgame5508 15 дней назад
Beat survival game I’ve played, second to only Minecraft
@justgame5508 15 дней назад
Skill issue
@chavhunter86 16 дней назад
Why did you stop doing these
@dumbwaystokai 14 дней назад
I haven’t stopped I’m working on one now, it’s just hard juggling this and a full time job so sadly there’s going to be longer time between releases
@judehudson5325 18 дней назад
Fabulous xx ❤❤
@TheCârtiță 21 день назад
Pease chgeck this game!!!! steam id : 788270
@darthbolloful 22 дня назад
Its obvious u were cheating anyway with those guns on the first 14 days you have pipe guns still
@powderedbuns8251 25 дней назад
It’s actually a very good survival game
@rileyo4238 26 дней назад
No just no
@GTSN38 27 дней назад
You don't know how to play this game. I never played cod and I'd probably call it shit after a few hours, but people who know how to play it would say it's great. It's obvious to me that you're just not into survivor games. By the way, wtf is a chicken burger ? No such thing
@GreenGlassesProductions 28 дней назад
Funny thing. I backed this game on Kickstarter and never played it. I have been waiting for them to release the full version to give it a try. I very enthusiasticly will continue to mark my Kickstarter reward as not received until they release it. Hopefully they complete the game someday!
@dumbwaystokai 27 дней назад
1.0 is finally out now :) I’ve been playing it this last week to do an updated video on it
@GreenGlassesProductions 24 дня назад
@@dumbwaystokai I am literally downloading it now :)
@Hunterfast Месяц назад
Use a nailgun....😂😂😂 find a cocking pot in an oven come on its not that hard...😂😂😂😂 oh you can drink from watersources..
@RangerHouston Месяц назад
Dude has a nose ring and ear gauges. Not surprising he can’t follow a step by step tutorial the game provides.
@HM0- Месяц назад
Nice videos man
@dumbwaystokai Месяц назад
Glad you like them!
@Timebomb742 Месяц назад
Full release and nothing changed 😅
@diablofolds Месяц назад
lots of things changed? whats your issue with the game
@Timebomb742 Месяц назад
​@@diablofoldsIt was the optimistic comment about looking forward to seeing where the game goes and hoping it adds a sense of purpose which I certainly haven't felt in the 60 hours I've spent on 1.0 so far.
@diablofolds Месяц назад
@@Timebomb742 play with friends maybe
@kushpandxo2814 Месяц назад
DayZ murders this game
@rma3505 Месяц назад
Genuinely don’t know what was the purpose of this video? You are a professional yapper, please never review any game ever again this almost gave me cancer.
@noxthehunter9303 Месяц назад
This game is complete trash on console, 50$ for this, should be a sin.
@Arkskii-gf03 Месяц назад
Lmao try boiling the water 😂😂😂
@themanwithnoname1839 Месяц назад
I dont really agree with this guy BUT this game should NOT be no dayum 45 dollars on microsoft store.... This game updated or not has existed since before i joined the army over a decade ago....... It should be 30 dollars TOPS....... They get to charge extra cuz of an update...... Imagine bethesda used that logic with skyrim, oh wait.....
@MMaRsu Месяц назад
Survival games are all absolute ass, and DayZ is among the worst. Ark is also an absolute turd.
@nickwilliams430 Месяц назад
It's a good game except for it's technical problems and the developers.
@MathiasGlendrange Месяц назад
I dunno. I think this game is okay. It was worse before but now it's fairly decent with people.
@bigboi9856 Месяц назад
I dont even believe that you actually earned those guns and items without cheating. How would you possibly get so many high tier guns within the first seven days... you literally cannot find them until you get to a high enough level due to the Loot Stage mechanic, which takes longer than 7 days.
@andrew2677 Месяц назад
All these fan boys are coming out of the woodwork to defend this, but you are actually spot on. The Fun Pimps have managed to do the unthinkable and remove the fun from their game. I've been playing on and off again for the past 7 years or so and the game is in the worst state it's ever been from a progression standpoint. Not to mention that water used to be plentiful until they removed the ability to find and create glass jars.
@GTSN38 27 дней назад
The one thing that blows my mind is how you find bottle water, but it's murky. Why the hell would most every bottle of water in the world be murky ? Should be the other way around, most bottle water should be safe to drink.
@andrew2677 27 дней назад
@@GTSN38 Agreed, especially if I'm pulling stuff from ostensibly safe sources (aka 5 gallon water cooler). After having played a bit of 1.0, it really hit me that the water change wasn't necessary at all. It maybe slowed down the early game water acquisition for about 2-3 hours, but after that I never had a shortage of water ever. So stupid. My biggest gripe has to be the magazine progression. Makes everything completely arbitrary.
@Reds-Retros Месяц назад
I understand that this is a series of trying to find the worst survival game and you're not stating this is it, but I've gotta be honest, the dislike you have for this game does feel a bit forced. It's pretty apparent to me that you didn't even really try to survive, even going as far as killing yourself because you didn't want to figure out how to cure your status effects. I personally enjoy this game from the approach that it's a much more in depth and mature take on Minecraft, has vehicles and a lot of progression and also mixes in some elements of my favourite games like Fallout and Zomboid too. I don't need to follow a story in every game I play. I like to have flavour and sometimes I just want the tools and mechanics to be able to tell my own story and make my own lore and that's what this game provides. I personally like to play on permadeath and see how far I can get by converting buildings into safe houses and building up my character while I explore the world as a nomad. Is it for everyone? Probably not, but is it a bad game because of that? I certainly hope not because flavour seems to be what people are asking for these days and are instead being given the same copy and paste live service, action adventure or movie game over and over again with a different coat of paint.
@adrienpatel7891 Месяц назад
the games very vague on it's mechanics and there are menu's ontop of menu's you have to go through just to figure stuff out, most of the information I've gotten were through subeditors and youtube and not from the game itself.should the game hold your hand? no, but it should be able to teach you the mechanics or let you know what you need to survive without you having to use a third party system to figure out necessary game mechanics.
@TrollfaceDarkBruhLmao Месяц назад
Amazing game :)))
@batfang25animations39 Месяц назад
Loving this channel, it really relieves the itch I have for survival game videos. I only wish they were longer lol. You should totally try scum, death road to canada, and maybe 60 seconds. Based on some of your videos I’d think you’d like them. Oh and question, what exactly counts as a survival game on here? Like would a BR like pubg be one and something like fallout shelter too, or what? I always wonder this in general. Anyways keep up the good work!
@dumbwaystokai Месяц назад
Thanks so much! I’m glad you’re enjoying them! I’m planning on working on longer videos for sure, it’s super difficult to juggle this and a full time job so gonna be longer between releases for sure Ooh I’ll definitely check those games out! Thankyou! I’m actually considering making a series titles “is it a survival game” to cover these games that fall in a grey area of survivalness
@batfang25animations39 Месяц назад
@@dumbwaystokai can't wait
@TrollfaceDarkBruhLmao Месяц назад
Bruh 😂😂
@Randomonium66 Месяц назад
You know you can make the game as easy as you like right? Makes it easier to get the hang of it and the mechanics, then crank things up as you learn.
@adrienpatel7891 Месяц назад
he knows he can do that, but he wanted to play the game as intended to get a proper review. you can't judge a game properly if you change the game settings.
@zwifty00 Месяц назад
Friend forced me to get 7 days to die and I’ve never enjoyed a game less and he’s never enjoyed a survival game more I’m actually so bored with this game the more I’m forced to play the more I find reasons to hate the boring game
@diablofolds Месяц назад
sounds like you arent good at the game
@zwifty00 Месяц назад
@@diablofolds my issue is its to easy on the 30th day now still boring after getting good guns and getting better skills still borrrrrrringgggg building simulator with some mediocre zombie killing
@Warglein Месяц назад
wtf, i understand if it was a normal review, but calling it worst game ever is a bit... nah dislike sry xD
@mikeymateo208 Месяц назад
Your a simple human
@dumbwaystokai Месяц назад
@pavelZhd 2 месяца назад
11:20 Nah. Louisville is not the place of the original outbreak. Actually if you pay attention to news broadcasts, Loisville checkpoint is lorewise secure till like day 5 of the game. Then an incident occures with military at the checkpoint firing their guns (allegedly warning shots) and by doing this bring a ton of zombies from inside the zone. This zombie assault results in checkpoint being at least partially overrun. But worse than this - exposes a lot of civilians, who were floking to the edge of the zone to find out about their relatives inside the zone, to the airborne strain. And since the airborne strain was not known and the working theory was the widespread outbreak originating from wild canine bites, the wave of civilians fleeing the checkpoint to loisville went unempeded, resulting in the city population being exposed to the airborne strain and subsequently having a massive outberak. So lore-wise Louisville is a normal city till like day 20. But game mechanics don't reflect this...
@pavelZhd 2 месяца назад
7:20 Inability to sit on furniture is an well documented issue. And the name to it is - occlusion. Basically the splites that most of the environment is made of are just flat pictures, cleverly arrenged to gine an empression of an isomentrin world. Put they are just flat pictures. And as such they can only interact with player 3D models in one of 2 ways. Either be fully in front, or be fully behind. And while it looks serviceable for the most part, sitting on furniture is not that easy. It is only easy for sitting on furniture that is facing the camera.For those cases furniture being fully behind the character looks decent and you can ignore the armchair armrests being concealed - this is the option mod unlocks for you. But for furniture facing away from the camera... The backrest needs to be the most visible as it is the closes to the camera part. The seat needs to be behind player torso and upper legs, but it needs to be above tower legs. And now you can't fit it into "all or nothing" occlusion sprites can offer. Thankfully with build 42 one of the announced and already completed (or at least not holding b42 back) features is an engine facelift, that will give sprites a depthmap. It will allow them to better interact with 3d models and thus the correct furniture interaction will be possible. Fith developers explicitly stating that this engine upgrade removes the obstacle that prevented them from implementing sitting on furniture.
@martinjesko3256 2 месяца назад
This game is total waste of time. Not fun to play, tons of bugs and glitches. It was made when? 2021, and its still broken. And its also very iritating. Even if you are top tier, the gaydwarves in meadows will attack you even if they dont have a chance to kill you. Its anoying. Deinetly not worth playing. And its not survival at all. There is no water management, food is almost everywhere. There is no survival, just grinding and colecting resources and killing the same mobs over and over and over. Building is hard, but fun. You can create a lot of interesting structures. But again - when u try to build, the mobs will attack you and annoy you. The best par is when you need to get roof done and when spawn and start destroy you base, because they cant reach you. For everyone who want to play this - do something with your life.
@psyview4188 2 месяца назад
Oh god thank you for sharing the poop knive reddit post I haven´t laughed so hard for a long time xD
@dumbwaystokai 2 месяца назад
Hahahaha glad you enjoyed !
@N2JokerTV 2 месяца назад
two words: Len's Island
@surviplays 2 месяца назад
9:00 it's not an issue, it's a feature) your buildings has abandonment timer when you are offline, so on the timer ended your base will be abandoned and any player could destroy it and gain your thralls, chests, items etc. this mechanic works on online servers pve or pvp, if you wanna play with a long pauses you can play offline local game, so timer would never end, also u can play with your friend on local server and start to play on online servers when you will be ready) ps timer depends on how big your base, how many elements it has etc. the game is awesome, I'm a fan of it with more than 1.5k hours played) Ps the timer resets each time you log in to the game