Retribution Radio
Retribution Radio
Retribution Radio
"Retribution Radio" explores the intense world of betrayal and revenge through dramatic storytelling. Each episode features gripping tales of deceit and retribution, highlighting the complex emotions involved. Tune in for powerful stories of justice and vengeance, narrated with a vintage flair that brings these dark human experiences vividly to life.
@wingit58 День назад
Now, comma, that was weird. Dot.
@kylejerryparker4667 День назад
That’s a heavy burden for any family to carry, especially for a child who can’t possibly be at fault, and it’s so sad to think your father would hold that belief for so long, but I wonder if anyone has tried to help him see things differently because surely there’s more to this story
@roythompson5936 День назад
Honestly, this situation makes me so sad because no child should grow up with that kind of blame hanging over them, especially at such a young age, but do you think your father has ever tried to understand that it wasn’t her fault? Maybe he’s just stuck in his grief 路‍♂️.
@scottfoster5356 День назад
Wow, that's such a heartbreaking situation... I can’t imagine the kind of pain and misunderstanding going on in your family, especially with your dad putting that weight on a little girl who probably had no idea what was happening 😔, but why would your father even think that? Is it because of something that happened during the birth?
@josephjoeevans9635 День назад
It’s tragic how misunderstandings and grief can break families apart, especially when a child is blamed for something so devastating, but what led your dad to believe that in the first place? I feel like there’s a lot more to unpack here... maybe he needs closure more than anything 😔
@benjamingabrielrodriguez4561 День назад
This is such a sad story, and I can’t help but feel sorry for your little sister, having to carry such an undeserved burden, but it makes me wonder if your father’s grief has just clouded his judgment all these years... Has he ever tried to talk to someone to work through his feelings?
@nicholasleeedwards1729 День назад
I feel bad for your sister and your family for having to live under the shadow of this tragedy, but it’s really hard to understand why your dad would think like that... I wonder if anyone ever sat him down to talk about the truth of what happened? Sometimes people just need help letting go of their guilt
@wayneadams16 День назад
I can’t imagine what it’s like to have that hanging over your family’s head for so many years, especially for your sister who was only five and innocent, but I wonder if there’s any way to heal from this after so long... it’s so sad to think the blame has been carried this far 梁
@samueljeffreyallen5489 День назад
This story breaks my heart, I can't imagine growing up with that kind of guilt, especially since your sister was just a child, but I wonder if your dad is even aware of the impact that belief has had on her all these years... maybe he just needs someone to help him see it from a different angle?
@dylancampbell8583 День назад
This sounds incredibly tough for everyone involved, and I really feel for your sister having to grow up with that kind of blame, but has your dad ever gotten professional help or therapy? There has to be some deeper reason behind his feelings... maybe grief or unresolved trauma?
@ralphrichardkelly7306 День назад
It’s really heartbreaking to think a father could hold such feelings against his own child, especially when it’s not her fault at all, but I wonder what your mom’s death was like-was it a complicated birth, or something unrelated that he just never got over?
@AndrewAdams_160 2 дня назад
This story really illustrates the importance of communication in families; while I understand that having a half-brother can be a joyful experience, it’s troubling to see how the father handled it by essentially dismissing his older child’s feelings; I wonder if he ever tried to talk it out with them or if he simply assumed that everything would work itself out, and now he’s dealing with the fallout of that decision. 😞⚖️
@JeffreyOrtiz-m1JeffreyOrtiz 2 дня назад
Reading about this situation makes me both angry and sad because it sheds light on how easily some parents can forget their responsibilities when faced with their own struggles; while I can sympathize with the mom for wanting to find happiness again, I really think she failed to recognize the impact her actions would have on her child, making me question whether anyone ever truly understands the weight of their decisions in times of grief and loss. 😡💔
@dennisward9869 2 дня назад
It’s absolutely heart-wrenching to think about how a child has to navigate such profound loss and then faces the double betrayal from their mother; this situation makes me ponder about the role of mental health support in families dealing with grief and whether there were any resources available that could have helped the mom cope better, and I can’t help but wonder if she even considered how her actions would affect her child in the long run. 😣💭
@charlesjosephcooper2512 2 дня назад
This is such a tragic reminder of how quickly family dynamics can shift and the emotional fallout that can come with it; while I can see that the father might have thought he was doing the right thing by accommodating his half-brother, it’s sad that he didn’t consider the feelings of his other child, making me wonder if he ever reflected on the consequences of his choices and how he plans to rectify the situation now that he’s facing legal trouble. 😟⚡
@carlsmith7456 2 дня назад
This entire situation just feels like a massive failure on the father’s part to properly balance his family dynamics, as making room for a half-brother should not come at the cost of losing an older child; while I get that life can throw curveballs, it seems like he completely overlooked the emotional repercussions of his decisions, leading me to wonder how he’s going to navigate the mess he’s created now that he’s facing legal issues and what steps he’s going to take to make things right. 😔⚡
@joemurphy9371 2 дня назад
This is such a tragic reminder of how quickly family dynamics can shift and the emotional fallout that can come with it; while I can see that the father might have thought he was doing the right thing by accommodating his half-brother, it’s sad that he didn’t consider the feelings of his other child, making me wonder if he ever reflected on the consequences of his choices and how he plans to rectify the situation now that he’s facing legal trouble. 😟⚡
@williamthomas4797 2 дня назад
It’s absolutely mind-boggling to me that a father would choose to make such a drastic decision without considering how it would affect his older child; while I can see that there are often complicated feelings involved in blended families, it seems like he really missed the mark here, and I find myself asking how he plans to navigate his legal issues while also trying to repair the damage done to his relationship with his older child. 😡💔
@jordanraymondwilliams9657 2 дня назад
This situation really leaves me feeling torn because, on one hand, I can understand that people cope with loss in different ways, but on the other hand, it’s shocking that the mom would abandon her child so soon after their father’s death; it makes me think about whether she ever took a moment to reflect on the emotional fallout this would cause, and how can someone prioritize a new relationship over their own child’s well-being, especially when they’re already grieving? 😟💔
@albertward5754 2 дня назад
I feel for this kid who lost their dad and then had to face such a betrayal from their mom, which is incredibly painful, and it raises so many questions about loyalty and love; it’s almost like the mom didn’t realize the impact her choice would have on her child’s mental health and future, leading me to wonder if she ever really understood what family meant or if she was too caught up in her own happiness to notice the consequences of her actions. 😔💔
@carlralphmiller1976 2 дня назад
Reading this title made me feel a mix of empathy and frustration, as it highlights the struggles of dealing with grief and the potential fallout when one parent decides to move on so quickly; I can’t help but wonder what the dad would think about the situation if he were still around, and it’s infuriating to think that the kid had to discover secrets about their father while feeling so neglected by their mother, which makes me ask whether anyone ever really thinks about how their actions affect the people they love. 😡💭
@josephjimenez923 2 дня назад
Reading this title made me feel a mix of empathy and frustration, as it highlights the struggles of dealing with grief and the potential fallout when one parent decides to move on so quickly; I can’t help but wonder what the dad would think about the situation if he were still around, and it’s infuriating to think that the kid had to discover secrets about their father while feeling so neglected by their mother, which makes me ask whether anyone ever really thinks about how their actions affect the people they love. 😡💭
@raymondkelly8883 2 дня назад
It’s infuriating to read about a father who would prioritize a new child over his existing one, especially when that child is already dealing with the pain of feeling kicked out; while I understand that family situations can be complicated, it really seems like he dropped the ball on making sure both kids felt valued and loved, leading me to question whether he even realizes how damaging this situation has become for his relationship with his older child. 😡💔
@geraldwilson2010 2 дня назад
This situation really leaves me feeling torn because, on one hand, I can understand that people cope with loss in different ways, but on the other hand, it’s shocking that the mom would abandon her child so soon after their father’s death; it makes me think about whether she ever took a moment to reflect on the emotional fallout this would cause, and how can someone prioritize a new relationship over their own child’s well-being, especially when they’re already grieving? 😟💔
@randydianarodriguez7975 2 дня назад
My heart goes out to the older child who was kicked out, as this situation is a tough pill to swallow, especially with the added stress of the father’s legal issues; it makes me think about how vital it is for parents to recognize the emotional needs of all their children, regardless of their backgrounds, and I can’t help but wonder if there are deeper issues at play that led to this drastic decision by the father. 😢❓
@jackjohnnycooper334 2 дня назад
Reading about this situation fills me with so much empathy for the older child; it’s truly heartbreaking to think that a parent could kick their child out for a new baby, and now to hear that the father is in legal trouble adds insult to injury; it really makes me question what kind of support system the father has and whether he’s going to step up and take responsibility for his actions, not just legally but also emotionally. 😟💭
@scottfoster5356 2 дня назад
This situation is such a heartbreaking reminder of how easily some parents can prioritize their own needs over their children’s, especially in times of crisis; while I can sympathize with the mom for wanting to find love and companionship after losing her husband, it’s really disappointing that she couldn't see the damage her decisions would do to her child, and it makes me think about how important it is for parents to recognize their responsibilities even during tough times. 😟⚡
@scottwhite4640 2 дня назад
I can’t believe how unfair this situation is; being kicked out to make space for a half-brother must have felt like such a betrayal, and now to see that the father is in legal trouble adds another layer of complexity to an already painful scenario; it really makes me question whether he’s capable of handling the responsibilities of being a parent if he couldn’t even navigate this situation properly. 😠⚖️
@brandonnathanscott2948 2 дня назад
This story really illustrates the importance of communication in families; while I understand that having a half-brother can be a joyful experience, it’s troubling to see how the father handled it by essentially dismissing his older child’s feelings; I wonder if he ever tried to talk it out with them or if he simply assumed that everything would work itself out, and now he’s dealing with the fallout of that decision. 😞⚖️
@bobbywatson5305 2 дня назад
This story is a painful but powerful illustration of the chaos that can ensue when one parent doesn’t hold it together after a loss, and while I totally understand that people grieve in different ways, it’s hard not to criticize the mom for prioritizing her new relationship over her child, leading me to ask what kind of support system she had and why she couldn’t see that her child needed her more than ever during such a devastating time. 😣💔
@trentk268 3 дня назад
Women have wrecked marriage and child rearing. Then they recruit prosperous simps to complete the theft.
@SlideRulePirate 4 дня назад
Keep the peace. Yeah, right. Keep the ungrateful, manipulative, leeching peace. Not every peace _should_ be kept.
@edwindavis4078 4 дня назад
fairly typical of entitled youth these days
@Zodddlerber 5 дней назад
@ninaross211 5 дней назад
@ninaross211 5 дней назад
@ninaross211 5 дней назад
@ninaross211 5 дней назад
@Mrwillie95 6 дней назад
Op parents only have themselves to blame for the consequences of their actions and op was smart to go no contact with his family
@TwilightMysts 6 дней назад
OP should apply to Stanford next year. Maybe a few other ivy leagues, not because he wants to go, but because the next time he meets his idiot parents he can rub it in their faces if he was accepted.
@josephjames7512 6 дней назад
It’s crazy how a divorce can make people pick sides in a family, but I wonder if there’s more behind her decision, have you considered that maybe she’s feeling conflicted or pressured by the situation in ways that you don’t know? 😕
@billyjohnnyrodriguez7045 6 дней назад
I get that divorces can create tension and loyalty issues, but it's heartbreaking that your daughter won’t even try to maintain a relationship with you, do you think there’s more to why she chose her mom’s side? 😕
@williamgreen5387 6 дней назад
I can’t believe your daughter would cut you off like that just because of a divorce, I know relationships are complicated but she should understand that both parents have their reasons, has she even tried to hear your side of things?
@justingonzalez8850 6 дней назад
I can’t believe your daughter would cut you off like that just because of a divorce, I know relationships are complicated but she should understand that both parents have their reasons, has she even tried to hear your side of things?
@vincentrobertkelly5264 6 дней назад
I get that divorces can create tension and loyalty issues, but it's heartbreaking that your daughter won’t even try to maintain a relationship with you, do you think there’s more to why she chose her mom’s side? 😕
@josephmariejimenez4614 6 дней назад
It’s hard when kids take sides during a divorce, but it makes me wonder if maybe she feels like she needs to protect her mom or if something specific happened to make her choose this path, have you talked to her about why she’s doing this?
@donaldbrucebrooks3733 6 дней назад
Wow, it must be tough being cut off by your own child after something so difficult, but do you think there might be something more behind her decision, like feeling closer to her mom or something you might have missed in the relationship? 💭
@matthewhall6067 6 дней назад
Wow, it must be tough being cut off by your own child after something so difficult, but do you think there might be something more behind her decision, like feeling closer to her mom or something you might have missed in the relationship? 💭
@philipbillygreen2443 6 дней назад
It’s sad to see family torn apart after a divorce, but it seems like she’s hurting too and maybe siding with her mom is her way of coping, have you guys tried therapy or talking things out together?
@louisgomez1528 6 дней назад
Divorce is hard on everyone, but I feel like your daughter should at least hear you out, even if she’s mad or hurt, have you tried reaching out or giving her space to come to terms with the situation?