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lioubov carca
to watch more content you can watch "I Am Me" on this channel : youtube.com/@iammewebserie3791
I Am Me - all 5 episodes - LGBTQ+ webserie
8 месяцев назад
Here We Go - Bloopers
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Here We Go - LGBTQ+ Short Film
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4 года назад
Le Date, with English subtitles
4 года назад
Le Date
4 года назад
@piscesgroovesupreme 23 дня назад
So cute 🥹❤❤
@MJLR138 Месяц назад
Excellent web series; very well done! Mansour Dagher does an excellent job as Charlie!
@douglaswilkinson5700 3 месяца назад
"Ezra" may be cool but it's not original. It's a Jewish name from the Hebrew Testament meaning "help."
@crewby3 3 месяца назад
Brilliant! Such good natural acting and real conversations. Going into my favourites!!
@corvus1374 4 месяца назад
Does the word "partner" have male and female endings in French?
@lioubovcarca3571 3 месяца назад
Yes you would say "ma partenaire" "mon partenaire" but you would more say "ma copine" or "mon copain"
@rockydavis94 5 месяцев назад
C’est drôle l’amour
@aosilva1032 6 месяцев назад
"Quem faz o que gosta não precisa trabalhar" (Marcello Mastroianni) Eu admiro vocês que fazem o que gostam. Gostei do curta-metragem. Muito saudável o questionamento sobre a importância da AUTOaceitação independentemente do que as pessoas pensam sobre nós. Uma jornalista brasileira disse que reza assim: "Deus, proteja-me dos meus inimigos e dos meus AMIGOS!" Até as ideias do namorado devem ser avaliadas, analisadas, discutidas... Bem, nisso vocês são experts. Muito boa a briga do casal :) Eu não farei nenhuma crítica, mas se precisarem de opiniões, podem contar comigo.
@champalaunepatrice8202 6 месяцев назад
Vos premiers pas de réalisateur sont très prometteurs . Les deux acteurs principaux sont excellents . Continuez !
@docfmb1 7 месяцев назад
Lots of preaching in #4. Not a normal conversation
@fidelguer 7 месяцев назад
Love it!
@Teckno72 7 месяцев назад
My partner met my parents one time & never since.
@nomad6599 7 месяцев назад
I'm not french but how is homosexuality seen in France?
@ronsmith2365 7 месяцев назад
The happy, straight haired guy should just WALK out the door! Be with someone that wants YOU for WHO you are..... fuc him and his closet.....
@stevenwilgus5422 7 месяцев назад
The French insist that everyone have opposite sex attraction. It is annoying.
@rntablette9388 7 месяцев назад
so preachily wokky and naive, that is boring ... i drop after 5 minutes, don't loose your time
@paritoshsinghal3153 7 месяцев назад
Nice ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
@billbill5326 7 месяцев назад
Episode 4 got a little preachy but I love this. Charlie and Ezra are such a cute couple. Hopefully we get to see more episodes. Thanks! ❤
@cedricwilliams7966 8 месяцев назад
This was cute and entertaining. 💕 It. Thank you. It was short and to the point. He needed that "push" to fully come out of his🐚 and nobody was 🎉, 😂.
@michaelrg3836 8 месяцев назад
My ex introduced me as his "roommate" .. twenty five years ago!! Things still haven't changed?
@richardlee2642 7 месяцев назад
Similar thing happened to me. It was almost 33 years ago. During the M-I-L’s summer visits, we “straightened up” the house including having separate bedrooms. One year, I drove her home (8 hours one way) only to find pictures of me in her coffee table photo album. It seems she knew the entire time; neither one would broach the subject. She died in 2007 “not knowing.”
@eugenefrankmd5433 8 месяцев назад
The acting was just superb. The various accents made for realism. The script was tight, compressed and reality soaked. Is the boyfriends email address available?
@otismack 8 месяцев назад
What a fabulous little series. I loved it. Well done to everyone involved in making it.
@jean-charleslouge6681 8 месяцев назад
Bonjour, Excellente mini-série, je me suis régalé à la regarder, avec un sourire attendri quasi permanent. J'espère que votre travail est reconnu à sa juste valeur par vos professeurs et vos pairs. Je suis impatient de voir votre prochaine réalisation !
@TonyPoindexter Год назад
Pretty girl love you too baby Tony ❤❤❤❤❤❤😊
@user-ee5bt7zv1z Год назад
@vshah1010 Год назад
In a lesbian couple, both women are "the man". In straight relationships, the man must make the first conversation, and the woman must not initiate. If that were true for lesbian women, two women would never be able to meet. So, they both have to be "the man". So, two women are more equal than male/female dating.
@kur0nezumi315 Год назад
Ah je suis le 101 ème like ! Dommage que je sois pas le 100ème :/ (Adrien du lycée)
@ddwro1 Год назад
I forgot how giggly it is to be young
@13thAMG Год назад
Pardon the bad pun but the theme here was 'straight up', ha ha. As in right on point. Well done. 😊
@varbooo Год назад
@Anna-so8hy 4 года назад
Moi z'adore !!! 😍Vs avez réussi en peu de temps à retranscrire une situation de "tous les jours" en mettant les principaux aspects(la gêne et les hésitations du début, la complicité qui se crée...) mais en même temps vs rajoutez des éléments qui rendent original le travail. Bravo pour un premier travail c'est cool !
@kur0nezumi315 4 года назад
Alors déjà félicitation c'était franchement bien réussi ! Les acteurs se débrouillaient pas trop mal et la réalisation était bonne. Le son a certains moments n'était pas optimal malheureusement. (en ne comptant pas l'effet régressif qui était voulu bien sur). La fin m'a fait rire je l'avoue et l'ambiance clichée m'a fait sourire tout le long tellement ça transpirait la gêne 😂. La forme n'était pas parfaite (evidemment) mais le fond était bcp mieux à mon sens, le pari d'avoir juste un date super ordinaire (voir cliché) et de pouvoir en faire quelque chose est réussi ! Je ne suis pas un grand analyste de cinéma mais je donnerai la note de 17/20 au court métrage ! (C'est moi Adrien de l'année dernière si tu doutais encore)