Lance Weaver
Lance Weaver
Lance Weaver
Rice Football 2011 - Adrenaline
12 лет назад
Rice Football 2011 - Tonight
12 лет назад
Iron Owl Highlight 2011
13 лет назад
Radical Change - Rice Football
13 лет назад
Real Thing - Rice Football
13 лет назад
Knock Out
15 лет назад
Get Allot
15 лет назад
15 лет назад
Any Given Saturday
15 лет назад
Chi Omega Philanthropy Video 2007
16 лет назад
ASU Team Behind The Team - Marketing
16 лет назад
ASU Team Behind The Team - Equipment
16 лет назад
Deal Wit It- 360 Video
16 лет назад
ASU Women's Basketball Intro 2007
16 лет назад
@simonjuhac4767 11 лет назад
Hey guys. Outstanding video clip clip. My pal was formerly a fatty. He reworked his body from 283 lbs of fat into 210 lbs of complete muscle. I couldn't believe it! I just subscribed myself coz I'm trying to get stronger muscles. He made use of the Muscle Building Bible (Google it)...
@chrisgamble9921 11 лет назад
The role of a coach is not motivation. Motivation needs to be an intrinsic source within each athlete. Should a coach support their athletes? Absolutely, but if a player becomes dependent on extrinsic sources for motivation ie, a coach, music in the weight room, a girlfriend at a football game, whatever it may be, then you are asking for failure. Give me a team full of intrinsically motivated athletes and I would be the happiest coach ever.
@TheRiceowlex 11 лет назад
Too bad your spelling isn't a little better, can't really understand your intent ? Guess you just don't care about anything...Good luck with that.
@Troyjorgensen 11 лет назад
just stumbled back to this video. alll i said was rice sucks as in currently in football. and it should be pretty easy to infer i meant in football since this video was football highlghts... i really dont care tht its a great school. didnt mean the school in general sucks. i dont care tht sum random guy over the internet went there. i dont care tht he played football there in the 80s. cuz i went there too. 1994. and played footballl
@TheRiceowlex 12 лет назад
I suppose you would qualify for enrollment at Rice University...They really like a perfect SAT..or valedictorian accolades...I'm a 1983 grad and played football....
@cinthiatafolla6185 12 лет назад
Love it.
@Troyjorgensen 12 лет назад
ummmmm really motivational seeing normal plays tht arent even good while u look at the score board 49 17 baylor... RICE SUCKS
@91gt306 12 лет назад
Cowards when it comes to military is the biggest crock of sh*t ve ever seen, U.S has one if not the most powerful military on the planet, FACT. You really need to just stfu and run along and watch you little soccer videos, instead of being like the other cowards Ive seen that only have to balls to mouth off abut americans over the internet.
@91gt306 12 лет назад
A minor sport? Maybe outside the u.s, but in the u.s its the biggest sport. Should america be followers and just go with the rest of the crowd and play soccer? Lol we have our sport and love it, no need for europeans to continue to try and ridicule us for enjoying something different, it just shows insecurity. And why attack russia? Why hasnt russia attacked the U.S? Goes both ways.
@91gt306 12 лет назад
@ravaenglandwba pffs lol ok
@Jahismysoul1 12 лет назад
i thought appalachian state
@tommyguy55 12 лет назад
i though this was arizona
@Qbcampbell1 12 лет назад
arkansas state?? i wanted ARIZONA STATE!!!!! lol
@lizzyloveshair 12 лет назад
2:40 beastmode
@paulbliz2872 12 лет назад
Do you think we care what the rest of the world thinks about our sports? I don't worry about what Europeans think of our sports when I'm watching a game of the greatest sport ever created.
@frntline 12 лет назад
they should put these guys to work for the rugby team
@hempfield21 12 лет назад
@killyou45 I just provided u with 2 logical reasons why the coach should be "in tip top shape". And what the hell is "tip top shape" there are many athletic qualities that it is stupid to put some second grade label on them. and looking at the guy it is pretty clear he was probably never in this illustrious "tip top shape:" you speak of.
@killyou45 12 лет назад
@hempfield21 When did I say they never had to be under a bar? I said, "there's no logical reason a great S&C coach has to be in tip top shape themselves anymore to be highly successful in training athletes." Thus, using the word "anymore" means they once were in tip top shape. Come on man.
@hempfield21 12 лет назад
@killyou45 How can you expect a coach to know what works or how to perform a lift if he has never been under a bar himself? Furthermore if the players see that you are strong and/or big then obviously they will believe in your program more because you have "walked the walk"
@gagejones101 12 лет назад
@pharry4life dont trust a skinny cook
@Budgetbomber 12 лет назад
@zeppelinfan1194 13 лет назад
every professional sport is difficult in its own respect. Rugby is brutal. Football is brutal. Soccer/Football takes a lot of stamina and skill. Baseball is not as easy as many think. It takes more mental focus than most sports because it is slow-paced. And think about this: the hardest aspect of the game is to hit a round ball with a round bat squarely. Catching and kicking a ball is much easier than hitting an 80 mph curve or a 95mph fastball
@ravaenglandwba 13 лет назад
@THATBOYCIGARRugby is for real men!!
@makaronie08 13 лет назад
@THATBOYCIGAR1 me too :)
@TheNZNick 13 лет назад
@jacobmccombie ... polynesian so they're pretty rough and ready to tackle guys but the mens team was 90% polynesian too and went from 170 pounds to 300 or so so the ladies couldn't do much. it's a great game really. Crazy that you guys who invented it hardly get to play after 18.
@TheNZNick 13 лет назад
@jacobmccombie Na, never got the chance. Played a practise game but it was without the pads and helmets and it was our mens team vs our womens team ( we don't have enough extras to go mens vs themselves. it was hilarious - i asked if i could play for the girls because i was uncomfortable tackling ladies (guess i'm old fashioned) so i spent the whole time trying to make massive hits on guys before they ran through all the female defenders. I liked it. Out here the ladies teams are all...
@glisinski 13 лет назад
@jasper2008ify then what are youre thoughts on soccer?
@killyou45 13 лет назад
@pharry4life A coach is there to motivate, share knowledge & experience, and keep the athlete on track. There's no logical reason a great S&C coach has to be in tip top shape themselves anymore to be highly successful in training the athletes. I do kind of know what you mean though.
@shiron236 13 лет назад
@jimmyjamjombi Or he could be adopting the tone of how Americans speak? So if you were to say you could dictate whether or not people are lying by their dialect, you would be putting too much focus on something that is unneccessary and inaccurate. If you truly want to find out if he's lying or not, ask him relevant questions, not irrelevant matters on how he calls "soccer" football. I'm Korean, but I don't call soccer "chukoo". I call it soccer. Sometimes football. It changes. Derp on your part
@LBreezy214 13 лет назад
@faniemay we're talking over - dj khaled
@sportsfan9217 13 лет назад
my dad used to coach here, like in 1991
@jacobmccombie 13 лет назад
@TheNZNick Wow, yeah that is crazy, maybe my area just gets screwed then. It has never really been mainstream if it is available. So then you have never played an official game?
@TheNZNick 13 лет назад
@jacobmccombie What's really funny is that we have recreational American football league here in Auckland, New Zealand. There are about 6 teams and it has been going for a decade or so now. Mostly all rugby league or union players looking for something different or extra fitness training. I trained with a team for a few weeks and really liked it but was working Saturdays no never got to play a proper game. USA not having any when even NZ has it is kind of crazy.
@jacobmccombie 13 лет назад
@TheNZNick Yeah, no problem. I wish there were recreational leagues like you mentioned for Rugby, but I believe that the equipment costs really hinder that idea.
@TheNZNick 13 лет назад
@jacobmccombie And thanks for the reply - i always wondered about that.
@TheNZNick 13 лет назад
@jacobmccombie Man, that's a heavy price to pay for a sport. Rugby (rugby union) is cheaper on gear, requires less people (15 is a full team, reserves often not needed) and probably has less injuries too so we get to keep playing right up until masters games of 40-50 years old still going hard at it.
@jacobmccombie 13 лет назад
@TheNZNick There are no full contact recreational leagues. For many people, after high school they will never play football again.
@TheNZNick 13 лет назад
When the kids have their last high school football game in American movies the coach always says that except for the few who will be college players this will be tyhe last time they ever strap on their helmets. Is that true? In America how many people outside of school / college / pro league play American football? Are their social leagues and is it widely played or after 18 is it only college and pro players that actually get to play the game.
@SigPi963 13 лет назад
@oceanlover022 This was a recruitment video. Girls from all the sororities had to disaffiliate for the recruitment period to counsel the new girls through recruitment. They had to be covered because of regulations.
@LunchtimeLoonies 13 лет назад
@pharry4life Just because the coach isn't in shape doesn't mean he doesn't know how to get people in shape. Dick.
@LunchtimeLoonies 13 лет назад
@pharry4life It doesn't count for shit. Most of them were in shape before they retired and you can't buy experience on top of knowledge. Pharry....get in shape yourself.
@lightnessdemark 13 лет назад
@emmwal its true.
@basketballCHICKEN 14 лет назад
@LittleLead it's called a "Jammer"
@LittleLead 14 лет назад
where can I get a machine like the one at 2:06
@bmitchell2315 14 лет назад
@bradinhollysprings USM beat Kansas...
@TheMan16111 14 лет назад
@THATBOYCIGAR1 Thank you, I played soccer at a very high level but then I out grew it litteraly and I got tons of penalties, so I went to football. And to be honest Im in the best shape of my life.
@LittleHoneyBea 14 лет назад
You are an idiot. Encouraging long hours only burns out the athletic trainers. If you are a professional health care provider, then make the athletes show up at appointments like every other health care provider out there.
@2ndRick 14 лет назад
They call it a "Jammer" machine. This one looks like it may have been handmade or made to spec. It does not appear to be a commercially available machine I have ever seen.
@Benching341 15 лет назад
Consider adding SquatPrecision to each squat rack. Not only is it a safety feature, but it will also produce the exact depth the lifters want to achieve. Just google squatprecision or do a quick utube search for squatprecision
@P1RAT3FAN69 15 лет назад