I'm a longtime but casual player with a World of Warcraft perspective based on understanding, thoughtfulness, and endless failures at humor.

I do videos on news, guides, tips, gold making, tanking and the crazy ideas that I think could make my favorite game better. Come on in and leave the anger and cynicism at the door.
@snakebyteOne 12 минут назад
Is Brann helpful for you guys? He frequently throws on a dress and nags about things I'm not doing right in my delves
@one-man-band Час назад
Heey soul, no one wants the first 10 seconds of a video to just be your logo, when your name is stated at 11 seconds, and we are watching a youtube video where your name is prominently shown. Food for thought, I took the time to comment before i left without watching your entire video. 4 minutes in to a 14 minute video and you haven't said anything that wasn't a recap of the info every wow player already knows.
@SoulSoBreezy 15 минут назад
"Solo Delves for Beginners!" is the first thing you see before even clicking on the video. Not sure how to better get your attention.
@benderWestlund Час назад
Excellent laydown! Very informative!
@JohnSmith-w8u Час назад
Save month, definitely. Recolored mounts are disappointing. I'll probably get the pet and the bow.
@lilithamberle6470 Час назад
brann is a menace to my BM hunter. he breaks every single one of my frost traps, it's like he has some kinda of compulsion. sees trap, must break. even if i pre-trap something and pull everything else to the other side of the room so it doesn't get broken accidentally, brann will turn around and attack the trapped one anyway lol xD
@JR-ki8xr Час назад
Taunts work great from pets, if you're on your hunter/ lock. And I usually clear the entire dungeon before actually doing the requirements of the delve. That way, the delve is cleared of mobs that would otherwise be around when you're required to "save" npc's or collect items.
@Dasgewt1 Час назад
Porcelain Arrowhead Idol is so fun as Destro.
@erorpro 2 часа назад
TY very helpful guide.
@alihunter84 2 часа назад
Theres been quite a lot of stuff coming out that might be foreshadowing a return to an underwater area....the undersea? Hrmmmmm
@garysimmons6364 2 часа назад
Great video. I didn’t know about the lvl 15 brand issue. I wasn’t trying to waste my keys but I guess I need to run bountiful on my alts
@EarlMatthews 2 часа назад
Is my Brann broken? As a Mage he doesn't even trade aggro off of me. I'm just DPSing all the mobs as he runs around randomly like a cat on fire. I'd turn him completely off if I could
@traviso7810 3 часа назад
My Braan is 52 now, seems like he gets capped each week. He doesnt get anymore exp this week for me. Even in a bountiful 8 or 11 even. I can only assume he can only get so much xp wach week even with alts but im not sure. I have 7 characters now that can do bountiful 8s.
@mimcduffee86 Час назад
Once you kill the boss of your 28th bountiful delve across your entire warband during a single weekly reset, he will stop getting exp. Doesn't matter if you do all 28 on one toon or split them across all 7.
@BronzyCobra 3 часа назад
Something very important to note here: Brann's potions also heal pets
@merey777 2 часа назад
I literally finished with BM hunter that way as ilvl 570 on Tier 8. Send turtle based pet, heal on CD and heal on Bran's heal. no death, nothing, ez run, 15-20 min
@TheBlessedone37 3 часа назад
They need to just remove the monthly tender cap tbh, ijs ppl commenting on the thousands of tenders they have saved proves not everyone will want everything offered month to month
@stupidcampaign397 3 часа назад
The rage-filled idol is my go to as a monk. When I’m WW I just toss a heal on brann every once in a while. When I’m MW his self damage doesn’t matter.
@SoulSoBreezy 8 минут назад
good point, that's def the healer spec
@TheBlessedone37 3 часа назад
Are they ever going to rotate this stuff to the shop to buy with real money? Yeah I'm going to be buying all the "cheap" accessories too, those bows are all 🔥🔥🔥 too
@khralo1537 3 часа назад
I used Raged-Filled Idol on week 1 if I delving with healing alts. Figured that's what it was meant for. Brann will do so much DPS and I'll heal off the health cost. But after the hotfixes, I can't get Brann to hold aggro even with minimal heals. Idk, might need to test more. Relicblood of Zekvir feels like something for Tanks or highly-survivable specs that lack damage. I've tested it once on my Vengeance DH and it worked out okay.
@TheBlessedone37 3 часа назад
I'm saving for the diving suit too 😂
@hellraizer44 3 часа назад
I spent a couple of hours trying to level Brann after lvl 15, not realizing he will only level on bountiful delves. 😥 lesson learned.
@garysimmons6364 2 часа назад
Same for me
@keithb6344 3 часа назад
Not sure if he put this in the other delve videos, but Brann's potions are HOTS. So pick up one, wait a few seconds if you have the health, then repeat. Getting that 800k-1mm health tick for 8 seconds is really useful.
@jak5014 3 часа назад
When you are running in a group with others, whose Brann is the one that runs with you? To make sure you have the right set up.
@SoulSoBreezy 8 минут назад
Should be party leader
@Snakebit-fx7cw 3 часа назад
Brann is always getting in the way of objects I need to click on (including loot drops). I have to keep rotating my camera or running away and then back to loot to keep Brann from always being underfoot. Can't Blizz find a way to let Bran stay a slight distance away? It's really irritating.
@miker5491 3 часа назад
Just hit the interact key - default is f.
@mimcduffee86 Час назад
If you stand still for like 1 second, Brann will run over to wall and just lean there until you move on.
@ChrisTehKiller169 4 часа назад
olden seeker is my go to, you can some times get 2% primary stat or 2% leech from it as well and if you get multiple of the same buff it stacks, it comes from fish, ore, and herbs. my best run so far i got 6% crit, 4% verse, 4% leech, and 2% agility, you also get extra resources. when brann mines the nodes he will throw you a fish, a couple ores, some herbs, i dont even have herbalism and i have a bunch of free mushrooms for cooking. the only big pain is remembering to actually notice and pick up the artifact brann puts on the ground to get the buffs, i definitely missed some at some point because i was focused on the fight. my go to as brewmaster monk is porcelain arrows and olden seeker.
@mortaljorma69 4 часа назад
My Brann is almost lvl50 now but still kinda dumb 😅
@ginch6448 4 часа назад
Thank you for going over those curios. Now I know I can throw away the negative ones. Good job.
@dmeep 4 часа назад
Why it stops at 15 in normal delves ill never understand. just give half exp or something but nothing?
@ChrisTehKiller169 4 часа назад
the answer is simple, bountiful delves are capped daily so it caps your xp daily and keeps you from no-life grinding to cap. the longer you're on the treadmill, the better their playtime metrics.
@paolo5297 4 часа назад
The more 80 you play, the faster you level your Brann basically circumventing the 4 per day cap
@tyrgannusgaming6657 2 часа назад
@@paolo5297 Agreed, while the timegating playtime metric argument makes a certain sense and might actually be Blizzard's intent, alts negate it which makes the leveling restriction seem a bit pointless
@mimcduffee86 Час назад
@@ChrisTehKiller169 Yeah, because people are only playing to level Brann inside of delves...
@robertfrederick7125 4 часа назад
So thought the beeping was a truck outside my house backing into my or the neighbor's driveway to deliver a package. That out of the way, I feel if they want to increase their player metrics then we need a way to earn more tender per month and that would include allowing us to still get tender for doing other activities we normally don't do. Example, I don't do Player verse Player anymore, but if I could do my normal activities and if I really wanted a few extra tender then maybe I would PvP for that extra. It would help me out and help people that play PvP content strictly by giving even faster que times and maybe I learn to like that activity again. We definitely do not need a way to pay for tender like they did early into trying it.
@rseellman1782 5 часов назад
I'm sure others have mentioned this - the Kalu'ak fishing rod from LK allows under water breathing. Place it in the fishing profession gear slot. No need to worry about bubbles or breathing elixirs.
@SoulSoBreezy 6 минут назад
It's a good tip if you already have it but not something I want to tell players to go out and do
@ceroenblanco 5 часов назад
Please tell if boots covers over my troll's ulgy feet. That's an insta-buy for me every time
@SoulSoBreezy 6 минут назад
@Tubernameu123 5 часов назад
By the end of week two I was doing t8s. Delves are not fun. The player base in WOW is shrinking. Rather than admit it WOW needs to pretend they are adding solo content. In reality the truth there just is not enough of us to maintain group stuff...
@T-ROF 6 часов назад
my traders tender continues to remain very high...save month for me
@Anakonda224 6 часов назад
Increaced my solo motivation lot thx bro :)
@war7iger 7 часов назад
Old, reused, useless junk, lowest effort work from blizzard that they could possibly do... and you players eat IT UP.
@CarlosSpicyweiner-iv8mq 8 часов назад
They aint even trying. pass on this month, again.
@derkuma 8 часов назад
We should get more tender each month and items should be cheaper. Why is it considered bad by Blizzard to earn every single item each month? I don't get it.
@SoulSoBreezy 5 минут назад
that's tantamount to items just showing up in our collections tab each month for doing nothing
@Eventwow 8 часов назад
Can solo lvl 9 if I do smart vanilla pulls on my fury warrior at ilvl 607. 30 min runs 😢
@peterdimitrov6214 8 часов назад
Still no bloodhunter set 🥲
@pkl1983 9 часов назад
Pro tip: You can cheese out the campfire by just spamhealing yourself and getting your mana low.
@jimmyodinson9841 10 часов назад
I'm hoping that they do something cool like double the traders coins to celebrate the anniversary. Just a one time thing for November.
@DEichenberg 11 часов назад
Just a lot of meh choices. I never bother with the xmog items; they would really have to be a standout set. Just the mounts and pets for me, thanks.
@Wha162 11 часов назад
We need more spooky spider things in October
@odindave6506 11 часов назад
Why bother having a transmog shop when everything they offer is trash .... bad blizzard
@TheKobool 11 часов назад
Polearm and some of the black stuff is a pretty easy buy.
@BravePip 11 часов назад
Brann, the stupidest dwarf ever, always immediately breaks my cc and it is very frustrating. I love using the Amorphous Relic and Porcelain Arrow, and I almost always have him as a healer. When you run over his potions, it actually puts a 12 second heal over time on you that stacks up to 4, which heals over 1M health per tick. If you time picking them up correctly, you can keep that HoT going indefinitely technically, since he throws out three potions every 25 seconds, although Brann stacking them up can mess you us a little on that.
@generalgk 7 часов назад
and if there’s damaging stuff on the ground you know that’s where Brann’s gonna drop those potions
@globenstine1335 12 часов назад
i have 4300 tender atm idk if this a lot or not
@sandokanfrits 12 часов назад
for my outlaw the ragged transmog armor set and the fist weapon mog.
@Link-ik4ww 14 часов назад
That beeping had me checking if my smoke alarms downstairs were going off til you mentioned it 😂
@GamersFightCancer 14 часов назад
0 effort on the TP items, all of them are old modules that are still low poly. you better save the coins and do 1 run of an older raid/dungeon
@Alithia451 14 часов назад
Pls start selling tenders, how am I supposed to get the hand mount AND the scarecrow????
@rettbull9100 15 часов назад
dropping the candle helped so much, even as a warrior, not that I had much problem with that delve. Just made it less worrisome. I've also made quiet a bit of gold making old water breathing potions.