Religion often tells us that faith is a virtue. We think faith (believing something without evidence) is a poor method for determining what is true, especially in an era when science, reason and evidence continue to provide much more satisfying answers than faith ever has. This is a page that challenges the claims of religion and encourages all to reject faith, to be unfailingly curious, and to keep thinking.
Atheist Bible Quiz Time: ROUND 2
21 час назад
Eve was Framed
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They're Coming for Our Children!
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The Hoarders
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Bible Lessons for Ryan Walters
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What is Project 2025?
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Atheist Bible Quiz Time!
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The Bald Avenger!
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Rethinking Islam: with Adam Elmasri
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Other Primates Aren't Like Us? Think again.
3 месяца назад
@mikefetterman6782 4 минуты назад
Funny how all fetuses are actually born ALL FEMALE. Until the 2nd or 3rd week all fetuses are XX chromosomes, the XY is a delayed reaction. This is the reason why men have nipples.
@chader3033 7 минут назад
Every one of you think about god before you fall asleep. You have faith but are choosing to suppress it. Tell me I’m lying.
@Sergiu.antifascist 12 минут назад
who is better intelligent designer?! god, of course! because he can make things where your logic does not allow it. be polite, bow to god!
@marthadavis5068 20 минут назад
Repenting means to change your mind. It was always the Work of Jesus to save you, no one can save themselves. This is why Jesus said , “It is finished !” You cannot save yourself. That is the gospel. You never knew the gospel! Penal substitution atonement is another lie.
@PLASKETT7 22 минуты назад
Don´t forget what YOUR own ideas of being guided by EVIDENCE rather than FAITH really are, Forrest, Erika and Seth. neo-Darwinian evolution is selection from accidents. And the maths behind that ought to give anyone reasonable doubt. Richard Dawkins describes DNA as like computer code. Bill Gates says it ́s more complex than any software ever devised. - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-3iuwZuupGDg.html Such code arises by selection from accidents only by accepting improbabilities which are trillions to one against chance. In 1859 we were unaware of DNA, and so today Darwin would have written, "I do not know what The Origin of Species was. But DNA proves SOMETHING KNEW. (Although from these data we may glean nothing about what did it, how it managed it, nor even why it bothered.")
@marthadavis5068 23 минуты назад
Seminary is a joke! (Cemeteries ) The blind leading the blind. The church today is Nothing like the first centuries. Churches today are businesses. Jesus cleared out the temple for the same reasons.
@marthadavis5068 30 минут назад
Seminary is a joke! (Cemeteries ) The blind leading the blind.
@marthadavis5068 33 минуты назад
You have not gone very deep in your study of history of the church fathers and history.
@marthadavis5068 36 минут назад
A servant never knows the father’s heart. You are a child of God right now. Ask God if He is in you. He is there.
@pancake2662 40 минут назад
The heart of man is evil. Who has Tim given his heart to know ? God spoke the creation into existence. It was perfect in the beginning. Arcangel lucifer pride. There's a war in heaven. God sent his only son to die on the cross to redeem us . There's nothing we have to do but to believe. belief is given to us . Billy graham oh yes there's pleasure in sin.
@marthadavis5068 41 минуту назад
The rapture is a lie ! Heaven is within.
@marthadavis5068 42 минуты назад
You walked away from a false Jesus and religion. I did too. Now, get to know the real Jesus. He was always in you there was never any separation. That is a lie. There is no eternal conscience torment either.
@marthadavis5068 42 минуты назад
You walked away from a false Jesus and religion. I did too. Now, get to know the real Jesus. He was always in you there was never any separation. That is a lie. There is no eternal conscience torment either.
@marthadavis5068 47 минут назад
You don’t give your heart to Jesus! He gave His heart to you.
@fred901 Час назад
Now it's time to cut your hair as Paul says
@VanHalenIsolated Час назад
That blind spot test is a TRIP! The “o” just disappeared!
@laurencress2013 Час назад
@MoB266 Час назад
Personer calls the line all the time as matthew from OH
@KwizeraJeanLuc-qc9fy Час назад
The problem is atheism is also a religion 😅. Truly my brother leagalistic religion is the worst thing to ever happen, but Christ dying for the sins of the whole world that all who believe receive eternal life is the best thing that ever happened. Wish you to find that my brother ❤️
@OmarSharif-mi3ql Час назад
Dear Brothers, Thanks for the open & detailed discussion. This is called knowing thyself.
@dj_tika 2 часа назад
Why not teeth like rodents that grow like fingernails and can bite through steel? That's what I'd have given us 🐭 Hahahaha cats are godsl 😹 I'm pretty sure my cat agrees and pretty much has me convinced
@PLASKETT7 2 часа назад
Don´t forget what YOUR own idea of being guided by EVIDENCE rather than FAITH really is, Seth. Richard Dawkins believes in neo-Darwinian evolution. neo-Darwinism is selection from accidents. And the maths behind that ought to give anyone reasonable doubt. Richard describes DNA as like computer code. Bill Gates says it ́s more complex than any software ever devised. - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-3iuwZuupGDg.html Such code arises by selection from accidents only by accepting improbabilities which are trillions to one against chance. In 1859 we were unaware of DNA, and so today Darwin would have written, "I do not know what The Origin of Species was. But DNA proves SOMETHING KNEW. (Although from these data we may glean nothing about what did it, how it managed it, nor even why it bothered.")
@SFSraptor 2 часа назад
3:07 If I introduced you to sugar in your baking abs you abuse the use of it and bedsheets diabetic. Do you blame for introducing you to the pleasure of savoring sugar in your pastries. In the save way when you granted the pleasure in life and you abuse them. Do you blame your creator. Should the creator just have made you without any enjoyment in life? We see prone to abuse our gifts in life abs in turn sin and there is your answer. Now I don't claim to have all the answers but that makes sense to me. I am still on my journey to finding God and I am not totally convinced he didn't exists.
@thunderking8925 3 часа назад
Easy too fool religious nutters
@ianthwaite7473 4 часа назад
If our testicles didn't hang outside our bodies, then how would it be possible, first, to scratch them, and, second, to play with them?
@XanbjornDolenski-rh5gg 5 часов назад
I remember people from my church saying things to me like" of course I don't believe in The Bible, it was written by man" It would always floor me and I would ask; Then why are you even here? I would get lots of answers. My family makes me go or they liked the community but never believed. Fascinating to me but they were indoctrinated and so was I. I was taught free-will and works based salvation my whole life until one day, God called me to fast and I began reading the scriptures for the first time in my life. It was incredibly shocking to read the scriptures for 5 hours a day while starving only to find out that there is no free-will or works in salvation and God saves His elect through predestination before they are born and your faith is not a choice. The message of The Bible is A Love story that has nothing to do with sin. At least not for God's elect who can give and receive love. I am watching so many leave a faith they were never created for or called to and now they show up to the front lines to represent who they truly are. Their purpose, identity and calling is to be at war with and an enemy of Emmanuel . That is why you're here. Gotta be who you are..!!
@abandoninwy1 5 часов назад
i'm sure she was completely innocent of everything Jesus didn't walk on water she carried him yes if these things happened it was wrong and they sinned and needed disciplined but her blaming God for your sins or some one else's sin is not only a fools err it's evil
@abandoninwy1 5 часов назад
there is no such thing as a soul mate
@abandoninwy1 5 часов назад
and twist that scripture yeah 1 Corinthians you have been judged and weighed and found lacking
@abandoninwy1 5 часов назад
no she wasn't a believer and her metaphor eve was framed and a feminists favorite word NO was not in her vocabulary and it was adam that took the punishment he was the head not eve would intel Satan ate the apple and set it next to her as she slept yes the great nothing created you from nothing .......her lack of knowledge as well as the host shows their lack of actual thought
@therealjdub 6 часов назад
I'm so grateful for his testimony because I was already awakening but his testimony really solidifies things for me.
@therealjdub 6 часов назад
This man didn't become another Joel Olsteen he became one better he became Timmy fn Gibson!
@jaimereynolds258 6 часов назад
Good for you. Wish you all the happiness. ❤ That Cameron guy has always been awful. Should have known he would attack 😂
@MarkoZorecHimself 6 часов назад
If I, as a Christian and a kinda religious person, prefer the thinking and speaking of Matt Dillahunty over his opponent, then I've said everything...
@Call988youfuck 7 часов назад
I keep a lot to myself but I love this
@rpoorbaugh 8 часов назад
@brianbennett5887 9 часов назад
God is real Yes there is fake people acting and playing church. Many are called Few are chosen Narrow is the to gate to Heaven and there are few that find it. God is Love He humble of Heart Seek and you will find Knock and the door will be open
@ranita899 11 часов назад
Very brave intelligent gentleman . Well done you for defending yours and other people human rights .
@zyxwfish 12 часов назад
I got saved in my room just reading the gospels. I was an atheist the first 42 years of my life. I didn’t know being born again of the spirit was a real thing. I waited 3 months for my previous lost state to come back and it never did. Then I decided to attend a decent Bible believing church. It’s probably not perfect as no church is but we are called to fellowship with the body of Christ. The funny thing is atheists only attack one God and people only take one God’s name in vain. If that was strictly cultural you’d think it would have died out 1000’s of years ago. If the universe was an accident and it had to be if it wasn’t created then there can’t be thinking. Order goes against the 2nd law of thermodynamics and thinking is ordered if you believe it to exist. If as Richard Dawkins calls it the blind watch maker aka the illusion of order. The title of this channel is a contradiction and the truth can’t contradict. If the universe is uncreated then truth can’t be found since thinking can never be trusted.
@Soapy-chan 12 часов назад
this is unfortunately normal for people pretending to be morally superior. I see exactly that behavior in extreme leftis who call everyone bigots for disagreeing with them and I see that in people who think fiction is real somehow and you are bad if you like certain things in fiction and they give you the worst kind of threats and insults in return. It's a sad reality.
@YizzERR 12 часов назад
17:00 basically exposes where this man of God went astray. Aspiring to be like Joel Olsteen, and to be "revered" etc. - sorry to say but this man's heart seems to have never been in the right place. Doesn't help that he attended a charismatic Christian education. Doomed from the get go - pray for him, I shall.
@Rom-lo7zs 12 часов назад
You were never in Christ to begin with sir
@Justin-ve5mg 12 часов назад
Cow dung is a common fuel around the world.
@BrianAddington-ic4jz 12 часов назад
Walters is running the grift with Trump. Where do you think he’ll buy the Bible’s from? lol
@SonovaBish 12 часов назад
Seeking truth was the journey which ended my belief in God altogether. The initial inkling of a problem was the lack of humility I saw in evangelists who came through the church. I was 16 and I'd just read nearly the entire Bible. A lot of questions began to come up. The final straw was God not delivering me from my abusive parents. I had to deliver myself away. I never went back to church.
@seancahalinchristianbrothe1400 12 часов назад
It’s a sad thing to see the world’s religions ruin a true relationship with Christ I’m a Christian and walk with the Lord despite the church hurt that went through. A true believer doesn’t need the approval of man or the church institutions. Jesus Christ didn’t approve of the Pharisees and spoke out against the vanity of their faith. Jesus Christ calls us to follow him in the Spirit and Truth not in the ways of humanistic religion. I pray that more people will choose Christ and survive this world’s attempts to turn people away from the one true name unto whom we must believe and that one name above all names is Jesus Christ
@CalmKomodoDragon-nr1ut 13 часов назад
For thousands of years people been saying God Jesus will arrive in our time of age in their generation and still, where the Fuck is he? Religious people claim that they are the smartest and most intelligent people on earth, but they only read one book for the rest of their lives... Lol😅
@pattieaton 13 часов назад
There are no atheists in fox holes 🙂
@oswaldomayberry9260 13 часов назад
Please tell me the strippers on the pole in the background is an edit 😂😂
@CalmKomodoDragon-nr1ut 13 часов назад
This is the way of religion. It creates people to be evil but they will lose control and go crazy when they find out that what they believe and worship is all lies. When they find out that Jesus never existed they commit suicide for they have an elementary mentality, immature people who need something to live for. People like that never have control of their own lives. So much belief without any proof of Jesus's existence personally.