Sapience Institute
Sapience Institute
Sapience Institute
The official channel of Sapience Institute for Islamic Thought and Education.
"Help Fatima" Shaykh Abdullah al-Ujayri
3 месяца назад
You DON'T want this to happen to you!
4 месяца назад
Proof of God - Ireland Tour - Mohammed Hijab
4 месяца назад
Mohammed Hijab Q and A - LGBTQ - B&U Pakistan
4 месяца назад
Intellectual Seerah | Part 10 - Hijrah
6 месяцев назад
@alfhassan9585 11 часов назад
I love these series, its like going over the best episode of the best series ever and going though it to pick up more gems. So much lessons and wisdoms like dipping in a infinite ocean of wisdom of our Noble Messanger of God. Bless you Mohammed Hijab
@Shamsi419 День назад
Do we still get big breasted virgins and have eternal erections ?
@alfhassan9585 День назад
Mohammed is a legend. Love your answers and engagement with the students and visits around the world. You are a breath of fresh air for Muslims and scholarship. The old scholarship of guys wearing Arab clothing and hardly aware of any subjects let alone engage with anyone. They are what's keeping us behind, shame on these people
@LabzAli 2 дня назад
We are way to small to even see the curve
@LabzAli 2 дня назад
Anjum Choudhary just got found guilty.
@joyboy2748 2 дня назад
We want something like this but with a different topic like: economy, finance and history there are many more. You are a great tecaher Mohammad Hijab i love you
@nasabrqy3772 2 дня назад
where is the full vid link?
@syedasadabbas7844 3 дня назад
Sunni theology is that Allah got body and shape, Prophet s.w was bewitched and can't read or write, Ayesha's goat eaten Quran, and Umar suggested few ayah to Allah, correct yourself and come back later,
@wususesay3918 3 дня назад
Brilliant 👏
@PakoraGamingOfficial 3 дня назад
Shiaism is full of garbage...!
@halamuhammed2070 3 дня назад
Saying 70%+ of women in a survey/poll wanted to quit their job is evidence that ‘feminism bad’ is so stupid. It’s evidence that this current economic system- capitalism- is harmful to people. Everybody would love to quit their jobs, men included. Nobody wants to spend their entire lives working for somebody else just to barely survive.
@Phileesha_titz 3 дня назад
Marrying a 6 year old is permissible in quran but two consenting adult homosexuals is a sin make it make sense, 9 year old giving birth would almost certainly die in child birth we ber bein a child bee self and its pedophilia its beyond sick this religion, Mohammed hijab is a creep for even trying to justify it by saying evryone did it back then if god could ban homosexuality im sure he could have banned pedophilia and owning sex slaves also
@sauldelizmototv6552 3 дня назад
Muhammad hijab is always running.. debating christian prince
@saftarovsaidkosim6169 3 дня назад
It was mentioned in Yanbi` al-Mawaddah by al-Qunduzi al-Hanafi, Chapter (94), on the authority of al-Manaqib, with his chain of transmission, on the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah al-Ansari, who said: The Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family) said: O Jabir, my successors and the imams of the Muslims after me are the first of them to be Ali, then al-Hasan, then al-Husayn, then Ali bin Al-Hussein, then Muhammad bin Ali, known as Al-Baqir, you will catch up with him, Jabir. If you meet him, give him my greetings, then Ja’far bin Muhammad, then Musa bin Jaafar, then Ali bin Musa, then Muhammad bin Ali, then Ali bin Muhammad, then Al-Hassan bin Ali, then Al-Qaim. His name is my name and his nickname is my nickname, Muhammad bin Al-Hassan bin Ali. “Mahdi” is the one upon whose hands God, Blessed and Most High, will conquer the easts and wests of the earth
@eeja1743 3 дня назад
Im a muslim from malaysia, i strongly believe the earth is Flat from what i see from Quran.
@batuhankarakoc1570 2 дня назад
So if world isnt flat, Will you leave islam? Can you tell me how Day times changing? I live in turkey and its morning, İn Newyork its night. İf world flat its impossible. Because sun cant only Light one side of world. If Im wrong can you say why?
@eeja1743 2 дня назад
@@batuhankarakoc1570 its not impossible if you understand the earth is so big while the sun is not, and also the sun isnt 150 million KM away from earth
@Arietini 4 дня назад
Student UM kalau tanya soalan mmg suka meleret2 ke? Ada yg sorg tu buleh pula bg syarahan. Ke diaorg tak fhm objektif dan keperluan soalan
@mohdnorzaihar2632 4 дня назад
Muslim have to look at the "wealth@freedom@soft power" of the Amish who are surrounded by all lies.
@Kate-fd5ni 5 дней назад
Brilliant lecture.
@AbbasKhan-hi7yg 5 дней назад
Why aren’t these lectures promoted or put up on social media? People need to hear this.
@Traveler012 5 дней назад
Guys you seriously need to make more social media marketing when you have these kind of streams and events. It doesn't cost anything just learn how to promote it and tag it right.
@nizamclt 4 дня назад
Absolutely true
@naijiri 5 дней назад
Great series.
@hossiensalehi716 5 дней назад
@MaverickSeventySeven 5 дней назад
To question the Qur'an was/is punishable by Death in over 20 countries - an excellent way of sustai ing a MYTH!!!
@abbodali3167 5 дней назад
Bro Hijab you are in the right place to talk about research Misconduct 😊 Endless cases in UM. Look back to restriction media talked about the current VC😊
@herewego5247 6 дней назад
Kitab Allah clearly states we live in an enclosed system on a flat earth. Hijab doesn't follow the Quran on so many things
@786GG 6 дней назад
@mamunahmed892 6 дней назад
One issue is that Islamic history even shows that there were points where a number of caliphates/sultanates etc existed in parallel so we shouldn't be naive in thinking that political unity is that simple. Disunity has existed throughout our history but I guess there was an appreciation for a certain rule / authority over others
@Alchemist-qz7zm 5 дней назад
True. And that is because humans are not perfect and given free will. Therefore, susceptible to having different views and can be vulnerable to the whispers of the devil a.k.a Shaytan/Satan. Why do you think Muslims are required to pray five times a day? Because we're not perfect. It is to constantly remind and bring people back to the right path.But we're saying that compare to other religions, Islam is the most united in terms of our belief, concept of God, we all believe in the one and only scripture which is the Quran (compare to the numbers of bible versions), the way we pray, the direction we face when praying, our moral values, we are united in ALMOST everything, etc. The only conflict that you hear is because of geopolitical problem between minority of the 2 billion Muslim population.
@mamunahmed892 2 дня назад
@@Alchemist-qz7zm great response
@matishakabdullah5874 6 дней назад
What is TAQWA? The 1st thing is of course; AlQuran, Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 3: الَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْغَيْبِ وَيُقِيمُونَ الصَّلَاةَ وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنفِقُونَ Those who believe in the unseen and keep up prayer and spend out of what We have given them." (English - Shakir) - via iQuran. To belief the unseen! This mean the Caller to Allah SWT must examine and correct his/Allah created Himself belief first! Apparently these days many Callers rejected to the Allah SWT words in thy Hadith Qudsi*;"وانا الدهر /and I'm The Time/AlDahr". That means they don't believe in Allah is AlDahr/The Time. Or they believe time/aldahr is makhluk or a creation of Allah or some even believe that time is just an illusion in one mind consciousness! The implications of rejection of the AlDahr Hadith Qudsi is fatal. They're ¹believing, ² worshipping and ³calling people to the god who created himself. This belief is almost similar to the Christians except that they are calling to believe and worship god who has a son Jesus/Isa ibn Maryam. .. *Hadith Qudsi: وَعَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسلم: " قَالَ اللَّهُ تَعَالَى: يُؤْذِينِي ابْنُ آدَمَ يَسُبُّ الدَّهْرَ وَأَنَا الدَّهْرُ بِيَدِيَ الْأَمْرُ أُقَلِّبُ اللَّيْلَ وَالنَّهَارَ " مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيْهِ (الألباني) حكم : متفق عليه (زبیر علی زئی) Grade: Muttafaqun 'alayh (Zubair `Aliza'i) <Abu Huraira reported that God’s messenger declared that God said, “The son of Adam injures me by abusing time, whereas I am time. Authority is in my hand. I vary night and day.” - (Bukhari and Muslim.)>
@matishakabdullah5874 6 дней назад
The AlDahr Hadith Qudsi falsifies all philosophical AlSyaariah, and AlSyaa-irah-AlMaturidiyah kalamiah arguments; cosmological, ontological, dependency/contingency and...; simply for the fact that nothing couldn't possibly ever exist without Time/AlDahr. Allah is The Time/AlDahr or The Self-Subsisting God.
@Adhamalyamani 6 дней назад
😔this is just so amazing 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@DwayneSMG 6 дней назад
11:58 Can a woman be in a situation with an Islamic sheikh and correcting his approach in his calling? Because the language used it too rigid and aims to undermine the intellectual processes of the individual who is being addressed. He conveys that he is lacking comprehension and has no true knowledge of his arguments, clearly he is trying to challenge his faith/intellect. Hence, is it possible to overcome the fear of the fact that I am no Islamic scholar however a student of knowledge.. and try to seek it in order to recapture dormant taqwa and yaqeen. I’m afraid due to my gender, he will be offended and instead of taking an advice.. becomes assertive in his argument and we all know how we can quote from our Islamic Tradition what supports an argument that is incorporated with the disappointing tone scolded in Khutbas we all are familiar with in the Middle East.. I’m scared he will see it as if I am challenging his persona and masculinity ( sheikh - man )..
@bhatsahil9267 6 дней назад
When will be hamaz,s recent debate uploaded
@zehash 6 дней назад
I can take out so many conflicting issues out of SUNNI books i.e Muslim or Bukhari that conflict with each other and make even less logical sense - but no - ill let the zealots here keep being brain dead and NOT actually reading their own literature. The statement that you can't be a muslim without following the Sunnah - and then having the sunnah in these books have logical and historical conflicts is hilarious. I look at these books the same way you would look at trying to eat from a soup with a fly in it. Need to take the flies out - because they are not infalable or pure. And thats the unfortunate thing - Only the Quran is perfect - the hadith in these books or any books are imperfect and should not be treated as the words and actions of the Prophet PBUH without measuring them in light of the Quran and then some basic logic -
@ceti_9998 7 дней назад
The Quran is the only book that explains in details. ❤
@ahmedfathi981 7 дней назад
It's one of the worst attacks of islamophobes I've ever seen
@AhmadSabour 8 дней назад
Why do Muslims insist on being pre-occupied with the question of Ayesha's age? Just tell the truth! The Holy Prophet did not marry her until she was near 20 years of age. The basis for the six and nine year old ages for Ayesha are based on a bogus hadith. Halaas! Needless controversy resolved.
@AhmadSabour 8 дней назад
Why do Muslims insist on being pre-occupied with the question of Ayesha's age? Just tell the truth! The Holy Prophet did not marry her until she was near 20 years old. The basis for the six and nine year old ages for Ayesha are based on a bogus hadith. Halaas! Needless controversy resolved.
@AhmadSabour 8 дней назад
Why do Muslims insist on being pre-occupied with the question of Ayesha's age? Just tell the truth! The Holy Prophet did not marry her until she was near 20 years old. The basis for the six and nine year old ages for Ayesha are based on a bogus hadith. Halaas! Needless controversy resolved.
@alsanabani 8 дней назад
Start at 17
@virginboy83 8 дней назад
London is not a place for kids to grow up in healthy environment...
@musablackshear 9 дней назад
My reflection on the squeezing is that it is likely related to the command Jibreel (AS) gave to the Prophet (SAW) - he gave the command to read (which he likely meant recite) and perhaps the squeezing was part of the method of revealing the verses and imparting them on the Prophet (SAW). When the Messenger of Allah (SAW) received revelation, it was sometimes described as a weight (like a heavy burden) - i think that relates to this incident of Jibreel (AS) squeezing the Prophet (SAW) as he commanded him to read. Allahu alim, but that was my theory.
@04uali 9 дней назад
Could have had an indepth idea of per islamic arab from reading few pages of the sealed nectar. This intellectual seerah seems like 90% waffle and 10% substance.
@slickperspective2745 9 дней назад
Just watched this from start to finish. Fantastic talk by Br Mohammed Hijab, alhamdulillah. He is one of the very few Muslim scholars who can discuss a wide range of subjects with ease, like picking grapes from a tree.
@addanashraf 8 дней назад
He is not a scholar.
@slickperspective2745 8 дней назад
@@addanashraf Mohammed Hijab is a British Muslim scholar who rigorously navigates the world of Islamic disclosure. And people are keen to learn where Mohammed Hijab is from and his ethnicity. Mohammed Hijab is a British Muslim public speaker, debater, author, and co-founder of Sapience Institute.
@victorkey1218 9 дней назад
Subhanallah this was beautiful the way he explained it ❤
@adriankoh4859 9 дней назад
Is it true Islam prohibited celebration of birthdays?
@momotaroed215 8 дней назад
No. It's not prohibited. Prohibited means Haram. Sinful. It's not Haram. Not a sin. It's encourage not to do the extreme, excessively celebrated which comes to waste, time or food. Anything excessive is unnecessary, it's discouraged because Satan loves wasting and distract human purposes.
@slickperspective2745 9 дней назад
Starts at 10:00. The into was a bit too long, imo.