Orthodox Teaching of the Elders
Orthodox Teaching of the Elders
Orthodox Teaching of the Elders
The world's greatest collection of Orthodox Christian Elders
@JobJohn-s5y 11 часов назад
Heb 13:1-3: "Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unexpectedly. Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body."
@williamphillips3330 17 часов назад
@ginarusu7260 20 часов назад
@ginarusu7260 21 час назад
@geozaharia3715 21 час назад
Sfinții părinți sfătuiesc să nu se asculte cuvintele diavolului, căci este tatăl minciunii, dar, nu pe oricine și în orice împrejurare înșeală diavolul. În cazul sfinților, cu puterea Lui Dumnezeu, ei legau pe diavol să spună adevărul sau să facă un anumit lucru poruncit de ei. Noi nu putem, că suntem păcătoși, dar sfinții puteau. Și observați cum diavolul nu îndrăznește să-i pronunțe numele Maicii Domnului, nu numai din lipsă de respect (aici se aseamănă cu protestanții , care o desconsideră), ci de teamă pentru puterea sfințeniei ei, care-i arde. Maica Domnului nu e moartă, fraților, sfinții în împărăția Lui Dumnezeu sunt mai vii decât noi! "Dumnezeu nu este al morților, ci al celor vii."
@nicoletasimion4920 22 часа назад
Vesnica pomenire parintelui Paisie Olaru si parintelui Ioanichie Balan ,amandoi sunt la Domnul.
@maryperez1235 22 часа назад
💥Perfect sermon...perfect truth...this is more than fasting...this is seeing God in ALL...especially the least of His brethren ☦️
@raymondwu221 23 часа назад
For those who are feeling lonely, may the presence of the Lord be with you, Amen.
@toddmason8403 День назад
I'm the lonely man with mental health issues asking for help. I understand completely what that feels like. Glory be to our Christ!
@KellyKelly-qd7my День назад
Don't you have to be omnipresent to be on the other side and still hear the living? 🤔
@Michael-wu4om День назад
Thank you so much for posting, pray for us all
@junioralfa3628 День назад
More of this! Love your channel and thanks for translating. Thanks!
@iamtheteapot7405 2 дня назад
He is a wonderful storyteller.
@RADECMONEBAL 3 дня назад
Thank you!
@CHARGERDON55 3 дня назад
Traditional organ , what a joke.
@ConstantaGraur 3 дня назад
@Andrei1Nic 4 дня назад
Din păcate acum a murit😓
@KendraChambers-n3m 5 дней назад
The Bible came frist
@SandalDad 3 дня назад
Take a basic history lesson
@EleteriaToma 6 дней назад
V a cuprinde înparatia Lui Dumnezeu și pamint ul după ce îl v a curați? Dacă suntem cu Hristos în noi, facem ce a spus Hristos, asa vom fi cu El mereu în fericirea și bucuria veșnică. Asa cum a zis voi fi cu voi în veșnicie.
@Isaac-n9c8i 7 дней назад
St. Porphyrios, pray for us.
@ebahapo 7 дней назад
“Confess your trespasses to ONE ANOTHER, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” (James 5:16)
@rabbirubiel4932 7 дней назад
Highness secured his soul in eternity.
@evangelopetropoulos4317 7 дней назад
i wish the world could see this video !!❤
@yankaufmann9715 7 дней назад
@alexpop854 7 дней назад
The body = the world
@otelders 7 дней назад
This is a voice recording of St. Sophrony from 1992. He speaks in Russian. Find the books of St. Sophrony and St. Silouan on Messex Monastery's bookshop: essexmonastery.com/bookshop This video has English and Romanian subtitles. Press the CC button to switch them on or off. Read the English transcript of this video here: otelders.org/theology-and-spirituality/my-conversation-with-saint-silouan-the-athonite-✝-24-september-st-sophrony
@jorgeguarin2898 7 дней назад
Very beautiful
@vadimzharkoff9324 7 дней назад
Very profound!
@DanielaBMED 8 дней назад
Frumos ! 🙏
@vuvulescu 8 дней назад
very beautiful, thank you!
@MrGb1965 8 дней назад
Read Father Thomas Hopko’s article “Mel Gibson’s Messiah”.
@Yasen.Dobrev 6 дней назад
Hello. There he says something in the light of modernistic anti-legalism which is problematic - ,,His paying the debt on the cross to redeem humanity is not the debt of pain and punishment that God must exact from sinners to assuage his wrath and satisfy his justice.“ If we say that God's Justice is not satisfied, that would mean to say that there is not God's Justice as One of His uncreated energies. But it exists and His Justice and Love are both divine eternal energies which do not contradict each other.
@MrGb1965 5 дней назад
@francocantone7005 8 дней назад
Sfinti martiri sau jertfit ptr credinnta Va ramine viu crestini ortodoxi ptr credinta au murit sfinti martiri
@francocantone7005 8 дней назад
Acum suntem liberi si nu ne mai rugam am uitat crestini ortodoxi au fost persecutati ptr credinta
@francocantone7005 8 дней назад
Crestiinii Ortodoxi datorita martirilor sunt liberi Suntem liberi sa ne exprimam credinta cea mai puternica prin suferinta
@bonesjr83 8 дней назад
That was powerful
@philotheasbliss 9 дней назад
AMEN ❤❤❤
@timothysmith6577 9 дней назад
I met Fr Cordaoza about 20 years ago. Wonderful man! We were visiting friends in Medford. At the time, I was a Byzantine Rite Catholic so we attended Liturgy at St Innocent’s in Rogue River.
@otelders 8 дней назад
@slavplaysgames 10 дней назад
What tone is this ? I realize you can't chant it like this in English? And I can't find anyone chanting in English in this tone /rhythm that makes it seem as happy song glorifying God
@slavplaysgames 10 дней назад
From the heart . You can feel it . And hum along . The rhythm is so calming and greek is so beautiful
@HidexHoldings 10 дней назад
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away is found in Matthew 24:35, therefore, the Bible came first which is Jesus himself which is the Word.
@Ungke_sanger 11 дней назад
Shallom Bapa , ijin kan saya mendownload video ini untuk saya posting di Akun Media sosial karena ini merupkan sebuah kesaksian , Saya juga sedang dalam Proses Katekisasi menjadi seorang Orthodox 🙏🏼 Doakanlah saya. Saya berasal dari Indonesia 🇮🇩
@Doctoberfest-ch2ml 11 дней назад
This is a very beautiful story. Elder Paisios sounds like a true saint, as does the man he mentored. I am Catholic, and sometimes I wish we had an equivalent to Mt Athos. Hopefully someday I can visit. I have very much respect for my Eastern brothers
@ChristopherRuest 12 дней назад
We reflect on the goriness of the cross to realize the immensity of God's love and salvation.