Master Gualberto
Master Gualberto
Master Gualberto
Master Gualberto awakened to his Real Nature through the Grace of Ramana Maharshi, the greatest exponent of Advaita Vedanta of all time, after more than 20 years of inner self-investigation.

Just like Buddha, Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, and Krishnamurti, among others, Master Gualberto shares his Spiritual Awakening in meetings called “Satsang,” in which what could be called“Real Guided Meditation” takes place.

Here on the channel, Master Gualberto points out that the expressions Spiritual Enlightenment, Kundalini Awakening, and Awakening of Consciousness refer to the True, Real Self-knowledge, in which the illusion of an ego identity is discarded, opening the space for Real Spirituality, for the Real Happiness, or Samadhi.

Clearly and insistently, Master Gualberto always points to “who am I?” - Atma Vichara - as the path to this Awakening, where true mental health resides, the secret of True Happiness.

Subscribe and let’s work on that together!