@mrchubzdathird5449 8 дней назад
Ngl I MIGHT never play this game because im gonna start PGR 😂
@lexxrooo 7 дней назад
Ngl, I’ve played ZZZ some more, its cool if u wanna be braindead and enjoy some cool sfx… but PGR has more difficulty for sure… Besides that, u support Kuro, and not Hoyo, cuz they have enough support 🗿
@lexxrooo 7 дней назад
Pls lemme know 1-10 how good PGR is… I haven’t played it in ages
@lexxrooo 7 дней назад
Also… ur prob the most based mf… this is a ZZZ vid, but u talk about every game besides ZZZ 🤣
@mrchubzdathird5449 7 дней назад
@@lexxrooo 😂 yes
@mrchubzdathird5449 5 дней назад
@@lexxroooif you weren’t able to get the link basically, the ults literally twerk and quite literally take up the entire screen showcasing their “parts” And dude as a huge solo leveling fan I did not know they had a gacha game 😭
@mrchubzdathird5449 8 дней назад
My king….the urge to pull for my wallet in wuwa is unbelievably powerful and the temptation to use my astirite for Jinhsi S6 R5 is crazy 😭 I want to blow things up so bad wth goddamn it
@lexxrooo 7 дней назад
Brother don’t 🤣 stay strong harem king, only 7 more days til big ol bo- I mean changli drops
@lexxrooo 7 дней назад
Dont waste ur money 🤣
@shadowdragonln539 10 дней назад
hell ya dude, you should not play games that you don't enjoy. the combat i feel has a lot of depth (that you don't need to ever interact with because early game is so easy) they said they wanted increased the diff. but honesty that fact it takes so long to force use the surprising deep game play is disappointing (like there are 4 classes of support in the game that all do different stuff but unlike your damage is near full build it does not feel that way). Unless you want to do it for videos playing the game more is only going to make you dislike it more. (like there are 4 classes of support in the game that all do different stuff)
@mrchubzdathird5449 2 дня назад
Is it really 100 gigabytes 😭
@shadowdragonln539 День назад
@@mrchubzdathird5449 I don't think so
@primetyrant2891 10 дней назад
1:05 bruh this game has NONE healers! There isnt one to include! The ONLY character that fits sustain role is fucking Ben the meme bear. Difficulty of the game is DPS checks, where you are supposed to clear challege in a limited time, where enemies job is to actually slow you down rather than to kill you - thats the way mihoyo keeps mobile users and literal children playing the game cus you cant die, basicaly. And in timed modes you can feel the game getting kinda interesting with attacks that cant be parried, multihitting attacks with really tight dodge windows, etc. One cant even meaningfuly criticise combat untill like acc level 25-30 because one havent gotten to actual non-tutorial gamemodes yet that necessitate usage of the mechanics. So, in essence, it all boils down to critiquing meandering pace of the progression that makes people drop the game, which is understandable.
@HakiKingEntertainment 11 дней назад
A lot of people are complaining about the progression of the game and while I understand and feel it definitely could be lowered, the plan for the game is to slowly get harder and harder over time, not only that but, I gotta ask, WHAT GAMES ARE YOU GUYS COMPARING THIS TO. Honkai Impact is easy until you get to lv 60 Genshin is arguable to be still easy in "endgame" but it starts making you pay attention to your characters at least but around lv 50 Star Rail isn't like these games and has a different market to fight against And both of the Kuro games pgr and wuwa were made and marketed to be hardcore games and get hard around lv 30 This game like many other hoyo games has a slow start to hard mode and this game is just another one of them so If this game has bad combat even though you aren't judging it by the same standards as the others then the others are just as bad.
@HakiKingEntertainment 11 дней назад
The other points are decent but yet again we have someone going on about children when there just aren't any smh
@bukojoetheslapsoils8273 11 дней назад
Well, yesterday, I was watching Netflix on my laptop while playing ZZZ on PS5, and I win even against bosses while not looking at the screen and just having my right hand press Square and R1 in a rapid pace.
@aickavon 11 дней назад
Combat has reasonable depth when you get DEEPER into the game and unlock more. Early on at the first twenty levels, combat is basically just styling in enemies with no real threat, but you'll start finding enemies you actually gotta read, enemies you can't just perfect parry, and so on as things go. Characters also start off as two dimensional button smashers, but you can learn about their intricate styles and master them. For example, Corrin, has several moves that you can 'hold' to buzzsaw through enemies and deal lots of damage. If you're just swinging away your'e not using her potential at all and in later fights this will show. There is more dangerous content as the game goes and the enemy variety on launch is quite decent. I'm hoping for MORE obviously, but for launch is pretty good so far. As for character compisition, it does matter later. Early on it has very little sway but as you get into higher levels then choosing a character that vibes with the faction/element and a character who doesn't vibe with said faction/element can decide whether you'll get a rather nice buff or not from both characters. I suspect in later tiers of gameplay as the game releases more content, this will become more pronounced. Art Style is very good and amazing, but I agree that it can be a little stale. I'm hoping for less 'ruined city vibes' around. I'd have to disagree with the TV Exploration. I can honestly see while it was definitely not to your style, it allows for a lot of creativity for the devs to try out mission types and everything WHILE going light on resources. Light on resources is not 'lazy' but you have to realize this game is supposed to run on all sorts of devices, not just PC, so not eating 500000 gigs for every side quest is important and this tv exploration system is absolutely perfect. It shines specifically in Hollow Zero where it's a quasi-rogue like setting where you gotta think about where to move and handle things to avoid getting too much corruption while geting maximum rewards to make the final fight of that Dungeon easier. I agree, at times it can be slow, and some of their experiments are misses and not hits, but a lot of them are great and enjoyable. I just wish they would do less hand holding through some of them. Character design is fantastic, but yes... pulling gacha can be so disheartening. Gacha is a terrible design decision but it makes the money. UI Could use improvement in several places, primarily I didn't know the event bar was clickable, I also didn't know you can craft materials for upgrading, really unfortunate. But the UI is stylized and once you get used to it, it's great. The audience is anime weebs who like near-sci'fi settings with heavy cassette core stylization. It's got style. For me, the game is a good 8/10. It has flaws, and some of it's story pacing is awful, but I rather enjoy it's combat and a lot of other things.
@aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. 11 дней назад
Anyway saying the game gets better later. Look. A game shoulsnt be taking 10 hours to get fun thats ridiculous. Games r suppposed to be fun out the gate cause thats 90 percent of their job and only a little lower when theyre educational. Ppl dont have time to slog for that long
@Ujaah 11 дней назад
He is not wrong for the most part. I am an experienced gamer but total noob at gacha style games. At lvl30 I started facing resistance and blindfolded boss fights are out of the question. Like OP said - artistically, the game is 10/10. Eye candy is through the roof. Story is not bad, Free roaming is not boring but not amazing either. Worse part for me is the INSANE amount of items you have to upgrade for every single character. From the top of my head, each character has nearly 30 slots that can be upgraded many times. The material grind to do this is complete madness.
@isidroduarte8942 11 дней назад
Played up to level 32. It gets more difficult at 30 but at this point I’m only playing for Miyabi and Zhu Yuan. Tv mode is annoying to me and it does time pad the game by quite a bit. The music and art style is nice. I do think it’ll improve in the future so at this point I’ll be rating it a 6/10. Also too many lolis. Gimme milfs.
@Rob-lv3rj 11 дней назад
All style, no substance. I feel like I'm in menus more often than playing a game.
@zephyrtora1629 11 дней назад
Congrats!! :D
@lexxrooo 7 дней назад
Shiiii thanks zeph 💪🏼 the magistrate sure is kind
@zephyrtora1629 11 дней назад
Haha! yeah I had the same issue trying to work out how to select the team members as well for fighting 🙃 I'd rate the game the same actually, but it's nice to have a gacha game to play for once where you don't feel pressured to roll (I got Genshin, Star Rail, WuWa, Arknights and a few more on the go, and oof.) I'm really interested in the way the story is going, but yeah, it'll be cool if more new environments for the Hollows are added later down the line :) Looking forward to watch more of your content though!
@lexxrooo 7 дней назад
Naaaaah that actually makes me happy to hear I wasn’t the only one on this one 🤣 Gotta say, u sure are playing a shitload of gachas… but my question is, which one do u like the most ??? That’s actually fax, as long as they don’t bring some banger design (adult female), this game doesn’t trigger that FOMO like other gachas, ur 100% right Also, thank you for enjoying the vids ! I hope I’ll continue to make good vids for u to enjoy <3 til then, see ya around Zephy 🗿🙏
@Ins_ta 11 дней назад
Come back to me after you've cleared shiyu defense. Until then stop bandwagoning and use your own brain. Honkai and Genshin were JUST as mind numbing for as long or longer. But i'd love to see you clear shiyu defense, try even floor 7 blindfolded.. I imagine you'll be dead in about 15 seconds..
@soaps7033 11 дней назад
its just wuthering waves but more fun imo, wuthering waves is so bland and boring looking. Not to mention ZZZ is way more accessible since WuWu cannot perform on lower end pcs
@Idk_imagine_a_cool_name 11 дней назад
Imo the biggest problem is progression. I’ve played quite a few hours and I still have to unlock the artifact equivalents. Also in a game like this you can’t lock story progression behind such huge level caps. It works in genshin and honkai star rail since there you can explore or do events and character/trailblazer missions to farm exp or at least keep you entertained while you level up. Here you can only play the boring af secondary quests because exploration is not a thing and hollow 0 is progressively locked behind user level too
@michaelsoftbinbows2223 11 дней назад
ZZZ has helped me with me insomnia.
@Idk_imagine_a_cool_name 11 дней назад
You joke, but I have insomnia and I legit think zzz makes it less harsh. It’s not necessary a bad thing tho, a relaxing game can have its charm too
@comehome4226 11 дней назад
TV parts for me are straight up dogshit. Chinese really obsessed with time consuming stuff.
@Fabelaz 11 дней назад
You know, the combat actually is reasonably deep. The fact that you don't need to learn its complexity to complete the campaign so far is... Well, I personally wouldn't say it's bad. I see opportunities to dodge and counter - I take them and enjoy the sounds and animations the game rewards me with. (And increased damage btw!) So what if I don't need to do that to complete the combat? I get that the elemental system is not that complex but honestly, it still works imo. Compared to wuwa, which people tend to compare zzz to, it at least _has_ an elemental dtatus effects system... Wish wuwa also had it, would be perfect game for me in that case. When it comes to other elements of the game, like the tv - if you don't like it, you don't like it. I, for one, enjoyed Hand of Fate when it came out, and having it be reborn with enjoyable combat system makes me happy. If only there was no gacha... Also open world is overrated. I take small locations in which I don't have to run around much over horrible open world traversal. I think the thing that takes the most size is video files btw.
@DeyanIliev-mi9zq 11 дней назад
Man I am so tired of hearing this game getting compared to genshin or hsr...just play them two instead. A game can be different from the 2 gatcha kings.
@zeroconduction 12 дней назад
Every gacha game ever is baby mode on release. If you're not game journo tier they never really get difficult, either. The issue is there are throngs of people who ARE game journo tier. Or people who are nerfing themselves by being mobile only. People in the vocal minority want it to be Dark Souls right out the gate because THEY can handle it, and that's fun for THEM.
@lexxrooo 11 дней назад
Yo, I do agree gacha games are very easy in the beginning. Ur right. But at the point in time of doing this video I was about 15h deep, and the difficulty didnt spike up even a bit. So its fair to say, they are dragging it out a lil too much, and players like myself would get the wrong impression. I did play it some more, and yeah it did start to get a lil more difficult. I'm excited to see if I can blindfold endgame now lmao. Thanks for ur insight 👍
@bestsqued 12 дней назад
People may be trashing or dumping on the game buts it perfect for me, it’s goofy, it’s stupid, it’s very unserious, and it feeds my ADHD
@lexxrooo 11 дней назад
Yeah, played it some more, I do the see the casual appeal of the game. It is indeed braindead fun.
@Valbert94 12 дней назад
Just a suggestion: Remove the "Honestly, IT’S MID" from the title Right now, instead of people watching the whole video to know what your thoughts are, they already know you think its "mid", and just go straight to the comments to "defend their game". But it's up to you, just keep it if it gets you more views i guess. But yea, as for the video, i think you judged the combat way too early. Only people i've seen complaining about the combat, have only played the story on "casual" mode and that's it. You cant really act surprised that the "casual mode" is in fact, casual. And just from listening to the first two minutes of the video, i can already tell that you dont know much about the combat in ZZZ. You said "you dont even need a healer"... when there literally are no healers in the game. There's Attack, Anomaly, Stun, Support, and Defense. None of which are a healer. In the "endgame" you are supposed to parry/dodge everything. From the sound of your comments about the combat system, i wouldn't be surprised if you missed >50% of the actual combat mechanics and synergies between characters. You say its "too easy" when you can do it blindfolded, but you can literally do that in the early game of every other gacha, even WuWa. And since you play WuWa i will give you a comparison to put it into perspective: As someone who has beaten every hologram 6 in WuWa, there is content in ZZZ that challenges me to a comparable level of some of the early level 1 or 2 holograms in WuWa. Ofc its nowhere near level 6 holograms, but i wouldn't say its fair to compare the "endgame" of WuWa to the "earlygame" of ZZZ. With that said, i think every other point in your video was fair. If you don't like the game for what it is, then that's understandable. It's not for everyone.
@lexxrooo 11 дней назад
Hey, thanks for the comment. I thought about the suggestion you gave me for like a day, but I came to the decision to not change anything. I wont back down on my opinion just for the sake of people hating. Those are just my early games thoughts, and that stands. However, seeing all the comments I decided to not give up on the game just yet and continue playing it and see if I like it more the deeper I get (spoiler, yeah it does get better inddeed). Now Im excited to see if I can beat the game blindfolded again, in the endgame this time. Again, thank you for your suggestion and insight, it's greatly appreciated :)
@Valbert94 10 дней назад
@@lexxrooo Alright, fair enough. If you actually do plan to keep playing and want a bit more of a challenge, i would suggest you play the story on the "challenge mode", and that you play it until you unlock the "Shiyu Defense" gamemode. It is basically the equivalent of WuWas Tower of Adversity. If you still feel like its too easy at that point then you can probably just drop the game, because it doesn't get much more difficult than that.
@dogycore2742 12 дней назад
the only reason why genshin is more difficult than zzz is genshin 4 years old and zzz released by 5 days ago. to be honest game easy to me too, i'm on 30 lvl and i just playing, dont read any things just left click, E, space and repeat, but it is important to understand that if the game is more difficult at the start than it is now, then no one will play it.
@lexxrooo 11 дней назад
That’s actually true. Honestly, might just be a Hoyo thing to make the combat very easy in the beginning. I’ll continue the game and see how the difficulty evolves. They gotta find a better balance cuz if the game is too hard, people don’t bother playing… but it goes the other way too. Too ez = people skip game Question, in what way does the game get harder at 30 ? More HP or do enemies hit harder ?
@dogycore2742 11 дней назад
@@lexxrooo Can’t say for sure, in my 30 levels I've only had a character die once. I want to believe that it will be more harder.
@HakiKingEntertainment 11 дней назад
Genshin being harder is nothing more than a shockbait statement, the only times I've died in genshin where from late game one shot enemies or from fall damage, I actually got killed by a hard hitter boss in this game, the truth is just like honkai impact the game only gets hard around 50-60 but when you are there it is very fun and no you can't just mash
@Ollie-hj1fj 12 дней назад
Some fair critiques. I agree that the game is way too easy early on, but it does get harder as you progress, albeit not by a lot. I wish Hoyo would make the "challenging mode" even harder. While I don't mind the TV I wish it was more combat focused. And I can understand why ppl lose interest early on, which is a shame because I feel the game gets better and better the more you play.
@lexxrooo 11 дней назад
I decided to not drop the game just yet and still continue bcs of comments like yours, I wanna see the game get harder, and how it feels… The only thing I’m scared they’ll F up, is that they’ll just bump up the HP of the mobs… It would be more fun if they gave a boost to the enemies attack speed, so we dodge more a bit more often instead of just mindlessly attack. Let’s hope for the best 🙏
@VFX 12 дней назад
I agree with most of your comments really. I dont really like Gacha games a lot, I only started playing it because of the art direction and character designs mostly. I actually enjoy the TV parts even tho sometimes they are so long they are also annoying. Combat gets so repetitive after some time. I tried to switch to the hard mode so I can play the combats a little longer instead of instantly clearing them. But that just made the game even boring cuz you just click more its a very linear combat even with combos and everything. I think at this point I will only keep playing the main and side stories as a casual player and wont bother with every other gacha daily quest things I have to do to pull a new character that I wont even be seeing %80 of the game.
@lexxrooo 11 дней назад
Yo, that’s actually a very good take u made there, didn’t even think of it like that, thanks for sharing that W pov 🗿👍 Hopefully they drop story patches more frequently, so that it incentivizes players like you to come back and not drop the game… tbh I’m kinda scared they’ll drop story just like they do with HSR and Genshin, aka 3-5 good patches, then dry desert ahh patches. But if you really like the story that doesn’t matter, you’ll always come back to it. Good luck !
@mabborangmarlouie5830 12 дней назад
Fair and Good commentary dont mind those who got salty, I love the game and while I do disagree on some of your statements, i do agree to some of your point.
@lexxrooo 12 дней назад
Ey man I appreciate it <3 It’s the first time I’m doing such a “risky” video, and it seems people def respond negatively to it… a wise man once said “If you’re happy, and making good content, people will show up and care and appreciate. If you make them happy, you’re only waiting for the time that you dont.” Moral of the story, you can’t and shouldn’t please everyone… it goes for all aspects of life. But ey, what do u disagree/ agree with ?
@lexxrooo 12 дней назад
Clearing content blindfolded, be it either endgame or early game (WITHOUT even dodging), is a lil too much guys.
@nathanreed8281 11 дней назад
I get that for some people challenge=fun, but that isn't true for everyone. For some,challenge and fun are separate characteristics and you can have either one without the other. For others, challenge =/= fun. If the game is too hard, they will drop it. ZZZ has challenge, though you do have to spend about a week playing to get there (the tougher content starts trickling in at around level 30). That may not be ideal, but if you go hard you can speed that up, and it is WAY better than the alternative which is an overly difficult barrier and easy late game which locks out the players that won't or can't muscle through the difficulties. If the challenge is that important to you, perhaps try something like what Pokemon players have done for years with self imposed challenge modes i.e. the Nuzlocke. You can't face roll the content in this game if you don't use level up items on characters and weapons. I wiped on a level 6 story mode encounter when I accidentally started it without realizing I hadn't leveled the new character I pulled. As someone that plays a wide variety of games, I think there is a LOT to like about this game, from the top notch art and style, and the music, to the beautiful cut scenes, all of which greatly outperform other games like Genshin that have years of development and refinement behind them. I think the combat, if you choose not to faceroll is very engaging and fast paced, and though you CAN win by button mashing, you win a lot faster if you play like you know what you are doing. There is another reward in playing this way, as eventually you will have to either learn to get good, or just grind until you massively outgear and the character powercreep gets you past some of the later content that you can't beat blindfolded. Also, I think ZZZ has the same problem of every MMO released from 2008-2015. You compare it to the games like it in the genre, but to that way that game is now, after years of refinement, not to the way that game was on release day. Genshin is a better game right now, as are several other gatcha-style RPGs, but it took them time to get to where they are. In short, I think that content creator voices have been massively amplified in their negative takes, and maybe the game will not be fun to play for three years, but for a game that is literally free unless you choose to give them money for additional benefits, I think the game is a tremendously fun experience. If I had bought this as a cartridge/CDROM back in the early days of console gaming, I would have zero complaints with it, as shipped. Presumably, there will be more added with the typical regularity of hoyoverse games, which was something that early 1990s me could only have dreamed of. I think we need to stop looking at what the game isn't and demanding it be that, and instead decide if what the game IS, is fun enough for us to play this instead of the plethora of other games in this and every other genre. For me, I know what my decision is. I haven't played Diablo 4 or Genshin since ZZZ dropped, and I was playing both daily before that. This, for the moment, is more fun for me, not because its perfect, but because what it is, is the best $0 I've spent on a game in years.
@mki0452 11 дней назад
dont care, didnt ask, not ur cup of tea, sucks, u tried
@HakiKingEntertainment 11 дней назад
Bro ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-S5OSDhmeqJ4.htmlsi=a8PvVv7tc7JldwaF
@peakcryptic 12 дней назад
lame commentary ngl
@lexxrooo 12 дней назад
Fair. Yeah, still improving. What makes it lame to you ?
@LadyDeutza 12 дней назад
The TV system is my favorite part of ZZZ... the game just isn't for you. Glad you added "so far" cause this isn't a proper review.
@lexxrooo 12 дней назад
I can totally see the charm of the tv, also it had potential to be better over time, but yeah, not for me, ur right 100% 👍 glad to see there’s people liking it tho, y’all are quite rare (at least from what I’ve seen so far) The video was never meant to be a review really, just my thoughts on the game… I’d have to play far more to give a proper review especially endgame.
@noface5775 11 дней назад
You should never play a game ever again
@noface5775 11 дней назад
This game fking sucks bro
@Idk_imagine_a_cool_name 11 дней назад
@@noface5775read your sentence again pls, read it slowly trying to understand what the heck you wrote
@virgo4200 12 дней назад
it has a little to much Lolli anime in it lol its a lil sus
@belalalalal363 12 дней назад
Dude… have u seen genshin or honkai star rail, this one is the best out of them if that’s how you judge games
@lexxrooo 12 дней назад
I gotta agree w @belalalalal363, ZZZ is quite tame when it comes to it. Also, adult male and female body type really be looking clean 👌
@belalalalal363 12 дней назад
@@lexxrooo fr!! Bailu, clara, klee, qiqi😭 etc!! I can’t stand playing as them
@zinxoid 13 дней назад
Its not really fair to complain about how easy the game is when you didn't advance enough, even at level 25+ you still don't unlock all the games features, can you get away with button smashing early on? yes, is it optimal or fun? no
@-eight-7095 13 дней назад
totally agree, 34lvls in, i still dont have like have another 40% of the game's modes and mechanics shown..
@lexxrooo 13 дней назад
You’re right with everything you said. 100% agreed. BUT honestly, the fact that one feels like dropping the game so soon IS a critique in itself. It seems like there’s plenty of people like myself, and Hoyo, could change something about it, so it’s worth putting out there even if im not yet lvl 25+. I really would love to do a endgame blindfold try, believe me, but playing feels like a chore. Many people say “play for 20h, then it gets good”. Why play an inferior product for the first 20h when it could be good from the get go. Wishing the game will succeed. How are you enjoying the game so far ? Does it get better with time ?
@gameplayer4885 12 дней назад
If you have to sink 10+ hours into a game before it gets good, then it's a bad game. The pacing and difficulty ramping is excruciatingly slow.
@erikjimenezlopez8377 12 дней назад
It's a problem when you must suffer for 12 hours of game to get to the good part. Generally people have other things to do, so wasting that much time being bored is not worth it.
@Idk_imagine_a_cool_name 11 дней назад
@@-eight-7095indeed the problem isn’t difficulty as people say: it’s progression . How many hours you have to play in this game to unlock even basic things like discs? Not to mention when you finish a piece of the story you have to do like 5 user levels to being able to play again, with the problem being that with exploration not being a thing, you can only do side quest, most if which are absurdly boring tv gameplay
@mrchubzdathird5449 13 дней назад
I saw jighle and I followed 🗿 I deadass thought they said “Don’t forget about the boobles” instead of boopons 💀
@lexxrooo 13 дней назад
You know what you like, and I respect that 🤣 Where did they say that ??? Btw, how are you enjoying the game so far brotherman ? (Btw thank you for always commenting on my stupid videos, might not seem like much to you, but to me it sure does <3)
@mrchubzdathird5449 13 дней назад
@@lexxrooo haven't played yet I was grinding wuwa 💀 also it was in the ads
@lexxrooo 12 дней назад
I’m really curious to see what u think of it mr harem king lmk when u gave it a try king
@mrchubzdathird5449 12 дней назад
@@lexxrooo Well, to start…..the gravitational pull of the milf maid’s planets has attracted my attention…..but lately I've been wondering if I can afford to get Changli if I get Jinshis weapon (I have lustrous razor but I wanna do BIG PP dmg)
@lexxrooo 12 дней назад
Bro is addicted to WuWa 🤣 Talking about WuWa on a ZZZ vid is truly peak (im down). *epic battle music* Brotherman, listen. You are the chosen one, you are the harem king. You have been blessed with the power to pull all the milfs, so that means you could go for both… quite a gamble tho 🤣 What do u think going for Changli AND her sig weapon ? Instead of Jinshi Weapon. Then you deal massive PP dmg with both characters 🗿
@anlisiman542 13 дней назад
Thoes damn tv still haunt my dreams and nightmares. '-')/ you have potential!. Keep it up!❤
@lexxrooo 13 дней назад
Trust, Tv system could be fun if they would tone it down a lil, and maybe make all those pop ups pop up less/ differently in a way that doesnt interrupt the flow of the tv. Rn it’s meh, but we’ll see in the future updates 🤔 Thank you for the encouragement, I appreciate it <3 How are u enjoying the game so far ? 1-10 ?
@anlisiman542 13 дней назад
@@lexxrooo 5.6 in my opinion. There almost not really new things inside it. It just a tone down version of HSR and Honkei impact with the brutal gacha system. ("-" feels alot of things are just copy pasted, people these days want something new. You can't even fully enjoy the charecters you like and paid for fully before the game forces you to use another charecter. ;-;)
@lexxrooo 12 дней назад
MAAAN FAX. You barely get to see and use ur character. I would tone down the gacha rates, especially for the weapons… imagine losing a 50/50 on that. Lowkey would pull out my hair.
@andrewcastro8103 15 дней назад
Omg let’s farm together :)
@lexxrooo 13 дней назад
sure, drop the UID so I can add
@shsuemlshdk 17 дней назад
as a 2 year old genshin player who is also palying hsr and wuwa from release i really hope wuwa makes good money because the devs really need it and their lives depend on it their hard work should pay off this also applies to genshin and hsr aswell and spread love with in and out the community cause games are ment to gather people from different places and ignore the negative vocal minority of each games
@lexxrooo 13 дней назад
Sorry for late response, I was busy trying out ZZZ. You seem like a person that has their priorities straight and plays for fun, as games should be enjoyed. Rare to see people like you in the gacha space. Very mature, big PP. I'm sure WuWa will stay in top 3 for a while, so the devs will def make some cash. Funny how Kuro raised the Gacha standard and honestly, destroyed the success ZZZ could've achieved.
@shsuemlshdk 13 дней назад
@@lexxrooo not big PP though ☹️🙂‍↕️😔
@lexxrooo 12 дней назад
Press F to pay respects 🫡🫡🫡 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Yk what they say, its about the motion in the ocean (idk how true that is ngl, I’m scared of woman)
@shsuemlshdk 12 дней назад
@@lexxrooo 😂😂😂
@brisenocturne1441 17 дней назад
how could a new game with what player base come close to GENSHIN with 100mln players? Blows my mind
@lexxrooo 17 дней назад
Truly amazing fr. Kuro took the perfect opportunity to fill the need of a next level combat gacha in the market, and now they’re making big fat stonks. Kudos to them, they deserve it looking at the map and characters quality 💪🏼
@chupunggatv6416 18 дней назад
Man I lost my 50/59 in 80 pity then got her at 70 pity then lost again at 70 pity .. I guess Kuro hates me 🥹🥹 btw her weapon also at 70 pity .. I'm totally stressed right now 😭😭
@lexxrooo 17 дней назад
Oh hellll nahhh dude 💀 I felt like being punched in the gut just reading that 😂😂😂 I bet that shit devastated you and created a new level of PTSD Now that u say it tho, I feel like an account’s luck is decided the moment u create it… I got 3 accounts but none of them gets as lucky as the one I’m currently playing on… maybe I’m reading too much into it (pls don’t start a new account bcs of my 99% chance inaccurate guess 😂)
@chupunggatv6416 17 дней назад
@@lexxrooo I don't have beginners luck in this game .. I didn't pull in any banner before and wait till Jinhsi's banner 🥹🥹 even my standards character I didn't got them early 😭😭 you know what I'm almost quitted the game .. the amount of effort you need to get those pulls and didn't paid right 🥹🥹 I am busy person that's why I just manage my time of playing .. btw I never experienced a double five star in any gacha game I played 🥹🥹 congratsu bruh 🎉🎉
@lexxrooo 12 дней назад
I’m giving you my 🍀, may rngsus bless you with early and double, no no, even tripple 5 star pulls. I rerolled 3 times until I got this account, the pain was worth it tho 💀
@NekoCube 18 дней назад
bro looks kissable
@lexxrooo 18 дней назад
@NekoCube Sussy Baka (kisses u first😂)
@meh2572 18 дней назад
Man i wish thats my luck i lost and im 70 pity guaranteed but still havent got her
@lexxrooo 18 дней назад
Ohh helll nah 💀 Jinshi milking u dry frfr 💀 At this might aswell just go for Changli instead ??? Or do you prefer Jinshi ? (Konosuba best anime btw, I see u have good taste 💪🏼)
@meh2572 18 дней назад
@@lexxrooo ill still go for jinshi her animations are top notch i dont wanna miss it
@lexxrooo 17 дней назад
That’s true her animations are peak, impossible to get bored looking at them. She’s like a Raiden Shogun on steroids animation and strength wise. Lowkey cleared Tower of adversity 18/30 the other day, and she was lvl 60 with skills at lvl 4. If there’s a good character to invest into, she is FOR SURE one of them. U still got a lot of time to save up some gems, may RNGsus smile on you one of these days 🗿
@lexxrooo 20 дней назад
UPDATE: after some digging, I can confirm the 15 days of revenue have been indeed frozen, so they are not counted in this month’s chart. HUGE L, BUT, I doubt the outcome would’ve been any different.
@elevatedone6886 18 дней назад
15 days could be a huge difference you really don’t know and also picking just en when genshin globally was above, you had it in the beginning of the video before switching??? Pretty disingenuous of you
@lexxrooo 18 дней назад
@@elevatedone6886 Dude I literally SHOWED both EN, CN AND GLOBAL charts, idk what ur talking about.
@lexxrooo 18 дней назад
@@elevatedone6886 Talked and praised all 3 for doing so well. No glazing was done, just pure facts.
@elevatedone6886 18 дней назад
@@lexxrooo but you advertise it being only the one with it in your thumbnail no need to attack me. Poor way to treat audiences plus was mainly saying a 15 day hold can make big difference. No need to be a dick to your viewers
@lexxrooo 18 дней назад
@@elevatedone6886 ez, let’s talk about this cuz we are going in a very bad direction which tbh, is not my intention and probably yours neither 😂 1. You said I’m disingenuous, which is the furthest from true, so I responded in my defense with intent to clarify the misunderstanding, thats all. It’s a fair take from u, ydk me, idk you. 2. Mainly doing WuWa content, so ofc I’ll put it in the thumbnail. Genshin cuz I was a day 1 player, the Wuwa vs Genshin pvp is quite the topic, and to be COMPLETELY honest with u, it does attract people like you and me to check it out. 3. YOU’RE RIGHT, the 15 days would make a difference in the total revenue for every single gacha. It’s unfortunate they F-ed this up (probably intentionally). Now Imo, the top 3 prob would’ve looked the same in CN, EN and Global even if they counted the last 15 days. Idk. All Banners were strong this month. What do you think ? Hope this clarifies my side of the story, lmk about your pov on this 💪🏼
@mrchubzdathird5449 20 дней назад
Why is bro so handsome though? Does the G himself workout I would like to know 😂
@lexxrooo 20 дней назад
Pookie making me smile so hard 😂 I used to workout RELIGIOUSLY and got huge asf, but nowadays I’m skipping a lot 😂 Lemme guess u noticed the YoungLa tshirt ? Hby ? Looking at ur pfp u must be working out aswell ? 🫵🦍👑
@mrchubzdathird5449 20 дней назад
@@lexxrooo of course, bro the third leg has to grow so I can’t skip a day And as a very wise man said….”A moment of pain is worth a life time of b*tches….”
@lexxrooo 20 дней назад
Bro is preaching straight FACTS 🗣️💯 You’re going all out grinding out the harem and irl b*tches… RESPECT+++ 👑🦍
@mrchubzdathird5449 20 дней назад
@@lexxrooo getting jacked and stacked collecting numbers & grams like they infinity stones with the # of girls just as much as the billions on my phone 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
@lexxrooo 20 дней назад
@@mrchubzdathird5449 bro’s a poet ? this shii rhythm-ed in my head 😂
@theyorsimp 20 дней назад
GIMMIE ur luck bro
@lexxrooo 20 дней назад
Here, take it all 🤲🍀🍀🍀🍀
@sharmainecordevilla4146 20 дней назад
Got her at 22 pity in 1 pull
@lexxrooo 20 дней назад
Wth what is that luck 😂 How about Jinshi ? Have you pulled ?
@sharmainecordevilla4146 20 дней назад
@lexxrooo not yet bc i mostly spent all pulls on jiyan and lost 50/50 And my astrites on yinlin So im broke rn Edit:I got cosmic ripples in my first 10 pull after the update and also got calcharo And in my alt acc i lost 50/50 to verina(jinhsi banner)
@lexxrooo 20 дней назад
@@sharmainecordevilla4146 shiiii, lucky we getting many free pulls this version, so you might be able to get the character u want next guaranteed. W pulls Sharm, Verina and Calcharo are prob the next characters to lose a 50/50 to 🗿 Who are u aiming for next tho ? 💪🏼
@sharmainecordevilla4146 20 дней назад
@lexxrooo pulling for yinlin was the most painful thing. Hopefully I'll be able to save for scar and jinhsi in time.
@lexxrooo 18 дней назад
Painful, but worth it If theres 1 must pull character, imo, its her Jinshi is strong and cute, a must pull tho ? Idk…Scar is def daddy material 😂
@mrchubzdathird5449 22 дня назад
Ngl wouldn’t it be insane if they had adult skins (timeskip etc) or a “buffed” jihsi 😏
@lexxrooo 22 дня назад
Since Changli is Jinshi’s teacher, she could also teach her how to grow a pair 😂 And also teach her THE smile, iykyk 👑
@watermelonz0 23 дня назад
crazy luck bro congrats, i think im gon save up till scar is on a banner.. one day.. i know he will
@lexxrooo 23 дня назад
Let’s keep an eye out for the leaks comin in a couple days from now… maybe Scar will actually be the next one ? Stay strong Melonz 💪🏼
@watermelonz0 23 дня назад
@@lexxrooo wishing for scar to be in 1.2
@mrchubzdathird5449 23 дня назад
Sensei….I am torn between getting all the waifus and saving for S6 Yinlin with her R5 Weapon I have a crap ton of fire echoes ready for changli + perfect spectro echoes I can use my coral to buy a bunch of cash But I also have an early game alt that hasn’t spent anything so I can actually build them and level them later
@lexxrooo 23 дня назад
For your torn part, I have some personal experience that might help ya… I used to play Genshin and I liked Raiden so much I E2ed that bi*tch… after many other waifus came out I REALLY wanted, I couldn’t pull which felt like the most massive L Moral of the story, go for more characters. Get waifus and versatility. BUILD YOUR DREAM HAREM KING 👑
@mrchubzdathird5449 23 дня назад
@@lexxrooo OHHH THANK YOU It’s time to create my own empire 👑 🍷🗿👌 I will just use the alt as the one who maxes out characters 😎😎😎😎👍
@selwynserfino7947 23 дня назад
congrats bro 👏
@lexxrooo 23 дня назад
Thank you brotherman 💪🏼 How’d your pulls go ? (In case u pulled)
@selwynserfino7947 23 дня назад
@@lexxrooo im saveing up for changli
@lexxrooo 22 дня назад
how much u got saved up so far ?
@selwynserfino7947 22 дня назад
@@lexxrooo around like 10k
@lexxrooo 21 день назад
@@selwynserfino7947 that’s pretty good, especially if it’s a guaranteed 21 days to go tho 🥲
@mrchubzdathird5449 25 дней назад
Bro predicted my answer 💀 “Yinlin now please”
@mrchubzdathird5449 25 дней назад
@lexxrooo 24 дня назад
ALLELUJAH MY FRIEND ! NEXT UP LET US USE OIL TO OIL CHARACTERS UP 😂🗣️🗣️🗣️ (why u so funny tho shit makes me crack up every time)
@mrchubzdathird5449 24 дня назад
@@lexxrooo It’s mostly cocaine, but it runs in the family 😁