Ceave Perspective
Ceave Perspective
Ceave Perspective
@willbohland3698 22 часа назад
You're wrong. Hollow Knight is a deeply flawed game that could easily be much more fun. It's tedious, boring, frustrating, and senseless. IDK who designed this game, but they made a really shitty one. It could've been so good. It's got so much potential. It really feels like a game that hates the player and enjoys trolling you as much as possible. Fuck that. Who could ever even call that a game? Cup Head is 1000x better than Hollow Knight. So disappointed. I understand why it's less than $10.
@REAPERLEVITHAN05 2 дня назад
Yeah The First Encounter Of The 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗣𝗘𝗥 𝗟𝗘𝗩𝗜𝗔𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗡,Stalker,Warper Or Ghost Leviathan Are EXTREMLEY Unneriving and Terrefiying,Also The Darkness Is HORRIFYING You don't Know What PREDATORS Could be Hiding down There...
@seymorend3736 2 дня назад
Truly amazing! I started playing Subnautica because of this video and i am very hyped to watch the video fully after playing the game. Good stuff!
@shiiche 3 дня назад
@shiiche 3 дня назад
This is very quickly becoming one of my favourite channels to listen to! All the love ❤️
@SnufflySpy 3 дня назад
My brother keeps getting on my case about not finishing TOTK after playing for 100 hours. I couldn't exactly explain to him why it got old, but this video gave me the words
@spaceowl9246 4 дня назад
YOU broke granny's heart, I gave her a fairy and healed her.
@ghostghostghst 4 дня назад
How can i fucking kill myself
@cleverman383 4 дня назад
I don't think we should interpret the events and meanings of Majora's Mask based on stories made for the IP after its release by different writers. It doesn't matter what Skyward Sword said, it didn't exist when Majora's Mask was being written. Same thing with the comics that were written after Majora's Mask came out. It doesn't matter if it's official, or canon, all that matters is what Yoshiaki Koizumi intended at the time while creating the game itself.
@GermanicChieftan 4 дня назад
Epic video. Majoras mask is GOATed
@robocroakie2649 4 дня назад
What’s the song at 1:04:16? Shit goes hard.
@zachspool 5 дней назад
You don’t need to reset the auction house. I never had to skip forward time. Just leave and reenter and it never took me long to get everything that way
@tonyn2524 5 дней назад
The game is about al points you mentioned combined. Why is it so hard?
@Skillaway 5 дней назад
ceave should make his own game
@olavotoledo8870 6 дней назад
I think the game also poses a really cool exploration of existencialism. we enter this world and we have to make some sense of it, by interacting with its story and people, and in the end we reach our own answer and personal porpuse to live. man, what a great game.
@olavotoledo8870 6 дней назад
Great video! For me, in my life and the game, Ranni ending all the way! With that said, i don't know if the part that remains of marika is the order one. We killed Radagon and the Elden Beast, that for me represents the order part, as marika represents the chaos one. So in the vanilla ending and its variation, i think the tarnished represents the concept of order and stability. anyway, love the content!
@fergalhennessy775 2 дня назад
yea i think so, the broken body of marika/radagon has the radagon order part missing at the end and we're gonna fill it
@arielfontecilla5562 7 дней назад
I've always been too dumb to understand themes in games, and I always knew there was something in Wind Waker just behind the text, but could never reach it. This video almost made me cry about the themes and subtext. Thank you so much for making it and analysing the game for those of us that don't get these clues
@TheDimensionDweller 7 дней назад
This is a wonderful analysis of the horror of Subnautica!
@Platinum-db8rc 7 дней назад
Well! Im convinced!
@Buttered_Fish 7 дней назад
Love your videos and bloodborne. This is dream come true for me
@rw8160 7 дней назад
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who struggled with that lightning rail in the mech factory. It was ridiculous. 😅
@tommarren3809 8 дней назад
I'm not sure if I'm impressed or offended that this is your second Soulsborne vid that didn't mention berzerk.
@levink64 8 дней назад
Beautiful video
@fabianheinrich3930 8 дней назад
Lmao did you give a spoiler warning for a philosophy text??
@fang4223 9 дней назад
Disagree on Bloodborne not being cosmic horror. It has a combination of both gothic and Lovecraftian. The Nursery is where the two clash the hardest. Yes there's the werewolves desecrating the place, but just after that is a scorched corpse standing in a pose you learn is used to attempt to make contact with the great ones, which in turn shows the consequences of trying to understand when you lack the means to do so. After all, one of the main mechanics of the game is that the more insight you have to the world, the more of what was better left hidden is seen. This is shown both mechanically, in that insite inversely effects your rationality and bestial nature, and visibly, in that , as I said, the more your character understands the world, the more actually becomes visible in game. Does it do the best job of capturing the sense of insignifigance? Only if you look for it. After all, two endings are essentially just you either forgetting everything, or becoming a part of the cycle. The third ending, well, who's to say what happens when you get to the point of seeing humans as vermin.
@godslayer8464 9 дней назад
@godslayer8464 9 дней назад
wow i just saw the Prime 4 trailer
@SobeCrunkMonster 9 дней назад
the drawing in the thumbnail is really bad
@artemis2227 9 дней назад
I enjoy following voice actors work in games. I love good voice performances more than good visual acting performances. I didn't like Ada's voice acting in this game. I thought it was flat, and not on the same level of as the other performances in the game. You know what I did about that? I formulated my opinion, and shared it with my friends. You know what I didn't do about that? Send death threats to the voice actor. Some peoples children, man
@renmcmanus 9 дней назад
Iv played through Subnautica first and red "The Complete Weird-Fiction Works of H.P. Lovecraft" a while later. You are just blatantly wrong. And you didn't understand Lovecraft's fiction. Pathologic is a closer. And The first Darkest Dungeon game is just as close but in a different way. Darkwood kinda counts but its a bit closer to Junji Ito then Lovecraft. Those are the closest to his works I know off the to of my head. Well. Games that are longer then 20 minuets. Something like Iron lung captures one of his story's rather well. One important thing about Lovecraft's works is that the reader almost always understands the full situation long before the characters in the story. Outside of stuff like "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath". Where you would have had to literally be Lovecraft to predict anything more the a paragraph in the future. Regardless. This means that vary Little of his work is particularly suspenseful to the reader themselves. Of course There are still storys like that in his works. But usually those are short stories. And nether of he two most well know story's fall into that category. If I remember more ill come back and add it. BTW I do actually really like Subnutica. That is one of the reasons I cant agree with your title.
@ZarHakkar 10 дней назад
Did not expect the Metroid Prime plug, but it was certainly a welcome surprise. If you want extra points from me, you can make a video that covers the thematic connections between Metroid Prime 2 and Outer Wilds.
@mackenzieviews7682 10 дней назад
The one thing I will never forget is the first time I deceeded into the bloodkelp zone. The place alone is scary enough but add in that deep booming heartbeat that consumes the music and you get pure dread.
@samburgess7924 10 дней назад
Please play outer wilds.
@ghohenzollern 10 дней назад
I am so glad that you made a video about Subnautica, and just as angry that the RU-vid algorithm buried it, even for someone like me who watches all your videos. However I think that for the first time you have gotten this completely wrong. I think there is a very important distinction between things we don't yet understand and things we are inherently incapable of understanding. Everything in Subnautica makes perfect sense, maybe even too much sense once you have all the lore. And there are tried and tested ways of dealing with that kind of lack of understanding. It's how NASA managed to get to the moon. it involves collecting recommendations from multiple experts, having multiple fail-safes and exhaustive checklists. And it's boring as hell and not the kind of thing that makes a fun game. I think of the galacticraft mod for Minecraft. I didn't go to space for the longest time because I knew I'd forget something without a checklist and making a checklist seemed like work, not fun. In the end I looked up someone else's checklist. The real problem that causes so many people to quit Subnautica when you did is decision paralysis. There is no way to tell what is more scary. This disease which after a while seems to stop progressing and the unknown depths of the ocean. And especially when we can build bases and live on this beautiful tropical paradise of a planet, there is just nothing to light a fire under our posterior to summon the courage (and checklists) necessary to do so. If you want a real Eldritch horror game imagine this game without the scanner and with a plot designed not to make sense. Or imagine Outer Wilds without the respawn mechanic.
@artemis2227 10 дней назад
the Xenoblade Chronicles games solve the open world scaling problem pretty well too. Well, it's not a true 100% open world, you unlock massive open world areas in a specific order, but still. It places a large, near the level cap enemy as an obstacle in the way of your path in the very first major area, and then populates the world accurately with various leveled enemies in every location. You might run into a group of level 50 enemies guarding a secret when your level 20, meaning you either need to come back later or treat them as an obstacle. Then, you get the wonderful satisfaction of revenge on those enemies when you are finally high leveled enough to take them out. It works really well. Plus, it's become a meme that every Xenoblade game has a level 90 monkey ready to mess you up as soon as you take your first step
@cottonpotter6818 11 дней назад
i haven’t beat the game for the exact same reason. i loved the gameplay and the environment, but i just couldn’t force myself to explore any further 😭😭😭
@lurkingmoth 11 дней назад
Love zoning out for a couple minutes and zoning back in at 34:31
@tenormartin277 11 дней назад
The run back to soul sanctum really isn’t so bad once you find the breakable wall in cornifer’s room. I think it’s pretty well done. There really is only the one twister if you’ve unlocked the path to the elevator. Not finished the game (only 1 dreamer down) and I’d say the Mantis Lord run was at least as long if not more so.
@ItIsWhatItIs-dz3cu 11 дней назад
But idunno, I dont even wanna sound mean, but all the games with "deeper themes" that get covered on this channel, or atleast their interpretations, seem almost allways to devolve into "yeah like its all meaningless but I guess lets people enjoy things or some abstract freedom idk" - in the end its all old hat and one can even psychoanalys this as being a reflection of the maker being from austria - feeling guilt about nazis, so the only prescriptive thing to belief is "be doubtful of anything and just basically support the milque-toast status qou" Like I remember him one time refering to God as a "her" and even if I think thats lame, atleast I would respect if he did some video about his belief in a true feminist god and how a game extols the views of matriarchal supremacy or something - but nah, even this raini is a literal plastic figurine, just the doll for the male desires of something below nihilism, even doubting it, not as a start for something new, but just to sink deeper into platitudes of "be responsible fo your destiy!" yeah lets go vote for the eu parlament or something cause thats the highest freedom😂 But nah sorry I just sometimes get into these delusional rants lol😂
@ItIsWhatItIs-dz3cu 11 дней назад
funny how the "good" ending is even more disgusting than nihilism - the later atleast trys to be "honest" and say it believes it, but nah this one is basically the dude from Lebowski, which ironicallly had the joke of nihilisg being a lot more dogmatic and goaldriven then the protagonist😂 But I guess this is just the ideology of the western lead "rules based order" "Dont believe anything or else!"
@ItIsWhatItIs-dz3cu 11 дней назад
I wonder if the Sandkings were an inspiration for the chimera ants from hxh
@PoipPoippoip-zd3fw 11 дней назад
It's the primal fear type vibe It's about that is it not?
@elerigwen8013 11 дней назад
i still don’t understand how a game that’s rated a 7 where i’m from instills so much fear in a diverse age group (me included 💀) ik there’s nothing that warrants a higher age rating, but dayum this games scary
@yannisbeul916 11 дней назад
You Said some Things wrong in the Video But gerham broke me Being serious tho i really enjoyed your Take on bloodborne
@paulwilliams5949 11 дней назад
I think it's art and you can interpret it in you own way for me it's about time management
@TheFirstAifos 11 дней назад
It’s so weird to hear people describe Subnautica as being this terrifying. I always foud the game to be incredibly chill, and I usually can’t handle most horror games. I wonder why that is. What aspect of the design led to us having basically total opposite experiences with the game?
@stevenkawleski3269 11 дней назад
The toon link art style was such a turnoff. Everyone say the graphical jump from SNES to N64. They wanted an equal jump from N64 to Gamecube. It felt like Nintendo intentionally ignored that desire and actually took a step backward.
@TithyosWahrmgard 12 дней назад
Why is this even a question? Obviously it means speak to the doll to improve your Character/become stronger
@morgan4574 12 дней назад
I had a career in Air Defence Artillery. I played Subnautica during the pandemic expecting a life/building Sim like the sims, minecraft, etc. When the Sunbeam was shot down, I was having goose bumps, it was TERRIFYING. i was like, WTF IS THIS A HORROR GAME??? Of course the binge began. But i almost stopped after hearing the Hunter Killer radio message. Exploring is one thing. Being STALKED is another.
@AlxanderVII 12 дней назад
incredible work, this allready is a colossal ammount of research but i would love to direct you (and every other bloodborne fan) to charred thermos' works on bloodbornes relationship to 15th century medical science and surgery, its incredible how many details are hidden in plain sight
@wolfysmm2710 13 дней назад
This was one of my favourite videos that you have made, it's so interesting and I have never played the game before, but you explained it really well, and you've made me want to play it so badly. I really enjoy your new style of videos, and hope you continue making them and don't burn out. We all support you! <3