rick fulford
rick fulford
rick fulford
@abrahamdozer6273 7 месяцев назад
Alert is beoming more important again as the Russians make belicose threats in the high Arctic.
@troyqueen9503 Год назад
The greatest adventure of my military career,1994, the frozen chosen.
@CAM-fr8zp 2 года назад
Very close to Hyperboria
@kookamunga2458 2 года назад
If you happen to stumble upon one of the unmanned early warning stations you will be spotted by cameras. A voice will come over a loudspeaker via satellite link and ask you to leave immediately. If you don't The person will ask your nationality in Russian, English and probably Inuit and tell the person in their native tongue not to enter the base and leave immediately.
@ElectricalPine7 2 года назад
Yo Man if your still in Alert, would you mind showing off the buildings? I'm curious to know more about the place and the buildings that make it up.
@AnMadreMor 3 года назад
Did 2 tours 6months in `84 and 9 months in`89. Liked my time both tours. I was a structures tech always had something too do. I tried to get back as a civy when I retired in`93 but a good job came along so I jumped at it. Do the wolves still show at the dump after pizza and steak night.
@rickfulford3797 3 года назад
The wolves seem to have a routine, they show up for a few days and then disappear for a couple weeks and then come back.
@laura-ann.0726 3 года назад
Every other photo I've ever seen of CFS Alert, it's always gray sky, raining or snowing. Now, I can imagine the place with the sun shining on it! Is there a fuel depot there, or do these supply aircraft have to carry enough fuel for a round trip from wherever they started from?
@RickGreen_McNutt 3 года назад
twice a year, there's operation Box Top - fuel is flown from Thule AFB, Greenland to Alert and stored there for the diesel generators and various vehicles. I think it's something like 100,000 liters flown in during each operation. I spent 6 months up there in 1990.
@-WhizzBang- 3 года назад
"There is Not much Vegetation here"....as they are destroying it while riding over it with a tracked vehicle at 03:50. (facepalm)
@-WhizzBang- 3 года назад
Flat Earthers be like: "look at that horizon, proof the Earth is flat!.....
@woodenpints 4 года назад
Thanks for making this video and posting it. I've always wanted to visit. Tried to get a job there when I was a teenager, but military wasn't my goal.
@IntraLuxAmaha 4 года назад
Is there any way we can visit there? Thanks for sharing :)
@jzmoro8752 3 года назад
I really want to visit!!
@-WhizzBang- 3 года назад
This is a Canadian Military base, and as far as I know, there is no "tourism" there. But if you know someone in the Canadian Military, it may be possible to arrange for a tour. I know people who have done it.
@troyqueen9503 Год назад
Elsmere Island is part of a national park, but the base is operational and therefore you will probably not see behind the scenes,all the best in your adventure.
@erichsh58 4 года назад
I was hoping to see part 2 where you finish the trip to the base. (I subscribed in case you do).
@DragosDomnara 4 года назад
I would love to visit, not sure how as im not in the military or have a weather job...
@pmc291 4 года назад
Not desolate....beautiful
@kimirossi202 5 лет назад
Hii who I visit Alert please
@abrahamdozer6273 7 месяцев назад
Da, da Komrade Ist wecome to visit secret bases, Boris.
@sewergal1 5 лет назад
Cool video! First I love your awesome Canadian accent, and thanks for mentioning the wildlife and vegetation you get up there. It actually looks very pleasant there in the summer, and 24 hours of daylight, wow that would be amazing.
@kimirossi202 5 лет назад
Who I can get there
@kimirossi202 5 лет назад
Do you go post more video from north pole . Thanks
@klondikechris 5 лет назад
The rabbits actually eat the foxes! I have fed them meat myself. Many guys have seen them going after the foxes. Other than that, an interesting video.
@kimirossi202 5 лет назад
@andreabrown3172 5 лет назад
that was very interesting Rick. Thanks for sharing. It must get depressing with nothing but rock and water to look at.. I think I won't put Alert on my bucket list